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October 21, 1923 - Image 2

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The C mpus cess. Regarding the writing of temtt
The wa"u aere not pacrticfar. Preie 're
trircat rots, for the mot prt car
andgo to th devil. This does r t mte
that the tmanscrits wttt e tunc
Liter-a-toore ptate, siotldthere e he an
chance, a decently deveopd sye I
The editors of The Sunday Miaga-,Tthe chief tings are oriinality tnd
tine are of the opiniocn that, notwith- veracity to somte phase of1life.' Afti
standing the various cattpius poblitco-this, o oreicudseertig
ions whiicht pritt short stories, esays,' ii tte romsantic fair e t h
vignettes and verse y studentst, them frocst nt itoraisfic tre~tni:tc
renmains ,a einite tneed foraactr ' ' eae. T etie )ic- ;aft,.rc I ?.c
at literary expriecsion etebut. = eli liltthircthomci i ot.ie sn
only campts pubticiatioin'sgtvng o- iss '
portnnity ffr this are Te 'Sndy ithsucasco=;eitidi5ibfl if1t
fagazine, chies anitWimstite siftswis l be peised. Adfij t to
thoitghcte lattertis not stritsy apatculr poicys c ccligte fp
titiersity encture siitss fiitttii of5 c t ,rial i ii li icdvgoe I iar twirdcci
reason that ittshould tic tetter t-l rtil u treua ndrlal
it has ccce.c; ntl o eae. ' t _ i,
Chimes, swfthcits ibeft iuiforer.isct u o 'i iu.- r~ rn:i
is asowedlefitcotcernedcth ed aL islc t aiw" wlt-
envies in iiie irection of artistic it-c ii tu~?-; vcu~
racy expression. It snbiu'iit' 1< ii
tit iy goitg icfor ticcsor f tirf-
stics cwit isothecampcucts oodc"Indcnt
by callngitt 'f "te izgtzn
campustpiionheey tnpi tt-
igthetscccc isccapsndmtingacc i tti C s:
h ~p irais ic c alic c i selfrc't'cc'.a
tik mit "ifociti,e oscciii r lst vicert ' l
ficrs t~st icai'diregrtbl il s'c ini iir:
Atr fts -' . riccl c as u; ip,,n i s
darcigh futi'on ailrt by teiitt s, 1 o~r±ir-ticc
itig Icifit r'c iivtheiisit:cs-iti
ii hop icc tit esesci i ciiikettheit ti 'c l ii ccciccti tsclc i.i
ths ecfiOs it t cc rc's i~ls ict ccciii
thne itysabot t hlet in c s ic
ct vim st Ite t x fili iun f limtd t cf teidc'hcti'' cts' th e ise ld
piecs mpuse o ndIcic es . Tcoil ift do ro hefis'tri g ''a trike iis thte"
stesh e aUit~ t 'ic' i I i l ricin o tic tof Itheisic t ed nunrser-
dea c wig it c c'" iitt ti ci'5c i ce's icI he w ud b cea sr of ti w rl
0rtsvinou sy inll ligi e tima ge a thi: i aitDc kid t ur velc li alt Aler
ticssiuin.clefreelicy, Jstgndnarsscres
's i c'",lcticti ckdfrottidth presse
taespeanenarcriit isng ki .."' ti te si",tielirs as atdas se-l
ceting ithos e i eltitirn e li n5.k'd f-ccither bcks 'i crchtteb'etnof iti-
Oibvionsl, cclii thet thice puct c a e ticic h outd ce o ug ns e -
of an instiution can eer h pe to h;' ics Ieiitito rtce sis i he p es e
ha n yica refect.iFnrscth'eaidivitcmlcsfisthefui enrsg arito stecornads
appears to Iceocucreherigimpaestvofnbucr
itois incthnectieientivititsliterature.
attenion to itterarysibingxinptit ne sfie gtealredioshn
atthn th ierr 'tns n he h cibx office rects of "Aphro-
larger EasternI nfvcfsffies and co-dcli", Th Dei 'irgin", andlt'The
lege tha thee ishereat pes 'c.iFol" ear witness to its effectiveness
Nevertheless, se feel, with ur gaze twarsth ie sucess cc thtiose very pro-
turnefd steacfatly on The Ultinatedocinagnswhhitsdree.
Good and The Shining tight that there I e York at this very nmtoment te
mtust ie . cineselere, somcce srtocclrsc-trtatac r of "Artists ansi Moels is
ing that icfortne reascon or anotheriesecking a larger theatre in which to
not cntribuedtto iany of the aovegve the Ipresentation sintply eaue
nientioed pubilication. ' tie thatre-going crowdas have beceone
We cherisht ff0expansive elcscis tfibiultc for the lpresent aconmoda-?
concerning the stories swe intend tis Tltc increase in the sze of the
run. It is nfotcrtnte utc'cwiho'tllv'nat- hocuse which hae witnessed "Artists
ral thatctthe tmajority cci thet' illcbii anccNcodeltois" cwaii brugt aout e-
cituite ad, a sttialer proprctionmc- cause tie'ipolice avertisicd the con-
dMocre, anti ifiwithi1 in ya.tre- iiiics abseceiofccapiarl in the
ceivescsi' ir toil goodcconrtnriutions, how tioetiig that the mtafager
our cortes siill ie hteard for a sitn-iwouldt never live cdarcd to ti.
sidrabe dstace. e iswold iesitate fco question te
Thetorsines tust ie adistil I50iii v rfiness iof te oljects whiich these
words,irigital, ibasect tn socil1tili li
igie isa nst tictrue to somffecfn- si is i t ci c i tiii i t
amnetal suatieslo f life That c is alincicthat tu rs inlcccivvite tic 1 Ic
and yet w o owic ccarcitoti litte su ccciiif liioi tinc le ornitgraphyi'i
pe fshe fqiclylcif tcii ci r i l 'ut
lii 5 it ha cb u iicil ii
F.L Tle __.....E itosr ? 5sonsi i ueff pca'ts , i our intle
Dona ico.vL.S itde. ..Bosih s L -Ii; ictsoputinswoct l11"ti
Normtand Locckwood ..M ccciiieerybr i noks
Robeirict litrstilHenuderson.,i"isotrhw r t tl
,i r al; n; lay: neil~ '._ .l * ti-civl

