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January 20, 1924 - Image 6

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----- ±lated there can be no education wor- it necessary to administer to tine Uni-
" thy of the name. These principles; versity of today sucth rehuke and ad-
O O K S 4II W ri e rs are being forgotten in the compli= ;monition as tay in my poawer through
Gated inotitutionat machinery of to-: the withdrawat of thin biography
_______________________________________________________ ;day. There in grave need that we from the University Press on tine eve
won___________him____ hot b etideifshm of its publication and giving it to
Ionhm bngreat distinctio: ja another ptubtisher." Whether thin re-
AN ILN I! ~Otur American siniversitiensus bko ndatontowwlefr h
.-. L IOSfirst president of the Illinois bIds- toditnc eroloi ter ukt~dsen adtt nit i lowtrefrt than
BIG AP Ytrial Univernity, aso it wan at first litic eimofinteristoe .; University of Illinois remsain to be
JOHN 3MILTON GREGOIIY altent, he saved the liberal arts aspiration, a time of rare fertility.:ftems niieciiso h
A4 Blo aphy By Allen Gregr. 'ot y h xrcs fgratc, During the lifetime of their founders ' I3" y P cus ; univernities at present see no third
(ov~d-ee Co.$3.00 patience and resourceftulness, andi in uinisersities are tisualty sinalliin noto-alentv toittuoais ad
spite of the stormiest opposition; he hero, but a tremendosts moral force: h rcyo'ayadcprc.A
personally and directly innpired Lo- in the communities and 5, te. ...; mn tovrshe ieenh
One of te esentiiaIn of a good rado Taft, one of his students, wih These institutions were grest because coenuymlndhtohelpdstohevnivetesome
teareraccodin toGeore i r-his love for art attd his ambition to of the presence in lbe of men in-; of the spirit of disciplined individu-
bert Palmer, is a willingness toebe he an artist; he labored indefatigably spired by a Clear vision of the tear-aim-oaxmtcthn bu nw
frotnTiertakrcrtoorto stimulte popular interest in art ling of edttcation upon the entite so-'aprnl oetariaiydfi
osind in reading this biography of ! and for the establishment of an art j ta organism. Alt their acts official apparenGegr hefrt rs-'icutt ny s trardnaiydi.i
JontitnGeoytefrtpei-museum. He nerved the nation as lad pcult to ttnderstandngofLous. . Bevld
dent of the University of Illinois.o!h is ev h rvteadaltertahn f -Loi .Beod
comsioe n h irtCvi ev-teortdinary university curricttlutm, _________ _
The hook in written with filial pietyl ice Comtmission. tie wan a great #awere shaped and made dynamic by.
and reverence bty his daughter; it is' reader, and in his later yearn a tray- that vision. These by their p res-'
perhtaps an copetent a book as one' ecr acquiring a speaking knowledge ence created an environtnent in: UNADORNED
would hope for on the stihject. More- "of five modern languages. Such Ptt- whirls youthl dev-elopetd natttrally to-.
over, i evsn dutaot theit' ni.m as lingered in the oltd man' wards intelligent and upright citizen-,
fact of Gregory's real distinction in only added seriottsness and dignity' ship, an environment in whicht men of~ EDITINGC THE DAV'S NEWS
whatevet'lits stntertook, nor about thte to htis iiberatl-mindedness and cosmo- ripe echtolarship costld purstte the:3 By George C. Bastian
genuine love anti veneration whichrit it litanism. search for trtuth unhampered by: lTheNaetilsn Company
tnspired in thte first generation of ___
stttdents at the University of Illinois. Aside front its htistorical interest, isowet considerations." Unfortunately.1
Bitterpiain ftahr nte biography throws by reflection an there htas been a s econd stageawhichtt
eventstorepevatinsentacharsowyillttisinating tight on ottr owtn age. has too often elicitetd onty uncritttcat: "idittng thte Day's Nears" is evt-
even ore eanescnt an shad wNe "moderns' all sttffer mere or less'!admsiratiton.'Is this stsge the great denite nitended to tte used as a text
thnothatrfabl ttirsaxtndesingers, ttndfroto thatmtopsiia, or lark (tf thehitstiptttses of erow-thbtring the tnstitttbook tn journalism, becattse it says
inrnt, rtty . etenlei ot go-torical insagination, awhiici Ieaids tt;tion tiotrowr, prestig e and often Iaomtetttingabottt stutdettts in the in-
duo; htt n itter aseasther oanto sttppiose titat the Dark Ages ex- enormsits size. Sttchottward succesas ttodtuction. If it is so itntended, there
ptthlic ties awsay titeir nattts tdaindle 'tended ttp to lbe year of oar itth. first chokes ot and secand cotteasaitasomethting atntsittgly incottgrttous
into taere naties and the token. of We patronizettttr aneorsandlott isthte lark of the edttcationalI viston tttn a review of it at the htands of an
regard sitoweretd ttpontthietm in tteir;stent witlinenmthteir ptoverty otfsop anwhtch first gave te institutton its anmatetir critic; and I nstall therefore
time sent to themtresit tn n prunte.tD.Gregryinatttli0y."try to tie as tootestas I can. Even
lookert ttas the fideil letaveastrews portitiiieo. Diiitr.nGregoryineattathi
ttpo tieirgraes theunsnt at-studitng htet fattier's life, lis cotie Thattih-etnornouts groisth of uti- SO i tsan netiaeo h
to the conclusion that, itigi~ t cr versities has cceated newr probilenis is,tokruthetadeitfacrcy
titus tndeedt is ntintenitedsifr t Ste cmltnso rmsm ehia
institutiosns ih a-u g rioan vasily in howreaver.eneral11y knoswn.sait edli- cniltoso'fossm eiei
ge'-ea uuli; ititidresseid pri-
m rlytoth ol aumi f Ilioi.:sizesten i sintiemare nows'of catoni.sts everywitere are eagerly angle, you s-lit have io constutt an
nasilyto hetub itititi ic ttitijc.lesser dimesi ons titas in those cuirly loot-tog for a solution to theti. fir. ctstjtisttestaithiority.
tisc wthoseimelltoti tieiories go t ai- yisa:a "The gri-at.ito-eerawork sit Gri-gory. bersetft ailented te-ocher, t Isase two technuicratremiar-s, hiia-
.isrtn yaris st titor e iii Sue ak -ir
lothn 'iitto regoiry in Micicagan and seema stnneceesa crilemtbittered. Ini: ever, that I cati matte. I heard an
sit i i iisse tsiiiS tit. tiii-' I-it inioi'-tisits--is-si tdut u tstrateit i- S.er iprefuceshe ti-lls is:'-It otas inauthuority omakeithesi.'Thsey tire:
gitain ts i i ear tu t hct tsraI
itionia - i si- cso ,itititsit-isincertelove ad loyalty to the trite 1. 'Tie chiapte'rOtitittettiis
55 tS ii sti i strnsS Is tt- iiot--iect- itdt-st:-sires-"~ .1_- iei)- Utivria ty aof Illinouts that I tiae felt' goil.
if r d ,iil r° c -i-ise1lery isis-i,,c°i--

iii t j~ l zo l- ?i: 1111;n
msenitinsteducitationt ~ ~iitia
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