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January 20, 1924 - Image 5

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Review ofteMagazines
The Vt to e eview for January hears DOROTi-lY TYLER hufiished (trawing by Seurat. "Le
its usual phalanx of well-known ;Cirqe." Roger Fry's "Sp'anish Scene'
names en the cover. That over- lted repi esentatives to its non-pouit-, the latter the cutt which sem to ;accomspanies his essay on "Salansan-
worked encomium "significant" is ap- jicol work, I make of the artist a deity incomnpre- rsc." His travel essays take a wel-
pticable to msuch of the content. h oi fltit'it"jbn 'iblo to atl execettte il :tefchosen patti between Stoddard and 0.
Witbur Cross, editor of the Rfeviesv In TeLgco ptlsl"J ttecl tef
conriute oopehesie ritciieLaurence Laughlin shows the fsllacy '" Men who bad made ihenmselves be- 0 McIntyre, if one may presume to
cotrbue a0 leorclreunsiteerisolcii of trysing to inerease thr share of the roe5 by the ageny 01 their efforts to say so. There are tics reprotductions
of nThe iiiOO ir ofinit'MaxBeebod' " proletariait bt vetrsiiig eq Mo ilicti'conquer lucidity ivore imade god' 01 of paintings by Marie Van Vorot, whso
and siince sthe estimllt( isiit'redt'ti incompi ehenititits "Mir'tMuiryiob- recently decitded that she ''mis sod her
certain extenst throogh' con'paisona'evs One disastrous rslt thisclig" in writing the thirty nov-els
Yeii5 's ftoetiet iilio 1iig ts iagainstctapiitalism. 5
st i sstory 'ci eeit<>fI ic cnittho(t -cici 5 of huin l5is1prccaci'irtiin" liloihetautor h swicheihace swon her considlerable
't e~it ills ''i'. i i dntofMx Theseconihlf fticttiih osis' teit i iirn osei ists ts- o plttarity.tisid iecitedl ftdevote hetr
'ierog's a ' , " ''alcs t ofi 'i'si li''Iirii;t iit'the"5t.l. pii iicipleofidelite iirooii e- itso tpaintimng. The lieotple of Adolpth
NtiCgi t ishing al ' Dos o r p'i S2lnNoi''silThe t'iil li ibiity, a "resuitrto1be tiaced inDolun'sh'ieneseCoffee blouse and
Tie tioil iit Nlar ''ispuihled ini thisiss s.Ini'somse ioftie'witins ofii.lams ti e Cabaret i'emintd iii thtiaaGeumn
sioe f lii' w i iii tuejouui it - 5 i oltug ishomt Mr.'Aurryri egiritsthowe'eri'r ,writer huts osfiuated tie tihiiin flue
tiileiit'ihiie Mtusfili' toris, " iia ian oi gni s' w ellasa totl, as store eltongation iif ihe aliuticis-
N i i islii ut o iii<.''e Iililttol iflie' ~ii'iuu5 scutt-. whsl otheiltiisofiin itiy htti's isho tary catial. Nevertheless, thiese line
ited biii' 'i ixc.i>a gtiinihrsrielli objrctiverol'sits, is tex air' fi'oi cit tll ic tioftii' st isdrawinigs vsdlok vi5 na
iun0 tsis i-o'5sitved tunytig like'enisSchnitozc'r novel. 'tilliamuu Groppieir
CatroiunesFt liiiharidisoniii r'ii'ies simakes one realize halfth5te appeal of
ing thiru r'sidence- in 1- l's' ii e, rt omGil't tlt oric-.to' li'ot, sets ''rr'Iiis' Is es i 0 the slagi-sicklcartisf iristi his "T'liio-
tots fromisIiay i htts'5. ie ibyNWasterupr ia ilist of rquisites for tir greatr"tr Aias"Tevreo h
ft C .is'.e~s ' sse is cost rilti'tci5 lii' l'isu-e -u'' ua- line Syiiocutionus."
s i- Ilardto,"iia''Te sit t srea lirtAlue'B5ronitandiiArtiitcitl tl eS's' "idwiiMruis''s''feverie'' is
In";siboth f iii iiIisciii.Mto..lC.,ttsicrl oi' aMloIieutu it'aitis to say, it is siortliit icnee a reisiiter ot Keats and of
17us ad1Ec'aE' tIhc'y a'r''iacrecord le '-i'051tauuy's proisi'at toets' andul :ss'hili'. Coiiisiirle'i" sae is 'tioeot cay'. 'tirirfoIer infllueince is frill in
of the potois' opinsii i Ioni rit sunboisiis tht ithis stick is a uiiifie'iltosiuthoiiritativ'e reviews of nues' boiiks. stch lines is
mnnof te ltterti -f their cit wol, tiportitdhb' aideinite phi-! "'Tese levers never iwill return
"ModeriiiinI ai . ii s udiscisseditlilsi 515 thtiucit it ttoas. is-iswichaor- 'Ilth' )' alis 'alw'''''s -.ru muinarilye again;
wih utits isitorical . i.i Iiiinit lie ste cenrling o thslia'thlor, eiilaini i' s it el tiacrd.It.tiwotilidii'rbe iesie That soutisitha. died long sine
late \ViiliiiGtihami Iii itttiti Th'Il rtdy iimay i'fail litti peatio iithe age tiiopantii nteilshelts fiir'coninicls s'witthin the gloas.''
sn ide.irwiichi irs ssritten'iinii 5 Itli'.i-f tiost-siis'di'iiitins srithits'isnltritinthe itiagazine. icititthe besilings anid the latter in tho se:
might has-c' been isritteti yesterday, ,est in te newly fioindt ability of tian lii'tilta.'' ''ftiticisti t,'c.'The idarncroail journieys tic the>
inisofar as its atilieabitilitytoii presinititc analyze tiis ciii'susbci'osc'iius sellf 'Theti'cionlf the tDeroinitbier isslie darkening sky,
contditionts is ciincerneid.Itr. Gralsutitrattier lhin in the olider Greekvitew. icluds "'Tue ItijurcidOtie,"ityKael 'lie t'wiligtsettles like a ci-
hastpri'se'ntei thstr'situiatiiin swott. ic' Williamt K. Gre'gory, associate tin-t upok 5 tiebohiemia~n wisItotrswhose; cling poil,-"
has soil consideredt it as ai trotbienil. lessor of veterbirate pualeontology at alttst'iatic name ts tinliod tilwsith th oiy Lcwseltlihas twopoenis, ''Sultry,"
In ''Common Setise uni the ti'eague,'' Ctiiumtiia University, toildiaitieimbir Iiiiirs if hits dranat. T. CR.''"i and'Titnie's Actre''in slits issue. Bofth
Edwiardt BltssIRetid poinits olt iiiis--uif tir stiff cit the MIluti\'fiiio taii' ' 'a. Thce story, i liiih ish;os'.ate ''intlctutallt'satisfinitg,'' asiMiss
conceoptiisis'incing 5tie tLeague, flistcry', il"Oil Designii N'itsrtheiipiycological reactios ofta mis Losielltdemanid. that alt of heotemI~s
anid its failures auit successes, apipair- extilains the fallacy of anthropinor- oi ha tts beenofofended.u is swritten shiall be. Elizabeth J. Coatsw irftt'
ent anid real. Ie to itgsts that sintcs' phisti inhlerent ill the teleolcigicsl with emiitional restraint;te tense is MAajesty Walon in the Gardten;
somtiuformiofittocganizationtutinsg itielilt titutre, 11111stiiiit lees the c tatoftlt lugendus. utu' 111m1cIsof Spiain,'' is noteworthy especially for
munonfmtaill tare s31a11 givinig thetisa1umodern'i natuaist's conucepltioniomithttushe tatter is dutotishe isanslatorII its color. ''The Lehta Trees'' is a
coiimscn grosund for co-opterationus ieprot'eis thurtugh ichtuo the eltborationm do tnt know. "'fleb'ate' of the Baron tiprsse poemcti by Padraic Coluum.
nueessltry unitsince itth b st y toiuf ''designt''its natutre has arisen. vin citlrssettuutg,'' liy'Athor Schtniz- Randcolph Bouirne'' is an apprecia-
tecide whlethier the Leautgc'is wirthm Johun MiddtletonMutrrt' mattes a lttr, is agood thony~, toll in his mmstat tionswritten ItytPaul Rnsenufetd. Thisa
whtilteis to si-set withiit, ;Ameiocalswtrthi shihle oontribtionitomotdern lmnitec. Ogtaof his giftsstentding us one of the.tribsutes tie pays to Mr.
Nvutotht iottelht ''t t hrcoughithiteristtcismuin ''Flaublert smithla'ubert,''}tdignityus tir'herisque. Bouirne; "Only then (when Boomns
lick toor" byi'eeuinig fulls' occreid-'the fitrmiser deotting the real artist,l Art:c 'Se frontistuiete isians sut-couneuceit to move throsugh the

