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February 06, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-02-06

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The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, February 6, 1991 - Page 3

by Jami Blaauw
-; The Washtenaw County Com-
mon Agenda Coalition (CAC) held
a press conference yesterday in re-
sponse to new state and national
budget plans to cut funding for so-
cial programs.
' Yesterday's meeting was one of
iore than 140 nationally coordi-
nated news conferences.
CAC is a coalition of activist
and grassroots organizations with
common interests and goals. These
*goals include a call to cut the mil-
itary budget in half, direct more
'money towards human and envi-
ronmental programs, and support
economic change and decreased,
According to a report prepared
by the national CAC, Ann Arbor's
$iare of the cost for the Gulf War
is $848,000 per day. In 1990, the
report showed that the average an-
*pual federal income tax for Ann
Arbor households was $3,004 with
$,508.10 spent on the military
The conference was coordi-
pated by the Ann Arbor Tenants'
jnion (AATU). The group invited
four speakers from supporting
,roups to the conference. They all
sserted the coalition's common
goals and condemned the war.
*Speakers criticized both Michigan
Gov. John Engler's and President
George Bush's budget plans.
Emery Smith, a representative

IFC enforces
party policy

Revolutionary newspaper
Ann Arbor resident Jill Ripple purchases a copy of the Revolutionary Worker newspaper from Karin Anger
yesterday afternoon.

by Marc Ciagne
The Greek Activities Review
Panel (GARP) found the Theta
Delta Chi fraternity guilty of vio-
lating an Interfraternity Council
(IFC) policy that prohibits open
According to a statement dis-
tributed at the IFC meeting last
night, "(Theta Delta Chi's) distri-
bution of invites at the front door
of their house to all that passed
through," was a violation of the
IFC's Social Activity Policy.
The policy, which forbids unre-
stricted admission to social activi-
ties, was implemented at the be-
ginning of this semester to reduce
legal liability and the risks of
damage to property of fraternities.
Although GARP found the fra-
ternity guilty, Theta Delta Chi re-
ceived only a verbal warning from
the panel "due to the current am-
biguity" of the policy, the state-
ment said. One member of the fra-
ternity will be required to sit on a
committee the IFC is creating to
make the policy more clear and
improve its enforcement.
Theta Delta Chi checked stu-
dent I.D.s at the party to keep out
non-students. "However, the
checking of I.D.s... is equatable to
using a campus directory as a
guest list," the statement said.
The complaint against the fra-
ternity was filed Jan. 22 and a
hearing took place Jan. 26. The
party specifically violated that
section of the policy which
"prohibits the active participation

in an 'open' party." GARP inter-
preted the actions of Theta Delta
Chi as constituting an open party.
"We're satisfied with the out-
come," said Theta Delta Chi IFC
representative Lon Barrow. "The
policy is open to interpretation and
the IFC has recognized this by
making it an issue to revise it and
make it more clear."
'The checking of
I.D.s... is equatable to
using a campus
directory as a guest
-IFC statement
In a separate incident, FIJI was
found not guilty in a hearing held
in response to a similar complaint
regarding a pre-rush party held at
the house. No alcohol was served
at the party but guests were wel-
come to bring their own.
"It's ironic that we were
brought up for being negligent
when we were trying to show we
were responsible," said FIJI Social
Chair Adam Rosen. "The whole
idea of the party was to show the
University and the community re-
spect for the new trend of risk
Matt Commers, president of the
IFC and member of Delta Tau
Delta fraternity, views the two in-
cidents as a step in the right direc-
tion. "Personally, I see it as a sign
of growth in the system's ability to
correct itself."

of People of Color Against War
and Racism, expressed outrage,
saying, "People are sacrificed in
the name of balanced budgets."
Bush's proposed budget plan,
while offering selective increases
for education, children's health
care, highways, and scientific re-
search, will cut $46.6 billion over
the next five years from spending
on Medicare, farm price supports,
school lunch programs, and Pell
Grants for college students. Of the
$1.45 trillion in the proposed bud-
get, 35 percent is alloted for de-
fense and interest on the national

