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April 22, 1923 - Image 7

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SUNIDAY, APRIL 22, 192'3



of Labor. It is possible that he is an
excellent man at settling labor dis-
putes. But it he is, it msust isv a
fortoitous circumtalnce, totrisulging
fion: Iis hook;, it is hsardl to conceive a
osan in Ihis position who shosws lesa
comprehiension of tse omental social

says ofthIis hook: "Not for a long
While has a single volume .ot hiso-
gr' phy or ot history appeared svhich
is so sttractive as Prefessor Stephent-
son's remarkable w'sork"

THE ~ A Letter
LINC'OtN: AN 44ACCOUNIOF ' i W~ iXen, Ausria
PERSONAL [IFE - Na tItit n ile 21Y lar C
Wright Stephensen, Ilsds,'s.Merrill Fancy yorsel i a great city wshere
tteviewved by JohntsFerguson te laguage is stange, tie civiliza-
Ts tie smakinsgof is on sssthe-cclives to dfeen. here nothig sees
tst ivig clebitis thns s t 'isiyor ey(e, easr or sinsi tast is famsi lit
of om cleriiesthreisnocolfancterssssel looking itetitsndosswsis
thee cays Yha ni ouesPinbito a tschanlussg" 'sd rading te
'Winows's'' Clsss'co 'steen sl- rit n words of5the titlts when
ro 's'cs" f thissanttt i rrrs " tt thlbt, , suaels'soutr s's's'fall'ss'ls'(in Th Doub e
lioth lsc es's an'd'i ss'le'' sorii ('sdt' Deler fa.19"".I 1epb k it
lritiisareas's in;s'the st's ir s 'a t'in pittt istst is Is andsiIhoughtiof o u.stilt
Cientlemien ''wis dsts cIlote's sis trIts's is itt' sar 'e tsu ' 5oissis ss Ins
tasiert's'llnshiatesthesirst sttls it' "'it istmf ross l'
itnseem's's tos ''1.'- i tsthir stppiy f( 5 w ll a it's' I' s and' yo
literarss'v''list's' rs D s ie h iuttl i sit tetsn. I canntl t e ll t'(tl
ft'sstthat st i ts111, 'speAal a~i itotimucth is t itpsis blitgi"gt'me-A
and new:=Paper'ss 5 stil's ss 'nj,_ nl w sI 1 ads thel it'' ust tswr'it'
gri cs d tests tr si t chsre asis rYour-Mihiga sits's
foun 'it's ' " ilt!r's it c of 5' '' r , s' to t l c si t ol wr ldvi' is a t hathe
sslsdouniliteanssonls' ss ttiit1"iets' 1),
yeast e ry- ft en ofttl Isis "se taiols'f nrsfl t e ld r ciivs'so , h
do thels littlltt551pra t s''Nlit tt nattero 'ttous' i'i lit'',:1 nstt
lisasi ll1s tes ts sl iss'tsiit s i 's I-'css'Issitv n w ll t'lln'tilt tly sttthe lss'ss
n 'tosss s'sss t stsrn to ;h si's i .f;ts t_ for 't i'sh ts'I mt't'ttti't atl liretittore
sth nei 'is is st teen's s' on.s' I n tsthise ay t tie'to'tesl''l' you Youtt'cannotss now
a tisse whe'isg' verni e nssits Is'tsstts a e in- c's'ceiesilts'' s"ss st s's's' a 's1t i s"t
consists sits littlit' morse tsnthesli - lIssevyuhvtesvn y n
ter'y iof lthe gentle arts'tsitkissing si's' ts' wi list" 'isor'si'tif5I
ists babiies andtti gi awatsssy is tils -Isii''snss'sstsits I ai tt f2
a s'e-persa'sl ofsthlitslife osit'euosts' heii I sd 55'5 'i s st li
worls's mstssem~sinents~t lsesncsn st Buts Imut s'srite i os oftie e 'sssr' 's
'so'' lssytstudentsi est'er(t'ssiihe, l''ssis li siissl
cialy is thIis te 5cast' s'shens'wrtit'tbyT hlist se'snt msai's bus ldsingssas' I -
usich'ast's asProessorsvSt ephentssson 5 ot;strturt i s ly ait' t
seisw o Itss the gil't, of sssasstost sinastings eventt's ears ostIsi 1t'ks eitss -st s
syle. catn bel ivehise lfssin o itlae;il-
sit' eliitt o 'tilssl'ยง olto'l is jug5~s FortyIfeetlit'tgt:,'oiisi-t'tl 'It
NewS 'ale t i pl acise its whichini-lst stllwith isisiseibalutsstdes, sa centrl
coin tliv osfor i tie, was's n''irsit'y's pesits's's uirtya's'ds'lof5'g''ss andsssi i iss's it
lutlls busndle sit ihsusees. ascasst.itst ts'ns' urruntdssli y lit aut'isl litstes,
crestsesiby drifsters"5', whiens itinte t'ts'5iit' i'ti ls its I stissvtistastttstiitoln d s
Whist Hises'sincolnsit'smid istsItsosndgiaceul archwaysts.
ofhis eable Secetrsy5eo5fiStat' S''w'srd.i utints allsilii't 's a ty of sit'
Stepshensosn scttsienittg says: "sit'evetec'tss'stureando sttary, 'sstuetsl'and
unosc rupulosn'ess f1el55 nwavering roesssrs ess iang'r','andi coldsi l'het's
inegiy ewr wgetod y ss ntsslnouts"ismosnsey tohts sssthei'fs'-
'lsse ts is tine r le sif asgeat ina s'tu essroom ssls itu's' th scli'a t i es i ss'
os ofih'sstwn n texsperienc'e'sanud wsay iT'e protsts' salis ar no
