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March 16, 1924 - Image 3

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,U NDAY, 1 H "', £1


Are prepared to Help You Soilve Any of
Your Financial Problems
Farmers & Mechanics Bank

Frosted Windows
BOIE ERSE11'"P IN IliTOWN oli f tU)
HAM A444J4; IM 11,ivs lki frozes freshtiess,
Sonnet fromntte Pandtentonitns 1 ike wtitted tightls.
'then tanse a white stiletto neatit a!BtIomte. nmaer .
rOf coalthttreadt ctoud; gents glitterett TI .) ACHILD
in a gale, To Lawrence Conrad Junior)
Resetmbting ttttte fakes, extrettety ;Littte chltit
pate, As yottstt tltere so shttddteringty
Tttis sigtl y 'cistitar tot loeing httnd. And so ttitooosty,
An itttrodtiton intett tote ttight besDotyotteveor think of exchteqttern '
A gyttsy toy--hbt.we were titl he- 'ir itdossagers?
trayetd, eDoo ever ttink of trotst
And witi a teasittg, tristt te nd se'Imosingon tice order otf1artridges'
stayedt Ortot sostage stans
'Thte rise of hot joy-tortttedtieitorv ittPuging lie stylohates of work?
-Ttie footi it 'tie wetnt retoutithteit I wonder.
biy oeIto ytiuteter 5s0ettimlty
wttot chose testore tintoxic'aitig tan. ViTeIhonor of digits
A jewet-stortinitheii' 015titnceot s. Atnifertis?
shsawl Dto yout ireatm of Jews
Bltew tooth a fOirt isg thaltltigeto tte tinthlittrcttestrat of pridte?
S sun. trobiabty not.
Dyes warnedt,arnitssmileit ntfa intitett Andtyet--
reasott ran It is tll trite.
Dlefeatedt irolsi lie devtastateoi halt. tis it not, Apthrottite?

For the Mili11tar v Ball
and Fresh Frolic
$10.00 value for
Dietzel's Shoe Store
11 7 E. Washingon Siret
Where Stles Orig njte
Electric curling iron, $671
a toilette need
New styles in oicfr es mak an elec-
tric curling iro almost a necessity.
The odel ilustraedheat quickly
and4 maintains the proper temperature
as long a' dsied Te aluminum
comb makes a very convenient hair
The Detroit Edison
11a1 at Wih am Telehone 2W44

(To' Mirs.T'heot Ferris-SmithI)
Site wsschristeed"Annta"
Fiti' her tattler htopetdtthat she swouldt
At theie o f isix slitdidiiitwastlk-
Lut toatto ediittltitsi SetitdS a,;ito S.
t lii' ae beitntg lsiae)
Slit' Oas hot yiiiityiii liii'ti age itS
Antheritotodiis tiere inus t lii.
Sitled 'i i tolok iiatpotpSe,
Atitisw'he'ttstoktitaitisto sli' oiire.
Nit ittit'ven'darteditot SthSink....
tiler pose'' ehetiitti priss;iveS)
Slit' sas no t y iist heage ofi'fSoty.
lit' smiili'ws-ts sott
Atid htot'irtiago ciSsaptiniit'i.
Atid aftert'hlitShslit'rouditly idisap-
Atti even ties 'toss said
Site lidintiic.
(Ites 't'aysitbeig liitiotiitiutiii5y' S
'lo axisEwing)
Were you ever its the desert'?
It notoyou wero never alone.
It is only in the iesert
'lust one feels pitlstioSils of neces-;
It is only there
''halt oe knotss Itat
Nepenthie insfotile.
For IHarry Ripho)
Because ie is not there
1Istill sot fittster mty hrain.
Ile always toss Niilitic~-
Btit then-so are tesotters
Reason splishies itself
Like storks ott a unity
!Whenever I tie thsletbonds.
Ott, it is till repellitig!
1hit ttuaiii'sg ttit tldr
Nubtilates tma htSts'.
Less maijesstict'Ihan I twas thttni ght.
It wa'ssnut ia iquestioisiofiiintangibility..
litoeven saildtee otoats inonetei
To'mimitiat rasudomi.
lBnt even lhost m5. ills s-itietill'sStll
Everythuing' isOrasht.
A heart is tills'aitflimtsy'isthmuits
Beitween ditmtestictiott
'And t''"grve.
It is te orctiartd ithereitn gt'ow
The pals's iotgratificatiion.
Iniffer'needistattis farewell.
AntI its liytnotismtihitillesSatues itf

'snnt'stotruthSie Pauronomiasian
iio ad tofoS al'Vn Vechsten)I
Ile satocieu'ei'ttisie bh iisside,
fury cait ryatidilbhetiing high.
',if ast ittpolos tagainst a tired sky,
Tesita ndatsofo toe teathiers that
AiltS mixiiinwi tintmesurted ginger
ofi' 't s' i rapidis, cedar-fanned,
ite cci its tiird oth iith Itlile anti psi'
A taragitsitn of tiiosiatmosphere,-
A Stttotdcoutitess. priohetd in sisketi'
tilSclost' he ink-stained pages, tithe
anld tin,
115th e to thtSe cor of hter tatlding
A, phoeanix.sin the ttidtdle-western
Th ;t aootti.ist setisetd ter rare pencl'-
tint tot' silt.
"'he'llS go to lie Botrzoi Dogs aStorce:'
(Foir tFa~iuathrid Ys'tWinters)
'There' touts itsailotr.Ilewas
lHotS. ind liimotiiets wore
Thereoowtis a mtilliner. She watt
Punc~tual,and her eyes were
Ther'e oas a coniet. Its tail was
Dleadily',anti it situck:them
'To SMarguterile d'Alvarez)
Wit svats'Dame ('are
to ott ttmbter colt,
With tier aomisakinmho,
Aticie in her hayir,
Shifiting in state
'Thirougih Itie Bois te Stoulogne
In Sietftorte ielilge of a swvarthty air,
All ioystir, gray. detachedt, and fair,
Ptoritig tier gltances
!!Ptntous ant lzedt
Anti se'ling their Sat'sswilth a quirk,
Lite tvteletbinned by' a slgger.
Arisi pptOits of'i'OeiO- irons Di-
g to. 'titi- I tt'u; .Lvs of Emtinent
tr cItitli' t imititti li Isincg twith a tis-
S olos hoessaitd' IDoes it mtike any dit-
fernc Ntiv's.he't thrs'netaki's a tottss
So whliohti n -otes avtiedtbe-
foireoo, ior o'rt'ishtre so one Itas
.oevrrSlott? 'isdIhisti'provt'r said No!
Welt sloesit makes ans ifference
wtheriO one suits is a ship in wiioh
ten thtittsand eoplteSitse siled he-
litre ont',iiot thetherortne sails in one
whitchtieoneties etititrketd? By so
mieans! Just in the samte way it
toatesnotitflf'erenrc'. shethser one
livtes with a w'an witthvilawhoint num-
tier, have lhved, or with one cilt
wuhomis no one hits liveot

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