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March 11, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-03-11

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The Michigan Daily -Monday, March 11, 1991 - Page 3

i k

by Jeannie Lurie


Election court
finds MSA party
guilty of violation

~d. e

The man speaking in MLB Au-
ditorium Three bulged his eyes,
stretched his mouth, winced,
growled, grunted, and pretended to
smash a beer can into his forehead.
The man was not trying to im-
press his audience, he was telling
them how to change their lives,
and they were listening.
Dr. Will Keim, professor at
Oregon State University and a
popular speaker on Greek issues,
addressed more than 500 members
of the University Greek system
Saturday afternoon as the keynote
speaker of the first University
Greek Leadership Conference.
The conference was organized
by the presidents' Committee on
Greek Education (PCGE), a group
of ten fraternity and sorority presi-
dents. "(We) got together because
we didn't feel like we were done
yet," said Engineering senior Scott
Stenman, former president of Delta
Tau Delta. "We wanted to do one
last thing for the Greek system."
Stenman, along with LSA se-
niors Katie Fagan of Sigma Kappa
and Lisa Gifford of Alpha Chi
Omega, coordinated the confer-
Through one and a half hours of
anecdotes, antics, and acting,
Keim suggested that students
could rid the nation of major soci-
etal problems by first eliminating
them from the Greek system.
Keim, a minister and member
of Delta Upsilon fraternity, pro-
posed several changes.

by Julie Foster
Daily MSA Reporter
The party is over for Michigan
Student Assembly's slate of Reac-
tion candidates.
In an election court hearing held
Saturday to determine whether two
parties - Reaction and the Anti-Im-
perialist Action Caucus (AIAC) -
met election requirements, the Reac-
tion party was found in violation of
the guidelines detailed in MSA's
Compiled Code.
The AIAC was cleared of charges.
According to the current election
code, each party must have a mini-
mum of five candidates from three or
more different schools within the
But this semester, party candi-
dates received a copy of the old elec-
tion code, which stated the require-
ments as a minimum of three candi-
dates from two or more different

The AIAC met the requirements
of the old code, with candidates
within both LSA and Rackham. The
Reaction party only has candidates
within LSA.
Election Court Chief Justice
Mike Troy explained the court's de-
cision. "We decided we couldn't re-
ally hold them (AIAC) to the higher.
standard. The Reaction party didrCrt
even meet the lower standard."
Reaction Presidential candidate
Conan Smith said his party was un-
aware of the exact meaning of "two
different schools."
"The discrepancy was that we
considered RC (Residential College)
a school," he said.
Smith said he will make an index
pendent bid for president and othep
Reaction candidates will run inde.!:
pendently if they cannot run as a:o

First-year student Tina Casanova, a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, reads her Greek leadership information packet
Saturday morning in the Modern Language Building Auditorium waiting for the guest speaker to arrive.

He urged Greeks to strive for
multiculturalism. "Wouldn't it be
great if we could eliminate racism
and then turn around "and demand
it from our Congress?" Keim
He also stressed using free time
to study. Keim suggested going to
the library during the day instead
of watching soap operas. "I'll tell
you what's going to happen,"
Keim said, "Erica's going to lay
everyone on All My Children."
Keim condemned hazing. "If
you have to ask if it's hazing, it is.
If you allow yourself to be hazed
it's because you have low self-es-
teem," he said.
Keim also criticized alcohol
and drug abuse because they dis-
tort judgment. "If you have prob-

lems when you drink, you're a
problem drinker," Keim said. He
added, "When was the last time
you saw any of your friends who
weren't stoned eat a five-pound
block of cheese?"
Saving the topic of sex for last,
Keim pointed to three empty seats
near the front. "Their ancestors
forgot to have sex," he said. Keim
asked students who have sex to act
After Keim's speech, students
chose among several smaller dis-
cussion sections run by seventeen
University and visiting speakers.
Topics ranged from "Team Build-
ing" to "What Women Really
Roland Loup, Organizational
Consultant at Dannemiiller Tyson

Associates, spoke on leadership
styles and team building. "Our
tendency is to beat each other up
when (leadership styles) are not
alike, and I want to show that we
need all kinds," Loup said.
LSA sophomore and Chi
Omega member Kristen Laham
said, "The little sessions helped
because we could ask specific
questions about our chapter."
Ken Kelly and Mary Beth
Seiler, Interfraternity Council and
Panhellenic Association advisors,
were pleased with the results of
the conference. "The quality of
faculty speaking is r amazing,"
Kelly said. "We got virtually all
our first choices. These people are
just the best around."