Verna Spayth, a representative
from the Center for Independent
Living, said, "The state contribu-
tion to SSI (Supplemental Security
Income) will be reduced or elimi-
nated as early as May 1 and elim-
ination of the state contribution
would decrease the $400 monthly
allotment by $40."
While the national coalition
formed last fall, the local Washte-
naw County group originated about
a month ago when the national
CAC contacted the Ann Arbor
Tenants Union (AATU) about
coming events. Michael Appel, a
representative from AATU said,

"The local groups involved have
been working on these issues for a
long time and the Coalition just
brought all the ideas together."
The press conference was the
first national publicity event orga-
nized by CAC and was designed to
reject the new budget proposals,
express opposition to the war, and
announce the next nationally coor-
dinated events April 13-15 involv-
ing separate grassroots activities.
When asked about upcoming
events, representatives from AATU
would only say that there might be
a protest around "tax day."

Allies promise $41 billion for war


Associated Press
' President Bush said yesterday
*,that $51 billion in pledges from al-
lied countries should enable the
iUnited States to contain its own
spending for the first months of the
Persian Gulf War to $15 billion.
White House budget chief
Jichard Darman told Congress that
he was confident the money would
arrive and said Bush's campaign
for the Assistance has gone better

than anticipated.
Darman visited the Senate
Budget Committee, where he testi-
fied on the $1.45 trillion fiscal
1992 budget Bush unveiled on
Monday. He talked of the presi-
dent's plan to shift some spending
within Medicare, education and
other programs to poorer beneficia-
ries from those better able to pay,
but spent much of this time parry-
ing questions about war costs.

"We have extraordinary contri-
butions, way more than people had
expected," Darman told the budget
Germany has pledged $6.6 bil-
lion and Japan has promised $9
billion, Darman noted.
At the White House, Bush told
reporters that when combined with
the $15 billion for the war included
in his budget. the $51 billion in
promised foreign help should be
"I am confident that what we
have in there will take care of it,"
he said.
Darman provided the budget
panel with updated cost figures for
the war. He said the price tag for
the troop deployment through Dec.
31 was $11.1 billion, up from an
earlier $10 billion estimate.

For that period, he said the al-
lies have pledged $9.74 billion, of
which $5.32 billion in cash and
$1.3 billion worth of supplies have
"Most people would say $41.8
billion for a quarter is going to turn
out to be a very, very substantial
portion of the actual costs in-
curred," Darman said.
He also said that American of-
ficials have told contributing coun-
tries that the United States will
seek additional aid if the fighting
extends beyond March 31.
Some Democrats said, how-
ever, that some allies were still
not doing their share. Budget Chair
James Sasser (D-Tenn) specifi-
cally cited Japan.



What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Undergraduate Philosophy Club,
weekly meeting. Topic: "Problems in
the Philosophy of Science." 2220 An-
'Jell Hall, 6 p.m.
AIESEC (International Association of
Students in Economics and Business),
Weekly meeting. B-School, Rm. 1273,
EQ/RC Social Group for Lesbians,
Bisexuals and Gay Men, weekly
meeting. Dorm residents especially
encouraged to attend. Call 763-2788
Revolutionary Workers League
Current Events Study Group,
weekly mtg. East Quad, 52 Greene,
Latin American Solidarity Commit-
tee (LASC), weekly mtg. Michigan
Union, rm 1209, 8 p.m.
Students Against U.S. Intervention
in the Middle East (SAUSI), weekly
outreach mtg. Michigan Union, Tap
'Room, 5 p.m.
Students Against U.S. Intervention
in the Middle East (SAUSI), weekly
action mtg. Michigan Union, 3rd
'floor, MSA office, 6 p.m.
Indian and Pakistani American
Students' Council, Michigan Union,
4th floor lounge, 6:30.
U of M Students of Objectivism,
discussion mtg. MUG, 8 p.m.
"An Update on the Soviet National-
ity Question," by Paul Goble, of the
U.S. Department of State. Lane Hall
'Commons Room, noon.
"'Strategies for Benzannulation,"
by Gayatry JAcob, Department of
Chemistry. Chem Building, Room
1640,4 p.m.
:"Element-Selective Plasma Emis-
sion Detectors for Gas Chromatog-
raphy," by Zhan Shi, Department of
;Chemistry. Chem Bldg, Room 1650,4
"Nations without Territory: A New
Approach to the Nationality Prob-
lem in Eastern Europe or a Revival

