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November 15, 1995 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-15

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 15, 1995 - 3

WU split on
partner benefits
.Northwestern University's Board of
Trustees approved President Henry
Bienen's proposal to extend benefits
for the domestic partners of gay and
lesbian employees Monday night.
'Beginning Jan. 1, same-sex partners
of faculty and staff will be eligible for
health insurance already available to
the'spouses ofheterosexual employees,
said C. William Fischer, senior vice
president for business and finance.
The Board of Trustees at West Vir-
ginia University has voted to reject a
plan that would have entitled the part-
ners of homosexual and other unmar-
kd employees to certain benefits, the
UI ronicle of HigherEducation reported.
The plan, which had been adopted by
te administration in July, would have
givn the partners free use of the
university's library and recreation facili-
ties, university-subsidized child care, but
would not have included health benefits.
Okla. student loses
round in Jeopardy!
-A' University of Oklahoma sopho-
niore most likely ended his game show
career Monday when he responded in-
t6frectly to the Final Jeopardy question
i the Tournament of Champions.
--"4Ben Lyon, the Jeopardy! college
diampion, gave a wrong answer: "At
its standard mass, it puts the red in
fire orks; its 90 isotope is found in
niuclear fallout."
i'equestionwas"What is strontium?"
Lyon had $6,100 before the first round
'ird his incorrect response cost him
~3',O00. .
The tournament ends Nov. 24.
FBI denies
tnabomber link to
USA Today was incorrect when it
reported in Monday's edition that the
FBI said the Unabomber attended
Northwestern University, agency offi-
cials told The Daily Northwestern.
A box on the front page of Monday's
USA Today stated that the Unabomber
attdnded but did not graduate from
Northwestern, citing FBI information.
,Bob Long, a spokesman for the FBI's
Chicago office, said he doubted that the
agency would have made such affirma-
.tive statements because its investiga-
;tion has not progressed enough to con-
firm such information. .
,,enneth Wildes, Northwestern di-
rector of university relations, said that
l,%doesn't think there is much evidence
,linking the Unabomber to Northwest-
erp "If the media begins to speculate
i.ghout evidence the Unabomber was
iQrjs part of Northwestern, they do this
,nstitution a great disservice."
- Compiled by Lisa Poris
from staff and wire reports

Students sell books for money, experience

By Marisa Ma
Daily Staff Reporter
Being your own boss is the professional dream
for many people. But some students are proving
that you do not have to wait until graduation to get
the experience of running a business.
Business junior Liz Dalton said the
entreprenurial experience helped her learn many
"You have a lot of things to do on your own. I
really learn to get goals," Dalton said.
Dalton, along with about 40 other University
students, spent last summer in parts of the country,
selling books door-to-door.
Southwestern, an international publishing com-
pany, distributes these educational books only
through college students.
Dirk Wilcox, manager at Southwestern, said
college students add credibility to the educational
materials sold to families seeking academic im-
"With the nature of the business and working
with families and helping with education, there

really is no better person than a college student,"
Wilcox said. "For 13-14 years, (they had) a full-
time job being a student."
Each summer, about 4,000 college students
from the United States and other countries such as
Canada travel in groups to another part of the
country and sell books there for about 3 1/2 months.
"Being able to go someplace I've never been
before, meeting a thousand people, running a
business" are some of the positive aspects to the
job, said Engineering junior Leslie Hardig.
Hardig added that such an experience stands out
in a resume.
"Even (for) students that don't do as well, it was
a tremendous experience," Wilcox said. "They get
to know a lot about their strengths and know a lot
about their weaknesses."
LSA sophomore Kelly Wilson said she grew
personally over the summer.
"Mainly, (I gained) a lot of self-confidence. I
feel more comfortable talking to anyone," she
Dalton distinguishes this job from other typical

door-to-door sales jobs.
"The difference is something that I believe in,"
she said. "These books really help kids."
But the job is not easy, the students agreed.
"The hardest part is working the hours, and
staying focused for 80 hours," Hardig said. "We
have to work hard in all the areas - physically,
mentally, emotionally."
The students work an average of 60-80 hours
each week, Dalton said.
Dalton added that willingness to work hard
primarily determines success.
"You have to have a desire to do something
different, something that sets you apart," Dalton
said. "You really have to demonstrate that you're
really going to work."
Although Hardig said fear can often inhibit
people from selling door-to-door, "(thejob) helps
you face your fear head-on."
"(Students) deal with a good amount of rejec-
tion," Wilcox said.
But he added that that kind of tolerance is
important to learn, and students generally stayed

with the job all summer.
"Students know beforehand that if they are
accepted, they will be expected to work hard
during the summertime," he said.
Wilcox said students' areas of study does not
limit their ability to do the job.
"Students (come from) a variety of fields, a lot
of engineers, pre-med, pre-law," he said.
He said the company also advertises in cam-
pus newspapers and participates in summer job
Wilcox said that~the company provides career
planning for the students who have worked there.
Also, "we promote a lot of students with a mini-
career with Southwestern," he said.
Last summer, the average University student
working at Southwestern for the first time earned
about $8,300. Students across the country earned
an average of about $5,000.
Dalton earned about $17,000, and many have
earned more than $10,000, she said.
Although Hardig did not earn as much money as
others had, she said, "I got paid with experience."

