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February 07, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-02-07

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The Michigan Daily -Thursday, February 7,1991 - Page 3

LSA student
*faces murder
t arragnment

Students take a
break to volunteer

by Tami Pollak
Daily Crime Reporter
LSA junior Michael Raihala
faced further arraignment on
charges of open murder and felony
firearm yesterday morning in Cass
County District Court.
According to reports from the
Cass County Sheriff's office, Rai-
hala allegedly stabbed and shot to
death 21-year-old Rosalie Bous-
man of Cassopolis, Michigan late
in the evening of Jan 26. Cassopo-
lis is a small village in southwest-
ern Michigan.
* As of last Tuesday's arraign-
,nent, Raihala was being held on
$200,000 cash security bond,
which he posted last Saturday.
Yesterday, however, District Court
I"ftdge Paul Deats ruled Raihala
will now be held without bond.
Four witnesses from the Cass
sCounty Prosecutor's office testified
"in yesterday's preliminary exami-
nation, a press release from the
*"Cass County Sheriff's Department
Robert VerBerkmoes, an officer
From the Cass County Department
vpf Natural Resources, took the
,stand first. He said he had been pa-
trolling Diamond Lake in Cassopo-.
lis when a snowmobile driver
stopped him and told him he had
seen a body lying near a small is-
On the snowmobiler's advice,
VerBerkmoes went to the island,
where he observed Bousman's
paritially clothed body lying on the
_ce, stained with dried blood. Ver-
v'erkmoes immediately informed
the Sheriff's Department, accord-

ing to the release.
The Sheriff's Department as-
signed the investigation to the
Cass County Major Crime Task
Force, which sent Deputy Howard
Clement to the scene.
"We followed fresh skid marks
leading from the body," to Rai-
hala's home, Clement said in court
yesterday. Clement said they then
called Raihala and his mother,
who were both home, and pro-
ceeded to search the house on a
The search produced a 22 cal-
iber rifle, found in Raihala's bed-
room, and a toboggan which was
caked with dry blood, Clement
According to autopsy reports
from Dr. Fred Busse, that blood
came from the 37 stab wounds and
a single gunshot wound sustained
by Bousman. Busse testified yes-
terday that Bousman also had nu-
merous cuts on her hands and
arms, wounds that are "consistent
with the victim attempting to de-
fend herself while being attacked."
The final testimony in yester-
day's examination came from Cap-
tain Tom Atkinson of the Cass
County Sheriff's Department and
coordinator of the Major Crimes
Task Force. Atkinson told the court
that Raihala, during questioning on
the night of the murder, described
to Atkinson how he shot and
stabbed Bousman, and the method
he used to try to conceal her body.
Based on Raihala's confession,
Atkinson said that his task force
was able to find the knife and
Bousman's jacket and shoes.

by Rachel Freedman
Every year some college stu-
dents dream of Spring Break - ly-
ing on sandy beaches and all-night
partying. But for some University
students, Spring Break has an en-
tirely different meaning.
Many University students have
chosen to give up the beach resorts
and spend their vacations volun-
teering for various projects this
On Feb. 24, St. Mary's Student
Parish will send students to various
sites in Appalachia to provide ser-
vice to the poor. Students will par-
ticipate in activities such as home
repair, building wheelchair ramps,
maintenance work, and work in
day care centers and soup
"It gives you a taste of how
other people live. When you work
in a group, you get a sense of
community and learn a lot about
yourself in the process," said LSA
senior Tim Pope, co-chair of the
Appalachia trip.
The First Presbyterian Church
is also running a volunteer pro-
gram. This year the church is send-
ing both graduate and undergradu-
ate students to Chicago to help
renovate low-income housing.
The Reverend Amy Morrison,
the trip's coordinator, said students
will go to the Cabrini Green Area
where they will help paint and re-
build low-income housing. The
students will also learn about
inner-city issues and how the
church is responding to them.
"It will be a meaningful and
worthwhile experience for the stu-
dents. They will be trying to make
the city a more just and decent
pl4ce for people to live," Morrison
Another trip run by Project

