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November 30, 1995 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-30

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 30, 1995


Military officials consulted psychics for infoj

U.S. spent $20 million
in attempts to find
plutonium and Libyan
leader Qaddafi
years, the United States has secretly
used psychics in attempts to hunt down
Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi, find
plutonium in North Korea and help
drug enforcement agencies, the CIA
and others confirmed yesterday.
The ESP spying operations -
codenamed "Stargate" - were unreli-
able, but three psychics continued to
work out of Fort Meade, Md., at least
into July, said researchers who evalu-
ated the program for the CIA.
The program has cost the govern-
merit $20 million, said Ray Hyman, a
psychology professor at the University
of Oregon in Eugene, who helped pre-
pare the study.
He said the psychics were used by
various agencies for remote viewing-
using extrasensory perception to pro-
vide information from distant sites.
Up to six psychics at any time worked
at assignments that included trying to
hunt down Qaddafi before the 1986
U.S. bombing of Libya, find plutonium
in North Korea in 1994, and locate
kidnapped Brig. Gen. James L. Dozier
in Italy.
Gadhafi was not injured in the bomb-
ing. Dozier, kidnapped by the Red Bri-
gddes in Italy in 1981, was freed by
Italian police after 42 days. News re-
ports at the time said the police were
assisted by an undisclosed number of
U.S. State and Defense Department

specialists using sophisticated elec-
tronic surveillance equipment.
But Dale Graffa former director of
the Defense Intelligence Agency's ESP
program, told ABC'S "Nightline" that
psychics provided the name of the city
and the building where Dozier was held.
The study reported mixed success
with the psychics. Hyman was skepti-
cal, while his co-author, said Jessica
Utts, a professor of statistics at the
University of California-Davis, said
some of the results were promising.
"My conclusion was that there's no
evidence these people have done any-
thing helpful for the government,"
Hlyman said.
Utts, however, said the government
psychics were accurate about 15 per-
cent of the time. In some tests, when
given a series of four choices, they
picked the right answer a third of the
"I think they would be effective if
they were used in conjunction with other
intelligence," she said.
CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield con-
firmed the existence of Stargate and the
"The CIA is reviewing available pro-
grams regarding parapsychological phe-
nomena, mostly remote viewing, to
determine their usefulness to the intel-
ligence community," he said.
But he noted that when the CIA first
sponsored research on the program in
the 1970s, the program was found to be
"unpromising" and was laterturned over
to the Defense Department.
The Defense Intelligence Agency
made the psychics available to govern-
ment departments that needed informa-
tion, Hyman said. At one time as many

as six worked for the government.
Mansfield declined to comment on
the psychics at Fort Meade or specific
Joe McMoneagle, who worked for
17 years as a psychic spy, told ABC that
the psychics were instrumental in help-
ing find missing Americans during the
1979 Iran hostage crisis.
He said they described the inside and
outside of the
building and even
the captors' uni-
William Green,
aCustoms official
involved in the
1989 hunt for
Charles Jordan, a
one-time Customs
agent wanted on
drug charges, said
Qaddafi thepsychics accu-
rately described that Jordan would be
foundin Wyoming near an Indian burial
"It was almost spooky or something,"
Green told ABC. "It couldn't have been
much more accurate."
However, a former CIA technical
director who monitored ESP programs
within the intelligence community said
he wasn't aware of any significant re-
sults from the psychics. The man, iden-
tified on "Nightline" only as Norm,
said the psychics offered "some inter-
esting results, and maybe even tantaliz-
ing, but beyond that it left more ques-
tions than it answered."
He said sometimes they would have
amazing perception, but on unrelated
issues. "The gold nugget somehow tends
to elude us," he said.

The psychics were regularly tested
by the Stanford Research Institute and
later Science Applications Interna-
tional Corp., both south of San Fran-
Utts said that testing consisted of
three basic efforts. In one, a "sender"
would travel to a remote site and view
an object, while the "viewer" back in
the laboratory would try to use extra-
sensory perception to describe and draw
A particularly talented viewer accu-
rately drew windmills when the sender
was at a windmill farm at Altamont
Pass in California, and later a foot-
bridge across a marsh when the sender
went to a San Francisco Bay area wild-
life refuge.
The government also looked at pre-
cognition - having psychics try to
guess an answer that had not yet been
reached. And they looked at clair-
voyance - trying to discover some-
thing that has happened but is not yet
Both Utts and Hyman said the re-
search was faulty in some respects. The
government often used only one "judge"
to determine how close the psychics
had come to the right answer. That
should have been duplicated by other
judges, they said.
Both researchers also agreed that the
psychics were not reliable enough to be
used alone.
But Utts said the statistical results
were promising enough that research
should continue.
"I would like to see funding in the
open science world - I think we're at
the point that something needs to be
explained," she said.