Padilla to lecture on
Puerto Rican Week

What an Honor
English Prof. Ralph Williams speaks to the Golden Key Honor Society last night for an induction of new members. The group's
president, Shenia Coleman, looks on.
U'students help GM keting

By Jay Baik
For the Daily
Celebration and intellectual discus-
sion will accompany the 13th-annual
Puerto Rican Week, which runs through
Sunday, the anniversary of Christopher
Columbus' discovery of Puerto Rico.
Guest lecturer Felix M. Padilla, a
professor of sociology at Lehman Col-
lege and author of "Let's Kick that
Knowledge: The Struggle of Latino/a
University Students in Search of a Lib-
erating Education," will discuss cur-
rent Puerto Rican and Latino social
concerns in America.
His lecture will center primarily on
the need for professors to commit them-
selves to enri ch the academic and social
lives of students of color at the Univer-
sity and a plea to students to dedicate
their lives to teaching.
"I'm very excited to hear him speak
about his experiences in the U.S.," said
Claribel Prado, president of the Puerto
Rican Association. "Ihope thatnot only
Puerto Ricans, but Americans will at-
tend the lecture and brown bag lunch so
that all people can be knowledgeable
about these issues."
Padilla moved to Chicago at age 13
from Puerto Rico. From these roots, he
became a professor at Depaul Univer-
sity, moved on to Northeastern Univer-
sity and then to his current position at
Lehman College. Tomorrow, Padilla is
scheduled to discuss how his experi-
ences in both nations shaped his con-
victions about the current state of edu-
cation in the United States.

Michigan Puerto Rican
Week Events
B Thursday: Guest lecturer Felix M.
Padilla's lecture is scheduled for 7
p.m. in the Michigan Union Kuenzel
B Friday: A brown bag lunch
discussion with Padilla is scheduled
for 2 p.m. at Trotter House.
9 Saturday: A dance featuring Latino
music is planned from 8 p.m. to 1:30
B Sunday: The week winds down
with a celebration of Puerto Rican
cuisine at 2 p.m. in Trotter House
with traditional Puerto Rican dishes
prepared by students and the local
Latino community.
Admission to the dance is $5, and
all other events are free.
"(Padilla) is one of the major Latino
sociologists in the country," said
Frances Aparicio, director of the Latino
Studies Program. "I think it will be
interesting to see what students think of
his ideas and goals for both teachers
and students."
LSA junior Angelic Vivoni said, "I
think what he has to say is important
because it puts social responsibility on
teachers to empower and motivate their
students through education."

By Anita Chik
For the Daily
While most students learn concepts
through books and lectures, some Busi-
ness School seniors have an opportu-
nity this semester to gain real working
experience in two marketing classes.
The group - "Big Blue Promotions"
- has a $4,000 budget to organize two
Chevrolet Geo promotional events
scheduled at the Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science building and on
Palmer Field tomorrow and Friday.
Many students in the class said the
learning experience was challenging
and exciting.
"It's a hands-on experience," said
Kelly Kristin, who serves on the public
relations team. "We are not just sitting
behind the desks and listening to lec-
Hawkins, on the promotion team, said
the diversity of ethnic and racial back-

grounds of students makes the class
interesting. He said the class allows
students to learn how to express their
ideas and get their messages across in a
large working group.
"Students are in a position of author-
ity in making decisions with peers,"
Hawkins said. "No one is telling us to
do this or that. (The class) has to work
in groups to achieve a common goal."
Gordie Northrup, another student,
works as a liaison with the dealerships.
He said the class enables students to
apply concepts they have learned in
previous classes to real situations.
"There are no other classes I know
where you work with real people, have
a budget, and try to affect people's
beliefs and perceptions."
General Motors Corp. sponsored the
University as the first school in Michi-
gan to offer a marketing class as part of
the General Motors Marketing Intern-

ship program. When 50 students signed
up for the program - which was de-
signed for a class of about 20 - the
students were split into two classes.
One class was charged with creating a
promotion on Central Campus; the other
on North Campus.
The undergraduate business students
are working with eight Chevrolet Geo
dealerships in Ann Arbor to gain adver-
tising agency experience.
The class requires students to for-
mulate and present a marketing plan
to GM marketing executives and to
organize promotional events for the
Jason Mabee, who is responsible for
philanthropy programs, said students
also make use of Geo cars for doing
community service.
"(Students) couldn't find anything
better for using the cars," he said. "It's
part of our marketing plan."

