A Retrospect After Five Years
Tlhcot cai bedth
The i Ornaei" of( ' Tb h ne lit we1,: it s tili i sdt at Stia
to ~ r~ alofiiec 'i a llc titelonc s_ illE f'I t iad;he"rcwrd};dZ iinsO-
leear th. th. I ccut 'itGei' wc n ito siroc it -i'
Yot'thcotealmostovlilly 1 114 '1 sotit id ras' tot thet
h e la c n ' to n h is e ni r e nw r d .l v' f l d -p e ir k 'd iiis ? c iit e i , t h e f a it
rto with he;" 00ig1(1 c aeston-' il id h nb e wad d;--instad
ny nesit itcta g eentgit cn litr'ittit ( ti o s sc hi'ttc-
tora t ietth-utto utytto91i1-'eiciy 0 ~1, i deas to d eie f,1 haid n
thy at ngty 'o't o hue r aen , all's i iI il'ti'i ii t i''iV 'i e ~teit us b'the world:in"gcaendtif' at' ids oriiihoe" t i a ow rclo i
anytie a sciote itsturtingea nt is v tt ( Ii hut itathertingtitiese eliefsth
toisi a I i'5~i i' of ihtpsttiblre v ed t hukil e tte'trale 'thema nt
thn atotiale righar it rteeied !ther atityanti po snititne Fot ct,
tha b sigig he efai a itle cri'ccctlit ion le, waytit ieiitlize Iti'
"kidtdingmot. lcalong" it a"itiftt i~tc- sjtt'u s oa n tc ti
ti)e buchwtf ilcluionstal espci al-! In c fth ii ii c iit le i ch rite
tltiatht is 'tue itsf tittou th b c tas 'tf ot Am crc Yott hrough s'i(r c horiil,~
ttoth'editflitncisofits e sleis.ts' it er d fr te vruute m rl
ire-sar eati tton iii iiiii5itstjuIittercta'I "i 'ht oeh ile
tott c a th rea iis'an'i wat.tiitc sa' w i Ino tiso imuchcli' t hatlt ,'nis. T hei
thuedt tito acusae iniiticmond altt es ta - it. "A' that lin, A' er c a S ii etr-
lictie oii bas itto the vidi t ofthe ar as'g ntt te1i^a ro
'ure-wr e alt ono hn sB tt i c 11c . Ict thiaiiifr t i'tcs inav -
doutilwasiti'dircdlyi-c' rtoeratedb; ~ r oep u othieii''" , 0 c-c- it
selrool, and p i'it 'la ' tim te i rlii e h ta l d s b villa
W'irto n Was" a Iii l tk~st i Toiitert on. - tesntic' n-titohit' ny
ticcc'fliil tiiiSfe iori erri I i tevin c i nin" i toit'c hies'll'' cii -t
is"; i-ig iti ai' i iiieigse 's ii ii a o 1 I s r y i o h ' t, lbui1'k
pit ea hs totrt'ised'Iu'ol' t'riisit i t iicoisiia ti'an liatur, it ltso e
Mal'tttyi n'fsi',oti""'hontitti tc it itatto lwiiso the ieat
'orl Ad te iiir tic liicriy ,'' :'A nili iist omthing titi nut ie (illicit an
itifimt o f" fatittareatn yth e wri a i ac~v tutaittls ilfeia t clear i'the
a~ty riiloftigt rttedr hy we t'to rn ' iptiric eit iaratyoaut he ot oi-
T e cr mec n te; on fit.wok S ir tttt cuotsiag ithantiescoittiatsth
dcietlyaspea igsite PanintW ar tdtriii ' r, et rh"oitapsiihetii oit bltadii
tmo Yo utie heartyotire atrntt. seta-il s eete hugd -
tisapti tyni noarof te comeatlalion ty jIm ott il 'lpa h
taelPa, rcerhnd anit-moraleistic hines ohes la i.
whichtoarEdeWr"hail raelthe Thasi ni in mria
World aytfrueoi craailith"sAtiew'Yuthnoirsthtcabealdar
alOrar," "AriastinganuEndroratail init - n fImtif
tng Onae ,i-apireniilyimtretliiior s hv ae sfiinl a n te
tinnrto iiii thsconftriiti Sct'i xsinItcn ese ta h
sooic h hid aritagut o u t h.iiciii'gi IEtIveinirtcstc'g~oti
dirabudustit fea thits ecitif u t f iy ii i' 'i''~t- t- ,, n a
ouriab ''od, cnd tuehith ii'' iithi j 'ii
appopiae arati 'sthy 'i n-
itv On coi teranthrtirilus'n
"ei' i'ino tiie. i''ard'"i" i" 5 t as'cint'er u" l'
worjhadcal ig htte le 0n "' I In l rcctv t e d c
crit n is t lact its iii (rot '' Yi r i h ie ri a' jlt Loiio10atd
theidpast titer to u n iddu t ,i t t't'ii'c'ci t ictiv- i 'iisihc ettsoc"'
theirouth i yn C'c-s ie w c it ' ip'ise etcit Gi,-m Ii 5 ou cTlv,
Tuur al b-l i;te soilihci:Aniiii'i' i ii i _ 1'ristm'11 'u''init pall yer
teaclivand pee itioten t tic iei o .botl
sco "revscolel, -on cc cater.
