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February 15, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-02-15

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Keeping the
Student Body fit.

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Cloudy, some flurries;
High:18, Low: 5.
Partly cloudy, frigid;
High: 22, Low: 3.

Since 1890
Copyright 01991
Vol. CI, No. 97 Ann Arbor, Michigan -- Friday, February 15, 1991 Thseihian al


on safety
Oby Sarah Schweitzer
Daily Administration Reporter
Of the four students chosen to
serve on the Campus Safety and
Security Committee, three have
mixed feelings about the Univer-
sity's deputized security force, and
one refused to comment.
The committee, which is made
up of four students, four faculty
members, and four staff members,
is responsible for overseeing and
advising the University administra-
tion on the implementation of the
12 recommendations made last
March by the Task Force on Cam-
pus Security and Safety. The depu-
tization of a campus police force
was among the recommendations.
Students selected for the
committee were first nominated
*through their school or college stu-
dent government, the Residence
Hall Association, Panhellenic, or
the Interfraternity Council (IFC)
and then interviewed by Assistant
to the Provost Kay Dawson.
LSA junior and committee
member Jennifer Eshelman said
Dawson asked her no specific
questions regarding her opinion on
deputization during the interview,
but rather focused on her back-
ground and her concerns about
campus safety issues.
"They weren't fishing for our
ideas on that issue
(deputization)," she said.
Eshelman said her own feelings
on deputization are mixed. Having
See MEMBERS, Page 2

furor fails to
halt air raids

Alissa Leonard, president of the Family Housing Residents Council, addresses a crowd during a meeting
discussing a report on radioactive waste sites near Northwood Apartments. The meeting was held last night
at the community center on North Campus.
b lowmlevel waste dump
by Laura DePompolo mental Heath, listed several rea- reconstructing the existing build-

DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia (AP)
- From the Kuwait coast to cen-
tral Iraq, U.S. and allied pilots con-
tinued their bombing of Iraqi tar-
gets yesterday, unimpeded by the
international furor over the Bagh-
dad bunker tragedy.
The U.S. command, in response
to the death of hundreds of civil-
ians in Wednesday's Baghdad
bombing, said it was looking for
new ways to limit such casualties.
The air war appeared to have
made major progress. The com-
mand said one-third of Iraq's tanks
and artillery in the battle zone
have now been destroyed.
Strategists are believed to be
shooting for 50-percent destruction
before ordering the ground assault.
The commander of British forces
in the Persian Gulf, Lt. Gen. Sir
Peter de la Billiere, told reporters
yesterday there are already
"proposed dates" for the offensive.
Two crew members of a U.S.
Air Force EF-111 were killed when
their plane went down in northern
Saudi Arabia, apparently after be-
ing damaged in combat. A British
Tornado bomber was lost while at-
tacking Iraqi airfields. Its two crew
members were listed as missing.
Body after body was pulled in
grisly procession from the rubble of
the underground structure bombed
by U.S. warplanes early Wednes-
day, while it was crowded with
civilians seeking refuge from air

The Iraqis said it was only a
civilian bomb shelter. But U.S. of-
ficials said they had indisputable
evidence, from radio intercepts,
reconnaissance photos, and other
sources, that the concrete facility
was being used as a military
command-and-control center. They
said they were unaware it harbored
any civilians.
Outside specialists said they
believed it might actually have
been a two-level, dual-use bunker.
The death toll remained uncer-
tain, in part because workers still
had not reached all areas of the
shattered structure.
Civil defense officials esti-
mated more than 500 died, mostly
women and children. A mortuary
director said 288 bodies had been
removed, including 91 children,
CNN's Peter Arnett reported. Re-
porters at the scene counted at
least 40 corpses, many decapitated
or missing limbs, extricated over
one 90-minute period yesterday.
Just a few hundred yards from
the ruins, 5,000 mourners marched
to the neighborhood cemetery to
bury some of the dead, in Iraqi
flag-draped coffins lowered into a
mass grave.
Later, speaking to reporters, the
Iraqi information minister, Latif
Jassim, delivered a more official
condemnation of the U.S. presi-
dent: "We are told that Hitler
burned the Jews. Now Bush is
burning Iraqi children."

The Family Residents Housing
Council debated with University
officials and representatives of the
NUS Corporation last night as they
reviewed the findings of the recent
risk assessment study for the low-
level radioactive waste site on
North Campus.
Many residents are confused
and angry with the University's re-
fusal to explore alternative waste
Kenneth Schatzle, director of
Occupational- Safety and Environ-

sons why the University feels thati
North Campus is the best site,
such as its proximity to the Uni-
versity, it is easier to manage and
control the facility because of its
proximity, and it can be easily re-
viewed by faculty, staff and stu-
One resident who withheld her+
name said the University was orig-1
inally in favor of the North Cam-
pus site because it was cheaper.
She said that the University
claimed it could save money by

She added that with the many
recommendations which were
made in the NUS study, she feels
the University is being unrealistic
in estimating the total cost of re-
The study listed several rec-
ommendations about how to make
the site safer for residents.
Lisa Sorenson, who lives on
Stone Drive, said the University
should be more concerned about
See SITE, Page 2

