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October 21, 1923 - Image 1

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HE MOST tragic ORLANDO BEEDE hence. If direct commiunication were
event in connec- the only means of conveying news,
tion with the down- From Observaticus by Otto Stahl we would know little of what is going
fall of the former' . on in the rest of the world, to say
fallmofrheloer Such is the product of the souls of hissed at immediately. The people ntint of the wr t say
nmonarcili gov nothing of what happens in a neigh-
cruient ot Ger any of these talented musicians. But attending these concerts considei mn borifig town. If the only means of
many is the decline instead of being able to exhale, they sic as vital to their existence as frod Ibecoming acquainted with a new novel
of art in that land are checked--and will die, for one can Though many are literally stariengsewere to go to a theatre to hear it
for with Prussianism went Culture. old his breath only so long they will, for some strange rea on, read, how many people would know
Though the two are as remote as Johti Formerly the great institutions of pay the price to have their music. aout it? And so with music. Through
D. Rockefeller and the man who turns art were supported by the state. Pen- Tihus it is that an organization of this performances is the only way in which
the crank at a filling station, they sions were given to those who were type exists in Germany: on enthssai- music can become known in Germany
walked hand in thand. Culture was tbest fit to devote their lives to crea- asi on the part of the players, and at present. This great expense of
simple and beautiful, and helpless in tion. Every little town had its or- on a small sum of money taken in books strikes a particularly haul blow
her self, but she had a fine big father, chestra, and in the majority of cases tickets, at scientists. How can a man pro-
Prussianism, who kept his child in an excellent one. If it was not fav- The music played in Germany is gress when his discovery has been dis-
food and clothing. But one day Papa aced with fuds from tis state, some nearly all that of the German classics. covered some time ago in another
became headstrong and walked unto wealthy citizen or noble would take French composers naturally are not land, and books been written about it?
his doom. Culture tarried a while, it uponhimself to support the organi- loved, particularly after the invasion And because those books would mean
for she was somewhat more immortal zation, or at least to give it enough of the Ruhr. Practically the only Rue- to him a fortune, his efforts have been
than her father. She is still tarrying, to break even. They were the fine, sian who is heard is Scriabin. The all for nothing,
but she will not continue to do so very old families of Germany who did all blame for this narrow scope can hard- Culture and refinement in Germany
much longer unless some kind uncle this. 'Twas a case where wealth and ly be laid upon the people or upon are ever declining under the present
comes to the rescue to feed and clothe culture were united. But now-the the musicians. The fact that so many conditions, Professors are no longer
her. former nobility; where are they? Once scores are out of print, and that those followed, for they would mean starva-
The condition of university profes- a noble, always a noble. But once which can be gotten are so very dear, tion. Men with genius grimly turn to
wealthy, not necessarily always accounts for this condition. Choral manual labor. Those who can afford
sors, artists, musicians, and scholars wealthy. The wealth of the land has assemblies are very much favored, andIto study at te universities are a low
in Germany is most pitiful. That been transferred from the hands of what is more, popular music is not class. No longer do men with splendid
country is simply over-lowing with the aristocrats into those of a lower in vogue among such singers. They environment pursue their studies.
talent. The youth of the land is brim- and formerly poor class. Consequent- sing Bach and Handel. In villages They cannot, for it takes money. The
ful of things to say, and composers ly a "newly rich" class has arisen, where there are but two or three newly rich-they seek a "college edu-
of unusual gifts are ready at the sig- LIke many of the magnates of Ameri- houses, singing is always prevalent. cation." Soon it will mean no more
nal of Opportunity to tuna on the ca, these new monarchs do not give .t is a cheap and thrifty way of o- to have received one's education in
faucets from which flow their genius. a snap for art or culture. As a matter taaing music. Not so much practice one of the great German universities
But everything is at a standstill. The 'of fact, they would not dare to con- is needed, and one does not have to than it will to have gotten a diploma
soul alone cannot present to the world tribute funds to spy art instititios, buy new strings all the time. Thus from the literary school of an Ameri-
its messages. It must, for souse ab- for that would be positive proof that the old masters are still worshipped. can college.
surd reason, have a troublesome body plenty lay in store with which to pay Surely it is somewhat consoling to the With such tribulation will Culture
to be able to get it across to the rest the reparation bill. As for the state people who grieve for the present sit- -
of us; and the business of earthly ex- itself, it has no money. Its wealth nation of German music to look back till continsheto be simple and beauti-
Istece in Germany is one that allows lies in private hands as a doctor s upon what has been produced-to sing ism nor his equivalent to clothe and
no extra time for the expression of money is under the name of his wife. Bach.fv
the soul. It really amounts to the However, concerts are still holding And the present-day composers of height of beauty may es reached
killing cf all these receptive souls, for out. Orchestras exist upon sheer love Germany-it is their plight whichs tthrough suffering. To such optimists
unless they express themselves tcy on the part of each member. Many most harrassing. If they are forun- Germany's present condition could
can no longer exist. When one takes would sooner die than give up their ate enough to have the time to write, hardly be more pregnant of great
a breath, he must breathel lie next instruments. As for the audiences, they are usually unfortunate en ugh results. But the works of men who
breath outward.. host people exhale a their case is quite as pathetic. A con- not to have the money to get their have endured extensive suffering seem
poison called carbon dioxide; but cert hall in Germany is always packed works published. No composer knows to me to assume a cynical character.
when a lovely lady breathes out, she but while the musi is going on, not a thing about what his contemporar- Most composers of worth have dwelt
seems to permeate the atisospher'e a sound can be heard in the audience ies are doing. Only if a-young masteri Ilargely on the astral plane. If such
with a balm fit for the Christ Child. The slightest disturbance would I has the opportunity to play before they do, they need no physical dis-
audiences, or if some virtuoso frisnd comforts to make them realize beauty,
of his plays his pieces, will he he for there they dwell in the essense of
JA R in g s th e T es recognizeid. If one is the writer of or- beauty. Physical discomfort is said
ehsestra music his case is almost hope- to lend to a work the necessary trend
less. The score and parts must alt of sadness. But again, one who gets
JOHN PANURGE be done by his own hand. This de- at beauty and truth directly will be
meands time which must needs be utI- saddened by the very perfection of it
N THE opening number thing must be done to combat the lized in providing for a mere exist- all.
Chimes strikes a new note forces of disinterested and Nietzsche.
in the scale of serious stu- 3. Chimes means to asad as tdmo
dent publications. Serious means of a referendum vote regard-CC ensorship
Chimes is indeed-behind its wtiimsey ing tlis msuch-mooted question of cam-
and extravaganza there is the stady pus opinion. If there IS such a thing
pulsing of a profound and active mind as student opinion, then it will break Our Literary Press Agency
-but its earnestness is put with sucsout in Chimes. On the awful other
an adroit turn that at times one al- hand, if there is no student opinion MAXW ELL KNOWLES
most looks for irony where possibly then Chimes will advertise the fact
the reverse is intended. and the campus will be conscious of T is not uncommon hundred numbered copies. They sell
It is this ambiguity that we its abysmal emptyness. to find on the bal- all but copy number 74 to the intel-
should caution the editors against 4. Quotation is the only way to do .ance sheets of pro- ligensia of Terre Haute and Peoria
shove all else. In the serious busi- justice to this truly remarkilI di- essive o r g a n i s- for $50 the tome. Number 74 they
ness of representing the campus mind torial concerned with advice to fresh- ations certain items send either to the Society for the
there should be no ambiguity -never een. It is one of the soundest, mos esoterically labeled Suppression of Vice or the Clean
give the impression of j ing. Ani All-American features of this isssue. "intangible Assets". Book League-whichever appears to
indeed thusiis just the impression gi- If any freshman shouli follow th - Among such items be the more efficient. Within a week
ven the average rnuter by seOe of suggestions offered he could not go are listed goo-will, patents, copy- "E'cstacies in Magenta" is broadcasted
the articles and editoria l in tie fits iar rong. r'ht and franlseS'. But in these by every periodical in the country-
Chimes of the year. "Don't Ilet the srow 1 ske y i ,lays i'hen oeverything fro utchiropody half of them terming it "pernicios
The h Isrials 'smoke. c ,reh uEck iingp is an art, business and obscene" the other half "a work
1. The first thing in the l'ira- "You will find risu inc us:.sts s issnothing if not proIs ressiva and I of art,-the most original work of the
zine proper at:hi. s.ails the eye after lio drink. This is not a liin':a' ts, 1 'foresle in the future i new arrivl age".
the picture of ir ressident iuruu is h is'for ori Ihi. list of "intangibles". The Now it is the play of uMessrs. Slovici-
official agenda of Chiiis for the co- "WoI sn of tthc University are jst putlishing and theatrical concern', s 5 tsnoff and they bring suit. The
ing year. This seues a splendid idea, as fine as y'ou will finu uelsewhere." will sponsor the innovation. It will juulge, feeling the importance of his
The campus 'ualways tell positi'el'', "Fraternities are looking for men, be entered in their books as a lin- positions is a taster of the artistic,
by turning to the first page of every not reprobates " tangibl" asset of inestiimaible w rtri finds the book a "distinct contribution
ans any issue, just where the piubli- The Swimuming Po Project and wib.l le ' u "''nrship". It o American Literature" and ieiui-
cation stands on matters of policy. 1. It is interesting to tae one's will displace con ureial al'verising ately twenty-sesve printings are made
Already Chimes has begn to hlp pencil in hand and discover that it und a thousandl toiitsellers will b; re- from tihe original plates. Twenty-sev-
the women of the Universiy toward -would take six and three-suarters lieved from a hithertio oppressive' s-en thousand Frank Cranians read the
their league houseiy permitting them months o work off the s is Penditure. book and the publishers build a villa