the Mean," Erich Haeusler of the
University of Munich. 435 Mason, 4
"Illiteracy: Everybody's Business:
the National, State, and Local Pic-
ture," by Donna DeButts, director of
Washtenaw Literacy. League of
Women Voters mtg, Ann Arbor
Women's City Club, 7-9.
Safewalk, nighttime safety walking
service. Functions 8-1:30 a.m. Sun.-
Thurs. Call 936-1000 or stop by 102
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
safety walking service. Functions 8-
1:30 a.m. Sun.-Thurs. Call 763-WALK
or stop by 2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors available
to help with your papers Sunday-
Thursday, Angell/Haven Computing
Center, 7-11:00. 611 Church Comput-
ing Center, Tuesdays and Thursdays,
U of M Shorin-Ryu Karate-do
Club, weekly practice. Call 994-3620
for info. CCRB Martial Arts Rm.,
U of M Tae Kwon Do Club,
Wednesday workout. CCRB Martial
Arts Rm., 7-8:30.
U of M Shotokan Karate Club,
Wednesday practice. Call Ravindra
Prasad for info. IM Bldg. Martial Arts
Rm., 7-9:00.
U of M Ninjitsu Club, Wednesday
practice. Call David Dow, 668-7478,
for info. IM Bldg, Wrestling Rm, 7-9.
Beans and Rice Dinner, weekly
event. Guild House, 802 Monroe St.,
U of M Women's Rugby Club,
Wednesday practice. Call 995-0129
for info. Oosterbaan Fieldhouse, 10-
12:00 p.m. (Sorry.)
Students Against U.S. Intervention
in the Middle East (SAUSI) invites
Support Our Soldiers (SOS) to debate.
Topic: "What does it mean to support
our soldiers?" Law Quad, Hutchins
Hall, Room 100, 7:30.

MSA rejects student perception survey

by Julie Foster
Daily MSA Reporter
A proposal to distribute surveys
asking students how they perceive
the Michigan Student Assembly
and its role on campus failed at
last night's meeting.
Tim Pope, MSA election direc-
tor, wrote the survey and intro-
duced a sample of it before the as-
sembly. He said he would compile
the results and write a report for
the assembly regarding the results
by the end of the year.
"This is not meant to be a rag
on MSA questionnaire. What I'm
concerned with is what the student
body wants MSA to be. The credi-

bility of this place isn't the best on
campus," Pope said.
Student Rights Commission
Chair Corey Dolgon opposed the
idea of a survey because, "I've
seen three surveys tried before this
one. The surveys have never told
us anything that we didn't already
He said MSA has had the same
problems year after year: commu-
nicating with students, a low num-
ber of studentsvotingin elections,
and the fact that many students
don't know the purpose and job of
MSA President Jennifer Van
Valey said interpreting results from

such a survey would be difficult
because, "Different students want
different things."
Instead of voting on the pro-
posal, Dolgon suggested the exec-
utive officers and the steering
committee of MSA "come up with
a project that will work better."
He proposed that MSA should

try to increase election turnout
through improved communication
between the members and the stu-
dents and more advertising and in-
formation during election time.
Dolgon's proposal passed with
only one opposing vote. The de-
tails of the project will be dis.
cussed in steering committee.

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