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April 01, 1923 - Image 4

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The Allied War Debt,

Thtercent funding of the Britisho portance 'Though its avocate te-
1 bt shows tttthe unitedi States, iendeot chieflton Ottmenottal rason-
likeany other creditor, prefers 'too toy ig, tuch is5ou0rmoratdebtto fle
conciliation tbefore faking egat actiot. Alietey itave one o, two tprac-
TPie ordinar'ty onan i witing to confer tiosl points. It s a fact tat we sl
wiftt hisebtor, to find what it can ntocbahlc to (coettafll of tie-ft
to. fte has larnedstfromotexpleienc and, if it is nsirt we shaft hatveta-
Ittdis hefter to toate terns him-{ excess of isport,-
self thtio to cal a lawyer antd appeal Te Utited NtoHa--teslaolvys sree
to ftte coutr. Inth ie satteoway, a tttttbotor 0 ot u ,sen a to is
nafiono is wiser to omrtroise'Oasn to .gin cwres, of etport sohihtocreta
resort tot force for"toe tollecto ofattt avfo-rahle btlant-of tae." Sne
lawfuol dect. It costs tfos sucott0 watoehae becomeotocacreitor.
to wor, or t tow, -a rotaeawhitis trw tos
Like indtividuoal debttors. sootecotte Europeas ost toat-e osorer cto sy
natfio;are ottle andtwilitng to fay; trel-vetn tios of dotoottrs vritci
otiers ore touing to pay, hitmuto-lie toe.1o gel0 thissloe ttrut nreft
have ftheir time extenotedt stiltottets' ooprouotn .rid0sellitgoods ft i
can not tpay, anooneoar rwsil. A ott -iiprolthaie00-0ttatirtbtpooyooent, flat
ditor nationo mutst colec whatita can, !, 0 t illsbitlto'the formof otgoo;s seto
and, like a bsoiesconcern, chrtegoOthi ouotry t. Thtwsil aets c
the tbadtdebsfto oerheadat.toisportong, tototanttexortingo, tna-
Elvery ownerofto a Lierty of Victors tioon Thes ooattfwtesorers opoose thos,
btontoltoos a direct interest it thos q tibteaouse of foreigon comptition.tot it
tion, for it was hb' meants othsle toot- oas been tointedotsothatotooeare
tar loans thattmost-of ftse foreign t-too oprosperoustoughtotw ostanti..
loans aetc finanoced. We ave tecome For this reaso, tere lostbemo
tile greatest tcreior onotion in te oppotsitiontto isaotigittriff, wvhirhlo
worin osteaof t the goeat ettor, tot ostuts ouot foeinttorode. Egtono, a
floe Ameoricanoo toope wantto knooov geatotcreditor, tots oaoways advoratei
wtoo owes ithemo, stoolwhenothfis detbtt Ir.strade,stool ts een scocessfult
svitt lbe patidt. itomanuofactring. floe trso blocstos
"At te cod of 1922, tho total AlitetObeenoconidoeting furth-ie-lotens too
debt to tietnitedt States, pri.ncploEtu1ope0too fitoancoe otaufacturee andt
anot interests, was over $,00,0,00~o0. tde Europe canot'not ty otto agri-
Tthe form of the obligationoestas vstorscrlot totts owithoutoneooyrs. Soe
simipte, practicatly internationalootI. .' togoe toat it is tocst to toan ore00Ccto
U's. jotto'detors toouti themotheoo oir feet,
Thte Worild War Foreign Debtom on- wvleouth oters sythalot lo is merel
nmissont, whichoi was treated ty ton-; "sendinog oop00ev- after tad."
grews omore tian a year ago, tos the, I ito prbtal-oisttwe taOO get
poswer to discuss anti settle toe for- tloo ottsfOosotoa.to root
eigno oebt prohlema. It may 'ar0range totsin s via ,ottooiooo tabtso shoutldt te
for te refotnding, forexienosiontoofitootior 00' teotat toototcre-Ot ill-ttbe-
Oboe, and too' new interest rate, bt ote ek ftewr fanto
if can not cancel t h. -It hs los is tot goos,it sitttot tnottbe 'al too
teady setledtheOto'Broitisho cuestiont, anoot torrowtos-eOt oneytooo-.
hao arrangedt foot-conferences with; _______
oter tations .
Atogetther, we have sbottwen-so Stoppin By W oods
tdebhtor natfions, btoony t threae sof 4 s
gret inmportanooe. Great rtin 0i -t A Snowy .Eveinlfg
Pracoondt Italy to ttothertoe rs
aboottellcitlilitonodollas. Of 'itloWose 550o0s tee re I tonk Itknoot
three, Englandol olone ht adeontic t-lHs tot'se tooittoeviage thogth;
alitoans for setteento. i'-l tot see me sinoog tre
ItoitFebrua--ry, a Boifish comotisooto 0wa-eto' s woods tilitu010swiho snows.
met te iForeigno Debt Commtisonto_