By Avedi;X lealiaekian
A Lea from the Armenian Literature
Fortsi te is the matntiwhio has at ililusion,
erafuse the worlcd ecotmes for him a home, a
Fortnate is tics mtan cwho is dereivedt iy a
beauitifultieica s th e t realc',t iordi is
bitter miii crute catnd the wilt of ites is
cci at it"t , t i a r a t i
ol ctd, , i" t. ci n ic'tif l 'ic
i " o II i
sic:i ti l~: o-
ci cccww , . ti n1 u l '?
Buy lour Christmas
c Diimiond 'Nio.tie OttoChrit-
We also sell 'Wathes, Clocks, and
Nev'er Forgyet That
Our Grill is
Ti radit:on 'at
Meichi eIII

ACRiOfSS Ftit C 'D . U h t. STATI"ON

ILIiseRouss',IHalsey DIavidscon,
i Ns'eelltcicout otSaitrel 'utiuu
I Jr.
ITie Stundayc 'uM'gazine' sottetits
manituscripts frotuats citonsicf
S fluiated it th ieIUnivertsitsy'itait
iiseripts Tnusttbie itpewr itn
trtile set rid ilwritenctsnsuse
stde only,
Thec Siunday 'Magatine acknowslj
escighoe'fl eican-lSecuslar Un-i
ion revifetesetvicfs'' "T hts'n-it
official Observ er" departtnent.
Itis theizPoliiy of ftis taga incz to
stadenits and fctoyill mbirsiife i
the jutdgmic et ofitlizezitorth sarti-
lzsarezsfc intnic valvezand iteorest
This doaesit uieaiu fiat sansrsr~t
soiie rvlar'Siiofferditcae
solirsatrfii' ii' acrei ofedorias
opinion either incprinciplesor aorm..

il " un f llt cii(,m
tiluto cii'; t i' 'i . .. li
a 'cafut: r1 I ' I-n ouster. li
I tosekur's cicuiuccis socitin cuos If
all tics cEcitlhuooks itat cisc' sseen file
lcii'hi of ipubilicachionithcudcircughutthsc'
cii tredicivil cclthecmcsthe eath iwouldt
ii al b ,iuitii iiItnirealty vcce iis-'
c c s its carying shots,oft dtlfut
erti's' hultaislouf thse eonal cell-
bocys has c used the book is chusuthe
forgittets oniuthe iself. FlaubertnIonce I
cc lcute ciithue vs fit dofftit difhsference
.hprcsessi ci iy society.tl' uta'-shbooks.
picur~es, statues have nevenrsruined
stir over-miosralhworld.PTse cday foi
icac ' 'intgs--'itie -s'ev e as a clay--

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