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November 30, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-30

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Tonight: Chance of light
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high around 48.



One hundredfve years of editoralfreedom

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November 30, 1995

Pres.: 'Let us wage our peace'

f"': ?:'

The Washington Post
LONDON - President Clinton yes-
terday saluted "this hopeful moment"
in the violent histories of both Bosnia
and Northern Ireland at the start of a
European tour aimed at promoting U.S.-
brokered solutions to both conflicts.
After a year of irritants and occa-
sional angry exchanges between
Washington and London over Bosnia
and Northern Ireland, Clinton and
Prime Minister John Majorjoined to-
gether yesterday in a common cause:
making the case that taking risks to
find peace may be momentarily po-
litically unpopular but is worth the
effort. Clinton arrived here only hours
after Major and John Bruton, Ireland's
prime minister, announced an agree-
ment aimed at launching negotiations
among all parties involved in North-

Troubled Regions
Ireland and Bosnia- two of the longest-running world
conflicts - are now nearing peace agreements.
Northernw For 25 years,
Ireland Be Northern Ireland
Ifa s has fought to
Ireland the United
t r.andKingdom.
Dublin Nationalist,
mostly Catholic
forces, have
tried to forge a'
united Ireland.

Since the breakup
of Yugoslavia, rebel
Serbs have fought;
to regain ancestral
lands from the
mostly Muslim
Daily Graphic

Ireland effort and international attempts
to implement the new peace agreement
in Bosnia and noted that the United
States and Britain had "helped shape
this hopeful moment in our history. We
have some more work to do ... but I am
confident that our people are up to those
challenges and that that work will be
The central reason for Clinton's over-
seas trip had been to promote a peace
process in Northern Ireland, an effort
the White House joined two years ago
that helped produce a cease-fire 15
months ago. Tuesday's agreement be-
tween Major and Bruton was attributed
in part to a push to make progress on
stalled talks before Clinton's arrival.
Asked what role the presidential visit
played, Major said, it "concentrated the
.' See PEACE, Page 7A

ern Ireland to end a quarter-century of
bloodshed between Catholics and
The leaders agreed to name a three-
man international commission on dis-
arming Catholic and Protestant para-

military groups, the issue that has held
up scheduling the talks that now will be
handled in a dual-track negotiating pro-
In a news conference with Major,
Clinton referred to both the Northern

President Clinton meets British Prime Minister John Major in London yesterday.

Clinton will sign
defense bill if
items are saved
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - With a deadline for action looming at
midnight tonight, President Clinton is offering to sign a
defense appropriations bill if congressional Republicans will
shift several billion dollars to fund administration domestic
priorities they have proposed to kill or cut back.
Such a deal would assure funding for the first phase of
Clinton's proposed U.S. troop deployment in Bosnia-
Herzegovina, financing that Republicans have threatened to
block if he does not accept their $243-billion defense bill.
And by helping to clear away more of the tardy appropria-
tions bills, the deal could reduce the threat posed by the
expiration ofthe law that provides temporary federal funding
until Dec. 15. As more of the pending appropriations bills are
signed into law, more federal agencies are assured of funding
through Sept. 30, 1996, and the threat of a federal shutdown
Clinton has until midnight today to sign or veto the bill,
or it automatically becomes law. Late yesterday, officials
said talks were continuing, but some predicted that they
would not end until today because Clinton is traveling in
the United Kingdom.
Clinton has indicated that he believes the defense bill
spends about $7 billion too much. And he has signaled he
wants funding, restored on four big appropriations bills
that fund a range of programs dear to his heart, including:
the national service program, Americorps; the Environ-

Lisa Tiger, an HIV-
positive Native
American, speaks
to students about
her life and her
talking to children
about AIDS. Tiger
spoke to more
than 250
members of the
community last
night in the
Michigan Union
Dai ly

