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January 13, 1924 - Image 7

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Observer was born, he becomes the and occas'ionally produced such max-
more certain in his estimate. inis as this, "It is a mean and scanda-
____-lons Practice among Authors to pnt
Turning trom fields wvhere hie ad- Notes to Things that deserve no No-
Imittoedly is hut a casual though sante- I tice-this is a note on Mlargery Base.
'what dogmatic onlooker the Observer Another striking thing is the msodern
encounters another in whlich lse at ness of the books. Gcant, it you will,
least is a cons taut browser-that of that the children of one age are like
illustratedt fairy tales. Here too, li those of another; the tact rem amns
has the advantage of support otf au- that adults are not, and it is adolts
thority, for the particular votume at' who write books. Bot thesetuff writ-
lsandI carries wsitth it thy' -ipir oot ofi ten for the youngsters of 1750 was
mossy centuries.Feow f-irt-sales love very toacs like that asritten insr5thi
the standing of those in "Stories Front dren today--little magazitoe.stoie
to~ Arabian\gl h" G oei. Doran and poenms, biographies of miiee spiel
Cos., ddlretslit i by Laurenee-lons- es, and pussy-cats, andl talesof ialt
siai, atil st5r _t~' b EcI tn I o- varieties of mnic t. All in'ill, shert
ti. iivleiitmus tbe titdiitteit by tore, the chilitren's books of fteten-
ovenrivil -iutlt'trs isvversios of lucy foerswhichi Miss lairyswsites ire
thpese is tri's are h1ilr nresodhiatnvery inucts likethse belostgitig to the
'lIv estdlr.I5iI" Oi f eCtirse, ceniturcyof swhith stievwrites. Indeedt
it i very fto i s-ii',ilsetieautifult50iiifii tie stories still hldli -fews
<ohsti;rsv i sir----lr nl n ,of 555 have snot Ihearit of "osotyeTto
andsil list's h t 1andtOtioShoes" anil:MargeryDaw. Somoe of
Nisltfssalvo-i' -in viiiso-v eu ,f' the smorvaliziig stories are swith uss
orani 'v liitsset oo;i last wveek I refused to buy a very
saved i'd i '.' Ivitri if liretty hosts because it simntains a ce-
Su l~ln. r yefit' sasiped version of "W\aste Not, Want
pviotlvsre ist this' 5!r ii' tsr viof' e iie- Not" Clarence Darrowv is not the
he razails sir-v '-tasiit isrs- sonly person wvho has fiddled awvay
taitievi tiiioiiities., quite forgettig useless hours in saving pieces of
tiat tie firi vii vtellei heseslf isa string because of thot story, and I re-
hfisi, andithsat tierse-see ties ulzev fuse to do anything to pass the curse
anst one "originasivesvionss fur u-v'ery on to a coining generation. Hadl the
stiory of she vheto iuusn, andtl c store been one of Lamb's.
setldomsis o vne of thiemsa-soexaimptle
of realty giod story-Itlling,. MR. FRANCK ON
There is, terefore, no sacerilege in CHINA "
ste miodificativon wshichtshe stoioes
have usidergone ait tie anity of Ite.
Husmssan. Onte thn oler tianid,tere is WYANDERING IN NORTHERN CHIN.
decidtesdimspros-enens, bosh in color, by Harry A. Franck. 'The Century
efeet, oil technique. ,So9far as the Co. ,$5.
Observer knows, there is tint one ver- Mir. Franck is coming to be as much
sian that is better-a little, plaid- of an Anmerican institution as the
bounds, Snis-printed affair that n-as Stoddard Lectures and the National
his introdusction a Sinbad, Alt Baba, Geographical Magazine. Heading one
and she Queen of thse Etbony Isles, of his travel books is like spending
Unfortunately, it has no pictures, and a week with an old friend wvho has
it is pictures wohich torus the second just returned from far regions one
beauty of Mr. Housnian's book, There always has wanted to see and never
are sixteen of thenm in rich colors,' expects to. One asks all sorts of
though of a mnore subdued sort than questions-about places, peopte, build-
the Observer generally thtiuks of as ings, customss, food; the friendly Hr.
suitable for children. But doutbtless- Franck answvers all of them and
the Observer is wrong; children of throws in a great deal of other infor-
today may not care for the gaudy mation besides,
things he liked, jutst as they are not The "Wanderings in Northern
old enough and rebellious enough to China" carried the author through
enjoy the scarlet trees and vrermil- Japan to Cbs-sen, north to Vladivos-
lion roads of Ainsfield. The world is, tok, across Manchuria, over to Peking,
beconming less uniform and pattern- through the Mongotian desert and
made, in spite of Presidential messag- the Gobi wastes, to soviet {nst bol-
es and Kiwanis elis; perhaps thse shevik) Urga, and back through the
Observer's neices will clap their hands interior of the Yellow Empire. Mr.
over bath etchings and lithographs Franck took these journeys seriously,
whsile lie still is vainly attemtptinsg to learning as much as he coutd of the
understand Picasso and Art Young.' languages encountered, seeking ear-
Be that as it may, he can read the neatly after the thoughts and desire
Arabian Nights, equal awith the best of the peoples, and tryinig his best to
of youngsters. . . . -litre osit the steassingof all sorts of
-The Observer. thinswshichth te ordinary tourist dis-


