groups to
speak at
by Chris Afendulis
Daily Staff Reporter
-' The campus dialogue on the
ersian Gulf War will continue
tonight at an Undergraduate Politi-
cal Science Association (UPSA)
forum featuring 12 different per-
spectives on the conflict.
The program will take place in
the Michigan Union Ballroom at
8:30 p.m., four weeks from the
ofiginal Jan. 15 deadline. Doors
will open to the public at 8 p.m.
. Twelve different groups ranging
prom the College Republicans to
the Friends of the Revolutionary
Workers League will speak at the
fdrum. Topics to be addressed in-
clude legitimacy of the Gulf War,
minorities in the military, and the
role of Israel.
'Other groups represented at the
forum include the Hillel Founda-
tion, College Democrats, the
United Coalition Against Racism
°&UCAR), the American Arab Anti-
Discrimination Committee, and
the two main campus organiza-
tions concerned with the conflict,
Students Against United States In-
tervention (SAUSI) and Support
Our Soldiers (SOS).
A group of 10 members from
J'SA planned the event, an idea
conceived about three weeks ago,
said Association President Alex
"Michigan has been a hotbed of
political fervor," said Koff, who
will mediate the forum. "We can
really harness that."
"It's going be an indicator for
student opinion across the nation,"
he added, explaining that Univer-
s4y activity on the war has
received national media attention.
He stressed the variety of views
*which will be presented, saying
tlie program includes "every single
perspective you can think of."
Koff also tried to set the forum
apart from previous events con-
cerned with the conflict. "The
teach-ins have been kind of bi-
ased," he said.
-When meeting with group lead-
ers to plan the event, Koff made
this concern clear. "I told them,
'Every view is valid - that's why
y6u're here."'
Koff also said the set-up of the
program would assure equal repre-
sentation of all views. Each group
wall speak for seven minutes,
which UPSA plans to enforce by
shutting off microphones if
A moderated question-answer
*session will follow - no group
will be allowed to dominate it,
Kpff said.
The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, February 12,1991- Page 3
South Quad residents
plagued by fire alarms
by Jeannie Lurie
Why are all of the South
Quaddies falling asleep in lectures
At 3 a.m. Friday night, students
awoke to a false fire alarm for the
18th time this year. Though false
alarms are not new to South Quad,
they have occurred more this year
than any other.
"This is by far the worst year. I
go to sleep with my clothes on
Friday and Saturday nights," four-
year resident Jessie Kilgore said.
Students find the alarms
frustrating because of the sleep
they lose. "Getting up at three and
being up for an hour can really put
a dent in your sleeping patterns,"
Resident Director Tracie Behrendt
said. "I'm going crazy."
Building Director Mary Lou
Antieau is concerned residents do
not take alarms seriously. "It's the
old cry wolf thing. Residents
believe that an alarm late at night
or early in the morning is false,"
Antieau said.
Earlier Friday night, an alarm
warned residents of a real fire. "It
was a cigarette somebody threw in
a garbage can on one of the upper
floors," LSA senior Pam McCree
When the alarms sounds the
fire department does not respond
right away. "We have no idea if
it's a real fire or not. If we smell
smoke, we call the fire
department," Antieau said.
During alarms, R.D.s and R.A.s
check every room to make sure
people leave. "Some people will
hide in their closets," Engineering
junior Katie Brady said. "R.A.s key
every room. If you get caught, it's
$50," Brady said.
Residents disagree about who
pulls the alarms. "I think it's
people that either live here or in
another residence hall," LSA
sophomore Delaney Henretty said.
"I think the reason they do it is
because you're not supposed to.
People are having a good time...
they're a little bit drunk," Henretty
"I think it's the frats. They have
nothing to lose," said LSA senior
Kim Horn.
In reality, anyone caught
pulling an alarm has a lot to lose.
South Quad staff posted a flyer to
warn pranksters. It reads, "Don't
leave college with a record instead
of a diploma unless you really
want to check 'yes' next to 'have
you ever been convicted of a
felony?' on every job application
for the rest of your life."
There is a $250 reward for
information leading to the arrest
and prosecution of the perpetrators.
University Fire Marshall Bob
Patrick said the rate of false
alarms is not out of the ordinary.
The University ranks low in the
number of false alarms compared
to other schools, he said.
Time to get up, boys and girls. On a weekly basis South Quad residents
are stirred in the middle of the night by the sound of the fire alarm most
of which look like this.
Study finds N.
Campus waste site poses no threat
by Laura DePompolo
An intensive six-month risk as-
sessment study conducted by the
NUS Corporation concluded that
the proposed radioactive dump site
on North Campus will not pose a
health risk to University residents
living close to the area.
The University proposed the
North Campus Incinerator Build-
ing, located approximately 300
meters northeast of Northwood
Apartments V, be modified to han-
dle disposal of increasing amounts
of University low-level and haz-
ardous radioactive waste.
