2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, December 7, 1995
Continued from Page :A
brutality and some have said the al-
leged brutality was racially motivated.
Hardesty is white; Johnson is black.
EMU junior Willie Green said Johnson
hit Hardesty inadvertently after being
sprayed with the chemical irritant.
Johnson'sgirlfirend, YanishaGreenwas
present at the fight and shares permament
Pontiac address with Willie Green.
Some students with ties to the inci-
dent also have connections with area
Willie Green, who is also a cartoonist
for the Eastern Echo, EMU's student
newspaper, has published drawings
condemning Johnson's arrest.
Sharnola Green, who is listed in the
EMU student directory as having the
same permanent Pontiac address as both
Willie and Yanisha Green and who is
Yanisha Green's roommate at Eastern,
has written multiple articles for the Echo
about the incident.
Sharnola Green has also published
an article about the fight in the
Washtenaw Enquirer, an African
American weekly publication.
In a telephone interview last night,
the Enquirer's publisher refusedto com-
Ment publicly on the situation.
Echo Editor in Chief Amy Colegrove
could not be reached for comment.
School administrators have not
counted out racism or brutality as figur-
ing into the arrest.
Police reports say the officers involved
were trying to stop a fight between sev-
eral women in a residence hall.
According to Hardesty'sreport, when
he got to the scene, "Officer (Donna)
Carcone was in Downing Hall with 10
people fighting." He said Carcone was
bent over two people engaged in a fight,
with a group surrounding them.
Hardesty then yelled at the group to
stop, reports say. Whenhe got no response,
and saw several other fights begin break-
ing out, he maced the entire group and
backed away. The reports say Johnson
then rushed toward the area.
Johnson's arrest spurred several
demonstrations from black students
and activists in his support. A large
group of students interrupted an EMU
basketball game in protest Monday
night, and students filled Johnson's
preliminary hearing Tuesday. Tues-
day night, more than 60 black stu-
dents urged the EMU Student Gov-
ernment to take action.
Michael Kortan, the student body
president, said Tuesday night that while
the large turnout at the meeting was
good, it was disappointing.
"It should not take an incident like
what happened with Aaron to rally stu-
dent support here," Kortan said.
Authorities link Salinas'
brother to Swiss accounts
Galileo will probe Jupiter's atmosphere
Los Angeles Times
MEXICO CITY -Afterseveral days
of closed-door meetings and interroga-
tions, Swiss and Mexican authorities
confirmed here yesterday that the elder
brother of former President Carlos Sali-
nas de Gortari amassed at least $100
million in suspected drug money and is
the target of an international money-
laundering investigation.
Switzerland's top federal prosecu-
tor, Carla del Ponte, on an official visit
to Mexico to oversee the probe, said in
a statement that she and her top counter-
narcotics agents positively linked a se-
ries of Swiss bank accounts to Raul
Salinas de Gortari after sitting in on
interrogations of him at a prison near
Mexico City, where he is being held on
murder charges.
The Swiss government, she said,
launched the investigation afterthe U.S.
Drug Enforcement Administration sup-
plied information that led Swiss agents
to the accounts in Geneva, where they
arrested Raul Salinas' wife and her
brother on Nov. 15 as the pair attempted
to withdraw more than $83 million.
Mexican authorities confirmed yes-
terday that those and other accounts now
frozen by the Swiss government contain
more than $100 million. Authorities ear-
lier reported that Raul Salinas used a
fake name to open the accounts.
"In the investigations, it was discov-
ered that the beneficial owner is Mr.
Raul Salinas de Gortari," del Ponte's
statement said. "For that reason, Swiss
and Mexican authorities are jointly in-
vestigating these facts. Due to the se-
crecy of the proceedings, Swiss au-
thorities cannot reveal more informa-
tion on the case at this time."
U.S. and Mexican investigators pri-
vately have told the Los Angeles Times
that Raul Salinas' accounts in Switzer-
land and elsewhere in Europe may well
exceed $250 million. They said they are
investigating whether the money was
from Mexico's powerful drug cartels,
which supply the U.S. with billions of
dollars in cocaine each year.
Mexican prosecutors said Raul Salinas
also is under investigation for possible
embezzlement or extortion, after they dis-
closed that he moved millions of dollars
through more than 40 bank accounts dur-
ing the decade he served in public office.
LOS ANGELES - After nearly two decades of trying to get the Galileo
spacecraft to Jupiter, the moment has arrived.