Waatingtto, snot arranged for theTh 0te ltotli toose notst tinik it qooctr
funding, of the Bitisho debtolof amsto o op10withtoutoatfamoustoeotoneatro
$4700,000,000. Engand , pid $100,- eteentoe sood.an froozen toake
000000in oterest last ear, andoti - { tsodart st esenoigofte yer.
mlis to pay smore, so the princpte
wsafixedt at'$4,600,000,f05 toe toiotte gicos's ttsaroocseltlIs toaso-
in sixty-tw-o years. The inofres soilt o astk f toere is.some mistake,
he 3 porcent for the fit to- 'The ony othesoono'te sweto
anti oter tha-n 3% pet- ent Elti, toot 0f Of easy sointO stol oowny footke.
thosugh relctcant, is ahie snot rady itt
pay, and stattoO.int tte posiin 0of oSO arnty.i torootoi{i
honorahleietifor, Bot I tave trooies to keep,
Pranotc and Italy tavetade no And nooles to go efore 0 seep,
finite plans, althoughotey ofercod totAndotilmoes to go before I seep,
'o 'oonostoTeyoo octRoert Frost,
onaboleto toss nterestand havtos-snot ReprintetO fromno te Newo Republic-
limot diofe trt hoset of oteringitocr, for March 7.
ottigattonsTe econonic stton
n 1Fratnceisverybtoa,epeciallyItsc-too
theinason f heRur, Amone,, g the M agazines'
Itly, ote ,eit oto i e~dd yucerion. Authorities say flat if -By N 1
paynment is Trade, it can ony te'aftet- VVM.1WCK\ h soe
a tong time. I T-sanatioos too- ie ihalf tho reasooto o-ty I boy TEf
poior mentotomustf ays their otanoSMIATt'SFT, hao ron sort ott iess
extended. 3'th imfnorOing,tno los descendedt
Rutssia, Greco anod Aromoeoiat toe i tO te etotoevices of toooting "filler" y
frantlytotorotdeobot, foo thiey hOtt ootcuroostog te corrent teding colt. to
goverto't'ots Otht-aereootoiao- 'fTietehtsAril i-rot e losesvoth ree toges
Rian dtoot is otfle mstol'ihOttt,!botoobat Otog CotootiSoos ito taricoor toot
tut ofto otoitrobabtletfatitilocte0ero -ets'Thotght aootiCtrisiano Scince
he pid.tl tO intpr totar. The prctice sesot
'heotOher doebtor onations ars Aoa to beoao peteonial oneo with otr ma-
ia,5Bel-ianot'zeciosovakia, i-isot cne ;I donttookntoso s-hir. Srely it
tots,0FiooatdOHungary Ltvia, ti~to bj denot goo, andotonyaggravaes
anaol oanot Rumania, stoolSerbia.osharedtsvoics itoitsfoortofots toood.'
The olde1r nations has-cotfered to Yootocent msae iiots swise ty tbawting
makte arraoogeenets, bitt hit new themoutu; neither esot "Te Smaot Sat"
states tave all thtey 0c00 to h t,-oto lv' iim toots- coeit fot ttsetf flytot-toting
witou mkin ad ayig ut soch Crash. But osita, Ilorthtlet'reoto
Wititoto arf inmakiti fotoo anosialgontoss-' mhenon 00Coueoismth ian Chartes-ift.
ney At ar intadfnnciot onoi-Staono- Iotrissoet itsonities: wtoent,
tiotn, atoo can not pay for aontehmnorage,0and loovr
if at slt. oooroe
A-' toesomiss-ion is not empowoser- 'iTEXAStsPOtf'tFii ottor ptanuots
e1 to canceltdebts, and as Pnglatndlhas tandt totes" andoi 'more i-tooKltux tlas-

giveton uohertcacoellation tdematoods, toit', tkillings, anti ys-ttoos" lon too
thol. i--toe is of ltft-le tmediate tio- - (Contnued ott Page S)

It' the best L ater tr eat you've e-ver
, vld-i -o* tryt a -ourse if to one of our
JoutinteTlhrong That Co To
WV. 1-uron St. acroas from Interurban Station

Is sas impoltanot item in your spring outfot, s0
important you cannot afford to ignore it.
But, aa you probably already know, not nll
Hosiery is satisfactory, Especially ia thias die
caoe with the almost universally uied ailk hose,
A year ago we tried to secure a line of the very
popular "Gold Stripe" Hosiery, but the fac-
tory wai so oversold that we had to wait until
now to secure it.
In New York City this is the moot talked of and
largeat sold Hosiery in that town of diacrimin-
oting buyers, Naturally, thsere is a good reason,
Exceptional wear, beautiful shades and the ad-
dod advantage of the gold ftfipe, which elimin-
ates garter runs, make these hose the constant
choice of discriminatinog women.
Gothamr Gold Stripe Hosiery,
All colors and black and white
Pure silk, exceptional wear,
$2,..00 and $2.75
The Oils CGo pany'
118 MAIN ST.
The Shopa of Satisaon~r

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