ty ac cc' i I ii II t, i 'biit li
i elno i Ii' -LtOtiilo alyii i rld ii it i
to:ic c , iflieu' ",,conuloiccdoil;'tutu
al n itvi a'ticii materialii m such
is is nov., pernucatuiii' ,Anicanii Ii itl
can niiprid( i't sisuoi icc"idal
Tncetmassuiofutiheiiiepoti'ii' s oiii I
friuci' ini ro' vindictars .ticgiii~er
codto rvil 5ao" iiie liiouth
of 'that countiry i Wheliii(nit Amtrian
Sa' "'i11Iimg-ili'og like thenchange
titc heaeni isrolttcit thalg1ate,
Sooth iion,'l 1 orln tecte,"ice Gcoon
If.l' t i S'ay-:ti "Welloincatad esel
,ioteltaieslineaeto'i'',ind Idont
Alieict ittlFmgingslstintryto hane
thm. : OS "t theepostraycalde'thte
Youtti a fthc e litsaectie ou
ingtnboel ~ 'toco ncli ueTe
Amric0 antYu tsutt tol fin,''itc'them-
hitvs tt heriiti'S'utttiil oe;cctii
Grmain.itI "itrtiircodgti o tshimselvest
Coneunweotght notibecsuri
prised atluelecitence uiii''Ger''anyi-tofl
gi-eti nizedI t iiYouth" lii'iiphu'tutu
ccc tthi'aneii l sf1Youhalit lcIlt
toim theer fori'i~ceignut,-vcstroi"rat
afetlSuv Its]Mitainte, wl'ts julina
retitiiue itfrom isnIttnded trpcitt
Hylad nuiluti stitintrmanyscilit-
i;tdtira nctetutran Ils ~ganft' it +Sc
direut in-t opfetat sacagaint
the, icottheiereitlmovimet",O While
itec tnofiinthaong orgnizttescr,-
in " cc v " cii' echroli
lie do t.Oi tl 'Ia~z h' 01' (5oii c e old
covnin 't-aims a 'a0ma 'ne of
livinguthittcuteiioctls !.o tint"uitni
of out an w i ciials tleinduui-
viualtotataab'himuusltail his 'actons
ceriouisly, to luck uupi'iihi'sucitia'5a
facliorin the 'argert iwir.0ofcivhlizt-
T'hec'Youth Miuvemtuct camprises
Someitfoty'nautionalhogniations and
huuitre'sti fo iithersnof local scope. Te
thicee matinadilisiion" into schi cMr.
Lasker udividesthut Oeraman Youth
'tovem-ent are: thte roletariant, the
Christiant, atttithe nt-sociaistliber-
ils. The firt division ineludes toe
in loetassociation switht Idjority So-
cialists, cciii the idependent Social-
ists,' antitwithi the Communitic party,
ttc wceliastose intepedet sociat-
ist, anid commnatthist organiatins
whichlar"citotucile to party acionstd
tics-ct'emancipiate'itthemsuelves front
iartl .a'ilitiin. le muost phoit nent
lintuof iviisclion in tec'tiod oh'
thu-ustia sui is that baitwsen Ctht-
olciiandIProitiistan hutn eneralh the
membuuueshipiu-athis Clrin grouph
'tuadupolii icat wscc-ll Etttui't't
Iea lcuiCritin lndasorsSutndiay
ScholuhantiY.'iM.ii."A. orgauizatocs.
ethi Itic bulkthoiiihe miiembeshipiof
theiYo'tuuhi tMc uhhO ai'irinig t
Mu t k, act lts swit hutsthuc tirdti-
vislithelii'natnlsocialstic lieras-
Ia iCr 'lnoinat'itinalihuthiutty oh'
docc'trui'.Inledreunt hu t attna-
515stue eocuiratsothe INeiwGerman
Pthulteter iteFe otirtLieral Ger-
man gro111s1tohelargest sbidiv'isioa),
andthe tinite anti-Sociaits.c
5itht the exception of Chas B.
Byrt to cihoin I shahl ater raer,
hracticaly all observers of the Ger-
ican Tooth Movemiet agree that its
rpiecact trenth is ati-political or rath-
er ncn-political. Ao one writer pain
it: "The diliemma of choonig etween
,the fuhlest opportunities for el-d-
cehahinent atdunaity of (poitcal) ac-
tiotus faces the Movement. Political
ctian inevittibly means partial re-
prssion ohuersonality. Hence for
tlue preset tieir prpose is the for-
ma~tion of rounded, unifid character
mtiter than the aehievetent ohnea-
Suratuhe recsutto. .-."Aother crter,
wshuose ipecificauijctwsanThe hnfl-
race f ti'Stuu Stsc u eethupon the
Isrtri teclci lted s foioic:c"The
.d I cii ' I i -'ci ti'the -Moement on,
I". ix s;,,theflcuationiofiitie cr-
'rcny. te so!;:ii u Soind iustry,
indietl i, nfueceuponithieico's-
is mw!,ur!Iy nn_>athan I tht or
co ,^ [+t; . ,sed byu s- l t-c tesmie-c nt
wil tl l..tO' T h-i-i
:rt~z~to: o uth 'ciiiitutu owtu
r: ±tii'tteil uctho. B th ra1-
.,;~d 1."- hterwsit- ilcciialso fiind
1en eiisaog ni'dpouiticl tbut
c <<.d ,< o;n1i hmeunttu of thisi
1; N jus1thabutICfit'' sars
vaguetyts ' slid it i ic,'ou huvese .ic-en
ci ~ rid Ytut t" Sou is it wccere aut sit
easy ut u ogi' cchtt oi'ii'iIi nut lknoiii
cut y(- t o , u twa t it iyit" rod i t'
s"( . ( -it tou t ii tl t.~ i
li- n l( 1? 2 if0'u'iC'ii tI
soaui, poyssi'a t '3'1u A l li r
the t'uuilut Ciaics1
i O'2 catluuiicdi on Co
It (
oiletill PtoeTsa'c-)