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September 22, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-09-22

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Weather A
Tonight: Clearing, high
around 40'.
Tomorrow: Mostly sunny,
high around 60'.
a n
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reps. give
By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter
Introducing Michigan Student As-
sembly President to the University
Board of Regents yesterday, Vice Presi-
dent for Student Affairs Maureen A.
Hartford said, "This is a somewhat
momentous day for all of us because
it's the first day that the MSA president
joins us at the U-M regents' table."
When Wainess and MSA Vice Presi-
dent Sam Goodstein took their seats at
the end of the table, they joined the
University's governing body as part of
the regents regular meeting agenda to
deliver the student government
president's biannual address.
It was the first time in the regents'
recent history that any student was given
a place on the board's agenda. Several
past assembly executives have fought
for student representation to the board,
but only in June did the regents vote to
create a place for the student
government's voice to be heard offi-
"It'sas important asa symbolic value
as it is as substantive value," Goodstein
Goodstein told the board MSA was
growing in credibility, and presented
increased voter turnout figures as well
as the World Wide Web homepage of
MSA On-line, the assembly's electronic

information source, as evidence.
LSA Rep. Fiona Rose, on hand at the
meeting. said she was pleased with the
officers' address.
"It's vital that they showed (the re-
gents) right off the bat that we're re-
sponsible," Rose said. "MSA's cred-
ibility has increased and will continue
See ADDRESS, Page 7 U
Medical stud
By Jeff Eldridge
For the Daily
Adam Goldstein left a legacy of "Hidden
Lessons," in his book about his experiences
as a medical student and cancer patient. The
26-year-old University student died Satur-
day after battling the disease for nearly a
"He was at the very top of his class," said
Dr. Richard Judge, assistant dean for student
affairs in the Medical School. "He was a
brilliant student. He had a superb record in
medical school."

2r IEIIU ww


One hundred four years of editorial freedom

September 22, 1995

(egents may push back code deadline

Josh White
y Staff Reporter
The University Board of Regents is expected to
ide today whether to push back the deadline for
ew student code of non-academic conduct,
owing a plea during yesterday's meeting from
representatives of the Michigan Student As-
t took little time for MSA President Flint
iness to address what he called "an issue that
ms to produce tensions" on campus in his
tory-making appearance at the University Board
Regents meeting yesterday.
alling for an extension to the October deadline
a revised Statement of Students' Rights and

Responsibilities, Wainess cited a need for more
time to finalize the draft. The speech marked the
first time a student representative has addressed
the regents as a regular part of the meeting agenda.
"I am at least reservedly hopeful and optimistic
that we can come together on something reason-
able and something developed," Wainess said
yesterday. "But I am concerned that the October
deadline will be difficult for progress. The main
reason that the deadline needs to be extended is
because the workgroup got started over the sum-
merand it is integral that time for feedback and for
students to see drafts is available.
"A lot is yet to be done.".
Wainess and MSA Vice President Sam

Goodstein, who also spoke at the meeting, urged
a November deadline so that the code workgroup,
MSA and Maureen A. Hartford, vice president for
student affairs, could work on putting the finish-
ing touches on the new code.
Hartford, whose office will rework the code the
workgroup presents her, said she favors extend-
ing the deadline.
"I am less impacted than the poor workgroup
that has been trying to find ways to amalgamate
all the information they have found in the last few
weeks," Hartford said. "There is a massive amount
of data and we are trying to come up with a
concise, simple and relevant document to the
community. We can do it in October, but it may be

a little more eloquent if the deadline were in
November. It would be much easier to do for
The regents did not vote on whether to extend
the deadline. They may make a decision at today's
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor) said he felt
the deadline had served its purpose to this point.
"We had specific goals when we set up the
deadline," Power said. "The reason to impose the
deadline was to encourage progress, which seems
to be happening."
Wainess said he hoped the regents knew the
workgroup and others have been asking for a later
See CODE, Page 7


