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November 25, 1923 - Image 2

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U II~ r U S ~ 1 1 ~ 1 , at the people, or accepts the foregone to do it for him; nor must he, attempt
S o n o ro u s s at conclusion that a democracy in a to usurp anyone else's share.
country, matterslite Either-cn
ception mo c a yi i equally tenable; one mseans But who ia capable and who is not
alittle an the other. c apale of participating in govern.-
D m c a yThe prerequisite for a democracy isi ment? I we aay that someinvdu
WILLIAM P. KNODE that eeyctznb capable oi a-asaecpbe and others incapable
E M C A C in mit d o rtainherpostion ifsheticipating in the government; and the o etrigsc o ew me
D E MO CR AC 1 isa mtedto rtai he poitin, f se idiately preclude soy further discus;
useful word. In lec-I even obliquely suggested to her pu- requisite is that every citizen actually1 sion of democracy. We have the ph1=
tures, and in tormal pill tha t our governsent is not a* pertorm his own share in that govern- nomenon of the boomerang. Yet if we
conversa t I o n, t h e democracy? The instinct of self- mont. He most allow no other person (Continued on Page Seven)
word should be art-, preservation is not supinely dormanot
icutated very core-j even in luxurious society, and if thse
fully, and a deep, mob should be perverted to disbelieve
sonorous accent should he given -the *-n the reality of our great, democraticIFRS
antepenult.k government, a number of tlsose TrHEFIS NATIONAL B.ANK'
ft is also a very comomon word. I paunchy gentlemen who speak atI
fact, this democracy is a great thing. teacters institutes would beconme ORGANIZED 1863
I am even enticed to believe that th~e paupers. The whole troth of the mat; ____________________________________
Semitic sctholars have erredl sopard- ter, is ttsat in the publie-schools, a I
onabty; that there it a delihera toettild is soade to repeat the phrase,*1
otoission in the very first-verseof tGe- "America is a denmocracy", so often'Y U NV11fi'd
nesis 1. There seemio ho h not alto-tttat it btecoes a hatbit of the to-tue; Our service courteous
gether onfouodedcr'asons ho suggesetot ndif anon qeiollnshitm concern-a d peaig ine ey ia
that the doeument should be stppend- lri'.f ,the. alture of siur governmientthe
edt to readt: In the beginning tGoit ?1 u t i tin ogm ,fltflost un consel-
created heaven, earth andtdemoocracy. ltri, .D '!AN
Doi not1the great oratory s, sthey ,ari y ioi tstli, quite recntly OLDEST'B NK IN AN AR O
drive hoime the great ant orofound 'th hole s 'trulctuire of idemocracy hisii.
truths of democracy, aopren a thet sw: e'd discvfctingtyttiait denier ,AI N ST REET AT HURON
ietoiiraioatic, anit receive 'round oat - ha ben n iminntdangeof(i
te count of applause froimi iii coltafse' It 'eerscfthti" C rest IVir
charnmed vokeryf--ttsurety riot wvCiii t g~tto isik" thei'worldt 'sfe ----
only those whose clothes are bht forI(civdnoil ,I iluftaptparentlythe -
readly-imade clap thii' tans.ostie wnot o t iIiiiviay iii i, Jatf'it ?
history- texts itevote solidly-prinieditly eintervs la i risoittec' ofvtpin-
pages to the vutbject? Itave you ever vsetv tromiiPeruIndiana or-sihiai,j
moo a <,,restpectable newvspaperi v1i i iIv anvas.o01fomi s oeother of the ~ U ~ ~ ri.
doierinot have at least one etoquent town';, of thi ntrlanr miiakiev a ptI
cotli potnitetmocracy, and in whosse gri vigo diwn, to Washingtio. After
pages the woirdlis riot spetledtveveratliiaving cihroedl iiithetcpolt(f Wasti-
tiie ,..itt a catpitatl'-D"'? It is veryingtn's ftionument, the delegationI
wstire, it pernicsies ait reality. And ittllsattie Wtiite o tuse, tonilen- anes A ?
ainvone who denies it Os itenc, lier - 'tl,"Olt M. tresident, our great
who dectares tht utit ivsietion < lc Iorcv is in sticthgreet itanger.
of mere11111. isuit tie eith~er-an imbte- in tlore tiulease ito somtettiing totielti
cite or a dull inoite. ,ii. sveit'
Demoocracy piroperlytibeog to thei
realm of golvernent, bltist lsc a there ever besen dietocracy in} {
a palatabile thling thu. -eversyoeIhas thise o i'.el State unit wilt there 3t1flh1Iflfljf.1
boo. after aniorsel. Wve hear of toni ever bte one? Noir are these iniptira-
ocracy in education, of demoicracy in tions ciofined to the tonitel States.
r -iiilove, lot demiocracy ad i1011n-c ived incythae mpyimagination, raborted,' '
tum .. .. eep this talk ofdle01 and brought into currency tor thei
ocrracy out of anything if yiiu can. Av convenience of those who are too a For Christmas
soon ussisne001w fielit if soilen- indolent to think for themiselves; on
deavor is opened, 01o1e enthuviastic - inane illusion about whirls "great", Give your friends a real token
pilgrimi,life heart rejuvenated by fhis wondertu1', "marvelous", and the
greait elixir, ca rries the banner of other adjietives of the journalis'to,ofprcitn-Pora.
democracy to thle ne territory and, group themselves in the form ofaofpreitn- Prri.
triuimphantly floats it from the hig!,evl halo; an hypotheis for bonmbast; the
hill. to America, the psopultar eon- stock-word of mouintebanks.
ception secems to tie that thisflagtiI What is idemocracy? Ahjuring, alt
the Star-Spangled Btanner, Indeedt.inetaphor', whait itoes the word mean?
the very werit deniocracy suggests. Sometime. I think it can mean almost PHONE 598 121 E. WASHINGTONs
the wordt America, just Ili pensy 10,1 anything uniter the heavens. For in-
candy form a couple in a chid'ds msinil. tance, the old faithful phrase, "Amr--
Itut what else rail 00e expec-t erica is a demoorucy"? f take it that -____________________________________
Is sot the werit ienltocrrcy 1 intr. America is also a country; ergo,a
posed bItetwreen "nationi" a01111 ted country is a democracy. Hosw inter-1
States" in every standalrditex .bit,111111eatingh -1
Is there a puhlic-scliool tiaclcin II The word democracy, tiothi currently O ur S p c
tbI' Uniteid States swho. wouldlbeherii anidetymololgicailly, omeans govern-
- merit by the ,,,otl-wht~sever that

