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September 18, 1995 - Image 78

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-09-18

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i r ..

Meet The Press
Composed of the cremte de la ceme of recently graduated college journalists, U. latgit-
zote'e mighty yet setnsitiv ecditridl staff omemhers frequently put intw to arid a /st/ tr thrc
hours it dartinthelsir mission to chtrooicle all thiogs collegiate. Asitle froom their hreatltraking
koowledge of grammar roles, the U. editcors can phy sically coomhioneitt fotrm a 40-fottrrttall.
cimet-fighting supcr-robiot.

BOSTON NANNIES. Fspceic'rtt esceci
histoi-ic Nc'ts FglnitslFx\cilc'tt salary
itcntcrlit I ecittldshlty stilPttt 51 'r ',tt
ttitrttcnt.1-800l) Alt0- rl0t9
STUDY ABROAD i t t ithtoIi ott
strrtirttciemctssc ter c tt II toul is f to-
tact FAAIl11Rttetcis 'rt. Alexancr'iat.
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From left to right:
Bonnie ,Datt, Associate Editor, S.A. in Communica-
tion, Chatham Coiiege '93 - Sex, drugs arid corpy editing- that's
Bonnrie's monttto. Shne tan forgotttent inore ahout depensdet clatuses than Wehster ever kntew.
Tricia Stephenson, Assistant Editor, B.A. in
English, Colorado State U. 395 - Ptossessinig atn intimate knowl-
edge of Ncew frleantstuodergrournd hitter eco nmy "Beads!"),I ricta in C. Matgaztiesoffh
cial fashion conrstultantt.
Robert Manker, Assistant Editor, B.A. in Journal-
ism, Eastern Illinois U. '95 - Roh is a riddlc mrapped in art cnigima.
Some call timth Tr iple-Sided Paradoxt. He's alsor- get this- a Dotdgers lair
Colleen Rush, Assistant Editor, B.A. in English,
Bucknell U. '95 - Colleern is soret of the Hao Solo of UC.IMagazinie-- she's thc
hest star piltot any' tos has ever seen. She mnade the Kessel ruin in h6 parsecs!
Wenidy Rutherford, Assistant Editor, Bachelor of
Journalism, U. of Texas, Austin '94 - Being a I 'etan, Wendy
mields strange gownrs horn of a deep Southern gothic mynnsticisnn. She makes good qoeso, torn.
Glenn McDonald, Music and Wrap Editor, B.A. in
English, Michigan State U. '94 - Clueless arnd trail, Glenn is thc
weak link in the I. Matgaziniechaint. Frainkly, hell he lucky no last the sumoimer.
Have we got a job for UA
All seriousness aside, the C. Margainte assistarnt editor programr is a great opportunity to
gain real-sworld experiernce in a11 aspects of magazine puhlishitng - coming op swith snot's
and art ideas, mritirrg, editing, assigning to treelancers and picking up the slack when free-
lancers puink our. Assistant editors line arid work io Los Angeles for a one-year perioid
(approximately mid-May to mid-May'). But this int an irnterniship- you get paid!
If you would like no applsy for a 1996-97 assistant editor position, or if you're jost interest-
ed in writing. takirng photos or doing illustratiorts for C. Magazine, send a SASE to: Frances
Hoffman, Editor, LI The Ndtinal Co/lege Magazine. 1800 Centucry Park E. #820, Los Ange-
les, CA 9106". You can also send e-mail to Frances Hoffman at Cmagaekmeaol.com or cheek
out application info at http:/I''w.ormagaeirne.com- click otn "Work for C."

36 U. _Magazine0Auigust/September 1995

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