Vol. CI, No. 83 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, January 28, 1991 Copighi1991
5,000 rallyin D.C. as war goes on
Cheney: Potest
forces s /et.TwyEheda
to attack
DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia (AP) -
- Defense Secretary Dick Cheney
said yesterday U.S. forces will be b Julie Foster
ready for a ground assault on Iraqi Dabyouiteposter
forces well "before the end of ,a bsp WASHINGTON, D.C. - As crude oil spread
]February" and U.S. officialsreported R across the Persian Gulf, a police estimate of
alne air rst see m hav e Asth 75,000 people spread from the Capitol to the
Ira's effort to flood the PersianGulf White House in Washington Saturday in a march
with more oil.
IWe'e alays asumd thte nto protest the war in the Gulf.
"Weve r awaysrsued tat roundT GThe rally brought people representing hundreds
would eventually have to send in of interest groups from all over the country to
ground forces," Cheney said, all but speak as one voice requesting a peaceful solution
conceding that massive airnstMsikesoy.d to the Persian Gulf War.
alone won't oust Saddam Hussein'ssm As the protesters mobilized, speakers delivered
,army from Kuwait. ' anti-war messages and singers sang songs of peace
See07% GULFPa 2eacthhPirganGth
Ifkall servicemen and women in e ears of demonstrators by the National
the region were used for a ground Gallery of Art in one direction and the Capitol in
would offensi pit 675,0 Aallied troops, oin- KENNETH S OLLEF. . T uyGBhe othhi.
"cluding 480,000 Americans, against Mason called for the United States to spend money
Police estimate that more than 75,000 people turned out to march from the Capitol Building to the White House to protest the war on domestic problems instead of the war."We
See GULF Page 2 in the Persian Gulf" know that we need to spend money for housing,
to education and health care." She said President
yin ns A rat- r e h dtat e nTrek sGeorge Bush did not exhaust all of the ong s for
W.dAsg peace. "As a politician, I have learned to
by Lisa Sanchez Washington, D.C. will be seen against However, the bus trip fails to com- from starting the mass of homeworksthe.otitn o e
Daily Staff Reporter the backdrop of being part of a historical pare to the romanticism of Jack have brought. But the night is young and place"
One hour after the scheduled departure, event. Kerouac's characters discovering the does not invite sleep.bAne, the rcotetersutonstalonsylvania
an entourage of nine buses leaves the When RC sophomore Michael Kaplan beauty of America when taking to the "You deal first." The shuffle of cards avenupes, rcing tProteser b of a Lolyen d
Michigan Union to journey eastward car- found out about the march on the capital, road. precedes a euchre game. The players areku achiss fothe What o se.nVdrba.
aying the voices of the area's anti-war he knew he had to attend. Traveling at night takes its toll on the undaunted by the boundary of an aisle. Mn atthA YpoePwavedA t
movement to Washington, D.C. "Whether it's recorded or not, it's his- Ann Arbor passengers. No one seems in- The video game Tetris captivates one ta hyspotdUS troops despite their
The travelers call for an end to the tory," he said. "Hopefully, it will raise terested in discovering the beauty which man's attention for hours, opposition t the war.
Persian'Gulf War, and the safe and im- people's awareness to a level where lies in America's landscape beyond the Two women lament the loss of an A small counterdemonstration of people
mediate return of all U.S. military forces they'll take an active part in what they window. Instead, students spend their Ann Arbor weekend - "Can you imag- supporting President Bush formed at Lafayette
in the Middle East. learn from the media and learn to digest time preparing for the long day ahead. in all the parties we're missing?" Others Park across from the White House. Verbal
Many demonstrators' first view of and inform themselves." The dim light discourages students See WASHINGTON, Page 2 See RALLY, Page 2
'U' urges precautions to
students studying abroad
by Todd Lebowitz
Amidst fears of terrorism at home
and abroad, University students
studying overseas are taking extra
precautions - but student interest in
foreign programs has not been sig-
nificantly affected.
The International Center reports
no slowdown in studenits exploring
overseas options. "It's been busier
than last year," said Jeannine
Lorenger, International Oppor-
tunities Advisor. "There's definitely
an interest."
Walter Harrison, executive direc-
tor of University Relations, dis-
agrees. "Fewer students overall are
studying abroad," he said, citing the
University's program in Florence,
Italy as the most extreme example.
