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September 15, 1995 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-09-15

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 15, 1995
Russia: ttack was act o terrorism



From Daily Wire Services
MOSCOW-Russian police yester-
day deemed a grenade attack against
the American Embassy an act of terror-
ism and stepped up security during a
diplomatic fence-mending visit by U.S.
Deputy Secretary of State Strobe
Kremlin outrage over NATO
airstrikes against Serb rebels in Bosnia-
Herzegovina had inflicted serious strain
on U.S.-Russian relations, and the cur-
rent atmosphere of acrimony has been
linked by some politicians and observ-
ersto Wednesday's rocket-propelled
grenade blast at the embassy.
No group has claimed responsibility
for the attack, in which no one was
injured, but the Moscow district
prosecutor's office opened a criminal
investigation into what it was classify-
ing as a terrorist act.
"There are people in Russia who
might have carried out such an action in
response to continued bomb attacks on
the Bosnian Serbs to demonstrate to the
United States their readiness for the
most resolute steps," Stanislav
Terekhov, the head of Russia's Union
of Officers, told Interfax, a Russian
news agency.
Defense Minister Pavel S. Grachev
added heat to the dispute by claiming in
an interview with Interfax that the
NATO bombing runs had killed 800
and wounded more than 2,000 civilians
- figures far larger than any confirmed
in the West.

In an unexpected show of modera-
tion, however, vacationing President
Boris N. Yeltsin vetoed laws passed by
the State Duma, the lower house of
Parliament, that would have required
Russia to unilaterally breach U.N. sanc-
tions against the Serbs. Yeltsin's press
service said the president nixed the
measures because they contained "con-
tradictions to international law."
Talbott, the U.S. government's top
Russia expert, flew in for a whirlwind
round of discussions with senior Rus-
sian officials, including Foreign Minis-
ter Andrei V. Kozyrev. But few details
of their three-hour meeting were dis-
The envoy declined to say whether
he thought the round fired at the em-
bassy a day earlier was connected with
the recent tensions between Moscow
and Washington, and he sought to mini-
mize those strains.
"I would not describe it as a rift," he
told reporters upon his arrival for a 24-
hour visit. "Obviously we have some
points ofdifference on tactics and some
other issues with the Russians. What is
really important is what we have in
common '
According to a statement by the Rus-
sian Foreign Ministry, Talbott met with
Kozyrev for three hours. Kozyrev, the
statement said, "stressed the immediate
need to stop NATO airstrikes and for a
cease-fire in the area of Sarajevo and in
all Bosnia," the Interfax news agency

Judge in bombing trial won't step down
OKLAHOMA CITY - In a blow to both the prosecution and defense, a
federal judge tossed aside mounting pressure and refused to step down
yesterday in the trial of Oklahoma City bombing suspects Timothy McVeigh
and Terry Nichols.
U.S. District Judge Wayne E. Alley also ordered the trial to begin May 17 at the
federal courthouse in Lawton, Okla. - a decision bound to please federal prosecu-
tors who want to keep it in Oklahoma, but one the defense found deeply disturbing.
Alley, a former Army brigadier general who was appointed to the federal court
10 years ago by President Reagan, dismissed allegations from defense attorneys
and government lawyers that he and the other seven federal judges here had a
conflict of interest.
In an unusual stand of solidarity, the defense and prosecution cited the heavy
damage that the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building caused to the
U.S. District Courthouse across the street, as well as the fact that many of the
federal workers killed in the explosion were friends and relatives of courthouse
But, said Alley, "I have no knowledge of facts disputed in this case. And I do
not harbor and have never exhibited bias or prejudice against" McVeigh or

U.S. troops protect the U.S. Embassy in Moscow yesterday afternoon.
Talbott was dispatched to Moscow Russia has called the bombing of the
after a week of increasingly angry state- Bosnian Serbs "genocide," and parlia-
ments by Russian politicians. Yeltsin mentarians have demanded that Yeltsin
warned Sept. 8 that NATO's actions unilaterally lift U.N.-imposed economic
threaten to spread war throughout Eu- sanctions against the Serbs.
FBIagents testify i
Oj Sm
s aw tt