Meisel dead at 90, University to
by Andrew Levy concerned kids at the University, to


University Professor Emeritus
James Hans Meisel died March 2 in
Bellevue, Washington, after a short
Meisel taught in the University's
Political Science Department for 27
years, from 1945 to 1971, during
which time he became one of the
campus' most popular and influen-
tial professors.
"For generations of politically

talk to and work with Jim Meisel
was a great privilege," said Univer-
sity Regent Philip Power (D-Ann
Arbor), a former student of Meisel's.
In addition to his teaching and re-
search, Meisel served as an advisor
to the Russian student program and
was one of the pioneers in the Resi-
dential College program.
A memorial service for Meisel
will be announced later this spring.


'U' hosts graduate women's

studies conference

by Jami Blaauw
Daily Staff Reporter
Graduate students from across the
nation gathered at the University this
weekend for the Eighth Annual Na-
tional Graduate Women's Studies
Organized by Rackham graduate
students, the event provided a forum
for discussing women's and gender-
0 related topics in the humanities, so-
cial sciences, and natural sciences.
The conference featured panel and
special speakers.
"There was a lot of positive feed-
back from the participants all week-

end and there was a definite enthusi-
asm for all the speakers," said
Melanie Holcomb, program coordi-
nator and an Art History doctoral
This is the first year the Univer-
sity hosted the conference. In previ-
ous years, the conference was held at
Pennsylvania, Princeton, Yale, Rut-
gers, and Maryland.
At the panel discussions, more
than 200 graduate students presented
papers on 56 topics ranging from
working class women of the Great
Depression to psychoanalytic con-
structions of the body.

The conference also featured two
keynote speakers and a special per-
formance by actress Eleanor Antin
who portrayed a Black Russian balle-
Chandra Talpade Mohanty, an
assistant women's studies prof. at
Oberlin College, delivered a keynote
speech on culture and feminism.
Sandra Harding, a philosophy prof.
at the University of Delaware, ad-
dressed the topics of science and gen-,
der in her keynote address.
Saturday's events included an art
display of Middle Eastern women
and a book display featuring vol-

umes on feminist studies.
Kate Musgrave, publicity and
program coordinator for the confer-
'The conference was
extremely thought-
provoking and in-
-Laura Ahearn
Second-year Rackham
ence, said, "Everything went
smoothly and any problems were
minor and solvable. About 550
people attended and 100 were walk-

ins and we could accommodate all of
Laura Ahearn, a conference partic-
ipant and second-year Rackham stu-
dent said, "The conference was ex-
tremely thought-provoking and in-
vigorating. There was good interac-
tion and dialogue -and the keynote
speakers echoed the the questions
that had been debated all weekend. I
especially enjoyed the informal dis-
cussion before and after the events."
The conference coincided with the
University's Institute for the Hu-
manities year on the Histories of

Speakers discuss effects of war on people of color

*by Becca Donnenfeld
Daily Staff Reporter
"All that we have in this country
has blood on it... blood from people
of color," said law student Karima
Bennoune, one of two speakers who
discussed the Persian Gulf War as
part of International Women's Week
last Friday.
Bennoune, an Arab American,

discussed the effects of the war on
Arab American women. She, along
with Detroit resident Sharon Black-
man - who discussed the war from
the perspective of an African Ameri-
can woman - spoke to a crowd of
approximately thirty people.
Blackman said there was enough
inequality in America that "we didn't
have to go 8,000 miles to make the




world safe for democracy... all Bush
had to do was walk within five
blocks of the White House."
She believed that African Ameri-
cans had a unique perspective on the
war because of their history of slav-
"(African Americans) live in the
belly of hypocrisy. There's not an
absence of money in America (to
help the African Americans), but a
lack of political will," she said. "The
United States wants smart bombs,
not smart Black children."
"Every gun made in this country
signifies a theft from those who
hunger, those who have no shelter or
education. A Black man living in
Harlem has a lower life expectancy
than a man living in Baghdad."
She added, "Have a victory parade
in the inner city of Detroit... then
you'll see who won the war."

Bennoune described the attitude of
the United States army, "I aim,
'The United States
wants smart bombs,
not smart Black
- Sharon Blackman
Detroit resident
therefore you are a military target."
She began crying as she said, "Men
make bombs, men drop bombs, and
women try to protect the children."
She said she believes the re-
sponse of America to Iraqi casualties
was a clear example of American
racism. "We have become so used to
killing people of color that the Iraqi
people are invisible," she said.
Like Blackman, Bennoune said
U.S. policies were hypocritical. "If

the United States thinks invasions
are wrong, then why did we invade
Panama and Grenada?"
Bennoune described the actions of
the United States army as "medical
terrorism." She said death and disease
were rapidly spreading throughout
Iraq and medical supplies were
severely lacking.
To prove her point, Bennoune
listed the names of women and chil-
dren who were maimed or getting
amputations without anesthesia as a
result of war casualties.
She said, "We must not pledge
allegiance to the American flag, but
to the human race. We are all part of
the same family."
Bennoune jokingly referred to the
way Bush pronounces Saddam Hus-
sein's name. "It's 'Sa-dam', not
'Sad-am.' There should be a rule that
Americans cannot kill people whose
names they cannot pronounce."

