mn i r .. Meet The Press Composed of the cremte de la ceme of recently graduated college journalists, U. latgit- zote'e mighty yet setnsitiv ecditridl staff omemhers frequently put intw to arid a /st/ tr thrc hours it dartinthelsir mission to chtrooicle all thiogs collegiate. Asitle froom their hreatltraking koowledge of grammar roles, the U. editcors can phy sically coomhioneitt fotrm a 40-fottrrttall. cimet-fighting supcr-robiot. BOSTON NANNIES. Fspceic'rtt esceci histoi-ic Nc'ts FglnitslFx\cilc'tt salary itcntcrlit I ecittldshlty stilPttt 51 'r ',tt ttitrttcnt.1-800l) Alt0- rl0t9 STUDY ABROAD i t t ithtoIi ott strrtirttciemctssc ter c tt II toul is f to- tact FAAIl11Rttetcis 'rt. Alexancr'iat. N\"A 2231-4. 03-ft9-= 87fII FREE FINANCIAL AID T% ATTENTION ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS! aalbe ftmiittdo r rai TUITION MONEY -rchltislti'ts, firants -I tritto ts ailalc notss dii litiis i 'cisto clcce.Askle ~t ttititole cc phtttoetpcitltI800-MNY-4CLG r "00"GrntsandScolashis hic cver all maors. Bak t M.x S xeal ft mtholy $15 eg $40. luso lOLL FREE 1-800-362-2797 We acept Visa, Mastercard and American Express COLLEGE MONEY GUARANTEED Schotlarsh'ips, Granots. Aid cl &6it~c' Fiocl- it'tg. osttFxtetisicine )ata'a-c' Asvailalel Arts ss'ltct din iclorslls Tailitorcdl'rr- y, te1s. I100-5--A100ttl ct = 11 E ftCAMPUS SALES REPS NEEDED!! Cus- tom Imprinted T-Shirts, etc. rend 5t.00.l t'eceivec itfotin nd pcroepaicl phottnc'card! (CR1 .Routtce 17, res I11 Hicttsohtiil VSA 2281 The Slacker Handbook - I Fit iti it leccIttii II1. ird2d EARN $1,500 'WEEKLY cotilingy our i crilacS ...GUARANTEED! ...\lioc''NI S 1a'll stotps! ... Ilegto NOW! ...FREE picket! MESA-S, thes ai4000, fiiclt Ta.IN A38018I Capitol Records is tiring Colrge Field Rots nationally. You most btoaour in gin collrgr credit and work a minimum of 10 tours prr wrrk. Music experience (radio/rio isrquired. Sophomnres and Juniors interested faxrsumes to.. 213) 962-6405 attn: Robir ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - li-duttataIncluti-y. EIarn utii58,000+(-i-in itomniths. I -' eitclporctationt'! Roomin ainclBoiarcd! Ovcirt8,000lipenitngs.Nit experticc'c'c'sic\. fill (206) :)-Art -41i:;cxt. A) 29i tn eeIceccnc essac rorrfcet info calcli' it S-49.9A.Call tI-til tf>-6000. From left to right: Bonnie ,Datt, Associate Editor, S.A. in Communica- tion, Chatham Coiiege '93 - Sex, drugs arid corpy editing- that's Bonnrie's monttto. Shne tan forgotttent inore ahout depensdet clatuses than Wehster ever kntew. Tricia Stephenson, Assistant Editor, B.A. in English, Colorado State U. 395 - Ptossessinig atn intimate knowl- edge of Ncew frleantstuodergrournd hitter eco nmy "Beads!"),I ricta in C. Matgaztiesoffh cial fashion conrstultantt. Robert Manker, Assistant Editor, B.A. in Journal- ism, Eastern Illinois U. '95 - Roh is a riddlc mrapped in art cnigima. Some call timth Tr iple-Sided Paradoxt. He's alsor- get this- a Dotdgers lair Colleen Rush, Assistant Editor, B.A. in English, Bucknell U. '95 - Colleern is soret of the Hao Solo of UC.IMagazinie-- she's thc hest star piltot any' tos has ever seen. She mnade the Kessel ruin in h6 parsecs! Wenidy Rutherford, Assistant Editor, Bachelor of Journalism, U. of Texas, Austin '94 - Being a I 'etan, Wendy mields strange gownrs horn of a deep Southern gothic mynnsticisnn. She makes good qoeso, torn. Glenn McDonald, Music and Wrap Editor, B.A. in English, Michigan State U. '94 - Clueless arnd trail, Glenn is thc weak link in the I. Matgaziniechaint. Frainkly, hell he lucky no last the sumoimer. Have we got a job for UA All seriousness aside, the C. Margainte assistarnt editor programr is a great opportunity to gain real-sworld experiernce in a11 aspects of magazine puhlishitng - coming op swith snot's and art ideas, mritirrg, editing, assigning to treelancers and picking up the slack when free- lancers puink our. Assistant editors line arid work io Los Angeles for a one-year perioid (approximately mid-May to mid-May'). But this int an irnterniship- you get paid! If you would like no applsy for a 1996-97 assistant editor position, or if you're jost interest- ed in writing. takirng photos or doing illustratiorts for C. Magazine, send a SASE to: Frances Hoffman, Editor, LI The Ndtinal Co/lege Magazine. 1800 Centucry Park E. #820, Los Ange- les, CA 9106". You can also send e-mail to Frances Hoffman at or cheek out application info at http:/I'' click otn "Work for C." 36 U. _Magazine0Auigust/September 1995