Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, April 18,1991
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420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Edited and Managed
by Students at the
University of Michigan
Editor in Chief
Opinion Editors
Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board.
All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.
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Presidential visa
Protesters should speak out during Commencement Ceremony
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T he University has finally confirmed what most
on campus already knew - President Bush
will be giving this year's commencement speech.
It seems that the president plans to sweep through
Michigan Stadium on the wave of popularity cre-
ated by the allied victory in the Gulf War.
Bush's visit will thrust the University again into
the national spotlight. University President James
Duderstadt has proven in the past that he enjoys
favorable media attention. It is unfortunate that
ABC news anchor Carol
Simpson has been embar- {
rissingly bumped from theu
podium, but, despite the poli-
tics involved, enlisting the
president as the graduation
speaker is a good snag.
Many students are upset
about Bush's visit to campus,
and several protests are al- ° A
ready in the planning. To bring
the president to a large uni-
versity so soon after the Gulf
War- which ignited campus
activists on both sides of the
politicalspectrum- virtually "A
guarantees unrest both inside '4
aid outside the stadium. Stu-
dents should be encouraged
to speak out, but at the same
tine respect the rights of other
graduates who want to hear
Bush's remarks.
The president's arrival
marks a great opportunity for
students to have their opinions heard. For the one
hour Bush is on campus, he will have no choice but
to notice. If students are unhappy with Bush's
performance as president, the stadium graduation
ceremony represents an appropriate time to let him
know their feelings through protest.
Young Americans between the ages of 18 and
25 have one of the lowest levels of voter turnout in
the nation, and it often seems that politicians cal-
lously disregard the views of people in this age
group. By protesting Bush on graduation day,
students can exercise their right to free speech
exactly how it was intended: to directly inform the
president of their dissatisfaction with the job he is
doing. Students who support Bush must realize
that protesting the president's presence is not dis-
respectful to Bush; it is, rather, an act done out of
respect for the office of the president. Bush sup-
porters should respect the rights of students with
different views, and be en-
couraged to vociferously rally
behind this most popular
president in the history of
modem poll-taking.
In the future, however, the
speaker selection process
should be more democratic to
allow graduating students to
choose who they want to ad-
dress them. The University
should take its cue from other
universities around the nation,
where the outgoing seniors
vote to select their speaker.
This procedure would ensure
that the majority of graduates
approved of the speaker se-
It is vital that all concerned
parties - President Bush,
University administrators,
and all graduation attendants
JOSE JUAREDaily- remember that Com-
mencement Exercises are a
celebration for the graduates. These graduating
seniors must be allowed to relax and celebrate and
even demonstrate their opposition to Bush if they
so choose. If yelling acrimonious remarks and
waving anti-Bush signs is what they choose to do,
no one has the right to stop them. This ceremony
marks their entrance into the real world, and is the
final affirmation of adulthood; they should be'
treated accordingly.
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Readers .respond to Playboy's visit to campus
To the Daily: and women. The intelligent can can well afford to pay for its own
Apparently a number of separate the fantasy depicted in advertising.
students showed up for Monday's movies and magazines from more I have some parting advice for
protest of Playboy. This is not mundane reality. The airbrushed the protesters as well. I witnessed
surprising since people have been photos in Playboy are no less very effective channeling of that
protesting Playboy since Marilyn attainable a stereotype for most type of energy into tangible
Monroe posed for the first issue in women than the masculine image products. As a result of campus
1954. Most of Playboy's attackers of Arnold Schwarzenegger is for uproar, a group of women from
seek to censor the magazine; we men. Yale, Radcliffe, Brown and other
don't understand the goals of the Ivy League schools got together
University protest. Jeanette Agrafojo and published their own "Women
Playboy is not pornography LSA senior of the Ivy League" magazine
since, by definition, pornography Robert Paretti filled with photographs, verse,
must depict coitus. The photo- Rackham graduate student and essays celebrating women's
graphic depiction of the female strengths and inner beauty. I
form is objectionable to some, a Protest energies challenge the Women of the Big
work of art to others. It also bears Ten to come together and
note that a mere five percent of should be positive celebrate their greatness in a
the magazine is devoted to models similar constructive way. I would
bot male and female. The rest of To the Daily: be happy to provide more
Playboy concentrates on politics, Playboy magazine's arrival on information on the "Women of
fiction by such authors as Fleming campus is boring news. It the Ivy League" magazine to
and Updike, interviews of such certainly is not worthy of the interested students.
notables as Castro, Ortega, prime front page space it occupied But please, no more free
Iaccoca, and Martin Luther King, on today's issue of the Daily. advertising for Playboy.
National health care
artworks of Vargas and Warhol,
and current trends in arts and
entertainment. It celebrates and
analyzes sexuality yet does not
discriminate against homosexual-
ity, as evidenced by an article
condemning "gay bashing" in the
April 1991 issue. Exactly what is
sexist about Playboy eludes us. A
feminist writer contributes
monthly. Clearly half of the
production management -
including the chair and the CEO
- are women. And the models,
both men and women, are
depicted in a tasteful and
nonderogatory manner. Anyone
who has actually read Playboy
recognizes it as an "equalist"
Apparently Playboy objectifies
women. There is truth in this
statement. Our capitalist society
places a high value on its stereo-
typed images of appealing men
You see, I've lived through all
this before. In 1986, Playboy
came to Harvard and Radcliffe to
photograph for a "Women of the
Ivy League" issue. The weekly
magazine I worked on, The
Harvard Independent, ran a 1/8
page ad paid for by Playboy that
contained information regarding
scheduling interviews for pro-
spective applicants. The daily
newspaper, The Harvard Crimson,
refusing to support Playboy's
endeavor, did not run the ad. Yet
over the next two weeks the
Crimson provided more than four
full pages of coverage of
Playboy's visit with most articles
appearing on the front page. I
would hate to see the Daily fall
into the same snare: providing
free advertising and publicity for
such a loathsome publication that
Rosalind Carter
Rackham graduate student
Dalu should not
have been named
To the Daily:
We would like to express our
deepest regrets about the misun-
derstanding that led to David
Dalu's name being included in the
letter, "Women, society add to
sexism too" (4/16/91). He had no
hand in it whatsoever, and, in fact,
has differing opinions. We would
also like to express our regret
over any inconvenience his
inclusion might have caused him.
