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November 25, 1923 - Image 1

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Te Realm ofth Fantasti~c

LIB art nmust produce rmo-
tion. A (reationi that
dtoes no t produceieno-
tion is not art, and the
dteplt of the emcotiont
thai titspiredt-within
us tty a wo ria of art is
aoceaore of its wortit.
smade is, of coftirs( the Itime- tccpced
cue ccoti they rdoam o1 theici I(c-
U ic-ef. Ti s sei lly cl
00Iei'orl i isgild 'it 5<1".
Critics 'are twitrth owhileeatlys- a
as ttieir treactiottorice catern- till'iiic
trtueonty so f-sr as ttihearce true to
ttemlv tes.'Tics tr iec rccc is Ji_
as tmu c of a r ctor asticcartistc ccc
only pacrasiitilt iacrtintc-elise, 1c0
the iartist ereates cfr1111h1111 11111 ti
ahotitihittjust the c11 1r:it'ro
froiti thsetmccterialt i 11 cr1 i -1 ic 1n
h ittt.



Since tIac to pataohIe eic' if cc
' IaIt f : (1 . i 1 a 1111 03" t
ttri ar ti n cn 'in{l s).Iti
to a"lt ? o f t ti r i ytcs stideas o I
t i utc i t ic' I.itideart s cts 1 'iosac
nc Inin iiclres i (Iitt c of n
forcniy pi--e niicn udganyornyunit.
EI'eryoing titseeIts to el it, snomct-Frme"Saom
tsrs of aIloil utiio rtheiiiuctfcccrcyiticcs.ncio ayne lAlc'lin c diasputiiesci s oica
arenithil-Areccispritg e nIcese ,ctsyi at sciesi ofrno 'aqciiitoihhc.A
aindepigras asniarewothys0 5oaf i sitnottg fc ttfatn'siiIaiol rncsdwihic o
orn'reatttion.isIiiyaive iiagnh atit c sa trrltin fA-ato t i rtitthvch
highl y sutiione onunit one veaitd ceyI TeardANeERStRiocsWARsDfa rn o
maas n su ri httoh.o n piio "S loearti s rp ttii. tehis a
thing.hngeitremto mget extentat-
tersilii'perolitnioofrinyiexculfire i r ~so nyn.Wasono erse t hs h a
ascisuc. *T*cesBaconceptsrparetiin.terhansed
rin ii inW e aeogretteni xtihsenth V aatIo f H l
lea,theproiuctt'fcieehiasc extoluse x-
entirtheiniotscThis iciasthaticen-j
tcepk t arertcin ifckmIiff nt semia
hook is it rcally is biiircthier as nay NEWXELL BEBOUT
c onceptts leadiiitcto 'ei. I case
certaiin emcotiocns in tookinitg at a bt icrc - 1'T tN 'Itlcets, tics I}tticy Koran swhich exstcs in fact ir
of otie'kinditthat tItiroibatbty'wocidtnct iciTV fi:tire elc 1 bill ti c asco ii',, begits: "traie he to tGod,
htav'ein loiiking at anotertisort of cpllc - os ascklec theicc' c ofs alttcreature's, thenost
sotticocs. Neitther icf ti'esuccuto s tucce a cy a: Eclo i : cie ~reiil, tics king of tice day sot judig-
are thicc'sanic 10stticse'thccifwouulitbetcs iwI, c ca:ye cimatn cienci,' thus anticipating trouitie
proiducsid in oilier personts oiewtong'thci' - csceasily c icuure 1,ctt cc. is icnspicationc arose oicifof
same hiioks. A thing is v ery real toalcniciftucnt't'te re- hci fear of ccii, and oat of isocon-
me that creates 'to Iceeling ic in notier pied: "If tie secosiis eneiesi'snore teont lic those owho not helieving in
hecause that thting tiruookes tmore of unforftinate stiti.' Thcis princeipile of! the ottc Clod, would he dooitedt to ever-
my enmotions. I revenge is largely at tics ibasis of the laoting' perdition. Tihe Meisem hell, in
Art, as I said, tmust provickse ecoion. ;ituitamtiedati hell. 'fTsedchiine of faet, seas toe very starting point of
'The emotion tmay tie weah, it nay bc hilt-fire icas always heen usi'c for tien 1the religiucn. The avoidance of it front
strontg hut inidefinite, it mday' hi over- purposss: to frighten people into sir- first to inst i- the rmainspring of its
powering hot ineomcprehetiii-or ist tie, uni toi givtecruel satisfacction to morzctity. Consequently a study of
may he sharp and clear. Our etios-± those who wistc to imagine their up- tics hel-aisa, is relevant to a just osti-