Congress aproves overhaul of lobbying
WASHINGTON - Stung by polls that indicate the public still believes
lobbyists have runaway influence in Washington, Congress yesterday approved
the first overhaul of lobbying law in. half a century.
President Clinton has said he will sign the bill that would require lobbyists to disclose
information many would prefer to hide: who their clients are, the issues they are seeking
to influence and how much they spend on persuading Congress and the executive branch.
"There may be some activities that have been going on quietly, secretly, that will
stop because of the light of day," said Rep. Charles Canady (R-Fla.), a primary
sponsor of the bill. "I believe there have been abuses."
"For untold numbers of years the American people have justifiably believed
unseen forces were causing Congress to make decisions," said Rep. John Bryant
(D-Texas), who supported both the lobbying changes and a gift ban the House
passed this month. "Those forces will no longer be unseen, and this Congress is
no longer going to be wined and dined."
Yesterday's 419-0 House vote- following a 98-0 vote by the Senate in July -
belied the difficulty of bringing the bill through the legislative thicket.,At least 10
times since the first, loophole-riddled lobbying regulations were passed in 1946,
efforts to update the law had ended in failure.


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Brady's condition
improves after heart
seizure Tuesday
WASHINGTON - Former presi-
dential aide James Brady was in fair
condition yesterday in a northern Vir-
ginia hospital after his heart stopped at
an oral surgeon's office a day earlier.
Brady, who was shot in the head in the
1981 assassination attempt on President
Reagan, had been in critical condition
and on a respirator when admitted Tues-
day to Fairfax Hospital but was upgraded
to stable and fair condition yesterday.
The Brady family said in a statement
that the former White House press sec-
retary was "consciousand doing very
well." His heart stopped while having
work done on tooth implants required
because of a recent fall.
Brady's wife, Sarah, canceled an ap-
pearance yesterday at a District of Co-
lumbia police headquarters news con-
ference, where a study was released
indicating that 36-percent of the guns
used to kill law enforcement officers
since January 1994 were firearms now
banned under a year-old assault-weap-
South Korea business
leader arrested
SEOUL, South Korea- The head of
one of South Korea's large business
conglomerates, Hanbo Group Chair-
man Chung Tae Soo, was arrested yes-
terday on charges of del'ping former
President Roh Tae Woo laundera $653-
million slush fund - the first business
tycoons to be charged in the spreading
corruption scandal.
Chung's arrest-and the issuance of
an arrest warrant for a former corporate
chieftan believed to be in hiding-may
be the precursors to further indictments
and arrests of top South Korean busi-
ness leaders in the next few days.
Chung, who heads a steel, construc-
tion and pharmaceuticals ,cohglomerate
that grew rapidly during goh's term in
office, was arrested for allegedly laun-
dering $78.7 million for Roh. He was
already accused in an indictment Mon-
day of giving Roh $13 million in bribes
related to real estate purchases in Seoul,
but he was not detained at that time.
Authorities yesterday also issued an
arrest warrant for Pae Joig Yol, the
former chairman ofthe HanyangGroup.

ons prohibition. Mrs. Brady is fighting
Republican efforts to overturn the ban.
Reading the family's statement,
Handgun Control Inc. President Rich-
ard Aborn said Brady was expected to
return home by the end of the week.
Mrs. Brady credited the oral surgeon
and his staff with saving Brady's life.
14-year fugitive killed
in Puerto Rico
LARES, Puerto Rico-Puerto Rico's
most wanted fugitive was killed in a
shootout yesterday after a 14-year spree
of robbery, rape, kidnapping and hur-
der, police said.
Francisco Antonio Garcia Lopez,
whose exploits made him a legend on
this Caribbean island, was gunned
down on a ranch in the mountain town
of Lares, about 50 miles west of San
Garcia Lopez was convicted and
sentenced to prison in 1973 for niut-
dering his wife, but escaped from
prison in 1981 and evaded dozens of
police manhunts - often with the
help of those who he was accused of
Pae, also accused of giving bribes of
$13 million to Roh and of laundering
slush-fund money, has been wanted for
questioning since Nov. 7, but prosecu-
tors have been unable to locate him.
Nicar aunvolcano
threatens towns
MANAGUA, Nicaragua - More
than a thousand people were evacuated
from the base of a newly active volcano
in western Nicaragua yesterday, as thick
volcanic mud rained on nearby villages
and the city of Leon.
Towns near the volcano went on
emergency alert after the Nicaraguan
Earth Studies Institute called the vol-
cano a serious threat.
"The number of explosions are con-
tinuous and increasingly violent, as fresh
lava flows from the open crater," the
Institute said in a statement.
The Cerro Negro volcano, which be-
gan belching sand and ashes Nov. 19
after a three-year lull, roared to life
again Tuesday night, as molten lava
formed a new volcanic cone higher than
the mountain, said Camilo Urbina, an
Earth Studies seismologist.
- From Daily wire services


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