Massachusetts governor cannot
The Massachusetts health insurance plan,
adopted by former Gov. Michael Dukakis in
1988, is encountering rough waters. Massachusetts'
new governor, William Weld - egged on by the
state's powerful conservatives and others frightened
by a painful recession -is ardently fighting to kill
the prototypical health care plan nine months be-
fore it is scheduled to go into effect.
If this plan were only a Massachusetts plan, the
people of Michigan would have little need for
concern. This particular health insurance program,
however, is the model program on which many
similar state plans are based, as well as the proposed
national program currently waiting for consider-
ation in the U.S. Congress. Gov. Weld needs to
back off from his anti-health care position and
allow the Massachusetts health insurance program
to prove itself. If the Massachusetts plan were
scrapped, similar plans in the United States would
be threatened, including the federal bill. A dan-
gerous message would be sent to the remaining 48
states - Hawaii already has a successful program
- and the consequences for the future of health
care in this country would be devastating.
As much as one-third of the American populace
is unable to afford health insurance. Some 40
million Americans are unable to afford basic health
care. A popular misconception is that these health
insurance programs only aid the unemployed,
elderly, and homeless. In truth, universal health
care programs always benefit the working poor,
who are ineligible for Medicare/Medicaid benefits
-- both of which are already incredibly
scrap prototype health plan
Every western industrialized nation has univer-
sal health or health insurance programs except for
the United States and South Africa, and every
program has - when given proper funding -
proven to be effective. Canada, England, Sweden,
Germany, and Hawaii have all shown the benefits
of health care for the working poor.
The United States' population of 250 million is,
understandably, an intimidating obstacle to tackle.
But the moral and societal obligation to guarantee
the right to good health demands that the United
States take immediate steps toward creating a
national health care system.
Opponents of health care programs cite the long
lines people will have to face for medical attention.
But someone waiting in line for medical attention
is far better off than someone with no hope of any
medical attention. Opponents also argue that nation-
wide health insurance will hurt businesses. No one
can deny that the implementation of state and
federal health-care plans will not be an economic
challenge. No one ever said that progress is pain-
less. The emancipation of the slaves was not
painless. The fight for civil rights in the fifties and
sixties was certainly not painless. Today we fight
for the basic right to health care, and it won't be
Gov. Weld is not aware of the consequences of
the precedent he is eager to set. If the Massachu-
setts bill is killed, the progress of national health
insurance programs may be set back decades.
Where will those 40 million unprotected Americans
go then for health care? Unfortunately, because of
Gov. Weld, not Massachusetts.
Robert Vire
LSA first-year student
Robert Green
RC first-year student
Today's anti-Zionists are the new fascists
Last Friday, during an anti-Zi-
onist protest on the Diag, several
speakers denounced the national
liberation movement of the Jewish
One of
the speak-
ers, Dr.
S a m i
"Judaism is
a religion
from G-d,
is apolitical
by secular
Jews." For
The Daily encourages responses from its readers. Letters should
be 150 words or less and include the author's name, year in
school, and phone number. They can be mailed to The Michigan
Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, 48109, or they can be sent via
MTS to "The Michigan Daily." The Daily reserves the right to
edit letters for style and space.
independent state. Anti-Zionists
deny Jews the right to live as a free
sovereign nation in their homeland.
They aim for the destruction of Is-
rael, the one permanent haven for
allJews. Anti-Zionist nations refuse
to recognize Israel,expressing their
sentiment with boycotts, military
action, terror-
ism, and at-
tempts to
Israel in the
United Na-
tions, culmi-
nating in a
1975 resolu-
tion equating
Zionism with
racism. Sena-
tor Moynihan,
then the U.S. ':
Ambassador to-
-the United Na-
tions, said, "It 'All those con
was not Zion- raise their han
catures of Jews to represent Zion-
ists in the press.
Interestingly, several of the
Middle East nations who are quick
to denounce Zionism took in Nazis
after the Holocaust. Iraq and Egypt
gave shelter to these war criminals,
and consulted them on how to deal
."r with their
Jewish popu-
lations. These
- nations alsodo
..t tto emigrate
and condemn
Q them to second
class status.
Not all
criticism of Is-
rael is anti-
Zionist. All
states deserve
some scrutiny.
It is the criti-
mning Zionism calattacksthat
try to injure
and delegitimize Israel that is the
quintessence of anti-Zionism.
Almost two millennia ago, Jews
were forcediut of Israel. Although
Nuts and Bolts
millennia, when Jews prayed, they
faced Jerusalem and prayed to re-
turn to Israel. To think that there is
no basis for Zionism in Judaism is
incorrect and dangerous.
The book The New Fascist states that
an central element of fascism is to
"make some ethnic minorities non-
nations, to destroy their sense of
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by Judd Winick
ism that was condemned at the
United Nations. It was Israel, and
notthe stateof Israel nearly so much
c the cani;rnnne ofrela ne a