Serve will send students to Kala-
mazoo and New York. Ten stu-
dents will go to Kalamazoo to
work with Western Michigan Uni-
versity students for Habitat for
Humanity, a non-profit organiza-
"The students will work with
homeless families to build and re-
model homes. Then, the homeless
families can buy the houses from
Habitat at a no-profit, interest-free
rate," said Lindy Reurink, the trip
Project Serve is also sending
two groups to New York to work
for The Youth Service Opportuni-
ties Project. Reurink said some of
the students will stay at Fordham
University in the Bronx, working in
soup kitchens and homeless shel-
Jen Bastress, a nursing sopho-
more, participated in the program
last year and believes "it's a way
to spend spring break doing some-
thing for other people."
Some students will also be par-
ticipating in health care missions.
The University Lutheran Chapel is
sponsoring a trip to rural Haiti.
Five students will be going to help
give health-care assistance to poor
people there, setting up a clinic
with nurses to give inoculations. In
addition, used eyeglasses will be
fitted and distributed.
"The group is currently meeting
twice a week to decide how the
clinic is going to be run. We are
also learning about the country's
culture and customs so we will be
prepared," said Ken Karsten, an
LSA senior who is going on the
"I'm thinking about applying to
the Peace Corps, so this will be a
good preliminary as well as a good
experience," Karsten added.


Field work
Inteflex junior Rodney Dewger enjoys Tuesday's unseasonably warm
weather while playing lacrosse next to the School of Education.
'U' team tackles
Human -Powered
Helicopter design

Wha'shappening in Ann Arbor today

,ACT-UP Ann Arbor, weekly
meeting. Group not affiliated with
Revolutionary Workers' League. Call
665-1797 or 662-6282 for info. Union,
Rm. 2209, 7:30.
ACT-UP, weekly meeting. Union,
Rm. 2209,7:30.
Tagar, weekly meeting. Hillel, 8 p.m.
College Life, weekly meeting,
sponsored by Campus Crusade for
Christ. Dental School, G005 Kellogg
,Aud., 7p.m.
In Focus Filmworks, weekly mtg.
1051 Frieze, 7 p.m.
Armenian Students' Cultural
Association, Michigan Union,
Crowfoot Rm, 6:30.
Russian Song Fest, informal singing
group for all levels of Russian. 310 N.
Thayer, 7-9.
Undergrad Psychology Society,
Happy Hour. Dominick's, 5 p.m.
U of M Pre-Medical Club. Movie:
"'Vital Signs." Med Sci II, South
Lecture Hall, 6:30.
Hellenic Student Association.
Union, Welker Rm, 8 p.m.
Gay Awareness Week Planning
Mtg. 3000 Michigan Union, 7:15.
Non-Violent Action Clearinghouse,
First Methodist Church, Green Rm,
Institute for Industrial Engineers,
general mtg. 439 Mason, 8:30.
Amnesty International, mass mtg.
Union, Pond Rm, 7 p.m.
"Female/Male Strategies and
Approaches to Dating," Inter-
national Center, noon.
"Renormalization Techniques and
White Noise Approximation
Theorems For Nonparametric
Function Estimation," Dr. Mark Low
of the University of California,
Berkeley. 443 Mason, 3 p.m.
"X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
and the Oxygen Evolving Complex
of Photosystem II," Pamela Riggs,
Department of Chemistry. Chem Bldg,
rm 1640,4 p.m.
"The Changing Face of Medical
Education," Dr. Schwartz, President
Elect of the American College of
Obstetricshand Gynecology. Dow
Auditorium, Towsley Center, 4 p.m.
"Catheter-Based Imaging Sys-
tems," by Prof. Matt O'Donnell. 1311
EECS, 4:30.
"Conversation with High School
Students on Their Educational
Experiences," Inez De Jesus,
bilingual coordinator, Detroit

