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April 22, 1923 - Image 8

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SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1923

._._S.DAY APRL_22r192

"ARISE BOURGEOSIE!" As the inertina, dissolves in hyster-
icaI ensthusasmiC,,eitmagina ry'scene
Consiiened frtrs's??1 anovertalkedl by ihercsin-, iroit'a--hotThe stikie baa been overwvorke=.ifades aaym. Thi:eravings; ware bhi
c5 _ ofclasses, so we inut be thes rat; the lotk-ou net diibioriklistbave Think of the tiay,,Alen the cot.al-i heea of t a imindl driven to revolt
lass ,oft the tfuture. CI ; -ares us -gown coldl in the gloves of the capit- a tcl ems aywhen our house:s v, ibyth Iat fommof propsaganoda which tells
and wouldl eliinatse 1us, i I ttuly at. Yrue, it is hard to give up5 the filied with the blsrtness, the gloc- us a tic the universe is exclusively
or bodily, iless we prov u li srike. You will say it hias wonder-01of t tr neighbor's soft coal. You deli" ppulated by the poaor sworkingmnan.'
to existence. Ifl lpossibilities. this to cia, iherefore, wes-sha~llre l
'Since th e fielit of redihilsnsha;a "Suppoee the Nation.aI Toathi-tpul For every tine that our pleaacre tica
becen takena over, anti offers rnt new' eras Union wvalked out soume day. W IV a benhl up by railwvay strikes,
publicity material, as' shall lia-c io sliouhd havcc the ltot-achy polic i foi cvery lime tiist the de-natatds oil
ievelop nei esthodis. If laboir rose bow-liig at otir f4eet withbin a 55~i.If lasor;hise cied ,le price of a nosy
by the s-inkesoil tse onion, we -shalt ste K Tel ,ii ated :ilock-kee rs closed i roat beyottdlour reach, wese a ?l hsean
assect ourselvs by the peis sni theI their adlding .Miachint'es, esaitalislic cira-engethIe ri-venge of tise public."
club. They say te inoffensive boor- midus.try wo-culd clialise in 5aslitri of; Tbe nodience sings a pathetic song!
geoisis a reactionary. Then let t iue.Itetcrsai 2 re cI We are the Common People."
be reactionary - let us react to the sours threwa doa'n their books, the "W e l l fteninit
limeof oab ark tothegarden of world would cease to road aod -cite. b-eoon Is etepol
we shall arrive at the -sante place ofWe are reactionaries. We -shalt do osoney When pricesavent sailing up-
anarchismsnia-the revolutionist dos by' our work so aseli that the rest of lbaadorhcmsrmindfr-n
AdamandEve.B gin~ sacacars, o. 'eb tiiis ae beeat jusasouinmfaledminitedscrmlenfur
gumn forward, sod in nmuch less tinse. aworlid must depend upon ua. W- con- Cxed. Whlile-;.ages-wentuit and sec-
Bfackwardsintot the Sun of the Primst trot the pre s the faris the store.s, tsm-n uiio eicub
tive., the accotint hooksof the asorld, and foorsansuihook the furnace. Let us
Violent cheering toixci aititheciry titrogthriiema ae shall rule. Thirotigh ri-iel, itanId t i or mace in the -pub-
of ionics anti Dollats.a our iarittrste true cosertvativs lii its of the aworld, bestde the Bolashe-
corilndsantIcontservatavesthe iitare itsholive -'ways itsed tts ti-cpa-t, we ti steT
iialrvea of fre loa-e';-was-aill sitallfcedtitthesticn 50o ; l haI t tehini teTu
prech eblt nciteintdocttriceitt motto- iworiers k i l ; ii itil<r ill igive oct "Ourte i - r sali tecaloif
-,c!,z lsloIeciLt sib iso cime,i a-i--i i C -,i,,0n toi10ae freedoto ' ,i sieettat a--oa2_no:.a
i . thace c-in adottiti tie it'rig''t!ci iraditlii lalst ;::-f ha tiotu5 to er ii : i di ish
0_o ic1it)i00'it i'i5 -st itsiPP li
l-i ti-c(tact, sohci I for
antI )",op anii ics t ts .- ,- cc' i-O----ri!s
ci"it a-\ 1- - --- o mi enett e - s h t-is itiiing'r .. o >r . n1ti o l
f :'_'_;'i._'What_____our_______ 1{_<<i_____________

lie tsist sih -i t aIittIt;{ i-itcii s t'-<,4 nil-itie--ti fin
hook. -tctetiioatsai_-,aci.At the
e l-n i1but i-l'i i-C , I cii" t? t l' ,) deap iii i-aci r
v etit teiisr ititccait - 5t'- SC of tft'.
is cn g stry, ~l o .. tto 055 -(. 1?i i ";('. 5 110Citi _eirs
f irs ovelblieseemto sb /tolli i tiesit ; Ii-si nt;ii Is k
lit st-i jiii i Itie tioot! is fll ti111 t e -ofb t
f' i ' itiii :l t l t ;
is ,rIht
ii -- ri-- . " s .'].s-< il liii is-ri- lu . c{.r
k2 os-ies.t ir c i-la-dlyin tic- soiti e csit tls ee-t
tisilie e anti a iterticit i-itltl t f is, si t1 iii his story Tauti trt.1)'
no1Ct scirpasss,.itug ir.yti1 "- I ist Ils-- ii 1itO i e1tits-f tttedicrc itlc-i th}
1-scA seen from ntiiAieT ic _r i tt-st a-c.t witing. Pis fiction awriing
f best because lie maintains, despite
Katharine Fullerton Gerould tn- the indirestness of his style, a very,-
scribes her new story, "Conquistador",!itimate contact With the rexader, and
published by the Scribners on April 1 also because lils description is very
1111, to "the gentleman who unwitting-! real. is editorial writing ha bad
ly but graciously sat, for a portrait Ibecause he is frying to be excellent
which none.'ill recognze". "Con- Miso Rofth Leithl tner in "Growth"
Mquistador", a short novel, is the story shnows a delightful insight into the:
of a man whose father was an Ameni- psychology of adolescence; a nwd-
'an and whose mother was of an old, uerge S. Barnes in "The .Chneckere
Spatnl h"a xrFlsifily eo, hle oplios- l ield' 'wrttas -p werfutlly'but tn -
"ng raciat traits witha in come -Iuto kr' babeos ;seb act, :-I shon.ld -tie to'
gOha p Oliu t. -prelse "Apricot Bloom" but I helieve

it e'ita. t
'yibl -cilri[C'. N :
IS itot) II5. t1 'C''.f r CC : l
No 'lt isioo foits' o he 4
ix 1 poety number





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