te a shtitt sketch of Beiarcsey as seen
Iy a icontemtiprary and a friend, Ar-
their Sytmons.tieardsley, te scid, was
ioelho -"adil te fatcil steed f tose
isluo a' tccdiei'y(Icng, ttcdiisquiet-
ig compt~ceesi"s ccand elntof ktowl'-
cige, thact ah'-ocpionicit ailietie in
a hccu,whlicsoe finci in those woit
icen to lIIIcsi- I tir w orkcc befor
ccc c, kccriclog they'wis-itt cctsee te
cvenn. c, In spite1o' hIis iceco cty,
if Ificiy iclit ct, Lei, ccily ws
- co-dly impcrtisacl,"cl-'icc pcssesedi
iosvtciccihehad.ic cc citcwsclie pso
of, t'ic-ro,ii 111(1cclhcit cweci lolrl-
stugtmtc 't'a1'hils doinocici
cc cI lrci tinieniid salaticsf ie
To _.Oalt hilt, o1ccimiator.,.It is ii-
i ee-ti1' ti olknowIthaittleiwantdcc.^.
le a lric ec-and plii- e-il feifl-o-acg
1111115of ancastihing- ccc rotyioilct
teV+ X'iis actcd '',cctclccisc soy. fill
a so rn c c ft- p10' 1 -'osciciciwercc
ic icmint' l-v-tito he ipoIer.I'
cc-as i it-icc ch l-lis cifcand ciicced
at aci -cryccge, tiecty -six tIu'liee.
Sciuc ws' te ca,--a shoir, cleai-
Biiaridseysdraingsmu cextress s-cri'
bietter' say, citt up iniie ser pri-
fotndirmtiollns. T'heys'acre tiere lin'
irawsings, fantasicaly ccteieidnit
brilliatlcy deigedo cioeurse, ut thc'
ines',havecmenincg, they are eciit-
fully certinl in thir inent. Becris-
"y hccshad to leery iperet, ex-
trenmely prcise, tecius of his ne-
lunt. Hticannolltiores-thancct ictine,
aniti tclcci wo0110leclotaince lie licci
icote! Ilii:-;Ieliucciis limiitedt but
Beiardsltey thasmiaie a glory oi this
samce liitiation.
tBeardtsley is obsesseid situ eatiiiy
hut it is the eacuty of air, a idiaoic-
ally pirfet ietiuty thitt exhausts hi-
macin emotions, thact can never find its
count'erpart in nature. It is an iea,
--a perfeetedt ideal if you wisll, though
I insist the contrary. It soars as high
as ftie loftiest visions of good and is
far nearer to goodi tinnere iiiiiffer-
once. Artists efore Bearidsley and
- ater hint have striven for the scme
goat hut they have een unsuccess-
ful in larifying their aim. Today
see have Walacee Smitic and Alan Odle
struggling ailong tics road Beardley
trod with such ease. Their enotions
ire wild and struggling, cruiely in-
terenct, as ccmpared oith Bearsey'
clear, definite' onception. te is so
p1ainatid yet so ull of intense foo-
ing that the loint le mcaes is easily
Beairdsley'cc evil is not that full,
r arci senisouspasiowe generally
call evil..Itis at flng far aove that,
a tig that mtocks its followers from
a lofty uncttainaheeieight. It can
he sardontie, it can e infinitely cruet
fron t is eicinence ut it is that only
to those who so look at if, It is so
supsrior as to e tnonseiots of the
tist that evapirates with the sn,
te stench that the 's'trm pefuie of
a spring day can overwhenm. Thia
evil eaty is a fundamental thing, so

tisual response to a wourk of art varies pottents tortured. Mohtamnued apporo- f inatien of islan. ;'or, tef ,and (froite the otauncher)
with the amnount ocfentotion we are ; priated the doctrine to hiosecause for Tice important tihing to rcecognize a(IMiration. We ean understand it
capahle of as weell as with tile peculiar both reasons, iIn discussing tics judgmcent-uiay, how- (Continued on Page Fotir)
background we tiring to tte thing. In the very hirst Sur a of the Koran, ever, is that in the old days evoryhodyj
So in speaking of Aubcrey IBeards- w~hen the prophet assorted his mission expected it to he very near at hand, !Thle picture reproduced on this
ley's drawings and of tie entutions ont earth hy Iran: erihit g into human 1=any po.soax ciscucet ih:t they page io front the :Modern Lihrary Ed-
thcey arouse in ccc I do not wish to terms what he saw weritten in theI (Continued froms Iage One) j ition of Auhrey Beardsley's Drawings,


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