Fmay mean. Please dts nut hasten overC
F. L., Titdens....... ... Editor that serntencee tolo ralpidtly; let onti re-I
Donaldt E. L. Snyder.,... Boo1ksv;fleittupio the omeaning of "govern-
Normand L~ockwood..... ltiic ;mint"---thes ss'rd passes much too
Roshert ttartrons Heniderson.. gilly frilnithe toquevslof many. AndI
''''''''''''''' li .10 5 "goviernmient liy' the peolte" tics te
Giirdon NWier ...r.....n.t.Atlest,.....itiso te
I tGirdia ose, IHalsey flatvidsnitv rdalkolAtlaspemtle
Neicellt ttehllit, Sliolliet lsilrl' sgg'est that "govsernmenitbtie1111lic-
J r.,hMaxwels'ott es, t'hiip WVs- PIE'means sioseting isore tthanlthle
ner, Dioriithiy'Sanders. iimarking lof griltesqile "X's" iuponi a
The Sunitay Magazine solicits ;ballot 110 electioin day,
mnantuscripts front all tiersills af- Dtemocracy alsoco r~ltes thlat every
filiateil with ttse University. Mtan- citizen shball have 110 equal share ini
uscriptasuat be15typeswritteni, tie goivernmecnt Ill the coniminity. I
triple spaced and written 00n0110e trust tttat I do not err in thus inform
side only. * I ally translatinsg thie cold, dogmatic
The Sunday Magazine artinosel lnug
edgea The American Secular tin- iiagug f piolitical science hnd-
onfrview-eviefr Te bn ooks. It is the empirical definition
reviewservic fors"hhiU h
ioffcilObserver" idepartmsent. * !ic' one wousld rnaturally formultate
fromn one's own reading0 and listening,
___________________________ 1It is the itefinition which any orthol-
lox politician or statesman swiiilh
pibkh asicro ~ hi soasit ~ unhestitatingly give,
fubis toile slo piinbybt Yet it would not tsr at all amazing
sdesioadfacultyiem,~bes zif, in itsosee same cynic break into print
the judgmenotof tetditor, tsarti-
csee of intiniisicsvaue and inters 't. wvithm the assertion that democerucy
This daesa not mean tiat masnuscipts
solicited or volsntarily offered are imeans nothing-nor would his state-
necessarityiniaczored with editorial ment he devoid of truth,.'Whether one
opinion etuher in pret-siple or formt,
says that democracy is government by

Ral Good Steak

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