President Clinton has
agreed to sign all seven
outstanding spending
bills and accept a
majority of GOP cuts.
In return, Clinton is
seeking restoration of
$6.8 billion of the $22
billion Republicans cut
from his request in four
of those bills.
GOP leaders, in an effort
to end imapsse
ofspennding bills,
proposed restroing
about $4 billion of the
domestic funds sought
by the President.

mental Protection Agency;
the Goals 2000 and other
education programs; tech-
nology development; and
Clinton's program to
supplement local police
agencies with additional
police officers.
White House Chief of
Staff Leon Panetta appar-
ently opened the negotia-
tions on the defense appro-
priations bill this week tell-
ing Republicans that the
President believed domestic
programs were underfunded
by $22 billion, and asked for
a shift of some $8 billion.
The Republicans countered
at one point by offering a
shift of $4 billion. Late yes-
terday one Republican
source said $6 billion was "a
good number."
Panetta was quoted as
describing the talks as

DPS says
more than
150 duped
in ticket
U No suspects yet in
counterfeiting and
scalping of Ohio State-
Michigan passes
By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
More fans than originally sus-
pected were duped into buying coun-
terfeit tickets for this past Saturday's
Michigan-Ohio State game, police
Although only the Wolverine fans
cheered as their team defeated the
Buckeyes, up to (50 Ohio and Michi-
gan residents faced a disappointment
when they were unable to stay in the
Originally, the Department of Pub-
lic Safety said about 40 people had
purchased the counterfeit tickets.
There are no suspects, but police
are checking with the owner of the
two season tickets that were dupli-
Capt. James Smiley said the num-
ber of scam victims increased after
more people contacted DPS yester-
day after reading about the fraudu-
lent tickets.
He said the callers did not leave
their names because they were in-
volved in buying scalped tickets,
which is illegal. He also did not know
if any University students were in-
volved in the scam.
The fraudulent tickets were copies
of Section 36, Row 69, Seats 11 and
12. "We are trying to trace the tickets
back," Smiley said.
Police said the tickets were sold
for more than the $25 face value.
"They paid scalper prices for them,
which on Saturday ran between $75'
and $125," said DPS spokeswoman
Elizabeth Hall.
Police said tickets were sold at
multiple locations, including the cor-
ners of State and Simpson streets and
Stadium and Main streets.
Smiley added that this has been
one of the largest ticket scams in
University history.
"There was one small deal two
years ago," he said. "But nothing of
this magnitude."
Scalping is a misdemeanor offense
punishable by up to 90 days in jail
and a $100 fine. There is also an
ordinance against selling tickets on
University property.

Native American speaks of AIDS, culture

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
The drumming that shook the walls of the
Michigan Union Ballroom last nightexpressed
a pride in Native American heritage, yet the
evening's message aimed to crossed cultural,
sexual and gender boundaries.
It was the voice and story of Lisa Tiger, a
nationally known HIV-positive Native Ameri-
can woman, who delivered the message - a
personalized plea for AIDS awareness through
self-confidence and cultural pride.
Tiger, 30, spoke to a gathering of more than
250 students and activists last night to bridge
the University's celebration of Native Ameri-
can Month and AIDS Awareness Week.
Tiger speaks on campuses and reservations
across the country about AIDS and living with
the disease. She stresses pride in her Muscogee
Nation heritage as part of her progress by
relying on faith in Native American medicine
rather than Western treatments.
Tiger acquired the disease as a result of a
three-year relationship that she considered
monogamous. One year after the relationship
ended, however, Tiger discovered from a ho-
mosexual friend that herex-lover, Ronnie, was
bisexual and unfaithful.
"I saw (Ronnie) and he looked really thin
and he looked really sick," Tiger said.
As in previous conversations during Tiger's
relationship with RonnieTigerasked her friend
whether he thought Ronnie was gay or bisexual.
"He said, 'Yes Lisa, I know he is.'
'"How do you know?' I asked.