17yrant For most folks the years are tyrants.
Statistics show, that at 60 you will prob-
Years ably be dependent on someone else for
support. Upon your sons and daughters
or upon society. At best making a
doubtful lhying.
But it is within your power to pre-
vent it, if you wish to. By saving a little
of what you make during these best
years of your life you may guard against
the necessity of looking to others for sup-
port when you have left the most of your
A few dollars a month wvill do it.
Money\ you will not miss. At compound
ante rest it works miracles. In forty years
it will make you wealthy. 'Think it over.
Then act.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bjank

"world), was there net before one
'where it could be perceived the hack
that swbat one had been groping for
an consically end what Anserica was
poor for the want oh was the young
American who desired not things but
high experience and who was capable
of taking the junmbled objects of
Anmerican civilization and converting
Ibenm into nutrinuent for thme spirit."
'flue book reviewis, wth the usual
Dial revieswers, are representative of
the doctrines of impressionism; they
are them.selvea "works of art." Elea-
noes Dus~e ho considered in "The The-
ater," as she seas in alt of the De-
cember periodicals. Paul Rosenfeld,
in "Musical Chronicle," takes issue
with some of the nmustc critics of the
press for putting on the sack the
principals in "tivomsoerable perfornm-
ances" in October', and for consist-
enoly checking their sensibilities out-
side with their rubbers and over-
shoes. Paul Mtorand's "Paris Letter"
is interesting. In this issue Dr. Oto-
kar Fischer, professor of German
literature in the Earls L'niversity of
Prague, succeeds P. Beaumont Wade-
ivorth an Prague correspondent. Dr.
Fischer states that the first appear-
ance of an O'Neill play in Paris will
anon occur, when either "The Hairy
-Ape" or "The Emperor Jones" will be
Bookmsan: A reviewv of flue Christ-
mits Bouokman, wtith its Yulte tree
cover, seemts somefthing of an anach-
Thme only fiction is Fannie tHirst's
"The Spangle That Cosuld Ite a Tear,"
which is incidentally a Christmas
story, hut mainly a representative bit
of Fannie Hurst's work in the He-
moresque mannmer, and Padraic Cot'
(Continued on Page Seven)


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