This afternoon, the spacecraft's 746-pound probe must enter Jupiter's atmo-
sphere at exactly the right angle to begin transmitting data. If not, it could be
hurtled into oblivion or meet a quick, fiery demise.
"We have everything crossed we can cross - fingers and toes and all like that.
It's certainly nervous time," said William O'Neil, Galileo project manager at
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
If everything works, "it's just going to be certainly the greatest day in the
professional careers of many, many people," said O'Neil, who's worked on the
mission since 1977, when Congress approved it.
But radio messages signaling success or failure will take 52 minutes to travel
from Jupiter to Earth. Meanwhile, NASA scientists will be sweating.
Any error could dash hopes pinned on Galileo's six-year, 2.3 billion-mile
journey. First, the 2 1/2-ton Galileo orbiter must withstand heavy radiation on its
way toward the giant gaseous planet.
The probe is supposed to start sending atmosphere data to the orbiter at about
5 p.m. today. And the probe has only a maximum of 75 minutes to relay
information on atmospheric conditions, before the orbiter must break off contact.
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Graphic art student
accused of printing
counterfeit money
BESSEMER, Ala. -A college stu-
dent tried to make his fortune at school
instead of waiting until after gradua-
tion, using a school printing press to
produce $82,000 in bogus bucks, the
Secret Service charges.
Kenneth Enrico Dent, 24, of
Hueytown, allegedly used an offset
press at Bessemer State Technical Col-
lege, where he took a graphic and print-
ing class.
He was arrested Nov. 21 in Fairfield
when he tried to pass a counterfeit bill,
said Agent Dennis Jacobs.
"We found the bills, some unfin-
ished, at his apartment," Jacobs said.
"We're sure none of the bills has been
passed into the public."
Agents saidthey seized printing plates
and negatives for $100, $50, $20 and
$10 bills, plus $82,000 in phony cur-
Authorities did not blame the school
near Birmingham for the alleged coun-
Dent, allowed to remain free on bail,
could face a maximum of 30 years in
prison and $30,000 in fines ifconvicted
on charges of making, possessing and
passing counterfeit money.
Michael Jackson
taken to hospital
NEW YORK - Michael Jackson
was taken to a hospital yesterday after
collapsing on stage while rehearsing
for a TV special, a spokesman for the
Emergency Medical Service said.
Jackson, who was suffering from low
blood pressure, was awake and alert
when he was taken to St. Luke's
Roosevelt Hospital Center shortly after
5 p.m., EMS spokesman John Hanchar
Details of his condition were not
immediately known.
Hanchar said help was summoned by
a security guard at the Beacon Theater,
where Jackson collapsed.
Jackson had been rehearsing for an
HBO special, which was scheduled to
be taped tomorrow and Saturday for
telecast Sunday night.
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Columbia Review
Reports: Rioting
Zambian soldiers
burn 2,000 huts
LUSAKA, Zambia - Hundreds of
Zambian soldiers seeking revenge for a
comrade's death killed a villager,
slaughtered livestock and burned 2,000
huts, according to police and newspa-
per reports yesterday.
Paramilitary units were brought to
Zambia's sparsely populated north-cen-
tral region after troops from the Lukonga
military training camp reportedly looted
and burned 10 villages.
Tensions in the area have been build-
ing for years, with villagers accusing
soldiers of flirting with their wives and
causing other problems.
A soldier and four civilians were
under arrest yesterday on charges linked
to the violence, which erupted after a
soldier was killed during a Monday
night brawl at a party.
Soldiers had been drinking moon-
shine at an illegal bar, like a speakeasy,
when a villager axed to death a soldier
who was looking at the villager's
Police confirmed that one villager
died in the soldiers' rampage. A clinic
for I
nurse in Kapira-Mposhi, a railjunction;
said she sent seven patients north to
Ndola on the Zaire border to be treated
for burns and other serious injuries.
Wardrey Mubitana, a local leader of
the governing Movement for Multiparty
Democracy, called for the government
to send food and tents for people burned
out of their dwellings.
Bouncer jailed for
suffocating guest by
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - A 286
pound bouncer who.sat ona restaurant
guest and suffocated him was sentenced
to eight months in prison yesterday.
Witnesses told a court the doorman
was trying to stop a fight in Gallivare in
northern Sweden. He grabbed the 26-
year-old man by the head and held him
to the ground by sitting on top of him,
the national news agency TT said.
Bystanders tried to get the bouncer to
move when they saw the man was hav-
ing trouble breathing.
The bouncer told the court he refused
to move because he thought the man
was bluffing.
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