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November 22, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-22

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WE i

night: Mostly cloudy, low
'ound 27%.
)morrow: Chance of snow,
th around 38%.

luckeyes a win away from]

One hundredfive years of editor/alfreedom November 22, 1995
Pasadena Michigan vs. Ohio State
Pasadena Saturday, noon, Michigan Stadium
ase for themselves New Year's TV: ABC. Mark Jones and Todd
beating No. 3 Miami in the Blackledge are the
Bowl. announcers.
tate (7-0 Big Ten, 1-0 over- Radio: WJR 760 AM,
head to the Rose Bowl, should WWJ 950 AM, WUOM 3I
4o. 18 Michigan (4-3, 11-0) 91.7 FM.
in a noon game at Michigan Tickets: Sold out.
(ESPN). But a victory against Series:.Michigan
C Jan. 1 will not convince too leads 51*34-6
ters to boost Ohio State above Une: Ohio State by
huskers, who are once again 9.
ed this season and heading for Coverage: Pages 8
and 10
See BUCKEYES, Page 104 and 10


V Scott Burton
ily Sports Writer
The similarities between this year's
hio State football team and the unde-
ated 1994 Penn State squad are eerie,
id at the same time they are tragic.
The Buckeyes, like the Nittany Li-
is, feature an extraordinary bevy of
lent at the skill positions. The Buck-
es, like the Lions, dominated their
ig Ten competition all season long.
And sadly, the Buckeyes, like the
ons, are likely hindered in their hopes

for a national title by a bowl system that
leaves the Big Ten champion in the
The unfortunate circumstances that
prevented Penn State from attaining the
top ranking last season is worthy of
deliberation in the halls of Congress.
The No. 2 Nittany Lions were obli-
gated to attend the Rose Bowl against a
unheralded Oregon team because of the
Big Ten's official tie-in with the Pasa-
dena game. Meanwhile, the No. 1 Ne-
braska squad made a much more con-

vincing c
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all) will h
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DAYTON, Ohio -After 21 days of
marathon negotiations, the United States
yesterday announced an agreement end-
ing four years of war in the former
Yugoslavia and called for deployment
of a NATO force that would include up
to 25,000 U.S. troops.
"The people of Bosnia finally have a
chance to turn from the horror of war to
the promise of peace," President Clinton
declared in a Rose Garden announce-
ment of the accord.
Clinton said the leaders of Bosnia,
Croatia and Serbia have "made a seri-
ous commitment to peace" and "we
must help them to make it work."
The accord divides Bosnia close to
current cease-fire lines, with 5 1 percent
going to the internationally recognized
government and 49 percent to the
Bosnian Serbs, whose two leaders have
been indicted for genocide and crimes
against humanity.
Bosnian Serbs will have to abandon
their control over parts of downtown
Sarajevo, the capital, and the city will
be united with the apparent exception
of the Bosnian Serb "capital" of Pale,
which is 10 miles away.
But both sides will maintain their
own armies. The accords propose to
reduce the Bosnian Serbs' military su-
periority through arms-control mea-
sures. If that doesn't work, the Clinton
administration has said it will train and
equip the Bosnian government army to
ensure a balance.
Signature of the accord will lead to
suspension of economic 'sanctions
against Serbia, widely blamed for insti-
gating the war, and to a lifting of the
arms embargo against the Bosnian gov-
ernment that crippled its ability to de-
fend itself. The accord also calls for the
return of refugees and displaced per-
sons - some 2.2 million people - to
their homes of origin, although it does
not provide for enforcement or give
guarantees for their safety.
The U.N. Security Council was meet-
ing last night to discuss the economic
sanctions and the arms embargo. A vote
on all the proposals could come as early
as today, according to diplomats who
spoke on condition of anonymity.
The accords also require all states in
the region to cooperate with The Hague
War Crimes Tribunal, although the only
means ofenforcement is economic sanc-
tions that could block the participation
of any state in international economic
and political institutions.
"We've reached a day many believed
would never come," Secretary of State

r Hecker (left) and Ashie Littrell of Pennsylvania watch as turkeys - traditionally the main course - eat a Thanksgiving dinner at Green Acres Sanctuary.

in the White House Rose Garden,
President Clinton announces a peace,
agreement between warring factions in-
the Balkans.
Related Stories
Congress considers sending 20,000
peacekeepers to Bosnia.
NATO prepares for the deployment of
60,000 troops in the region.
Bosnia's map looks like it did in
1992, but people are now displaced.
- Page 2.
Warren Christopher said, opening the
initialing ceremony at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base outside Dayton. "We
got what we wanted: a comprehensive
Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic
was more somber as he explained an
accord that is likely to arouse criticism
at home. "This may not be a just peace,
but it is more just than the continuation
of the war," he said after initialing the
Serbian President Slobodan
Milosevic suggested that no one had
won the war, and that no one was re-
sponsible for it.
"Ina civil war like this one in Bosnia-
Herzegovina, there are no winners, and
there could be no winners," he said.
"All are losers." He said all sides had
made "painful concessions" but, with-
out them, "peace would be impossible."
But questions arose immediately
about the intentions of the parties, start-
ing with the Bosnian Serb leaders who
failed to sign off on the documents or to
appear at the final initialing ceremony.