The building will be used for
testing, vial crushing, compaction,
solidification, and storage for de-
generation of radioactive waste.
The Family Housing Residents
Council, a board of North Campus
residents, objected to the North
Campus site in 1989 when the
community discovered the Univer-
sity had been considering the site
for the storage of radioactive waste
without notifying University
Council members are withhold-
ing comment until they can dis-
cuss the study with representatives
of the NUS Corporation and the
University this Thursday.
Lisa Sorensen, a Family Hous-
ing Residents Council member
who lives on North Campus,
voiced concern about placing the
facility in such a densely popu-
lated area.
She added that she doesn't un-
derstand why the University spent
so much money on the study yet
refused to consider alternative
sites. University officials were
very evasive about the question
she said.
However, Carey said there
should be few problems with the
plan. "Once we've all had an op-
portunity to review the (NUS) rec-
ommendations in detail, I believe
the University will be ready to be-
gin construction," Carey said.
He added that the housing
council has hired their own consul-
tant to examine the report.
The University will consider all
the recommendations made by
members of the council during the
plan's implementation, said James
Carey, chair of the University's
Radiation Policy Committee.
According to the study, the
University needs the new site be-
cause the current main campus fa-
cility is located in a very busy
area, can't handle the volume of
waste being stored, and its ventila-
tion system is not sufficient to
handle the waste stored in the
According to the study, the
North Campus site will house only
radioactive and hazardous waste
produced by University operations.
Such waste includes: material
waste produced in medical or bio-
logical research; solid waste from
laboratory research such as paper,
glassware, and plastic; and liquid
Although the NUS Corporation
felt the proposed site was in com-
pliance with local, state and fed-
eral standards they did make a
number of recommendations.
The study also recommended
developing a risk management
program to insure the hazards of
the facility are continually
A few recommendations for
safety and security concerns
complete enclosure of the
main and mezzanine floors with
spill-containment walls to serve as
a barrier to any liquid spills;
permanently sealing existing
floor drains in the facility; and
installing of special filters to
capture any radioactive particles
or emissions released in incinera-
tor exhaust.
Princeton eating club admits women after 110 years
by Melissa Peerless
Daily Higher Education Reporter
Princeton University's last all-
male eating club is no longer
"only for the boys".
Tiger Inn (TI), whose initiation
rituals used to include stripping
new members and passing them
down a staircase, inducted its first
co-ed class in its 110-year history
over the weekend.
Eating clubs, which are Prince-
ton social organizations, serve
much the same purpose as fraterni-
ties. Members eat meals at the
clubs. In addition, the clubs spon-
sor parties, philanthropies, intra-
mural athletic teams, and other
events for their members.
The move towards club integra-
tion began more than a decade
ago. In December,1979, Princeton
University junior Sally Frank sued
Tiger Inn and two other eating
clubs for discrimination because
they would not allow her to take
part in the "bickering" - the
member selection process.
In 1989, the New Jersey State
Supreme Court ruled in favor of
Frank and demanded the clubs
open their doors to women.
On Jan. 22, 1991, the U.S.
Supreme Court refused to hear the
case, allowing the New Jersey
high court's decision to stand. Last
weekend's bicker was the first
since the resolution of the court
A Princeton University
spokesperson said the administra-
tion agreed with the court's deci-
sion and supported acceptance of
female members into the club.
"We are disappointed but not
bitter," said Tiger Inn President
Stocky Williams, a Princeton Uni-
versity senior. "It's a different club
now but the spirit and camraderie
of TI is not going to change."
"We will do everything to sup-
port our women members," he
Other TI members agreed with
Sophomore Joe Mainelli said,
"As long as the traditions and at-
mosphere of the club remain the
same I have no problem with ad-
mitting women."
Tatiana Eck took part in Tiger
Inn's bicker last weekend.
"I'm not trying to make a
statement. A lot of my friends are
in TI. It's fun to hang out and party
there," she said.
About 150 students bickered at
Tiger Inn in 1991. This more than
doubled 1990's bicker numbers. Of
the 157 bickerers, about 50 were
women. Tiger Inn selected a class
comprised of 27 women and 57
"We didn't take women just
because they are female. We
wanted a fair bicker. We didn't
pay attention to any ratio,"
Williams said.
A newly initiated female TI
member commented on the modi-
fied initiation process.
"There was some nakedness but
it wasn't coercive," she said.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Iecycle U-M, weekly mtg. 1040
Dana, 7 p.m.
kaffeestunde, weekly German con-
versations. MLB third floor conference
room, 4:30-6.
German Club, weekly mtg. MLB,
'Rm. 2004,7:00.
Anthropology Club, weekly mtg.
Dominick's, 7:30.