Ptease Clean and Pres attached clothing and re-
sts ito me b .....................
Bing ' Oih ctd, $2.50 for $2.25 foe which I will
$5.00 for 94:50,
'sic~t- --....,I shaltleet tthe wsrk to be
is ifactory isnvvery respet.l
itrvut-antl Not- - - - - - - --...............

. are
atumdry work, too
.F _ c y ',, '. . N .u. !SS .-f.+Y A . r 'F " i . .c s :

x r,


(Continued from Page Six)
ity that aa almost as tad as tthemor-
azngof Perrauilt's predtecessvies,
IEen a child wilt get tired of ass end-
less suceesioss itt:Montvsstori mthlers
anit we'l-iiieaning, vdesptvely serios
fathve'rsv-ontever dv anvyting that
remotuvery eessvvvtlev realaty. Fttvvls
a feovfylks fsollowedt out in ptiee
live theo'rsies of tsetbooks-midlei'viol
is alwvays peoetovitale woiit isiress-
ig serioviuse tie things it reavds,
or sisiiavays , sees in tie msovies. Btn
it is safe to vvvy that no ctilld ever
oilliingly submsvittedl to thve sevense.
sincee ttvfeels that perfe'etionisoifany
variet olevsvsnot it coomfotably. Andl
tie is siottt otieotigh to reason outlthtt
whatvi is unceoiifortaible is btsttteca-se
Feetno ti'sitssit stv-'tht te host.
Of svicou shentvnsv marls of huusks
vsriiottent-aoiv'unt'dr eraii-'ndreci
:it t'a int 0,i110 --Oiv''-
,'oai vs-sit ieis a-n''thrrsd hn
-vn ih ti tets o iot-i' 1 -;
-'%2s il n ?ii M-ut . !tt-t' o
viii" i u~l n 12., vtc

iviesswitha :sshrug. Theretore.sits
iketi-at tourist, tie atdmitvslisil n1o
knows vr iteaot.ttia 'ito
kive- rovi es-tiic ti"aements
1. i nctTl~t I vt v4nlivt~'v-
itsf t.'s- ivilt iii' littofom eaing ivo
)t It ~ ~ ~ ~i' is cokflofifrnto-
sly :Ki 'stn
"iolI )-v 'M i td oviv.'2
:IG) " , .. ' lnu ' i i i
et Ct'.1isiss1 v Iisjot
lacki c'it { f n-ifvy, (0 t i l. Ii 't'en _
; i ;- v J i v i s.'th :?,y tetii z
neCre n vleertlt t°,v, nd I'sv5Z {;;


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