Regents plan
response to
1Yn nkings
SU.S. News ratings method comes
under fire from 'U' officials
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
After a disappointing performance in the U.S. News and
World Report rankings last week, the University Board of
Regents discussed both the importance of rankings and the
possibilities for image improvement at yesterday's monthly
Although regents and University administrators criticized
the methods for determining an institution's rank, many ac-
knowledged the impact ofa low score. The University dropped
three spots to No. 24 in this year's report.
"We need ideas about how do we respond as an institution
to these rankings," said Regent Laurence Deitch (D-Bloomfield
Hills). "I don't believe we can simply turn our backs."
Robert Weisbuch, interim dean of the Rackham School of
Graduate Studies, said he hoped to improve the University's
image by implementing four themes during the next year:
sponsoring future studies, outlining the strengths and weak-
nesses of different programs, controlling the number of
students enrolled in programs and developing graduate stu-
dent teaching.
"The best way to improve is to forget about the rankings and
to concentrate on bringing out the full potential of the Univer-
sity," Weisbuch said. "I can't wait for the next survey."
Marilyn Knepp, director of Academic Planning, said in a
presentation that the results found in U.S. News and World
Report were not completely precise.
Alumni satisfaction, Knepp said, is measured by the per-
centage of living graduates that donate money, rather than
the actual amount of money donated.
"Hypothetically, we could employ a gimmick of sending
out a $5 check to alumni and ask them to endorse it and send
it back," Knepp said. "We would spend about $300,000 and
that would significantly improve our ranking, but not change
our institution. Or we could take the $300,000 and put it
towards the school."
Vice President for University Relations Walter Harrison
said that rankings, which first became popular in the mid-
1980s, are now overly emphasized.
"They are somewhat arbitrary. They are an attempt to
bring order to a complex and confusing world," Harrison
said. "They have an influence on the top academic students
who make decisions on where to go to college."
Weisbuch criticized the National Research Council's re-
cent study on the top post-doctoral programs in the nation,
saying the report failed to adequately document change
within programs.
"The ranking matters less than the raw numbers," Weisbuch
said. "We should and do know ourselves much better than
strangers can."
Despite attempts by administrators to downplay the im-
portance of college rankings, some regents said they favored
a more aggressive answer to the studies.
"We might write a discussion of the ranking or a thought-
ful self-scrutiny and mail it to potential graduates," said
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor). "If we think this is
arbitrary, then simply standing around and whining is not the
way to deal with it."
Weisbuch said the graduate school is drafting a two-page
document discussing the different issues involved in the rankings.
inside: Northwestern U. experts discuss rankings. Page 13.

graduate Matt Tuscluk gets dizzy from the Richard Anuszkiewicz oil painting titled "Mercurius in the Vessel" yesterday at the Museum of Art.

ent dies of cancer, leaving b

Judge worked closely with Goldstein dur-
ing his senior year, interviewing him for the
Dean's Letter, a medical school publication.
He visited Goldstein and his family often
during the recent difficult months.
A former football player for Michigan
State University, Goldstein was a member of
the team when it went to the Rose Bowl in
1988. His passion for football carried through
as recently as October 1994, when Goldstein
played for a semi-professional team.
His years as a football player made the
diagnosis of his injury somewhat problem-

"He started having a pain in his chest,"
Judge said. "He thought it was a football
injury, but it turned out to be a tumor at-
tached to his heart."
"It was such a surprise and shock," said
Michele Goldstein, Adam Goldstein's
widow. "How could he go from a healthy 26-
year-old, fourth-year medical student, newly
married, his whole life ahead of him, to
having cancer?"
Judge described Goldstein's reaction to
the diagnosis as "heroic."

ook, legacy
"He was courageous, very brave," Mrs.
Goldstein said. "Any adjective that goes
along with this. He had amazing determina-
tion, strength and dignity. There were times
when he was upset and felt stress, but very
few. I can count them on one hand."
Not only known for his football prowess,
Goldstein's classmates showed their respect
for his scholarship and courage by choosing
him to address the graduating class of his
medical school.
In his address, also titled "Hidden Lessons,"
See STUDENT, Page 7

to con
fense plan to ask
foran all-or-nothin
out yesterday whe
panel may consid
second-degree m
Arguing that th
dercut the defen

allows Simpson jury
ksider lesser charge
:S (AP) - A bold de- interpretation that would not indicate
O.J. Simpson's jurors that Mr. Goldman's presence at the
ng verdict was snuffed crime scene was by sheer chance," Ito
en the judge ruled the said.
Jer a lesser charge of Prosecutors said outside court they
urder. would seek first-degree verdicts on both
e instruction will "un- victims, but they argued that the evi-
se," attorney Gerald dence clearly supports the lesser option

Attorney General to rule
on Tiger Stadium deal

LANSING (AP)-A state lawmaker
says a deal to finance a new Tiger
Stadium in downtown Detroit and to
improve infrastructure around the new
stadium could violate Michigan's con-
stitution because it includes state dol-
lars without a vote by lawmakers.
The Michigan Strategic Fund voted

gan Legislature," Jaye said.
The deal reportedly was designed tc.
avoid any legislative votes. The Michi-
gan Strategic Fund, which is supported
by Native Americans gambling rev-
enues, is autonomous, andEnglermake-
appointments to its board.
Marion Gorton, a spokeswoman fo;

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