Time & Relative Dimensions in
Ann Arbor, weekly mtg. Call 971-
:2072 for info. 2439 Mason Hall, 8:00.
'Students Concerned about Animal
Rights, weekly mtg. Dominick's,
'Men's Barbershop Harmonizer
:Chorus, weekly mtg. Saint Luke's
Episcopal Church, Ypsilanti, 7:30.
,Ultimate Frisbee Club, weekly mtg.
;Coliseum, 4-6.
;Festival Meeting, weekly mtg. In Fo-
'cus Filmworks, MUG, 6 p.m.
;Dugout Club, general mtg. Crisler
'Arena, Crisler Lounge, 7:30.
'Take Back the Night, planning mtg.
Union, lobby, 7:30.
S pea kers
"La litterature et la fin de
'l'histolre," Michel Pierssens of the
University of Montreal. Rackham,
East Conference Rm, 2:30.
"Le post-moderne et la litterature,"
by Michel Rybalka of Washington
University. Rackham, East Confer-
ligious HistorymSeries. Union,
Pendleton Rm, 7p.m.
Furt her more
Safewalk , nighttime safety walking
service. Functions 8-1:30 a.m. Sun.-
Thurs. Call 936-1000 or stop by 102
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
walking service. Functions 8-11:30
Sun.-Thurs. Call 763-WALK or stop
by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors available
Sunday-Thursday, Angell/Haven
Computing Center, 7-11; 611 Church
Computing Center 7-11.
U of M Women's Rugby Club,
Tuesday practice. Call 995-0129 for
more info. Sports Coliseum, 8-10 p.m.
Speech and Hearing Screenings.
Union, Pond Rm, 9:30-1 p.m., 1:30-
Introductory Ski Lessons, $8.
Mitchell Field, 7-8:30.
Assault Prevention Workshop.
League, Henderson Rm, 7-9.
OCRP Information Session. Angell
Aud. B, 8:10-9 a.m.
Graduate Students Brown Bag Se-
ries. Career Planning and Placement,
Writing Cover Letters. Career
Planning and Placement, 4:10-5.
Summer Job Fair Pre-Fair Work-
shop. MLB Lec. Rm 1, 4:10-5.
Morgan Stanley and Co., employer
presentation. Union, Kuenzel Rm, 7-9.
by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Staff Reporter
Uninvited Revolutionary Work-
ers League (RWL) members
stormed a Students Against U.S.
Intervention in the Middle East's
(SAUSI) meeting last night and
forced it across the street to the
Michigan Union.
SAUSI voted to expel the
workers league and its supporters
from participating in future meet-
ings Feb. 4. The disagreement
stems from differing ideologies.
SAUSI's platform calls for a
peaceful solution to end the Per-
sian Gulf War, while RWL would
like to see American "imperialist
power" overthrown by Iraq.
RWL members defied the vote
and violently disrupted last night's
meeting. The opposing groups be-
gan name calling, screaming, and
chanting slogans at one another.
RWL leaders said SAUSI lead-
ershin is dishonest and will even-
Police apprehend
Markley thief
University Housing Security,
University Police, Ann Arbor Po-
lice, and a resident of Mary
Markley Hall all worked together
yesterday morning to apprehend a
suspect in the burglary of a dorm
A Markley resident awoke early
yesterday morning to sounds in his
room, Ann Arbor police reports
said. When he looked over and
saw his roommate asleep in his
loft, he quickly looked down to
find a man exiting his room. The
Markley man said he had left his
dorm room open the night before.
The student leapt out of bed
and chased the man down the
stairway where he caught up with
him, reports said. He saw the in-
truder slipping his roommate's wal-
let into his pocket and demanded
he hand it over, to which the in-
truder responded, "Oh, sorry,"
handed over the wallet and contin-
ued running down the stairs.
The Markley resident reported
the incident to Housing Security,
according to reports. The Housing
Officer later spotted a suspicious
looking man in the 1300 block of
East Ann near the hospital, but the
suspect ran when the officer ap-
The man was again spotted in
the area of Liberty and Fourth St.,
by an Ann Arbor Police officer.
The officer apprehended the man,
according to reports, and took him
in for questioning. The man denied
having been in Markley earlier in
the morning, first saying he had
been at the University Hospital be-
ing treated for foot trouble. He then
told police he had been mistaken,
and that he really had spent the
morning in an unidentified diner.
The suspect was released pend-
ing follow-up by the Ann Arbor De-
tective Bureau. The Markley resi-
dents do intend to press charges.
High school
student rapes
An Ann Arbor high school stu-
dent was raped in a classroom at
Ann Arbor Pioneer High School,
601 W. Stadium, last Friday after-
At about 2:30 p.m., a male
classmate took the young woman
into a room where he raped her,
according to Ann Arbor police re-*
ports. A
The suspect is currently in cus-,
tody in a juvenile home, police
said, pending further investigation.
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