"Normally there are 65 students
in Florence," Harrison said, "but
only 34 are there now."
Last November the Florence pro-
gram, sponsored jointly by the
University and the University of
Wisconsin, received a letter threaten-
ing retaliation against American stu-
dents if the United States attacked
No known terrorist group claimed
responsibility and authorities believe
the letter to be a hoax. Nonetheless,
security has been increased, and
Harrison described the mood as
"extremely concerned."
The directors of each of the
University-sponsored programs now
report to Ann Arbor daily, but there
have been no other threats. Harrison
has heard of no students leaving Uni-
versity-sponsored programs early.
Although the State Department
recommends against travel to the
Middle East and North Africa, it has
issued no travel advisories for
Western Europe, including Italy.
Overseas travelers, however, are
warned against acting "obviously
American." Last week, the State
Department advised against wearing
blatantly American clothes and
speaking a lot of English.
"We're telling students to keep a
low profile as Americans," said Bill
Nolting, an International Oppor-
tunities Coordinator at the
International Center. "Avoid areas
where Americans are known to
gather in large numbers, such as an
embassy, military installations, even
Gulf War destroys student hopes of
studying at Hebrew U. in Israel
by Geri Alumit
War in the Persian Gulf has ex-
tinguished many student's hopes to
study in Jerusalem this semester.
For several University students,
the One-Year Program that began
last fall at the Rothberg School for
Overseas Students at Hebrew Uni-
versity of Jerusalem has been
sliced in half.
Lawrence Besserman, director
of the Academic Department of
Hebrew University, speculated that
85 percent of the students enrolled
this semester will return home be-
fore the spring semester begins
February 24..
LSA junior Brian Mono, who
just arrived home from Hebrew
University, characterized his past
semester as a period of insecurity.
In late November he had already
decided that he would only stay
one term at Hebrew University.
"In troubling times most Israelis
reach out and get involved, but I
was never able to reach that stage.
After the incident at Temple
Mount, I was really pessimistic
that things would get better in the
Middle East," Mono said.
Fearing insurance liabilities,
overseas programs of the Universi-
ties of California, Wisconsin and
See ISRAEL, Page 3
on job
by Jeff Ting
With the end of the past
decade's economic boom and the
beginning of a recession, the
slumping job market has raised
concerns both among law students
and undergraduates planning to at-
tend law school.
In response to that trend, the
law school has offered a series of
programs continuing through today
to prepare students for more lim-
ited prospects in the immediate
Lawyers from New York's
Davis, Polk and Wardwell firm -
which employs 425 attorneys -
are visiting the Law School to talk
to first-year students. The speakers
will provide general advice and
describe the different areas of law
in which they practice.
Davis, Polk and partner Daniel
Kolb - a Michigan alumnus and
one of the speakers - discussed
the job market with undergraduates
considering law school.
"The legal profession is cur-
rently in a down cycle," Kolb said.
"But often the bottom of a market
is the best time to enter. There will
likely be many opportunities
available for partnership and ad-
vancement in a few years when
the economy rebounds."
During half-day sessions, first-
year law students were given ad-
vice by lawyers, professors, and
Trek north
Members of the British 46th Air Defense Battery take a break last
Wednesday as they move closer to the Kuwaiti border. In the foreground
are, from left: Gunners Jason McMinn and Des Squire. Other convoys
are visible on the horizon.
War experts: Iraqi fuel-air weapons threaten allies
by Ronan Lynch
Paily Research Reporter
Iraqi fuel-air explosives (FAEs)
With destructive power approaching
that of low-yield nuclear weapons
will make an Allied ground offensive
produce effects easily confused with
those caused by nerve agents because
of their ability to penetrate structures
and kill without external evidenee of
FAEs have three main military
Several independent sources have
confirmed Iraq possesses FAEs.
Army analysts believe that Iraq is
likely to use FAEs against Allied
command posts and bunkers in the
case of a ground war - which the
A 1987 International Defense
Review article warned that within a
significant distance, the anti-person-
nel effectiveness of the FAE is 100
percent. The article stated that "a
fifel-air weapon-wholly negates the
and possibly blindness."
Both sides in the Gulf conflict
possess FAEs. Iraq possesses FAEs
which can be launched from aircraft
or by short-range rockets.
Some U.S. Tomahawk missiles