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February 22, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-02-22

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Students are
falling ... and they
can't get up.
Page 4.


Partly sunny, brisk;
High: 39, Low: 16.
Increasing cloudiness;
High: 30, Low: 24.

Since 1890
rCopyright 1991
Vol. Cl, No. 102 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday,February 22,1991 The Michigan Daiy

'U' lights up
Diag nights,
campus ihfe
by Tami Pollak
Daily Crime Reporter
Although spring sunlight lit up the Diag yester-
day afternoon, a Detroit Edison crew worked dili-
gently to repair burnt-out lights by the Chemistry
Building before nightfall.
"If we get a failure today, we want those lights
repaired no later than tomorrow. If it's in a dark
place, we want them repaired today," said Jim Al-
mashy, General Foreman of the University electric
The University began improving campus lighting
two years ago, with the bulk of construction occur-
ing last summer. Last December, a letter to students
from University President James Duderstadt saidr
improving lighting would be one step taken to im-
prove campus safety.
The University depends on students and faculty
to report burnt-out lights and dark spots on campus.
"We've begun a campus number, 762-4800, that
people can call to tell us when a light's out'or about.
a dangerous place on campus," Almashy said.
The Diag's white globe lights are connected to
one circuit, so if it fails, over 80 lamps lose power.
"We decided to install large lights on central
campus buildings like the new Chemistry Building
and the UGLi, so even if the Detroit Edison circuit
burns out, things will be fairly bright," Almashy
"We also aimed lights to highlight the emer-
gency kiosks, so that if those lights go out, you can
still see the phone," Almashy said.
Central campus now has about 40 emergency
kiosk telephones directly connected to the Depart-
ment of Safety and Security .
University project engineer Thomas Boyle said
the University plans to double the number of emer-
gency phones, especially on North Campus.

Iraq agrees
to conditions
of Soviet plan

Associated Press
Sounds of war thundered up and
down the tense Persian Gulf battle
line yesterday when word of possible
peace came from a midnight meeting
in Moscow.
The Iraqi foreign minister met
with Mikhail S. Gorbachev to de-
liver a reply to the Soviet president's
peace plan, and it was announced af-
terward that Iraq and the Soviet
Union have agreed on steps that
could lead to an Iraqi withdrawal
from Kuwait and an end to the Per-
sian Gulf War, a Kremlin spokesper-
son said early today.
The Kremlin spokesperson,
Vitaly Ignatenko, made the
announcement after more than two
hours of talks between President
Mikhail S. Gorbachev and Iraq's
foreign minister, Tariq Aziz, on the
terms of a Soviet peace plan
proposed earlier this week.
Ignatenko said the two sides
agreed on eight points, starting with
Iraqi agreement to a full and uncondi-
tional withdrawal from Kuwait.
The pullout would be monitored
by the United Nations, he said.
"The response is positive," Ig-
natenko told reporters immediately
after the meeting, which began
shortly after midnight. "The two
parties came to the conclusion that it
is possible to find a way out of the
military conflict in the gulf."

In Washington, presidential
spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater, said
Bush had no immediate response,
and would be studying the plan.
However, Fitzwater said the United
States had concerns about aspects of
the agreement.
"The war itself continues,"
Fitzwater added. "There's no change
at this point in our prosecution of
the war."
The pullout would begin two
days after a cease-fire, and would be
monitored under U.N. auspices by
countries not directly involved in the
month-old Gulf War, Ignatenko said.
Iraq also agreed to release all
prisoners of war immediately after
the cease-fire, the spokesperson
added. He said details of the plan
would be worked out and presented
to the U.N. Security Council later
Gorbachev spoke to Bush- by
telephone shortly after the meeting
with Aziz. Bush had previously said
the Soviet plan was not acceptable,
although he said he was encouraged
by the possibility of talks about
Fitzwater said Gorbachev and
Bush spoke for just over 30 min-
utes. He said Bush thanked Gor-
bachev "but raised serious concerns-
about several points in the plan."
He didn't elaborate about which
See IRAQ, Page 2

Mike Bickley, left, and Glenn Roy of Corby Energy Service fill the hole they dug in order to fix
the faulty cable in a light fixture next to the Chemistry Building.