iehapss te ishsmblest ssminded'sls'uler enoughts keps tmin'ssdthelts
thatsieses' toosls the hslmtofsit sh ipi of'ss nd'tilt' ovnenis'i t'c' nnostgie'''tist
state in perilos'stintes.'' soss'' lits. sists'goodis ho1t. se'al is
Bu~t ltsebook sislstsothers mer'its. Det- srved'itoIthilpsois'ss'''st'' atily b h e ls
spite tseifact that Lnlnstt i is sssna- IslI eslslssss iMitsetdepar'tentsofthlst
tissal ectslie istreatsi ssiatmas,'nglot'-tsAmetsrca' F rienis'sIislisiMI-i'-
lta god. WXith fothr'icghtltrsstsis's S ioIThe stsdenstsiri'elpet'hssitroughs
we ate tsold thas ts ets'snot awsit'> t' Europeansss1Relif Asoiatltint.
thise tsetsles, lonettl ia''s ofs s o'srsss's' ' I furniss s om tise'food s ome sitss
but that in his yout11an1 yunttg mn-lcloting 9ll it ca)st v 5ev' sts' sricts.
hossslie hadsl sts iistsall ts ssthe starm lsksDON ALEN
that lifeo thsesAmerians 'ronier ...- -
. gave a minstIlle bsetae csss'si'sson9 x. n
not bs'cause e sdifered ?s'snt others The T eatr In
ofis lass, isshis"'ssssss' Ie exellesi A ustria
tiss's is lhirsi owsit'aIs ts'. lit' couldi
knoctksflown'tholst'villttoussglh 'sihs a Te fiancitl sport 55555e115by 'Ils-
ile~ ts'sst i th'i lau 'ragged esg'es''story triss o thessnaisnal thea'teisr ansthe 5
cosuldl bringy burstsf's lassghseIr som a inal stiertsdsso ssmeausably
evte'smois'st5roisterous.' to tie state's' sef'cit, thtltwso nieh-
1Bu1tlts relssIurtposse st'fts ssooksosloof possibly sioppig teseossse's
is to sdiscover for the reader ties oluare bseing coniere.fOn stlesIsiase
siofssssthea,ts ateimspt to ascertaiss the the teatres ndthe is' tlliris Is e-
mloivtes tht.Iprosptehimsl, ansi hereinsforostess.
lies its limsitatfions. Notsonly ae tey Eacisias is oponetss. Presets
linsiationsaof Professor Sepienson's diaytor stssndsemplosye'isims tsIts
bust of aiilsothersstits iy to antsomstsize inisferent sit astsertssnevet'teless
fisrsesut tostlay isaresste comtplexity os thlat refom ss 'ssimnpssibleisbeca'tse te
hussn'srnoststivse. XX'ess'ssan h Iimsel prsensst syslti issot ssnptoular 'wih
1X. very often cannost fissd hout th iss ssivssoetasint buriesis schies its tuthoistiy.
that priompt'fcertinsotft lis avtions siswyfle ise's otleaing dost'c isturb'~svl
in thesorld ocan 555antiostsf'ider'shope toste ailos'r tstilt' teusal's tmossy Is 555
siscovern them?,
Albeitis in is tstempt ts Iotegodaliste s othm
Impossible Proieeinifess Slteensonlig But te numerosr etrs' lsil ol-
p v ''5 s~sti '~ iise otblis- sies'swho sre sswylivingst'nsthe
gisssss' 's Is~" iilaS ss~so. I'irttt s t'sats sie oild iss tirss'stipossiiiossto
sout sl its c sefsla ge s t is itrs'It's- siny c'hansge; te lase's lisighi.st .
isg sNevr' oncse s iss e osre'de 55515-giaatee ts' itlston ti''ceoft is'i
pells 1 t ptt sit 'sit t'Imonotoosits'stipendts.
-os'thIlbs l.sl Albest J. I' its'sii'igs' iTs 555'o erisist tl tis' rt'lsilSfits' list
who is'shi's I lftingi silifis sit'Liscolnt ititiiltlli tltof li, I ii'is I'.' 5iis5 liii
on theii' orders' of lits 'sss "hn -as ll" l ' ii l ititfils''s ers ns

The Spring Drive-
You'll want lots of pep and vim this Spring
You'll want something that satisfies-something differ-
ent in the line of food
So, of course, you'll be coming down to us foin a
Real Steak Dinner
We've served Michigan men for years
W. Huron St. across from Intefufban Station
A Spring Offering of
Silky Sweaters
at $10
Thia1week we are offering exceedingly handsome Tuxedo
Sille Sweabeirs in an unusually beautiful weave at $10.
The quality is much better than is uually sold at this
price, as you'll quickly notice on examination They come in
Black, Navy, Harding Blue, Jade, Cocoa, Brown, Gray, etc.
and are an ideal addition to ones' spring wafdrobe.
SCharming New
Spring Blouses
are here- with which to freshen up your wardrobe. Many ex-
clusive novelties among them, and coloings that are exclusive
and unusual,
$ 8.75-$10.00-$12.50
York City as the best wearing and most attractive looking silk
hose at the price. Here in all shades at
$2.00 and $2.75

11"eMills Company
The The1ShoMAof ST.sato
118 MhoAISt.ato

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