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April 01, 1923 - Image 3

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H~'Iugo Von IIHIIIjmfannsthjal
(he are soon to be intirmduced th0e eaier age) and1 prely phase
(though nottdoubt inaieqiitelyt to mkn xeie tiantatieal nd \Is
Hugo Von lotialnttiat lihn that ioii xeiet
poets oiccedt drama. "The Grandt etiomaget. It in0a rcohimg out
t('crld-Theatre of Salzbutrg" io pro- after something unseen. Authors felt-
ulced In New York with its famousO a neessity to revolt agais t thte ottria
Hasxtteinhiardt setting. I say we are ly analytical and dstoating ideals01o-
to be Introdlucedt by lofutannsthal be- the realist, andi to try to build p to-
cause see hardlty yet appreciate tie syntheize, somiethinog iiorf spiritoal
significanre of this artist's arhiieve- and nore universally i ior tut f I1o Our
mients Iin tesy mbolistic reaction to may say that that impulse is still be-
si-calleit"naturalism,'' Inspste of the Ing left tt even yet, eceptiit sari= -
fart tht sveral of liis plays ase bois are fntances like IIlastirn~n
tra nslatedin ito En: listi ot' of titeii "henry of Ae"' and turyevs "Il M any Friends
t least commiiniidably ("Elet "")by who(lts Slpped"', tau" viso ad
;Arthuir Syimons. 'symoilismtihave nt be 10n'5atni 'it I
1 a'ysi re t bein' 'ricei tolit iiut ieriely hotllows'di'iplay 'ine yna
nretistrls, bhcaiis' tiie is imi- tolisiii is the imprisoingoftruth 'n-
diintn of ' xjoe"-iau is itieitiania, it Is its an artistii' mtirag-it is ntoel
Ity o mansShetlo It. I ittiino-real, but itiefleits a reality. I
Sahbl is lriiiiriyol, i.'l'ii'"st 'Mr. iStormiiJamieson:"' .Ts' aut'oos'a -_-1
ts pc't litt is very genraliy erog- symbol oes not lie in the eneis ng= Ever W ie igC rle-
nized lto'ethe iiost: .c..l it I conii- cytlbti h lm ili 'ie ig~~r~
tinentiliwriters of ti. a is no cytlbti h lm ti.
vaini guess that poe c te wilt ireas- To the teoe-rpmandie group of sing ofk
tirethis l i Ii', I tier a uo'''eomay tug, woird-piting, symbolip tic,
itt'sec again hearhifs nar .idreamrs belong the cloer Remy iea
Being anl Atistr', 't:.d hving Gotrmont, thle eere and meaninglssv Satisfied Custon'ers
grownsri i' Ithera};:: I stnent W. B. Yeats, the graceful, sallowt
of Vienina alottg iwithi Sehitle.r, antI Maeerlinck, the dialect-writing Sngt',
haisng tbeti ituish ted on such tor- tle gorgetots and bombastic Rot'ni,
tighty toascinatiiiganditlechiically the Beneento of "The Smile ott!Mna
subtle authors as (sar Wilde, Ga- Lio", nt-if yout an place Ihimny
briele t',nnunzio, anitlEtdmtond Itis- whlere except by himself- the tuman
tt, llototaxititlal ptitsesses a rich antd tenter Barrie. -,~ _
aittielegant ecaracter shich is a ine ow Htugo Von flotmanntltal is the -11I ou Daunfthencbest, you ne( foguesa
blendingiof te classical element withlilithssho.HswrishebtoetoheB svR s"
deicate fantasy and sotig. Like Ger- upinhe thiprsscoulytahievewoisthe -btcm oteBtyRs,
hartIhatliaiti, wom um tdwig Leow- hgetepeuuiytahivu fti
'otiihis distitiguished as "tie repro- new romantic movement lHe oi-
snaiedaaitoou il h iethmotyrcerwtthmstshows a reverent religious air which is atept hand and the broadest person- =
not only exceptional hut clerishiabl laiy'.
In this secular age of ours, Iof- Hr. lofmlannstliah has by no means BETSY ROSS SHOP =
manntlial indeed, seems to lice in lit- reached (le crest of the incipientitE
tle mairble castles of the imaginaticis wavel in fact le is very, very near =_
rather thaii on realistic earth; and it the trough, bit he shows us that the =
is fit' this reason thsat hi' is grooped new wave is rising'Ihere is very _ NICKEL'S ARCADE
n-it the nico-romnticists, or more little content in Ilt works anth very
specifically, the new symboisths, sho little mtatter really to pinter over;
dows in art. lHe Is atulayer (like crie and sound and colur
Death in "Death and the Fool on a
magic violin: "Wherein the mystic The best known oh his plays are:
sirt world's revealet,- that honied "Maionna Dianora", "Death and the
lie ecihittmanibreast withii, as.kto- Fool", 'Electra", and "Oediusand
_sos n'burlieI 'ne'atIiti'e niountaintheIiSphinx" Some 01 these have ten '
stile.:' seerely citcie nei thittground that) rty,
In oiler t ittie a 'tiieartistic in- (hiey'art meaningles.Well, lierl, - 's
i' th' wicthigo-('V'n llfiii'nusiatlitly -they are; but thus' far we il hv'.
c~ ei qohitethat oti niiderstandilhis to ear with teinfant romutsnicist'
ruitninthe iieuromantic moo--uetilthe'yIbeginitlitevelo' 'ho e bir mai-
tort, al nt lso tttoi cumri'hetndiljust hoo--so ill ]ave to it thiir wsctrt p
swhaisetheo i-i'omtantic itiivi'tiit it- hi sitggestiv'e ut ill thiy anio e lie clye lil
slf st'atits for. It ill hi rmebre'dio informative This is a hariship sititn - '
hi' t he ir'st par' tofthe inteeInththhle reader to le sure: it ieqtire: himtni
iitit'- ini) sh lt' helol lo'to Haye'ne Ittelligenceeof his> ownn''
siiimiinto i'e of RItoicisit.ttThe toil is use i, bit ter ccall tat ias jt'
uitilo ,c 'itof edr tenHli'lRosa, Li i' iarohand umiption cannot be avoied TIhe al---
'orth, and Viicto r Hutgo; andittheoletsi preciatisin opart, little asn-e like it
toiti of the' i t' is freedtso, is catisi, to be, is work. But ifnannsthalias i
titd counion wOi th n nat'rIl i oily richly 'sggesie-"doorsy" as 'din,
(ioseos to thi.s, an d indti'l res'ult- Frst wous-otay- ain'lihover watnts'- -_
ing roinit, Is; the great it~veei nt ofto can enter utnd enjoy thic matrle - --
realismiicluh, thoug'h ini itselft iin cates in (le air in whicilHngo Voi
vein: complcteid strucure. etin sim- lofnannshhs' ltiuses aay'liyetile,
ply be stated a' the extpression of the A few oords shiuil beatddedi,ine--
8ciestilc hbut- earthly materiai'mOgrding "Thi Grand World-Theatie -