Faulkner leaves open
door to Citadel
CHARLESTON, S.C. - Shannon
Faulkner, saying she was battling an
"emotional catastrophe" when she with-
drew from The Citadel, said in court
papers yesterday she might want to
return to the military college.
"I do not believe the gates of The
Citadel should be shut on me for trying to
accomplish the impossible," she said in
an affidavit. In the document, she asked to
remain as a plaintiff in the lawsuit she
filed 2 1/2 ago.
In other filings, attorneys for The
Citadel argued it's too late for Nancy
Mellette to take her place.
Mellette is a senior at a North Caro-
lina military prep academy who wants
to intervene in the case.
The motion said the case is now be-
tween the state and the federal govern-
ment and that the U.S. Justice Depart-
ment will adequately represent her.
Faulknerbecame the first female Cita-
del cadet last month but left school after
a week because ofthe stress of the court
fight and her isolation on campus. She
spent most of her time on campus in the

"I recognize now that it was an im-
possible task to require myself to per-
form under the world's spotlight in sur-
roundings where I did not even have a
person to confide in," she said in the
document. "I felt stranded, isolated and
Pilot survived war,
died in peacetime
MIAMI - John Stuart-Jervis sur-
vived the most perilous of assignments
as a British Royal Navy pilot.
From the Suez Canal crisis of 1956,
when his plane was shot down by Egyp-
tian forces, to jungle warfare in South-
east Asia, "he was always where the
trouble was," said his wife, Caroline.
On Tuesday, the retired aviator was
killed when his sport balloon was shot
down by the Belarussian military dur-
ing an international race.
"Ever since he was old enough to fly
he did," Mrs. Stuart-Jervis said yester-
day in a telephone interview from her
home in Naples. "If he had to go, I know
in my heart this is the way he would
want to go."

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Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES - O.J. Simpson's
double-murder trial lurched closer to
conclusion yesterday, when prosecu-
tors called two FBI witnesses they hope
will convince jurors that a defense ex-
pert was wrong when he told them that
evidence at the Bundy crime scene sug-
gested that Nicole Brown Simpson and
Ronald Goldman were killed by two
Prosecutors used FBI Special Agents
Douglas Deedrick, an expert on fiber
evidence, and William Bodziak, a foot-
print specialist, to offerthejury alterna-
tive explanations for the bloodstains
defense scientist Henry Lee detected on
an envelope, the front walkway of
Nicole Simpson's condo and on
Goldman's blood-drenched trousers.
Lee, the avuncular dean of American
forensic scientists, testified last month
that the stains - which went undetec-
ted by Los Angeles Police Department
g Idbon
332 Maynard
(Across from Nickels Arcade)

investigators - "could be" from the
shoe of a second assailant. He also said
the patterns did not come from the Bruno
Magli shoes that left other imprints at
the scene.
Deedrick, who testified concerning
hair-and-fiber evidence during the
prosecution's case-in-chief, took the
stand shortly after lunch yesterday. In a
brief examination by lead prosecutor
Marcia Clark, he testified that the blood-
stain impressions on Goldman's blue
jeans could have been made by the
swiping motion of victim's own shirt,
which itself was drenched by the blood
from multiple stab wounds.
The FBI analyst also told Clark he
was aware that Lee testified he reached
his conclusions without preparing any
test patterns of his own. When Clark
inquired what Deedrick thought of that
analysis, he replied that it was "inad-
However, in a biting and detailed
cross-examination, defense attorney
Barry Scheck forced Deedrick to con-
cede that his own analysis of the mate-
rial had been brief, and that he is neither
"an expert in blood pattern analysis"
nor in crime-scene reconstruction. In
fact, the agent testified, he has visited
only 20-25 homicide sites and never
when the victim's body was present.
In his testimony, Bodziak, the FBI's
leading authority on shoe-imprint evi-
dence, flatly contradicted Lee's sug-
gestions that the bloodstain imprints he
examined had been left by a shoe. Dur-
ing an examination whose deliberate
pace clearly troubled Judge Lance A.
Ito, Bodziak and Clark used oversize
photo blowups of the stains to lead
jurors through the steps the agent used
to reach his conclusions. Clark had not
completed her direct examination when
the judge recessed for the day.