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® Harold Schock was misidentified in a photo in yesterday's Daily.
' Gary Moeller has 44 victories as Michigan's head football Coach. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.
N Brendan Morrison scored 3 assists, 2 on powerplays vs. Miami of Ohio. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Q American Baptist Student Fellow-
ship, free meal, meeting, 663-
9376, First Baptist Church, Cam-
pus Center, 512 East Huron, 5:30-
,.. 7 p.m.
=:0 AIESEC Michigan, general member
. meeting, 662-1690, Business
Administration Building, Room
1276, 6 p' m.
0 La Voz Mexicana, meeting, 994-
9139, Michigan League, Room D,
7 p.m.
;U Ninjutsu Club, beginners welcome,
761-8251, Intramural Sports
Building, Room G-21, 7:30-9 p.m.
Q Reform Chavurah, weekly meeting,
anyone welcome, Hillel Building,
Hill Street, 7 p.m.
t Q Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, men and
women, beginners welcome, 994-
3620, CCRB, Room 2275, 8:30-
9:30 p.m.
Q Taekwondo Club, beginners and other
new members welcome, 747-6889,
CCRB, Room 2275, 7-8:30 p.m.
Q "1995 UM vs. OSU Blood

South Quad, 6:10-7 p.m.
Q "E & J Gallo Information
Session," sponsored by Career
Planning and Placement, Michi-
gan League, Kalamazoo Room, 7-
8:30 p.m.
Q "Education JobSearch," sponsored
by Career Planning and Placement,
3200 Student Activities Building,
5:10-6 p.m.
Q "Grad Night at Uno's," sponsored
by Jewish Law Students Union,
Jewish Medical Students Asso-
ciation and Jewish Organization
of Business Students, Uno's Res-
taurant, 1321 South University, 9
Q "Islamic Bazaar - Information and
Cultural Items on
Display," sponsored by Muslim
Students Association, Michigan
Union, Ground Floor, 10 a.m.-5
Q "Law School Application Process,"
sponsored by Career Planning and
Placement, 3200 Student Activi-
ties Building, 12:10-1 p.m.
Q "Novel Approaches to the C-Aryl
Glycoside Antitumor
Antibiotics," Prof. Kathy Parker,
organic/inorganic seminar, spon-
sored by Department of Chemis-
trv. Chemistrv Building, Room

Languages Building, Auditorium
4, 6 p.m.
Q "The Comprachios, Part
1i," sponsored by Students of Ob-
jectivism, Michigan League, Con-
ference Room 6, 7 p.m.
Q "The Ethics of Assisted
Suicide," Carl Cohen, sponsored
by Human Values in Medicine,
Medical Science 11, South Lec-
ture Hall, 12 noon
Q "United Jewish Appeal Freedom
Weeks UJA Russian Culture
Night," sponsored by UJA, Hillel
Building, Hill Street, 8 p.m.
Q "Will the Search for Extraterres-
trial Intelligence be
Successful?" sponsored by Stu-
dent Astronomical Society, Michi-
gan League, Henderson Room,
4:30 p.m.
Q "You Can Quit!" sponsored by Uni-
versity Health Service, UHS,
Room N-309, call 763-1320 to
pre-register, 12 noon-1 p.m.
Q Campus Information Centers,

MSA hears
from Code
By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter
Four members of the workgroup that
helped draft the proposed Code of Stu-
dent Conduct answered questions at
last night's Michigan Student Assem-
bly meeting about why the Code does
not allow lawyers to represent students
in hearings.
Jack Bernard, a Law School alum
who participated in the workgroup, said
the current Code draft does not allow
lawyers to represent students in part
because some students cannot afford to
hire lawyers, adding that the process is
supposed to be educational and encour-
age students to represent themselves.
"If you're paying an attorney to cre-
ate a win-at-all-costs situation, that's
not what we want," Bernard said. "We
wanted an educative process."
University Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs Maureen A. Hartford hired
students last spring to research and draft
a code of non-academic conduct. The
Code's fourth draft was released last
The University Board of Regents is
scheduled to vote tomorrow on whether
to adopt the Code.
LSA senior Ken Sachs, who worked

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