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November 15, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-15

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onight: Partly cloudy with
urries, low in the mid-20s.
omorrow: Partly cloudy,
igh in the lower 40s.



One hundredfjve years of editorialfreedom

November 15, 1995

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lue hosts
ePaul in
IT tonight
y Michael Rosenberg
aily Editor in Chief
The Fab Five may be gdne, but their attitude still
choes in the voices of the Michigan men's basketball
"This is how we want to start the season," said
orward Maurice Taylor of tonight's matchup against
ePaul, which will be broadcast live by ESPN at 9:30
.m. from Crisler Arena. "We love the limelight.
e're glad we're playing in a prime-time game on
ational television. The adrenaline is going to be
If the Wolverines win this Preseason NIT matchup,
ey will host the winner of tonight's Weber State-
'resno State game (7:30 on ESPN). If they win that,
ey will earn a spot in next Wednesday's semifinal in
ew York City.
The game against the Blue Demons is the Wolver-
es' first in the post-Fab Five era. The last remaining
embers of the ballyhooed recruiting class -Jimmy
ing and Ray Jackson - graduated last year.
Taylor, for one,is looking forward to starting fresh.
"The chemistry is a lot better this year," he said.
Last year we were lacking chemistry."
Michigan is coming off a
:. disappointing 17-14 cam-
paign that ended in a first-
round NCAA Tournament
loss to Western Kentucky.
i.s Coach Steve Fisher likes
Michigan opens its he way his team is progress-
season tonight
against the DePaul "-We are better than we
Blue Demoser - were when we started a
Arena. month ago," he said. "And
The game will be we will be a lot better in
shown on ESPN. January than we are right
Michigan easily won its two exhibition games,
efeating Athletes in Action, 101-90, and routing the
iberia Basketball Club of Cheremkhovo, 89-65.
If the Wolverines are to start the regular season
ith a victory, they will have to do so against a DePaul
eam that is a mystery to them.
"This is the only game all year that we won't have
ape of this year's team to watch," Fisher said. "Three
>f their better players (from last season) are no more.
re looked at tape from last year and (Tom)
leinschmidt, Brandon Cole and Will Macon are not
sere now."
Those three scored 61 percent of the Blue De-
ons' points in 1994-95, when DePaul finished 17-
1 and lost to Iowa in the first round of the postseason
IT. Returning starters Bryant Bowden and Peter
atton will be counted on to pick up some of the


Bud et battle
sen federal
workers home


Sophomore forward Willie Mitchell looks for a rebound against Athletes in Action two weeks ago. Mitchell and
the Michigan basketball team tip off their season against DePaul tonight in the Preseason NIT at Crisler Arena.

While the Michigan coaches have not seen this
year's Blue Demon squad, they are at least somewhat
familiar with most of the players.
Two DePaul players - Charles Gelatt and Juan
Gay - played junior college ball at Barton County
(Kan.) Community College last season with Wolver-
ine recruit Brandon Hughes.
Michigan assistant coach Brian Dutcher saw both
Gelatt and Gay play in high school and in summer
"Gelatt is a big, strong inside player," Dutcher said.
"He signed with Syracuse originally out of high
school. Gay could easily be a starter. He will be a

starter before the year is over."
Fisher won't say whom he plans to start against the
Blue Demons - or even if he has definite plans.
Taylor is a lock to start, and guard Dugan Fife and
forward Maceo Baston will likely get the nod as well.
Guard Travis Conlan and swingman Jerod Ward are
the best bets to fill out the lineup.
"I like where we have come," Fisher said. "I like
what we have done. Defensively, we know what we
want to do a little bit more. If we don't play well I
would be shocked if it was because of lack of effort.
If anything, it will be because we are trying too

WASHINGTON - As President
Clinton and Republican leaders traded
insults and threats, 800,000 federal
workers across the country were or-
dered home yesterday morning when
the budget standoff between the White
House and the Congress left much of
the government without funds to oper-
ate all but essential services.
Both sides dug in and made almost
no progress in resolving their differ-
ences as harsh rain pelted the Capitol
and overnight polls indicated that Re-
publicans may have taken a dangerous
gamble in challenging Clinton.
After White
House officials and
congressional bud-
get leaders held a
gloomy meeting on
Capitol Hill yester-
day morning that
offered little hlope A
for a breakthrough,
Clinton infuriated
Republicans by
strolling into the
White House brief- Clinton
ing room and de-
livering a confrontational, seven-minute
"Unfortunately, Republican leaders
in Washington have put ideology ahead
of common sense and shared values in
their pursuit of a budget plan," Clinton
said, taking no questions from the press.
Clinton's remarks - and the Repub-
licans' angry re-
sponse - sug-
gested that the
shutdown could
last for days. A sec-x
ond Capitol HillY
meeting late yes-
terday also made
little progress.
"We are at an
impasse," White
House Chief of
Staff Leon Panetta Gingrich
told reporters as he
left the meeting.
Indeed, House Speaker Newt
Gingrich (R-Ga.) said Republicans
would not send a new stopgap spending
bill until later this weekwhen they
complete work on a seven-year bal-
anced budget that the President has also
promised to veto. The budget plan is the
crux of the dispute between the White
House and Congress, with Republicans
hoping to gain a commitment to bal-
ance the budget in seven years as the
price for letting the government con-
tinue operating.
Pushing every partisan hot button
likely to rile the congressional leaders,
and quickly succeeding in doing so,
Clinton blamed the impasse squarely
on Republican intransigence and mis-
guided budget-balancing ideas.
Gingrich and Senate Majority Leader
Bob Dole (R-Kan.) stormed into the
Senate news studio just minutes after
Clinton's speech and delivered equally
barbed attacks on the President.
Gingrich, who has publicly said all
yearthat he relished a fightwith Clinton
that would lead to a shutdown, com-
plained, "It is very difficult to know
how to proceed with so many factual
errors in one statement." He added that
it was "tragic to have a president of the
United States so misinformed."
The two leaders then refused to take
questions as well. Gingrich later told
reporters that there was no chance he
would agree to meet with the President
yesterday after his televised attack.
Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.), the
chairman ofthe Budget Committee who
See SPENDING, Page 12