Students disagree over 'U' role in assault prevention
by Purvi Shah
Daily Staff Reporter the University's duty to keep the don't think it's the University's job ducive to learning," she added, ecutive Director of University Re- feel and the fears studen
The atmosphere surrounding the campus safe. "It should be a given or responsibility to do anything "Physical safety is a basic thing. lations. "We can do a lot more in she said. "Their priorities

ts have,"
s are dif-

threat of sexual assault on campus
has ameliorated, say University
community members, though there
is disagreement on what role the
University should play in improv-
ing the situation.
"Quite honestly, compared to
Ohio State, Michigan is doing
great in terms of campus safety,"
said LSA senior Sue Kane, a
member of the Jewish Feminists'
Kane, however, also feels it's

that there's lighting on campus. I
shouldn't have to applaud the Uni-
versity for that," Kane said. "Any
steps that the University takes is to
make things normal - not amaz-
However, first-year LSA student
Jamie Bowef said sexual assault
prevention should not be a central
concern of universities.
"I don't think that anything they
do can prevent it. No one can pre-
vent it anywhere," Bowef said. "I

about it. It's an educational institu-
tion, not a sexual assault preven-
tion institution."
Conversely, Kane believes sex-
ual assault prevention is every-
one's problem - including the
University. "When you have a
structural situation where women
are in danger of rape anytime that
isn't an individual matter," she
said. "That doesn't mean no one
should take responsibility."
"Being paralyzed is not con-

It's their responsibility and our re-
Bowef gave mixed reviews of
the SAPAC Sexual Assault
Awareness program he attended
last night. "I really didn't get that
much out of the program," he said,
"The good thing I got out of it was
what to do if something happened
or if f saw something happening."
The best thing the University
can do is educate the community,
commented Walter Harrison, Ex-

the field of education and we still
intend to do a lot more with light-
ing and phones and transportation,
but all of these have a cost, so it's
going to take a while," he said.
The University is unable to re-
late to students' concerns to effec-
tively solve problems, Kane said.
"SAPAC does a really good job
with what they have. In terms of
administrators, I think some people
are trying to be sensitive, but I
don't think they know how students

ferent from the student priorities,P
and that's a problem."
Harrison agreed students are
sometimes better equipped to
solve problems. "One of the really
valuable things about SAPAC is
that they involve students. You've
more energy - in some ways
you're smarter about educating
students than the administration,"
Harrison said.
While Ron Whalen, SAPAC
See STUDENTS, Page 2


ROTC fearless of
anti-war violence

by Marc Ciagne
Daily Staff Reporter

Despite last month's spray
painting of Navy Reserve Officer
Training Program (NROTC) vans,
ROTC members say they don't an-
ticipate widespread protests
against the campus military unit
similar to those during the Viet-
nam War.
Lt. Col. William Gregor, chair
of the Army Officer Education
Program at the University, said he
has heard of a few reports of minor
attacks on ROTC on other cam-
puses, but nothing as extreme as
the actions taken during the Viet-
nam War. "I really don't see the
Vietnam scenario being replayed,"
he said.
The Plexiglass windows in
North Hall installed in response to
the Vietnam War's anti-ROTC
protests remind current cadets of
past anti-war violence. In the first
half of 1970, anti-war protesters
firebombed over 30 ROTC build-
ings on college campuses across

the country to protest the escala-
tion of the Vietnam War.
At Ohio State in 1970, seven
people were shot and 30
policemen and 20 students were
injured in a confrontation between
ROTC cadets and protesters.
I find it hard to
believe that ROTC
could be kicked off
campus. I think the
campus is too
conservative now for
things like that to
- Brian Parillo
senior ROTC cadet
In April 1972, University of
Michigan students broke into the
ROTC building and ransacked
offices, destroying equipment files
and setting several small fires.
See ROTC, Page 5

late rally
by Phil Green
Daily Basketball Writer
It's one thing to have a walk-on
in the starting lineup. It's quite an-
other when, at 6-foot-5, he com-
prises your entire inside offensive
Last night, with Eric Riley at
home attending his grandmother's
funeral, the Michigan men's bas-
ketball team found itself in just
such a predicament with Freddie
Hunter responsible for all of its in-
terior offensive production.
Despite their depleted inside at-
tack, and a cold-shooting second
half, the Wolverines held on and
defeated Wisconsin, 65-62.
To the under-sized Wolverines'
advantage, it came down to the
guards. Michael Talley scored the
Wolverines' final six points, his
only points of the second half, to
give Michigan its final advantage.
At first, it appeared Riley's ab-
sence would decimate Michigan.

Third-year political science Rackham student John Guidry protests the war by picketing in front of the U.S.
Navy recruiting center on E. Huron.

Student requests city inquiry into S. Quad sorority incident

! by David Rheingold

After campus security called tote

as black asses' and niggers',"

Arbor to warrant an investigation

Jernigan added that it was the first

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