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February 21, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-02-21

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Why E...
'U' mishandles
talks with TAs.
Page 4..


Partly sunny, mild;
High: 48, Low: 32.
Partly sunny, cooler;
High: 42, Low: 20.

Since 1890
Vol. Cl, No.101 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, February 21, 1991 Copyght
'The Michigan Daily
-'. -.1 _________ -r -A .



on Medicaid

silent on
peace plan
DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia (AP)
- A waiting world watched Bagh-
* dad and the bleak Arabian desert
yesterday - Baghdad for word on
peace, the desert for news of all-
out war.
American helicopters carried
off hundreds of Iraqi prisoners after
one action and Iraqi gunners ze-
roed in on a U.S. unit in another,
killing one American.
A key French lawmaker said
the Desert Storm allies would give
* Iraq until late today to respond to a
Soviet peace proposal, or face a
final offensive to drive its forces
from Kuwait.
Late yesterday, Baghdad radio
said Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz
would travel to Moscow "soon"
with the reply of President Saddam
and the rest of the Iraqi leadership
to the Soviet plan, believed to call
for an unconditional Iraqi with-
* drawal from Kuwait, coupled with
vague assurances that Saddam
could stay in power and the Pales-
tinian question would eventually
be addressed.
The U.N. secretary general,
Javier Perez de Cuellar, described
the initiative as a "historic oppor-
See WAR, Page 2

abortions reversed

LANSING, Mich. (AP) - An
appeals court decision throwing
out a ban on state-paid abortions
for poor women was hailed yester-
day by pro-choice forces, who said
it expanded state constitutional
protection for abortion.
The 2-1 ruling by the Michigan
Court of Appeals said the ban on
Medicaid-funded abortions vio-
lated women' s rights to privacy
and equal protection in the Michi-
gan Constitution. It said the state
constitution rights are broader than
those in the U.S. Constitution.
It also said the Michigan Con-
stitution protects the right to abor-
Sen. Lana Pollack (D-Ann Ar-
bor), a pro-choice advocate, said
for a poor woman, the cost of an
abortion is significant, even though
it might not seem like much to the
more affluent: "If you don't have
it, it's a gulf as wide as the
"I'm certainly pleased with the
decision," she said. "It's a recog-
nition of reality... The right to pri-
vacy should not be determined by
The ruling came on a suit
brought by the Michigan chapter of
the American Civil Liberties
Union on behalf of a 15-year-old

girl known as "Jane Doe" who was
gang-raped Jan. 15, 1989.
On Feb. 10, 1989, she asked the
Michigan Department of Social
Services to pay for an abortion,
because she and her family
couldn't afford the $1,000 proce-
dure.The agency refused because
of the ban that was approved by

voters in 1988.
The ban ended the spending of
about $6 million annually for some
18,000 abortions for poor women.
John Truscott, a spokesperson
for Gov. John Engler, said the gov-
ernor, who opposes abortion,
doesn't agree with the decision.

Decision spurs local activism

by Purvi Shah
Daily Staff Reporter
A month ago, on the 18th an-
niversary of Roe v. Wade, first-year
Residential College student Tina
Lison commented, "The majority
(of people) are pro-choice. This
campus needs to mobilize."
Yesterday's ruling by the
Michigan Court of Appeals over-
turning a ban on Medicaid-funded
abortions may be the impetus
needed to revitalize the pro-choice
movement, say campus pro-choice
"Unfortunately, part of the prob-
lem is the Michigan legislature is
so hostile," said U of M Pro-
choice Coalition member Jenny
Marx. "We're sending the message
that we're not going to let Michi-
gan Right to Life eventually stran-
gle the choice that is available for

Abortion will soon be a dy-
namic issue, Marx predicted.
"Especially with the parental con-
sent law coming into effect, it's
going to resuscitate the issue. It's
going to become a hot issue again
- especially if it goes to court."
Rae Ann Houbeck, Chair of
Right to Life of Washtenaw
County, agreed the abortion issue
will become prominent soon, since
pro-life groups plan to file an ap-
peal shortly.
"We're confident that the State
Supreme Court will overturn the
ruling, since the U.S.. Supreme
Court has already ruled that tax
dollars do not have to be used for
abortion," she said.
"It just means more time and
energy spent, which we're willing
See ABORTION, Page 2

Braving the elements
LSA first year student Scott Miner rides
front of Haven Hall yesterday.

through a large mud puddle in

'Woman sues 'U

by Laura DePompolo
Sylvia Hemminger, a former
Ann Arbor resident, is the first per-
son to sue the University of Michi-
gan Hospital's research clinic for a
breach of contract.
Hemminger claims University
researchers failed to follow their
own guidelines in an experimental

drug study performed in 1983. As a
result, Hemminger says she now
suffers from severe chronic head,
neck, and right arm pain, despite
eight subsequent operations.
Rigid guidelines for the struc-
ture of the experiment, outlined in
the patient consent form, were sys-
tematically ignored, Hemminger

said. The experiment tested the ef-
fects of clonidine, a drug used to
lower blood pressure for diabetics.
Hemminger, who is not a dia-
betic, said she volunteered for the
experiment to make a little extra
The University originally sought
judgement in its favor on the

grounds t
tual docui

for drug experiment
hat the "alleged contrac- the agreement out of the Statute of believes Hemminger's versi
ment does not contain the Frauds." the case is inaccurate.