Based on the Model of Dr. M. Scott
seck, Author of the Best Seller
from his Book
Drum .
Community is:
A group working in synergy
toward common goals,
An adventure into the possibilities
of being human,
An energetic and effective decision-
making body.
We seek to make community real.
Join us.
The Foundation for Community
Encouragement, Inc. invites you to attend a
April 3-7, 1991
9 a.mu.-5 p.m. each day
Sheraton University Inn,
Ann Arbor
$198 (no accomodations)
$288 (with accomodations)
Limited Scholarship Funds Available
Workshop Benefits
You will have the opportunity to:
w Experience the community
building process
"Understand the stages of
community building
" Discover the principles of
" Identify personal barriers
" Build specific communication
skills for effectively working
in groups
Questions? Need more information?
2 Free Public information Sessions
When: March 7, 11, 7:30 p.m.
Where:. Lord of Light Lutheran Church
Corner or Hill and S. Forest
For more information and

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Enact, weekly meeting. DANA Bldg.,
Rm. 1040,7:00.
People of Color Against War &
Racism, weekly meeting. West Engi-
neering, 1st floor Center for African &
Afro-American Studies Lounge, 5:00.
U of M Asian American Student
Coalition (UMAASC), weekly mtg.
Sexuality Workshop. E. Quad, rm 124,
7 p.m.
U of M Outing Club, mtg to discuss
upcoming trips. Union, Welker Rm, 8
"Solid State Nitrides: A Large
Family of Novel Solids," Frank
DiSalvo of Cornell University. Chem
Bldg, rm 1640,4 p.m.
Drew Westen presents his ideal last
lecture. Rackham Aud, 8 p.m.
Geoffrey Fieger, attorney for Dr.
Jack Kevorkian. Hutchins Hall, rm
100, 6:15.
"Can God Intervene?" Arno Preller.
Union, Pendleton Rm, 7:30.
1u. .4k arvnr "

service. Functions Sun.-Thurs. 8-1:30
am., Fri.-Sat. 8-11:30. Call 763-
WALK or stop by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors available
to help with your papers Sun.-Thurs.,
Angell/Haven Computing Center, 7-
11:00 p.m.; 611 Church Street Com-
puting Center, Tue. and Thurs. 7-11:00
p.m., Wed. 8-10:00. p.m.
U of M Shorin-Ryu Karate-do Club.
For info call 994-3620. Every Monday,
CCRB, Small Gym, 8-9:00.
U of M Tae Kwon Do Club. Every
Monday, CCRB Martial Arts Rm., 7-
U of M Ninjitsu Club, Monday prac-
tice. Call David Dow (668-7478) for
info. I.M. Bldg., Wrestling Rm., 7-
Free Tax Preparation. Sponsored by
VITA until April 15. Union, floor, 9-5.
The Yawp literary magazine.
Submissions accepted until 3/22 in
the box at 1210 Angell.
Winter Writer Series, weekly event.
Guild House, 802 Monroe, 8:30.
Resumes: When You Think You
Have No Experience. Career
Planning and Placement, rm 1, 4:10-

'U critique to be topic of essay contest.

by Ken Walker
Daily Staff Reporter

An LSA student government-
sponsored essay contest is calling
for undergraduates to "choose any
specific function or area of the
University and explain why it is
inadequate or ineffective," and to
propose a specific plan to correct
the problem.
The Undergraduate Perspective,
as the contest is titled, is
"basically an effort to find out
what... undergraduate students
don't like about the University,"
said LS A Student Representative

in tune with the needs, concerns,
and wants of students," Eleveld
First prize is $200
awarded to the best
essay submitted. Two
second prizes will be
Essays submitted for the contest
can address any issue. "Hopefully,
if we can get in mind some of the

them into consideration in our
daily workings... we can actually
set up certain things or fund
certain things that will work
toward those issues," she said.
First prize in the contest is
$200, awarded to the best essay
submitted. Two second prizes will
be awarded, one to a first- or sec-
ond-year student, and the other to
a third- or fourth-year student. Es-
says will be judged by English
Composition TAs.
Applications for the contest can
be picked up at 224 Mason Hall




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