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May 13, 1923 - Image 3

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Tone ,Painting of Today
A_ Survey of Contempory Music
Has the last word actsally bcn sid j CARL GEHRING gottnartsed in the middle tof the
tn musical extression7 It is rue!entury just pat, it is quite sae to
then, that thtenmelodies conceiv-ed by(
men ot today andI tonstrosemttbe Others ot much less note arc sat,!- and Occident which we ae nwsad'a--".nin that all three inios-coc Icave
formulated ott futdamentally diffeel d oem- the countr, c arae so it- have ectt fr some time past wil- had thel' ots distinct beatig ot thc
bases thati those accepted as muacic sietificat as scarcely to desecerve nen -,,,tihit niuseonbt rost theefore share
op to the present te, to avoid being ten: And these oen alt try to arite nstg ihisifuneo att
thse helpless prototype o1 sotnthing anti frce theitr dry stigautleied itc.tes,aces. To e quit tp to date eet i"" {cto e same. NO
writtett yesterday. 3Most critics ant iotn atnalready perplexed ptbic. cur j7?. sehestras 'cave to ibe r'~t -i tea.t oreinlue-ia.ttedorttinth
authorities on the subject tell tts this; NO do I subscrihc to the -or k ot otT renertttg oriental mOt~fe c te exot" repeseotuiie" :t- Bor-
is so.sore or less so at any rate, bor the tltlra-extretmists. On" recst dsp- da, and w e note sitilat tendeneses c t'"rstals, SBalaire-. flinkta.
all havethteit indtvidual degrees in ges oi a cmoementssucLh; we arcin our ev es day ie. TheO(testntlI9 ' cc k-ora',k soil ther .Ititcs~st
radtcalisan. moreovet,,tlissbody of;noss witnese"ing is tat ., tre of rcocsqute the thing Ic-day. But i's life's tert' enotedi0,a I lae not inclded
grottp of ttets will tell you, one an'tist etsa'IC rsisse e -stwil try to tpass more- se rius shases, sus as art and the nates oi Tsaiows:y or tRubti-
all, that itere is no eno who admises cL thlirown tssiscre efforts oamr ~teily uslat could ' s et, twho. altbocg tHeicisat thet
the works o1 tise older tsasters mote'publis no groan accustenmed tc' Leo at least partly attribute the news sove-;utoe ser* n i Ietx-on to' 0L
than they themselves, that t.c classss netrsstles Thic'Is ne o th asc o1 the growing influence w'te : la art butswee rater ahedsr
cal writerctswill live ott foever by' '-rongest argumnttts the extenscie. ea St. thirset cool and time tintt bthll wer'
reason o1 their whstesotte peotls.ttcotserv'tive thae against tht' new;- I raher thints thatsote o these etreeley cosmccpoia is charate.
Htowever, wte sinspl Ihave L'a-sown movoemnt andI it is trel l oundtsd. isth Iree rasons could be advanced as Indeed, an interesting fa-io of tl'e
the traditions that c soussutileafter-Jsi as I 'cts concerned, I beliesve a alc- eing alone responsible for the begin- ,tao sovemnssimight e cite-I in cot-
'The omoanticists frtie dci'- c erect py ttedutnscan tbe' oundl ietw'ets ;ing of our modern smusic. All hlit-Is; (Continued on Pasge Four)
tis, then the Realisst, and izr(sitot'n5- these two extreomes for a fine sew
siss Alt newe and revittis ary art'fountain oh mstical exrression, fairly i
mtovenments ase thse 1ce s. sal motto efervescing willh beautitfutliideas,
of "Trut," sore nl,,., il' espres- !clothed in rich harmsony Let te nr-""s
sio, is ue soden snse Ile oderrow Stick. rant as they sill ,,It the
wvoeks are very confined, busilt 0onttIdtrue Bolsheviki throw- their pieces of:
ferts, sw ortsout, atnd whiich shoutl tsica dntdiebthR1tIsFE l
mn}~ldnmtbt tt ilhave been cast off long ago, htece'etensually hang themsels't ., and they RlBrt
interesting so note is the fact that 'both are nece-sary at this time to s
the troblests confronting the modern act at a true blance in forming that
msusician today are nearly identical nte world or tone the truly alers- are Remem~ber jvutsr
with those confronting the other arts beginning to hote for, built on ines Re e b r oh r Sunday May 13th
-indeed, the freedoms so sought after cosmnopolitan and distinctly un-a-
in all ar1 is that sanme freedom so0 ional, A OTHERHOOD is the one vocation in which age brings
sought after today by various naions~- Just how the modern musical move- Y
more especially idividuals, and it no!addhnradolesigcam.N fmergoy
deutbt at lbs root of all lresnt day et got tared is a much debated addhnradn esnn hr.N aeo lr
rettessns;,question, Many say that Wagner was that a woman may achieve in science, arts or letters can raise