Theory: How Can We Make Sense
out of Multiple Studies?" Bill Irons,
Northwestern University. Rackham
Bldg, East Lecture Rm, 3rd floor, 4
"Don Quixote and Dead Souls,"
Bruce Holl, doctoral candidate at the
University of Wisconsin. MLB, 3rd
floor conference rm, 3 p.m.
"The Japanese School Instructor,"
Veronica Ichikawa and Konomi
Shinohara. Lane Hall Commons, noon.
Safewalk, nighttime safety walking
service. Functions 8-1:30 a.m. Sun.-
Thurs. Call 936-1000 or stop by 102
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
safety walking service. Functions 8-
1:30 a.m. Sun.-Thurs. Call 763-WALK
or stop by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors available
to help with your papers Sunday-
Wednesday, Angell/Haven Computing
Center, 7-11:00. 611 Church St.
Computing Center, Tuesday,
Thursday, 7-11, Wednesday, 8-10.
Russkij Chaj, weekly Russian
conversation practice. MLB 3rd floor
conference rm., 4-5:00.
U of M Shotokan Karate Club,
Thursday workout. CCRB Small Gym,
Third Monthly Student Film Show,
InFocus Filmworks. 2520 Frieze, 7-
Third Annual Neil Staebler
Symposium, sponsored by the In-
stitute for Public Policy Studies. For
info, call Jeff Blend or Tim Lake,
763-2318. Rackham Bldg, 4th floor.
Auditions. Actors needed for short
films. 1020 Frieze Bldg, 1-2:30.
Persian Gulf War Discussion, First
United Methodist Church. 7 p.m.
Allen-Bradley, pre-interviews. 1005
EECS, 5:15-7:15.
Biza Somta, African dancer performs
with his U of M Dance Troupe.
Michigan Union, Pendleton Rm,
Happy Hour, Hillel.Social Com-
mittee. Dominick's, 5-7.
"Mean Streets," film. Hillel, 8 and
Winter Adventure Trip, pre-trip
session. NCRB conference room, 7
Guild House Winter Writers
Series, Alison Swan and David Wolf.
802 Monroe, 8:30.
"Trailblazers and Troubadours:
Forty Years of Modern Dance"
Tickets: $12, $9, $5, available at

by Yanji Lama
A group of University students
may be the designers of the first
successful Human-Powered Heli-
copter (HPH).
Physics junior and project orga-
nizer Melissa Mercer said the idea
for HPH evolved from the design
and construction of the Univer-
sity's solar-powered car, the Sun-
runner, last spring.
"We knew that the Sunrunner's
days were limited and we didn't
want the team to end," Mercer
said. "So we had to look for new
Most Sunrunner team members
have chosen to work on a new car,
but Mercer said HPH designers
consult with them quite a bit.
The goal of the helicopter pro-
ject is to win the Igor Sikorsky
Human-Powered Helicopter Com-
petition, sponsored by the Ameri-
can Helicopter Society (AHS).
The winner receives $20,000 and
may set future flight standards.
Mercer said the California
Polytechnic Institute designed a
human-powered helicopter but it
stayed off the ground only for
seven seconds. The AHS competi-
tion requires the helicopter stay off

the ground for 60 seconds at a
height of three meters.
HPH is looking for more people
interested in working on the HPH
project. They want energetic peo-
ple with a background in flying or
material science but, Mercer said,
"even someone who tinkers around
with model airplanes has some-
thing to contribute."


Drive raises $1000
for soldiers' families

'We knew that the
Sunrunner's days
were limited and we
didn't want the team
to end.o we had to
look for new
-Melissa Mercer
HPH Project Organizer
HPH will be posting notices on
Central Campus and North Cam-
pus for those interested in attend-
ing a mass meeting in a couple of
For more information contact
Dave Glick on MTS.

by Purvi Shah
Daily Staff Reporter
The Force for Black Women
(FBW) is scraping the bucket -
To support the families of sol-
diers in the Gulf, the group has
raised more than $1000 in a bucket
The money will go to an orga-
nization called Operation Desert
Storm Fund. The Fund then pro-
ceeds to distribute the money to
families who have been placed in
a situation of economic duress due
to family members stationed in the
Gulf, said Marla Philpot, co-
founder of FBW.
"We're trying to raise funds for
those families so that they can
continue paying their rent,"
Philpot said.

To leave families unsupported
in this critical time period would
be tantamount to a slap in the
face, Philpot added. "It's important
that if we're going to send soldiers
to the Gulf, then we have to sup-
port their families."
Although LSA first-year student
Chuck Marshall did not give much
thought to his donation, he com-
mented, "It'll help out some peo-
ple. Every little bit helps. I'm sure
they're struggling. Some of their
fathers are gone, or their brothers,
so they need a source of income."
FBW can request the money be
sent to a specific location. How-
ever, the group has not yet decided
whether they will designate a spe-
cific site for the money.

Food Buys
U U.r

The Third Annual
Local Jazz Musicians
in Live Performances
February 7th--


0 a


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S warm sticks of bread PIZZAI
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a single 16 oz. Soft Drink
2Pls Tax


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