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May 26, 2009 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2009-05-26

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

From Page 1
university's Oakland campus were
initially small, but media attention
caused an increase in enrollment,
and the school opened a second
campus in Los Angeles, Calif.
Both campuses are currently
holding classes for about 160 stu-
dents each week..
Clare said Michigan first caught
Oaksterdam's attention after Pro-
posal 1 - which legalized medici-
nal marijuana in-the state - passed
last November. OU chose to hold its
classes in Ann Arbor due to the city's
lax marijuana laws, Clare said.
"In reading Michigan's law, we
recognized that for the first time in
a long time there was another state
that had legislation that was similar
to our own," he said.
Clare added that Oaksterdam was
interested in helping Michigan im-
plement the proposal.
"(We realized) there's other peo-
ple out there that have an opportu-
nity to really make or break this new
law, and we have a chance to get out
there and teach them how to do it
well," Clare said.
Clare said that beginning in Janu-
ary, Oaksterdam started reaching
From Page 1
for Google Book Search, said one of
Google's main missions is to "orga-
nize all of the world's information:'
Google Book Search, which
Google initiated six years ago, gives
students in participating schools
and libraries access to resources
that they could not otherwise ob-
tain online.
"A large amount of (information)
is in books, journals and magazines,
which are a record of the scholarly
historical nast and are not available

out to various marijuana advocacy
groups in viichigan. Those connec-
tions eventually ledto lastweekend's
Clare added thathe was surprised
by the response of those interested
in attending the seminar. The first
week after it was announced,-Oak-
sterdam received more than 600
calls from people inquiring about
the seminar and wanting to regis-
Ohio resident Rosie Hess said she
was motivated to attend the seminar
because she and her husband have
health issues that qualify them to
grow medicinal marijuana.
"I need to learn to grow the best,
of course, butalso go ahead and make
a living doing it," Hess said. "This is
something I firmly believe in and
something that I think the nation is
eventually going to be gravitating to,
so I'd like to do my part."
LSA junior Francesca Bardinelli,
an executive director for Students
for Sensible Drug Policy, said she
supported the seminar for similar
"Everyone has the right to seek
the medical attention that they need,
even if that is marijuana, which is il-
legal," Bardinelli said. "I mean, these
people are in pain and n.eed help.
Why should they be denied the only
online yet," Clancy said.
Right now public access is limited
by the physical book; (Google Book
Search) greatly opens us access to
The system will permit University
students, staff, faculty, and partici-
pating libraries around the country
to receive digital access to millions
of complete books. Individuals will
also have the ability to buy books
online if the books are not affiliated
with a university or library. Accord-
ing to Clancy, individual books will
cost $14.99 or less.
Contributing libraries like the
University's will receive a cost sub-

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Criminal defense lawyer Matthew Abel discusses flow cannabis farmers obey laws
set in place by Proposal tat one of the first segments of the two-day seminar.
treatment that helps them?" dents.
Matthew Abel, a Detroit-based "(Proposal 1) has spelled relief
attorney who specializes in mari- for a lot of people in Michigan who
juana cases, spoke about marijuana have been depending on cannabis
laws during the seminar. Abel said medicines for a long time," he said.
that Proposal 1 could have innu- "It is alleviating some of their fears
merable benefits for Michigan resi- of prosecution.'

Robert Soave


sidy based on the number of books
scanned from their collection.
Clancy said Google Books offers a
full search of the database, but read-
ers can only see 3 million of the 10
million scanned so far. And for half
of those 3 million, only a preview of
up to 20 percent of the book is avail-
Clancy added that with Google
Book Search, University libraries
and readers not affiliated with larger
institutions willbe able to pay to read
entire books online, opening up the
remaining 7 million books Google
has already scanned.
LSA senior Morgan Baker snoke

in favor of Google Book Search, but
voiced her concern about authors'
rights to their works.
"I think it's a great idea, but
the only issue there is getting au-
thors' opinions on whether or not
their work should be in a library, or
whether or not we should be paying
to see that work," Baker said. "But
I think that (the University) is all
about sharing education and this is
the best way to do it!'
Though it will be an ongoing pro-
cess because of the continuous pub-
lishing of new books, Courant said
students will reap the benefits of the
agreement in three years or less.
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