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March 27, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-27

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Ooooh, rock me,
Don Giovanni.
Page 7.


Thunderstorms likely;
High: 73, Low: 45.
Chance of rain;
High: 60, Low: 36.

Since 1890
Vol. Cl, No. 120 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 27, 1991hchign Di

may pay
for grant
by Bethany Robertson
Daily Government Reporter
When letters notifying grant
money would be withheld appeared
in the mailboxes of Michigan
Scholarship recipients last week,
effects of the state budget crunch
struck home.
An estimated 2,380 University
students will be affected by the
state's decision to reduce funding
for the competitive scholarships due
to state-level financial difficulties.
"The reimbursement the
University will get for the awards
will be $15 less per student," said
Todd Hubers, assistant director of
the University Office of Financial
University officials are still dis-
cussing how the state refund will be
*0 "We haven't decided yet how
that will be handled at the
University of Michigan," said
Judith Harper, associate director of
the Office of Financial Aid.
Office of Financial Aid adminis-
trators are debating several possible
solutions, Hubers said, including
billing students for the extra cost
or having the University pay the ad-
ditional fees. If the University re-
imburses the state, students' grants
will not be affected.
"I don't know how strong a pos-
sibility that is at this point,"
See GRANT, Page 3

to detei
by Jay Garcia
Daily MSA Reporter
It's still not too late to vote
in Michigan Student Assembly
elections, but time is quickly run-
ning out. Today - the last day of
voting - will decide the execu-
tive leadership that runs MSA for
the next year.
Between 3,000 and 3,500 stu-
dents cast ballots in the first day
of voting said MSA Elections
Director Tim Pope.
There are five parties vying for
the executive assembly seats.
They are Common Sense,
Conservative Coalition, Empha-
sizing Student Power, the Anti-
Imperialist Action Caucus party,
and the independents.
Elections started yesterday
with polling sites operating into
the night at several locations
throughout the University.
Although statistics on voter
turn-out are not yet available,
some shared their thoughts on
why they took the time to vote.
"It's called politics. My
friend is running. He asked me to
vote for him. I said 'not a prob-
lem,"' said Chrystan Carlton, an
LSA junior who voted last night
on the ground floor of the
Michigan Union.
"Well, the reasons I person-
ally am voting is because this is
one of the few opportunities I
have to have a say in the decision-
making process at this school,"



said LSA junior Chris Gottlieb.
"I really don't think that the
typical student at Michigan
knows the necessity for their par-
ticipation in this process. I don't
think they actually understand
the power that they actually do
have," Gottlieb added.
One sophomore in the School
of Nursing who refused to give
her name said she voted for
Conservative Coalition candi-
dates all the way down. "My
MS lte Ions'91
school isn't properly represented
(in MSA) so I'm voting for the
person, hopefully, who will bring
it representation," she said.
Heather Lowman, an MSA of-
fice employee working at the
Unionrpolling site, assessed yes-
terday's voting. "It slowed down
over classes," she said. "We had a
very full ballot box when I came.
A lot of the people seem to amble
over to vote."
Some students also voiced
their apathy about the elections.
"If I happen to be right at a
polling site I'll vote but I'm
probably not going to go out of
my way to vote," said LSA
sophomore Nillie Gefen.

LSA senior David Barr and RC sophomore Julie Sissman vote yesterday in the first day of Michigan Student
Assembly elections. Poll sites will be open through today.
Dolgon resigns assembly,
cites attacks on character

by Julie Foster
Daily MSA Reporter
Corey Dolgon, who has led
campus protests ranging from
anti-deputization, to anti-war, to
the Graduate Employees
Organization movement, resigned
from the Michigan Student
Assembly last night.
Dolgon referred to a recent
letter describing him as "scum"
as the last straw in his decision to

resign from the assembly.
Conservative Coalition candidate
(CC) Serge Elnitsky wrote the
letter and distributed it to
graduated students in the math
Dolgon said since the letter be-
gan circulating, he has received
four prank phone calls. He said
two of the callers screamed,
laughed and hung up, and the two

others wanted to debate issues
with him. One caller claimed to
be following Dolgon around
campus. The callers refused to
identify themselves.
Dolgon said he doesn't want
people to connect the issues he
stands for with the negative criti-
cism he has received.
"Look at the things we've been
See MSA, Page 2

GEO to vote on
*work stoppage

by Stefanie Vines
Daily Faculty Reporter
Members of the Graduate
Employees Organization (GEO)
will vote today through Friday on a
ballot which asks whether or not
GEO members should authorize the
steering committee to call for a one-
day work stoppage April 4.
The ballot proposal was passed
at a GEO membership meeting last
night. The results of the vote will
be tallied Saturday.
The current GEO contract has
been extended from March 1 to
Friday, March 29.
Negotiations between GEO and
the University continue this after-
noon at 4:30.
Alan Zundel, the spokesperson
for the bargaining team, said
"Colleen Dolan-Greene (a
University bargainer) is trying to
get people scared about going on
Zundel discussed two bargaining
strategies for continued negotia-
tions with the University in re-
sponse to Dolan-Greene.
The first option was to hold the
line and make little movement on
the issues being debated right now.
Zundel said the advantages of
this strategy were that it "shows
determination" and gives the bar-
gaining team time to organize.
He said disadvantages include:
negotiations dragging on longer,
people getting tired of the issues
and the possibility that GEO would
appear "unreasonable."