State GOP
reps: 7-year
plan -needed
ing yesterday morning, hundreds of
federal civilian workers were fur-
loughed in Michigan, including
most of those working in veterans
administration services or at na-
tional parks or federal museums
such as the Gerald R. Ford Museum
in Grand Rapids.
Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Ar-
bor) was so upset by the furloughs
that she decided to give back her
pay for the days federal workers
must miss their pay.
All congressional offices also got
a notice to furlough personnel who
were not essential to their legisla-
tive duties. Each office was left to
interpret the notice. Rep. Fred Upton
(R-St. Joseph) and Sen. Carl Levin
(D-Mich.) decided all their employ-
ees were needed during the legisla-
tive impasse.
Rivers adopted a strict interpre-
tation of the notice, sending home
75 percent of her employees and
shutting down her district offices.
House Republicans from Michi-
gan said yesterday that the key to
passing a temporary spending bill
that would cancel the government
shutdown is President Clinton's
agreement to balance the budget in
seven years.
After that, the lawmakers say,
the budget wrangling between Re-
publican leaders and Clinton can
turn into negotiations in which ev-
erything is on the table.
"All we want is for the President
to agree to balance the budget in
seven years based on (numbers that
can be verified by) the Congres-
sional Budget Office, and then our
door is open for negotiations on the
best way to do that," said Rep. Nick
Smith (R-Addison), a leader of the
House Debt Limit Coalition.
The temporary spending measure
was necessary to avert a partial gov-
ernment shutdown yesterday be-
cause only three of 13 spending bills
have been signed into law to fund
government agencies for the fiscal
year that began six weeks ago.
Clinton refused to approve the
temporary measure keeping gov-
ernment running through Dec. 1
because other GOP legislative ini-
tiatives were added on to the bill
including an increase in monthly
Medicare premiums.
But Republican House members
from Michigan interviewed by The
Associated Press repeatedly said they
would be willing to negotiate on any
items once Clinton agrees to balanc-
ing the budget in their time frame.
"I think the bottom line is that we
have to have the commitment to
balance the budget in seven years,"
Rep. Dave Camp (R-Midland) said
"Everything is on the table once
the White House agrees that we are
going to balance the budget by the
year 2002," Upton said.
Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Holland)
said the budget could not be bal-
anced without reigning in spending
on entitlement programs - which
account for about half of all federal

By Michell
Daily Staff Re
promises th
dent Assen
today, will
past years.
Last yea
the membe
to explain
was temp(
ballots cha
nary result
"This ye
an imposs
adding that
been revan
ing of box

ng yur encils:
canididates ru
MSA rep today
* Lee Thompson misplacement," she said.
porter In addition to those changes, a pilot
Director Meagan Newman program being tested at West Quad will
iat this year's Michigan Stu- have voters fill out Scan-Tron forms
nbly elections, which start instead of hand-written ballots.
be more organized than in Today's ballot includes:
®*83 candidates for 12 open MSA
r's winter term election left representative seats in eight schools.
rs of the assembly fumbling Three questions involving funding
why one locked ballot box to Student Legal Services.
orarily misplaced in the ® A proposal to create a Campus
chambers. The box's 200 Safety Commission from a current task
inged the outcome of one force.
ive race after the prelimi- M®An LSA-Student Government pro-
s were reported. posal to create four more voting mem-
ar, that problem would be bers.
ible one," Newman said, MSA President Flint Wainess, who
the counting methods have spearheaded the efforts to move elec-
nped to include color-cod- tions to the Scan-Tron format, said that
es and double-checking of if the West Quad voting site proves to
be successful, next year's elections
going to be no error or would be conducted completely by

Campaign posters decorate the walls of Angell Hall the day before MSA elections.

"The Michigan Party is dedicated to
electoral reform, especially in light of
past ballot-count defficiencies,"
Wainess said.
Newman said the Scan-Tron ballots
would be counted by hand before they
are taken out of the assembly's office
and tallied by machine. About 200 stu-
dents will vote with Scan-Tron ballots.
Five parties are running tickets in the

election, though only three currently
hold seats on the assembly.
"It's wonderful to see that so many
people are interested in MSA," Wainess
At last night's MSA meeting, Wol-
verine Party member Andy Schor asked
members of the assembly to "please
keep the elections clean," adding that he
was concerned over dirty politicking.
See MSA, Page 7

(.% V


Striking unions
ecky Detroit

to publish

'U' offers baier-free housing

By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
University Housing welcomed resi-

eration as any other student.
"We followed Michigan barrier laws
and ADA. They both overlap to some

"When you're installing something,
you have to make sure it's usable," said

m '' - I 15s

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