*Cops crack down
on fake i.d. usage
by Lynne Cohn
Daily City Reporter than throw someone out, we'

Students rally on
Diag in support of
gay, lesbian rights


Ann Arbor police are trying a prosecute them."
new way of stopping under-age "The police are starting to
drinking - cracking down on fake crack down a lot more on under-
i.d.s. age drinking," said Kevin Carroll,
The recent crackdown encour- bar manager at O'Sullivan's on S.
ages students to reconsider their University. "They are policing bars
"perceptions of rules to follow and more. They never used to really do
responsible consumption of alco- anything."
hol," said Lt. John Atkinson, sec- Atkinson said another depart-
tion commander in the Ann Arbor ment program aims at cutting
Police Department Detective Divi- down on drunk driving, fights, de-
sion and officer in charge of alco- struction of property, and other
hol enforcement. damage involving intoxicated per-
Atkinson said fake i.d. usage sons.
also concern bar owners. The po- "The majority of stolen street
lice department had a meeting signs are taken by someone who
with Ann Arbor bar owners a few was drunk," he said.
weeks ago, expressing their sup- Police encourage bar owners to
port for bars which confiscate i.d.s. prosecute fake i.d. users. Under the
"We have made it clear to the Server Intervention Project, the po-
bar that we will respond to a lice push servers of alcohol to be
complaint of (someone) using selective and not serve a person
false i.d.s," Atkinson said. "Rather See COPS, Page 2
Wolverines gear up
for series at The Joe


by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter

Music blared across the Diag
yesterday afternoon as approxi-
mately thirty University students
and Ann Arbor residents gathered
to support New Queer Agenda's
"Dance on the Diag."
New Queer Agenda (NQA) -
a group established last fall -
seeks to change regental bylaw
14.06 to include a clause
prohibiting discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation.
Members of the group said
they sponsored the event to
become more visible on campus
among students, faculty, and staff.
"We wanted to gain visibility.
It is an excuse to pass out flyers
and to show what New Queer
Agenda is all about," said LSA
junior Allison Van Norman.
The participants said they
wanted to send the administration
the message that they deserve the
same rights as other minority
groups included in the bylaw.
"Lesbians, gay men, and bi-
sexuals need the same rights as
everyone and we don't have

them," said Natural Resources
sophomore Jessica Belman.
LSA junior Matthew Porter
agreed. "We need to have the
same rights that other groups have
gotten. Homophobia is the only
reason the regents haven't granted
(equal rights) to gay men and les-
bians," he said.
Other students said lesbians,
gay men, and bisexuals deserved
to be included in the bylaw be-
cause they have not been granted
the same legal protection and
rights as other groups.
"The present policy is not
legally grounded. You can't take
someone to court and charge
them with discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation," said
LSA junior Michael McCoy. "We
hope to send a message that the
University is blatantly
discriminating on the basis of
sexual orientation."
Julie DeLaurier said student
support for NQA is "excellent."
"A variety of students have
been receptive to our cause and
have come out to support us,
she said.

by Dan Zoch
Daily Hockey Writer
When Darth Vader said to Ben
Obi Wan' Kenobi, "Now you are
* the servant and I am the master,"
he may well have been predicting
the role reversal that has occurred
between the Wolverine and Spar-
tan hockey teams in the past year.
This weekend, Michigan (23-4-
3 in the CCHA, 26-5-3 overall)
takes its 14-game winning streak
into a Joe Louis Arena showdown
with Michigan State (12-11-5, 15-
14-5). And for the first time in
mamnrv. the Wnlverinpe are

to this type of game," Michigan
coach Red Berenson said. "The
main reason to play there is to
give our fans a chance to see us
play Michigan State."
Playing at Joe Louis Arena
offers both teams an opportunity to
show off their talents to a larger
audience, as more than 10,000
tickets have been sold for each
night and Friday's game will be
televised live on PASS.
Both Michigan and Michigan
State have played hockey at The
Joe as recentlv a the Great Lakes

Rackham graduate student Patrice Maurer and undergraduate in
Womens' Studies Cindy Colen kiss yesterday during a dance on the Diag
organized by the New Queer Agenda.


University community split over bylaw change


by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
While a group of students re-
vived the fight to change regental
bylaw 14.06 to include lesbians,
gay males, and bisexuals, Univer-
sity administrators contend the.
change is unnecessary.
The bylaw, which governs
University policy, affirms a com-

tected by a 1984 presidential pol-
icy, issued by former University
President Harold Shapiro. The
policy states the University's
stance against discrimination on
the basis of sexual orientation in
educational and employment de-
University President James
Duderstadt reaffirmed this policy

Director of the Lesbian and Gay
Male Programming Office
(LGMPO) Billie Edwards.
Chair of the Study Committee
on the Status of Lesbians and Gay
Men Jayne Thorson said, "The ef-
fectiveness of a policy does not
depend on the policy itself but
depends on how it is implemented
and how it is enforced. The exist-

enforced. (The change in the by-
law) is a symbolic request, in
terms of actual enforcement there
isn't any difference," said Special
Assistant to the President Shirley
Many of the gay male and les-
bian groups have targeted Regent
Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) as
their primary opponent in chang-


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