to :ell Chilies subscriptit us on a s ^r- in a 'i ancel t' the r::t' of ifty swiis's Isn imaginary exiample: Messrs. oil Lake Conso with the proceeIs.
centge basis. 'r tour per eight hour day. hSlovici-McSnoff are tbout to pubish; When such possibilities are evident. it
2. An itsa i tk.a s I'' T'e Art a iiik, the greatest sisit of wi'c is is a whonde that publishers and hr-
that ill bear r_.u- ' ,. ' - ' 1. It is s. sbolic to a high degree frankness. It is giges te title "R' sta- du r''s isase etot herlofore iidull
is tise olie rc 1st'a7. t t s 1i'n i h us' heusmuslilI for "sraternities at sies in Magenta" and dea s with an in cut-throatt cl' mpIIetition ' for tht sr-
s f the scope of t.1? ' . I ' li- ' iC i ir"s isld represent four jolly ' lict'rai coi'plex, wlhatvter t,"'t ' a ire' of our vice srii'eties. Aidvortis-
tim t 5t s:. . ' tis u if fIlI 5 5 " ? 1 " 'Stol'pi12n drI s' lie. C1s i'-''l Snefi ri it Is ' k ' li . ?5 "n 'truss's'I .'s'i ext^, 1e-"'-
j _'s' t Iu lius' ''1 ' 1s ? 2. 'e . r' u 1 ?l':1' ' us ia T , 211s' . aV5 ,0. 5;L5i'. ' .

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