Bet let isaexamuittathe other- sids espothninlrning fthat hfoeruonerin nmasate- her a more exalted place
alt the learingno. his frerunnersdIs
of hearttmnt Hre e id~'to ne coept whole, as illustrated The gift from your jeweler's you give your Mother on
gntro, oninclind sobiterlyre-s in his great operas, and stared no this "Mother's Day" will be one of her most cherished posses-
in teirresontg ssd bttely re~off'n Isat new path the more adsanc- sin-n'' .albeuy prtae
udiced against the sew and novet.d retradsgloaymOhes esynheimperishalebeatyit wl pretaethe sentiment
maesnly aeti ru t enwmvmn 'aistigated by the of this hallowed day,
maeup of thse hack numbers its theis'ne ' vmntwsnRssians Tis could veywe lh
ariousconspneticane al of the rdo true, for the Russian school of music k L "1DE R & SEIFT D
toe.vaiususcopnetso h wr c -tated about the time that the moderns S H A D R R E F IT
Ton.'heir dtenuncation of lbs. net- moroent which it strontgly reew- ,WIEI
er harmonies, cadences, pieres with-+tle-, go.sndr -a, 11 thrsst
out melody, is. most itler, ermn; tibtewheoriinoftilmoersmot- 2) ot anS
the former the musical "Reds,' or mtritothe orginadfthe mluodenovrent$ 2 ~hMo
Bosheviki, a menace Io civiliation went__________the_____gradual________fu____ion____of____O___ient___
along with Russia of today, These
composers, knowing fttl well that the ijlItIII~111tII~tltlltI~ltllilltlllllt1111111i1I111titt111lKttl111tttl{lltllN_
basis ohhte pew idea, being freedom
of expression, is built upon incpira -
ion, Band this extremely irksome]
themselves, These ultra-cousers's- -
fives are the mne totally lackinog In the-
last-mentioned spusk of true geuis'
formulas and forms as anded down=-L~ TN T E P B I KNOW!
by such great geniuses and innovators-
themaselves as Bach and Handel, go Into________
the store, hay a crap of notes, say{S_
hafapound of hoeatatstW There was a time when the advertisements of banks were regarded with
eighthss, including rests, and the like; as much goodwill as is now given arn umpire immediately after he has,,made a-
--apply those dexterously to a toe-! close deciion againt the home team. Made wary by the operations of th
mule. so trtulyworlsed ot by a materi
sincere in his art, and, presto, we hate!~ many "wild-cat" banks that flourished in the Early Seventies, the general
another finished piers on the market,' ~ public viewed bank ads with as much the same suspicious scrutiny at a fox?
usooyvomaenntaa.lgrs ould look on the bait in a trap. Bankers, alert for the slightest changes i
We see this later iype of modern E~ public sentiment, characterized bank advertising as unethical-and for yea
mician es'erywc'here. Unsrtunaesy Icnevtv ak eue oavrie
io thicn country they seam to bel osra ebnsreue oavrie
srongly enrenched in various mus- l Now, thanks to a few hardy pioneers who blazed the way, these cotidin
cal prcfessorshiiss at the leading co-fE ions have changed, Good banks, like good industrial businesses, have coif-
leges.aherr they teach music, andl
as-, doubt well, hut thie create each '9 dence in the services they offer and do not hestate to tell the public of this
eunpielon o the new and truly sin- Z cornfidence ,
cerc artists aso to rtader the young E'':~ hsl ~ ~ sanhble nte~ai"o t akn
student aell-nigh teuddled inin s Th is bank hLa alays been asaunh eivr i h ult o t akn
beliefs, He- will go to a concert, get r facilities and the value of judicious advertising, A combination of this nature
the Bere of a modern a-rk vibrating has been more than justified by increased pretige and remarkable growth
its hic seins, and e told not to sur-1
render himeeti to animal ust. Dan-t Think it over,
lel Gregory Aiaton, that eminent c-citc,=
aid rofessor at Yale, in hin boot
-'CSontempo'acy tfompoSect-8" accuses"
each calbrse mee'wi t hrassaebn-i

selves and their ar c ts aen-SssOU. is A bi" "
ut te f ~The AnnArorSavings Bn
eya~, n onths ficilt~ hm~D n
t I thIvsans book goesctEgo
inin a -ea-thsy diss ertation in dstens.*
cx Mus9ical tMathoematics (he accually "The Bank of Friendly Se' ice"..
uses the term as sueh).
f etly sincsere -in wtat he caya and
yet I ralghnt mctitemy own prsona R~fscUR CE.S $,600,000TWOOFFICES
:ulgnent c;!'hi. Sym. lony in C incor
by esagesing thati a little more i-s
pints im ' a nathlaematicc would ..
0-dc i, avey Leawr'tforheherN-en-
t - Y ' lr inc hi. thtitatlo-tion t tt f[l f l[[ tf[1tiltlfttii [H!ii N i [H[t #1 11N tl'

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