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October 07, 1923 - Image 2

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tiul old ok songs, the bringing into solute oelf-control ot the individual
"TheN UIUSC an "Mi ed ingue ot01(1 national country dances and at the same time a new freedom
ii s i place of10101ii.01the modern dances and a bsduo rmlhmnnes h
growing literature. In thi last held, sd1 sn rmlhnannes h
one isriter puts it, A close lliance Itoerment conilits as hame as
M arige li s betweein the lgedteseeguisg ani, well s prostitution.ail stands for
Marriage"ongeroelst.and the rnimoal of all barirs to tail and
ROBERT BART'RON pes h oeetat saha qa atcptono ottaeesi
mindt It iouisi it to hut in s rbr~ dct }a.
There 'in'alwis, cotorid it iiti person whtomi ever' audienci ins tir Ivto nfr h ,t" iii o .irn'a a ~ yri narsl ue~ ntis
abut aou nyhigyiVra it oges tedtori..W liu ii.cliior i hepac o tat'(till ti~ at 'e'u ,,gzic
' 1 t i
ihets iiiirlahn c o ntil i s hul'tit' iit ily ii s it boh iit ctio i iet t I , cu i iirr
the playsiiere tiliorty the ,ithlil tse"'it desciteti td 'l 1 . i t lttt i s ntit i~' iti'nts'titttd snitot'te ailys ,iiisuiet moliia a-
15trs'iig alt is dii ti~ttiiirlht t 'i n ti in ivi'r- 'Theiicitrs'rec 't itt 0titmi , iii .1iuhis In i l r til iliik i het is ot
to icu-nli'tos i t i itteiiii n iti i its-'s'' i i iie G a 0 osi u'i o fo't nt ofm t-
hhsi %en ,,tiakit it' (li't u' c iily' ca octinta sii is.ii e I t ii i n ins' i Ii io:ciit " sot 1 '.iil s io'c itr l lty1 _eliren
Is L etnitil hi'thefectr li:i i o nt 'tr i i' o tcra li' .'tutor th i wer ont cse - Caly l i i t tt iit -ig , uitoO l'oit wi ti'Ili xreoe 5srn n
to r Thttits iitia l Aii Alie O i 11 fli c rlotus irgaineofi l ii' 'iiisit is ii asrlll'u11e'hu,.rl s prctice thsA ii tisril 'civ I str is{n.ani
anu d l' hi i eroiiso.l iiirnhiloti, nil, 'i lis iii' th~lerni my s iiiie 4i i .:iiii. , u ts ' lrn iiIi n t ig cne
renter":=. hI kt otr, tot. uiiice41] uto t h1 '..e :.2 misos aili.s stl.in ii tlo(:itnr.r.".i-icce olirn" atinlsi"as
tohtily It-e r f i * nt.lThe C(,iiilooi11 i' nreis . I s caiti ttl i e trill'i 'itrttstisu; i ntrealt
lui's icres uiuo 't , ", th e irth iot :,.-' iriti gu s.ii te_.;ti.tt ssfetliiis th thcsri he lt'tsveti iii'nim o l sne nai.:ton
tit e r it 1., 11,i,1iir l i rt oriii i l it ^IncJue tle' egiig.cin', c vnin ir ot hs civr'hee aisit 'le elnets i aor ofa
fanir ones t o r hs.sThes nsilei rea- rn i.TW,,
soontof hoeing, ,oil cthat ntony to lie en-F
fihe Ito wand 10tal 'iole really' o
furnish o th lcppuranet fu.sch an o
ititivniandin lbpesn, ,t tadcasoaroli It~ i, pni
Teeteivu odn In ihts I aittnuled. n e
was amoseti frelt te. n ruodtion rs id' ,,tl nra r '
andthirwisssoloi tislis~aCo le e liIrese
sr i of PoiretrTwitlstSerges andt'WooliCrepes fortcollegehwearnareobeng.shown
verygrae eril. Urtl- ness rthed buh-e ,toin large vaihetya 17 o$0 o'lfn h oesatatv n h
als uobare vatrtitl ry.Tegnit- 1 ;1,[ ps~ triccesresoale N x w ekwisal hota!nuua ineo tlatest
lion.=sill eolve i tu'!l 'Ltoiltoili
suchisesoil thensoofescoso' ti g i c ~~ .Tir. ; .a "ie.:ruu'oIthesp crydwme , lhese 1come ,in.all thee,
is eup wr surey dome l An o rthe dleilu snts 7I tef~nor+i o!, r gop
theredisnot ahol aretrtomyoieoly. o; botiulfrm aet houes yi e cunry , o n w ihoh re ptatwh tio or ualniysftyle and lin
Aheminor-quesior, lii'hs i the ntoiec ' aiorng 'T e risornge firomtti-r na (sdi- utyth refdal ofd uY
anofrthestoiitnyflcs'itnso t a lrcS ae rt lnenn r frhrn u-f er us arcs n
resoirtorytha tre unti n it is dy no h u one. fialcase.T ei ic fo a i tis tactr
Rcpertory. youan s ech s re plc. seet impliesil. ao iig ordoisso con-' rc
yhe as sgweIse rtyt toeleanlsotith r i yie aoltin fl rcri- lQb(tenwmn)i h sm M.De u sii h oiia s
it 'lbo eisotot. il l ita la utii notl-whc it scli e letibgvod n hosadi th oen ntm s ir -j- vnetasf lw : I'estu in
toy Gmnlftoo'il'whichhshI. iiiii au frth for as-qlyd nfapl tusear salwys be fotne erenothMee o o
Soesiig hligoneak s ethlye of te l y ca er la sbsit teFritncecthns, an hsays mnor auate l priced yi w fbte otlt ewe
tr hareu. ll on hertu der noisttoy.th-:is u raie tltcascain fproa odc. npatc hs lnt o ad cvlw ri ai
vaiusth'iiuls ctre tiwa tit' llowitg n lb fGr an o e4000ivlvsfr msitte otla-tsfrter sn tog cne
centril wIouler o is is ceitiu t toer it3co - 2 ilosadi ssilo teoiei n om"p~frne ev N toaim n
fustsdl iiy her oit. oh canuts aso'a its es.I scam d ta n tepobe )"nentoaim' . i elt
Inolecasiiniontingiabit sthatistcTeltcgiens o otharf exreionsthhik f hoseteechuismadannto-
bugrotesnclfo hitstudient'sol erii aito
furnish _________the__Ofcouseyopaercqaitefwththseuupfir os.nan ooyu-av
vhi'.y ilave r nkfi iiwitesbuthatisnttoreveyorkfor.75them . Her oin'llcolors the $2dlsand rat$275. th

in iast' week's interview waere erruo-
It is tho policy' of tismagazieioto
stdntatclso o mbybt 118 MAIN STREET
siudents and faciilty'members if, in
hcaire of initrinsicve andoi i n tieet. h
ornThisltefee ceT eShoP of Satisfato
Thiis Sees notitues that maiptps
ti isoli ie r lntrlo ferted e li
nieessarils ill aoeod wiii editoril
opinion ether in, principle or formi.

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