nature, in an intellectual rather than core is soon ho be seen in Nen' York.
an emotional vas. 'The first phases itt It is a mirocle play inuopiredt by antI
the nmovement prousced Isbeli antd ''miig i iin epcsIi
Strndheing, Zitha, Irlaibert, antI"Pl tK-eml;i ayrset h
toy, 'Ttieoticy had given seiy ttt;a Spanishi The Great Woinht-Thseahine"
seoular viewe of the world, anth this biy('alideron. It treats itt hersonitieil
carried to its logical concltt~itosdi .°aientratons ike wisdom, beauty, the
recteid the n'orld's eyes as strictly to ,g the rich tian, thes'bi'ggar, ott'.
the groutid as the fumnier sacretd age (If course, the thief chumscher of the
had directed them to Itle skies,. tpay is the beggar who Iits indtividiual
Now, for tho past idecade or seat . - striving against all (lie others and
are in the midst of a transition hoet', "5-t e famouss stoker in "TheIs'aisry
to some conception of life which isAp" is striving to belting somtewhiere.,
neither icholly ideal nor svhiolly ina- trcT-Tufmsnnothahlhiimself, dran'stlids
terialistic but a compromise hbetweec: comparis'on to (lie work of out' own
(be two, That new.tmovetnttwhilch Eugene ONeil in his "Vienna Letter"
is taking root is the neo-oinOtitc in the Marcelilt,
umovement. It has not yet cii eret-
into the light--pokied out green n It is very probabile thsat "The Grectt
ger-tips" as Misse Hildua ('onlhdie" World-Thmeatre" when it is produced
weould say-t:lit is growing never'in Non' York swill toot be extraordina-
theless. Steanwhile, reshost is at its rihy successful, because usirache and
height with Gerhardt Ilatup'uintinn, Ar allegorical play house a tendency to
thur Schitzler, John Gahsmvortlig, hore Americatis wits are qititi'mattern-
perhaps Bernard Shaw, ant Loot'r of-taut. It has even been rumoredl
O'Neil as its proihnent exptonenti'i. ihat the ending of the lay will he
In the realm of the theatre, in which 'altered to suit too denmantds of the
owe are particuharly interested in eon- American mind,.hnnowhatever waty it
nection with Hugo Von itofumnstlbal, is produceud, though, "The Ghrandl'
the new -romanticinsm first showed it- World-Theatre of Sahahburg" wtill servo
self In the form of decorative symbols, to introduce ((boughs perhoaps Inuohe-
vague v isions .(sinmhiar ho Blake's of quately) Hugut Von Itutmannsthal; s

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