"6The second-
riskiest kind of sex is
regular, heterosexual
- Lisa Tiger
'"Lisa, I was with Ronnie."'
The friend did not contract the virus. How-
ever, Tiger decided to have herself tested due
to a worry that Ronnie "may have been very
promiscuous," she said.
Tiger said she was in the second-riskiest
situation for contracting HIV.
"The second-riskiest kind of sex is regular,
heterosexual sex and it's riskiest for the
woman," Tiger said. "Receiving anal sex, re-
ceiving vaginal sex are the two most risky
ways to get it, of course, breaking the skin -
sharing needles is very risky."
On July 4, 1992, Tiger found a message on
her answering machine from her doctor, a
family friend.
"She said, "Lisa, you need to call me. I'll be
in my office all day.' For the first time I
thought, 'Oh my God, that test might be posi-
tive,"' she said.
Before her results were even confirmed,
Tiger said she was at peace and viewed the
disease as a reassurance that she would soon
join her brother, who had been murdered sev-
eral years earlier. "I thought of this as a way

out. I was O.K. with it," she said.
After Ronnie's hospitalization due to the
deterioration of his immune system, another
discovery about him increased her dedication
to education and protection, Tiger said.
"I found in Ronnie's medical records that he
was tested in 1988. [ie knew he was HIV-
positive the whole time."
Tiger's goal now is to "encourage individu-
ality among the youth" so young women will
have the courage to abstain from sex or protect
themselves as much as possible, she said.
There were warning signs of an unhealthy
relationship with Ronnie, including his heavy
drinking and insensitivity, Tiger said.
"Some girls think, 'If I love him enough, or
if I stick with him enough I can change him,"'
Tiger said. "The only thing I changed was from
not being H IV-positive to being IIIV-positive
and that's all I got out of that relationship."
Tiger's "down-to-earth" presentation was
touching and effective, students said.
"She touched from her own experiences and
she was able to express a very universal mes-
sage," said Kathy Wilt, an Engineering gradu-
ate student.
LSA senior Laura Kota described Tiger's
speech as "very effective"and "inspirational."
"It was nice to hear a native voice speaking on
an issue that crosses cultural groups," she said.
"She's the epitome that it is not a gay
disease," said Ryan LaLonde, a member of
the Native American Student Association,
which sponsored the event along with the
University Activities Center and othergroups.

"serious," and a GOP leadership aide said at least some
Republican officials considered the talk "construc-
At the same time, GOP aides voiced optimism that Clinton
would sign the measure, in large part because vetoing it
would risk a cut-off of funds for the Bosnia mission he
regards as essential. The Republican leadership has warned
that if Clinton vetoes the measure they will send it back with
language blocking him from spending any money on the
peace-implementation mission without congressional ap-
Meanwhile, Sen. John Breaux (D-La.) said an ideologi-
cally diverse group of Senate Democrats was trying to devise
its own comprehensive budget bill in hopes that the Demo-
crats in the House and the White House would later sign on
to it as a vehicle fora compromise ifthe budget reconciliation
bill is stalemated.

Supreme Court debates seizure of woman's car

WASHINGTON (AP) - A Michigan
woman's fight over a family car - seized
by authorities after her husband used it for
illicit sex with a prostitute - sparked a
spirited Supreme Court debate yesterday.

Mich. case concerns power to confiscate

quired. The lawyers for Mrs. Bennis and
Michigan disagreed on the answer.
Justice David Souter asked what Mrs. Bennis

lice saw him pick up a known prostitute,
park on a city street and begin receiving
oral sex.

$600 about a month before it was seized.
But Larry Roberts, a Wayne County
prosecutor, urged the justices to "reaffirm
the police powers of the state in this type
of nuisance abatement."

Other Court Cases
Challenging convictions on rights violations
The Supreme Court made it easier yesterday for
people to challenge convictions they say are tainted
because police
violated their rights
during questioning.
Ruling 7-2 in an
Alaska case, the court

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