on of

necessary elements of a contract
and that it is violative of the
Statute of Frauds," according to
court documents.
But the court denied the Uni-
versity's request and ruled that the
consent form "is sufficient to take

A pre-trial hearing is scheduled
for next Monday and the trial is
scheduled for May 10.
University of Michigan Attor-
ney Edward Goldman declined
comment on the specifics of the
case, but he said the University

NORML plans
for 20th annual
.Diag Hash Bash

by Lynne Cohn
Daily City Reporter
Hemp can save the world, agreed
National Organization for the Re-
form of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
members at their monthly meeting
last night. They planned for the 20th
annual Hemp Tour (and Hash Bash)
rally April 6.
NORML's main goal is to con-
tinue the fight to legalize marijuana.
"The biggest issue for legaliza-
tion of hemp is for medicinal pur-
poses," said Thom Harris, NORML
coordinator. "It can help at least 20
different diseases: stimulate the ap-
petite for anorexics, reduce rigidity
in muscles for multiple sclerosis pa-
tients, relieve nausea in cancer pa-
tients, and open the bronchial tubes
for more air for asthmatics."
Hemp may be mentally addictive
for some people, Harris said, but not
An Ann Arbor ordinance, passed
April 1990, states that a first civil
infraction for possessing marijuana
results in a $25 fine, the second in a
$50 fine, and the third in no less
than a $100 fine. The previous ordi-

nance charged $5 for possession, re-
gardless of previous infractions.
NORML uses the Diag for its
annual rally because it is the
"famous free speech Diag," Harris
NORML was recently recognized
as a student organization, said group
Members expressed concern about
possible intervention from campus
"We will have to enact Operation
Decoy," said Rich Birkett, former
NORML coordinator, referring to
passing out legal cigarettes made
from a blend of leaves which smell
like marijuana.
Harris said Ann Arbor police
have not caused a problem in recent
years, though they have confiscated
NORML t-shirts because the group
did not have a license to sell them.
NORML took the case to court,
where it was dropped for fear of set-
ting a precedent in favor of
NORML, he added.
"Mostly code violations were is-
sued for disruption of traffic," said
See NORML, Page 2

AP Photo
A hard day's work
U.S. marines kick up dust as they disperse from a staging area in the Saudi Arabia desert. Marines continue
to prepare for an expected ground offensive against the Iraqi army.
State cuts force California
schools to raise tuition 40%

Hemminger said that when her
body did not respond normally to
the drug, the University violated
the consent form by increasing the
dosage of clonidine, a drug used to
lower the blood pressure.
for fight
by Jeni Durst
Daily Hockey Writer
Michigan hockey coach Red
Berenson and Michigan State coach
Ron Mason were issued one-game
suspensions by CCHA Commis-
sioner Bill Beagan during a hearing
yesterday afternoon. The disqualifica-
tions came as a result of the fight
between, the Spartans and the
Wolverines that concluded the first
period of the two squads' matchup at
Joe Louis Arena
Saturday night.
"The burden of
responsibility for
the conduct of y;
players falls
squarely on the .:>
shoulders of our
coaches," Beagan Berenson
said in a prepared
statement. "These suspensions are a
signal to everyone that we will not
tolerate further incidents of this
Berenson will join his six sus-
pended players in the standsduring
Friday's non-conference contest with
Kent State at Yost Arena. Mean-
while, Mason and five members of
his team will be absent from Michi-
gan State's home league game with
Illinois-Chicago, also on Friday
night. The coaches will be allowed
to attend the games, but are restricted
from going behind the bench.
Michigan Athletic Director Jack
Weidenbach supported the CCHA's

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Higher Education Reporter
The Board of Regents of the
University of California (UC) sys-
tem gave its students an unhappy
Valentine's Day this year.
On Feb. 14, the regents voted to
raise student tuitions next year by
40 percent.
The increase was the result of

extensive cuts in state funding for
the university system. The regents
asked California Governor Pete
Wilson for a $293.3 million in-
crease in funds but instead re-
ceived a $2.2 million dollar de-
crease in state support. This would
have left the university $295.5
million in debt if they did not raise
tuition to cover some of the loss.

The tuition increases will raise
in-state tuition $728 per semester,
from $1,820 to $2,548. Out-of-state
tuition will be raised by $1,282 per
semester. This will place tuition in
the UC system in the middle price
range of top quality public univer-
In a prepared press statement,
See TUITION, Page 2

by Purvi ShahT
Daily Staff Reporter T


groups seek to prevent sexual assault,


wo groups work to reach, support campus men

While the fear of sexual assault
is more pervasive among women,
men are increasing their efforts to
stop rape.
Two Sexual Assault Prevention

Rape is displayed at the far end
of the continuum of offensive be-
havior, Whalen said, noting that
the heart of the issue is, "Men's

rape and sexual assault.
Although it is a slow procedure,
SAPAC is committed to working
on reaching men, SAPAC Director
T~ - Ci.,-- :

disproportionate problem, unless
you're doing work to counteract
Whalen asserted that people

SAPAC suggests the men taKe
the following actions to stop rape:
confront men who use sexist
language or make jokes degrading
to women;
don't allow or commit psy-
chological rape, consisting of ver-
hal hannr~acmnt ,.1, i t. lr00cn a

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