y Heather Miller
aily Staff Reporter
Airline flights are booked solid,
eijer is low on turkeys and students
re abandoning the city. Yes - it's
hanksgiving weekend.
Most students have plans to leave
:ampus during the holiday break.
LSA sophomore Radhika Puttagunta
s traveling home for the weekend. "I'm
;oing home to Flint and writing a pa-
rer," she said. "But hopefully I'll get
ogether with some of my friends" who
he said are coming back to Michigan
rom out-of-state colleges.
Some students are planning on trav-
ling farther away.
Tammy Dowd, an LSA junior, is
ying to New Orleans.

students prepare to see
loved ones, cranberry sauce

"We're bringing my brother a
Thanksgiving dinner because he can't
come home," she said.
Carl Selman, supervisor for parking
at Detroit Metro Airport, said the air-
port becomes exceptionally busy this
time of year. "According to the airlines,
everything is booked," he said.
Today is the biggest travel day, but
"after Thursday, it will be busy for the
next few days," he said.
Students planning on staying in-state
over the holiday can expect cold, snowy

weather as snow showers are likely and
highs are expected to be in the lower- to
LSA senior William VanErp is trav-
eling to Ubly in Michigan's Thumb on
Thanksgiving to visit his grandma. "I
could use a day off," he said. But Van Erp
is planning to return to campus on Fri-
day to "catch up on all my work."
Shortly after Thanksgiving weekend
- Dec. 11- finals week begins, so
VanErp is not the only student planning
to spend the break studying.

Marc C istillo, an Engineeriilg sopno-
more, also is planning on using the time
off for schoolwork. He's visiting his fam-
ily in Grand Rapids and plans to spend his
time "mostly studying and sleeping."
With all of the travel, many apart-
ments and houses in the area are left
vacant, which can lead to an increased
chance of burglary.
"There is some increase because of
opportunity," said Sgt. Khurum Sheikh
of the Ann Arbor Police Department.
However, Sheikh said the police de-
partment has extra patrols over the week-
end and they pass homes they know are
vacant. "We try to have high visibility.
... In the city of Ann Arbor, at least on
Thanksgiving, it becomes somewhat of
a ghost town," he said.

Spirited student turns caffeine,
seng into lucrative business
y Laurie Mayk
aily Staff Reporter
"I can't believe I had to pay full price for this," the spirited
SA senior complained, shaking his head at the bottle of
right pink Love Potion 69 in his hand. Patrick Sarkissian is
sed to selling, not buying, uniquely strong herbal sodas.
With the ink barely dry on a contract that gives him
xclusive distribution rights for Skeleteen sodas in the east-
rn United States (about 30 states), this student will swap
ooks for invoices when he graduates in April. For the past
ear, he has been hauling both around campus.
The extremely caffeinated sodas, however, were not
arkissian's first commercial operation.
"Mid-junior year my parents wanted to teach me the value
f the dollar and cut me off financially," Sarkissian said.
His parents' actions prompted Sarkissian to become prof-
table, rather than penny-pinching. Pepper spray was the
ecret to his early success.
With $500 rent money, he called a distributor - and lied.
arkissian "pretended to be a store" and purchased a large
uantity of the spray. In front of the First of America bank on

Nike defends its
deals with schools
By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
Under its contract with universities across the nation -
including the University of Michigan - Nike reaped $50
million last year for marketing apparel like the maize and
blue, The Washington Post reported yesterday.
Sources quoted in the Post said the shoe giant's financial
muscle compromises athletic departments' autonomy and
tempts athletes to leave school early - charges Nike is
Some of Nike's profits stem from the Michigan Athletic
Department's contract to market University apparel in ex-
change for $7.2 million in equipment, supplies and scholar-
ship money for all 23 varsity teams over the next six years.
Nike spokesman Erin Patton criticized the Post's coverage
of Nike's collegiate athletic contracts. He said the report
focused too much on Nike's profits and -not on what the
programs are designed to accomplish.
"We tend to keep the focus on the benefit to the universities,
not to the company," Patton said. "What we give benefits
universities and athletic departments. The benefits (to universi-
ties) are negated in (coverage of) big money numbers."
Patton said Nike is committed to teams and athletes. He
said some sports programs that tend not to bring in large
crowds might be cut withoutaNike's financial support.
"We want to give back to all sports," he said.
Patton also said Nike gives back to the communities where
th nh-tc. rrrac rehatd H ai ik a istiue d

ISA senior Patrick Sarkissian shows off the collection of Skeleteen herbal sodas which he will soon distribute throughout the
eastern United States.

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