Tonight: Cloudy, low
Tomorrow: Chance of rain,
mid- to upper-70s.
One hundred four years ofeditoralifreedom
e .
September 15, 1995
Vol. CV o.2 rr roMei1 ?Q1 STeMcia
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Michigan vs. Boston College
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
Following a summer of spotlights
and press conferences, the University is
drafting a change to its bylaws to "bring
the Athletic Department in line with the
way the rest of the University oper-
ates," President James J. Duderstadt
said yesterday.
Chief Financial Officer Farris W.
Womack and General Council Elsa Cole
worked on a committee to incorporate
the business aspects of the Athletic
Department with the University's fi-
nancial division.
on code
By Josh White
Daily Staff Reporter
If the Board of Regents does not pass
a soon-to-be-drafted revised student
conduct code, the University may adopt
an nterim policy from another school,
President James J. Duderstadt said yes-
The regents called for changes in the
Statement of Student Rights and Re-
sponsibilities after a large protest agai nst
the code at their May meeting.
Maureen A. Hartford, vice president
for student affairs, is to present a re-
vamped code to the regents at their
October meeting.
"The regents wanted quite a simple
code," said Regent Deane Baker (R-
Ann Arbor). "I don't want any code, but
the regents wanted to simplify it, and I
believe that they felt quite strongly in
that direction."
But, Duderstadt said, should the re-
gents hit an impasse on the new code at
their October meeting, the board will be
forced to adopt a separate code in its
"We will then look to other colleges
around the country, such as Harvard,
Stanford and Berkeley, and take one of
their codes and put it in place here,"
Duderstadt said yesterday in an inter-
view with The Michigan Daily. "It is a
hypothetical situation, but if something
has been working at another large uni-
versity for 20 years, it could certainly
work here."
Duderstadt said that another school's
code would only be adopted should
Hartford's code be deemed unaccept-
able. Some form of a code must be
adopted in October, he said, because
the University "needs to have appropri-
ate guidelines for its students in place."
Baker said he understands
Duderstadt's concern for a code, but
said he has not yet seen any drafts for
the new code and could not comment
on any specifics.
"We will take a good look at the pro-
posed code," Baker said. "What happens
afterthat will be in part uptothe president
and in part up to the regents, and it should
be a very thought-out decision."
Harvard University's equivalent to
the University's code is included in its
100-page "Student Handbook" that all
students receive at the beginning of the
academic year. Its code is similar to the
University's existing code.
Duderstadt said that under the new
draft of the bylaws, the athletic
department's business contracts would
be controlled by the University's finan-
cial officers.
"If the Athletic Department wants to
negotiate a contract with a radio station,
it will go through the chief financial
officer, the general counsel and, if it's
large enough, to a (Board of Regents)
vote," Duderstadt said yesterday in an
interview with the Michigan Daily.
Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R-
Ann Arbor) said a contract the Athletic
Department negotiated last fall with
Nike - without the regents' approval
- triggered the board's concern.
"I think this is an effective way to
deal with it," Newman said. "What it
does is provide a coordinated checking
system - a reporting link up into the
executive offices."
Athletic Director Joe Roberson was
unavailable for comment yesterday, but
Cole said that he contributed to the
"There have been meetings on how
things would change in the future, which
Joe Roberson was at," Cole said.
The current draft ofthe bylaw changes
has not been circulated yet, Cole said.
Duderstadt said he expects the
changes to be introduced for discuss ion
at the regents meeting in October.
The proposed bylaw change is a re-
sponse to the regents' request in July
for Duderstadt to investigate the rela-
tionship between the Athletic Depart-
ment and the central administration.
In June, the Athletic Department
bought out the remaining $386,026 of
former football coach Gary Moeller's
contract. Regents and University offi-
cials said they were never informed of
the decision to buy out the contract.
When: Tomorrow at 6:30 p.m.
Weather: Sunny, high in the 60s.
Where: Alumni Stadium, Chestnut Hill,
TV: ESPN. Ron Franklin and Mike
Gottfried will announce.
Radio: WJR 760 AM, WWJ 950 AM,
WUOM 91.7 FM.
Line: Michigan by 6.
Series: Third meeting. Michigan leads
2-0. Last meeting was 1994 at Michi-
gan Stadium. The Wolverines won 34-
Coverage begins: Page 13
j Legislation
may eiminate
By Ronnie Olassberg
Daily Staff Reporter
Republicans on a House committee plan to introduce
legislation within the next two weeks that would eliminate
the federal Direct Student Loan Program, said a Michigan
majority member of the panel.
Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Holland), a member of the House
Committee on Economic and Educational Opportunities,
said the panel will likely keep the in-school interest subsidy.
"I think when the actual package comes out," Hoekstra
said, "students are going to be pleasantly surprised when
they compare the package to the fear-mongering the Presi-
dent is throwing out."
Under the direct loan program, universities work directly
with a servicer contracted by the U.S. Department of Educa-
tion. At the University, 12,000 students received direct loans
in 1994-95, the first year for the program, bringing total aid
from direct loans to $75 million.
If the direct loan program is eliminated, students would
rely on the Federal Family Education Loan Program - also
known as guaranteed loans - for this aid. In the FFEL
program, the University dealt with 1,400 lenders, guarantors
and servicers in providing federal aid.
"Rather than dealing with all those separate agencies, the
students deal only with the school," said Judith Haper, the
University's interim director of financial aid. "For students,
it has meant that they have just one application to complete."
At the University the program has helped reduce student
questions about loan status by 25 percent and has allowed the
Payroll Office to automate disbursement of loan funds.