The second option Zundel dis-
cussed was to challenge the
University by dropping most issues
and insisting on a few key demands.
Members voted to remain with
the first bargaining strategy, though
it was suggested they might make
more concessions after a possible
work stoppage.
Mike Kasura, a member of the
bargaining team, said the real issue
was how to mobilize members to
take action.
"The real point is to figure out
how to best harm the University
and to effect them to change. We
will show them we can disrupt
their activities until we get a good
contract," he said.
The issues on the table include:
a 10-term rule which limits
the amount of time TAs can work at
the University;
e the GEO proposal for a 9 per-
cent salary increase over the next
two years;
a cost-of-living-adjustment
relative to the rate of inflation;
pay for designated, representa-
tives (stewards) in each department
who promote GEO events;
summer health benefits;
U additional child care benefits;
a sliding pay scale;
class size limits of 20
students, and;
mandatory TA training pay.
- GEO will not consider dropping
demands for third-party arbitration
See GEO, Page 2

'U' Pres.
on tuition
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
University President James
Duderstadt - one of six state uni-
versity presidents to testify before
the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on Higher Education
yesterday in Lansing - promised to
attempt to keep tuition hikes to a
single-digit percentage increase this
University Vice President for
Government Relations Richard
Kennedy, who heard Duderstadt's
testimony, said, "The President
tried to explain the importance of
understanding education as an in-
vestment for the state as opposed to
an expenditure."
Duderstadt was unavailable for
Chair of the Subcommittee
Morris Hood (D-Detroit) said he
believed that universities should
hold tuition increases down because
higher education is the only major
area in state government which will
not be cut next fiscal year.
In response to such criticism,
Kennedy said Duderstadt empha-
sized other benefits - such as re-
search - the state accrues with in-
creased higher education spending.
"Education spending is really an
investment in the future of the
See TUITION, Page 2

We have it covered...
First-year students Brian Lewis and Randi Sklar use the Daily as a substitute umbrella, if nothing else, in front
of Mrs. Peabody's Cookies yesterday.
Soviet demonstrations planned

despite G(
MOSCOW (AP) - Kremlin au-
thorities put up concrete barriers
yesterday atboth ends of Red Square
to enforce Mikhail Gorbachev's
three-week ban on rallies, but radi-
cals scoffed at the order and planned
even bigger demonstrations.
A decision Monday by
Gorbachev's Cabinet to ban all
demonstrations and marches until
April 15 triggered fears of a major

)rbachev' s rally ban

confrontation on the city's streets.
Soviet Prime Minister Valentin
Pavlov said the ban was meant to
prevent violence during an extraor-
dinary session of the Russian
Federation parliament that opens
tomorrow. Pavlov has ordered the
military, the KGB and other agen-
cies to enforce the order.
Hard-liners intend to expose
parliament leader, Boris Yeltsin,

Gorbachev's archfoe, to a no-confi-
dence vote. Gorbachev lent support
to the dump-Yeltsin move in an in-
terview over national television
Earlier yesterday, Gorbachev de-
creed that the Interior Ministry ex-
ercise direct control over the capi-
tal's police force, increasing his
power to enforce the ban on
See SOVIET, Page 2

Third ward incumbent Meade faces wide range of rivals

by Lynne Cohn
Daily City Reporter
Ann Arbor's third ward is busy
this electoral season as four candi-
dates compete for one city council
9:.. Thrd a :-n.nmhant n Pmrv,.r

recent council ideas for solid waste
"We have adopted a comprehen-
sive recycling ordinance," he said.
"What we need in addition is a full-
service recovery MRF (materials
,~ar n ril;ity) "

and a professor of mechanical engi-
neering at Lawrence Technological
University, disagrees.
"The present plan for getting rid
of solid waste is badly flawed," he
said. "There is no reason that solid
wane remova1 in Ann Arhnr shon1d

"the big picture."
"I am in favor of (city services)
remaining a municipal project be-
cause a lot of people would be out
of work," she said, "not to mention
it would be breaking a contract. We
mrake the anrhanor "

hope the Green party can earn ballot
status for the next election.
Barry is interested in "getting
the cost of running this city under
control. It is not acceptable to have
an increase in taxes and a decrease in
citv services"

"A lot of people have com-
mented on my comprehension to ar-
ticulate the issues," he said.
"(Barry) has not had experience. I
have the impression that he brings
an angrv taxnaver's anroach."

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