Hurncane Mary
damages Babds,
Martinique homes
FORT-DE-FRANCE, Martinique-
The fourth hurricane to hit the Carib-
bean in as many weeks - this one
named Marilyn -raced westward yes-
terday, menacing islands from Barba-
dos to Puerto Rico.
Marilyn threatened to brush past St.
Martin, the Dutch-French island devas-
tated by Hurricane Luis last week.
This year's hurricane season is one of
the busiest on record, according to the
U.S. National Hurricane Center in Mi-
ami. There were 14 named tropical
storms and hurricanes by Sept. 14 in
1936 and 1993; this year has seen 13.
With 2 1/2 months to go, the season
that began June 1 seems set to maintain
the frantic pace set by Hurricane Erin,
followed by Hurricane Felix, Tropical
Storm Iris and Hurricane Luis. The sea-
son runs until Nov. 30.
Heavy seas and rain squalls hit
Martinique's north coast yesterday, and
the airport, schools and some businesses
were closed as Marilyn passed just
northeast of the French island.
Winds up to 80 mph bent coconut
trees and ripped off their palm fronds,
littering the streets of Fort-de-France,
the capital.
Scattered power outages were re-

ported. Some residents in low-lying
areas were evacuated to shelters.
Next in line was Dominica, which
lost 90 percent of its vital banana crop
to Hurricane Luis last week.
Fish spawns lottery
winners in Colombia
BOGOTA, Colombia-The discov-
ery of a fish with a numberpainted on
its scales reportedly inspired about 300
people to play the lottery - and win
$1.1 million.
A street vendor cleaning a fish in the
Caribbean port of Turbo on Tuesday
found "1 124" written on its side, Radio
Caracol said yesterday. No one knows
how the number got there.
Hundreds of poor people, thinking
the number was good luck, used it in a
national lottery game called "chance,"
in which players try to guess the last
three numbers of any regional lottery.
The winning number in the
Cundinamarca region, home to the capi-
tal Bogota, was 1124 on Tuesday night.
But when about 300 fishermen, street
vendors and others in Turbo went to
collect their prizes, officials did not
have enough money to pay all the win-
ners. Police had to escort the office
manager past the angry crowd.
Lottery officials said they would pay
up, but will investigate for fraud.
--From Daily wire services




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NEWS Nate Hurley, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jonathan Berndt, Lisa Dines, Andrew Taylor, Scot Woods.
STAFF: Cathy Boguslaski, Kiran Chaudhri. Jodi Cohen, Sam Dudekr. Jennifer Fried, Ronnie Glassberg, Jennifer Harvey, Amy
Kiein, Stephanie Jo Klein, Tall Kravitz. Gail Mongkolpradit, Tim OConnel Lisa Poris, Zachary M. Raimi, Megan Schimpf,
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EDITORIAL Julie Becker, James Nash, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Adrienne Janney, Joel F. Knutson.
STAFF: Bobby Angel. Patience Atkin. James R. Cho, Zach Gelber, Ephraim R.Gerstein. Judith Kafka. Chris Kaye. Jeff Keating,
Jim Lasser, Ann Markey, Brent McIntosh, Partha Mukhopadhyay. Scott Pence, Jean Twenge, Matt Wimsatt.
SPORTS Antoine Pitts, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Darren Everson, Brent McIntosh. Barry Sollenberger, Ryan White.
STAFF: Paul Barger, Scott Burton, Dorothy Chambers. Nicholas J. Cotsonika. Susan Dann. Sarah DeMar, Alan Goldenbach,
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ARTS Heather Phares, Alexandra Twin, Editors
EDITORS: Melissa Rose Bernardo (Theater), Emily Lambert (Fine Arts), Brian Gnatt (Music), Joshua Rich (Film), Jennifer
Buckley (Weekend). Kari Jones (Weekend).
STAFF: Sangita Baxi, Matt Benz. Eugene Bowen, Mark Carlson, David Cook, Thomas Crowley, Ella de Leon, Ben Ewy, Brian
Gnatt.Luse Harwin. Josh Herrington. Shirley Lee, Scott Piagenhoef, Fred Rice. Sarah Rogacki, Dirk Schulze, Matthew
Steinhauser, Sarah Stewart. Prashant Tamaskar. Ted Watts, Brian Wise, Robert Yoon. Michael Zilberrman.

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