Disbursement of loan funds at tc Un ersity has oc u-red
3 1/2 weeks faster with direct loans, and the program offers
four repayment options.
This year, the direct loan program is expected to provide
$13.8 billion in student loans, and the FFEL guaranteed bank
loans will provide $15.3 billion. Before the direct loan
program, all federal student loans came from banks as part of
the FFEL program.
Associate Vice President for Government Relations Tho-
mas Butts, the University's lobbyist in Washington, said the
FFEL program is inefficient and costly.
"We've implemented the new program at the University
and it is working much better than the other system," Butts
said. "The incentives are there for the students, not for the
people who get rich on the system."
In a press release, Rep. William F. Goodling (R-Pa.),
chairman of the Committee on Economic and Educational
Opportunities, cited Congressional Budget Office calcula-
tions that showed elimination of the direct loan program
would save taxpayers $1.5 billion.
Cost estimates would vary based on the method used to
evaluate the programs.
The Republicans ordered the CBO to include the direct
loan program's administrative expenses, which are esti-
mated at $441 million for the next year, in its budget
calculations. The CBO figures, however, did not include the
government's costs to administer the FFEL guaranteed loan
program, which are estimated at $270 million.
June O'Neill, director of the CBO, said in a letter to
Goodling that "a reversal of the relative costs could occur
with only minor changes in estimating assumptions, includ-
ing interest rates."
See LOANS, Page 7
Students enchanted by
'Magic. card game
By Gall MongkolpradIt
Daily Staff Reporter
When students think of magic, they picture
white rabbits and top-hats, not the wizards and
mystical creatures of Magic: the Gathering.
Magic: the Gathering, also known as Magic
Cards, is a role-playing card game that has
gained the attention of fantasy enthusiasts of
all ages since its first release in August 1993.
According to the "Mastering Magic Guide
Book," Magic is a fantasy game that "requires
all ofthe strategy of chess, the trading savvy of
baseball cards and the deception of poker."
Student role-players agree that the key to the
game is a sharp mind.
"Magic is suitable for a university town like
this because it requires a lot of thinking in
order to play it," said first-year Law student
Andrew Wills.
Magic may be addictive to some players,
said LSA junior Lee Tsao.
"Magic is like crack for the brain," he said.
"If you are really into Magic, it can swallow up
a lot of your disposable income."
Students spend money trying to create the
"ultimate" deck.
Magic: the Gathering was created by Rich-
ard Garfield, a professor of combinatorial
mathematics at Whitman College in Walla
Walla, Wash.
It may appear that some students' bags are
filled with textbooks, but in actuality, they are
filled with albums of Magic Cards. The prices
of individual cards ranges from 10-cent land
cards - also known as Mana - to the $250
Black Lotus card, which'gives a player an
immense amount of power to do things with-
out the expense of any resources.
"The Black Lotus is the Holy Grail of the
game," said LSA senior John Cross.
Several different Magic Card editions exist.
The latest edition sold in stores is the Ice Age
Chronicles. A newer edition called Home-
lands is scheduled to be released in Novem-
The game is played with hand-painted 2 1/
2-by-3 1/2-inch cards that display vivid pic-
tures of fantasy lands and creatures. A de-
scription of the cards' powers and uses are
also on the'face of the card.
"Some people don't play Magic, but buy the
cards anyway because of the collectible nature
of the card and its value," said Joe Orosz,
president ofthe University's Wolverine Gam-
ing Club.
Magic is a one-on-one card game where the
length of game play ranges from about five to
30 minutes.
Paul Vlamis plays "Magic" on a glass table at
the Underworld on South University Avenue.
Magic is a new card game that has captivated
students across the nation.
The basic rules of the game can be learned in
less than an hour, and instructions are included
in a Starter Pack which ranges in price from
around $9-12, depending on where it is pur-
chased. Magic: the Gathering guide books also
are available.
See MAGIC, Page 7
New Tiger Stadium may
be built with state funds
Senate GOP to add child-
care funding to welfare bill
DETROIT (AP) - State lawmakers
may not dance forjoy but it's likely that
they won't stand in the way of a re-
ported plan to use $55 million in state
money for a new Tiger Stadium, a leg-
islative leader said yesterday.
The new downtown home of the De-
troit Tigers would cost $230 million to
$250 million and be ready for the 1998
season, the Detroit Free Press said.
City, state and team officials have
been nepotiatiniz over how to nav for a
pitfalls and make state approval more
The plan reportedly avoids using state
tax funds by taking Lansing's $55 mil-
lion share from the Michigan Strategic
Fund. The fund gets most of its money
from Native American casino profits.
That would fund road improvements,
demolition and environmental cleanup.
"I think ifyou've decided there should
be a stadium and it should be in Detroit,
he's rohablv done it the best way."
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - Senate Republicans, after
a day of confusion and mixed signals, made a
major concession to moderates and Democrats
yesterday, agreeing to add $3 billion to their
welfare legislation to provide child care for wel-
fare mothers who go to work.
The agreement removed a major hurdle that had
held up action for much of the day and improved
chances that the measure would draw some bipar-
tisan support.
"I originally wanted a higher figure but (Dole's)
is one I can live with," he said. Earlier, Dodd had
said the child care issue was pivotal in drawing not
only the support of the Democrats but the White
"The President would like to have a bill he could
sign," Dodd said.
President Clinton has not said whether he would
veto the Republican bill, but his spokesman,
Michael McCurry, said earlier this week that the
legislation was "beginning to move ... in the