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January 28, 1923 - Image 4

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MAnatures in jmoart CLOTHES DO NOT MAKE
(Continued front Page 1) Hinshaw is to he congratulated on the ;ITH E MTANT
of the pianoforte. At five he dictated' inherent wortlh of his pioneer or-
minuets to his father, correct in all ganization and the quality of their{
details as to melody and harmony. His Iperformance. But they often make other people's opinions of him. The
fate gretv lmost akin with his pro- Mozart's last days are sad ones In careless ae with which the college man weas hia is en-
gress and iis noose ecanme heralded relate. After the acclanationi antiI
all over Etropie. His life entire ;recognition ise received in his yoth, hanced y spotless cleanlines and careul pressing. af you
divides itself into tan naural divi-this life iii Vienna rallher pales by con- want the sort of cleaning, presing and repairing that secures
ion-s All of his maerial successesj parison. Ini 1736, this city, still tnder
and eter ims were realised eforeI the leadership of Iialiain opera, wit- personality see
his marriage to Constance Reter, and messedl a cooest for dramatic supte-
Ihe susequsctent r emoval of thte couiple mary ofetctsiderable note. Mozart's _________
lt Vicunat. Duritngte early days( confribauticot, "Dec Sclaspielireklor",
there this fattier sied, the evens hitsg failed largely due to the fact thsat all
asdistint.l how for te younsg costs-the eter singers elisted 0n the sidei DETTLING - TAILOR
pose. Leopsold Mozart hail beent heG of Paesielo slid Sarti. "Tre Mar- 112i S. Univesiy Ave.
gildog star for his soiiindsthsetsloss riage of Figaro", hoswever, had aelie-;
of this seayiiig iifluenseeono theI ed a positive sensation is Praguie Iswo _____________________________________________
poont'o to the entl of his life te Sallid estabUl im siiself in Visi-
It is fromthnis tter periodtt ic"Trhe ia. Bt Mozart and Iis swife sere
Ittpccesrio(" tdates. Indeed, it was cot Iraelical miasagers ansIte sia-,
'arittensalmiost itscosjunction siwith ne, erial gaits acquireil throughi his att-
st Iis greatest oleratie atenstts, 'TIh- ceses wass iot lasting. Jotits I. Runs-
Msgic Fiute'', andiltle two works sup-iiass adimirablylyuntssipth~e coniii-
plenieint ansI comptlemsentoi(, anotther tion of the cotsposer durintg the sait-
adirabsly. Yet it wsouldi le asi g set' of 17sf Aien le, at the ieight cf
strtic to iholdt sp these operas Stor coe- }iiss powsser, comsn edss'his tres greati-
parisoin. This is sli toIftse fscsttatest symphontities, ose right after te
te tautkIpt'ssentesi itt AntiArtorui s tlses.'" 'Toiturest hy'debits, treated si
a istiiatsre, andI diss ntt beog sof no cscou''nat, c'hestedl biythose he
the greatl opecs category 'at tll. Antdlw'orkesd for, Ibarey' iermsitesd In earn]
suatre tie sways cof gesius! tier' Iis ownisriastilits founsd life whiolly SP'ECIAL SERVICE FORif lARTlIES
vi avetowrsietialson ntlrbeada ege le ep ith eaici other not only its tiie oflivedimore anssimisrs' witiin hiiimseif.DINNER ORDERS TAKEN BEFORE THREE O'CLOCK
creaticon, hus tsnsubject satler a w aell,stsissahsslsgssoilctteEA IDY
ais yeltcii is i's far remsoved froisslts cc, sposiion ofsfttttserpieces". luck OPEN ALL 1101URS
sphsere si thIle osther as are light uit apireciaed huts as didt Haydns, bitt.5'HONE 951-v['
day. hI aliei. Ensaeluel, asndlcsater snmail fry'
Mozart le comoss~nsr isasonMozsriaes imsltscordialy. OiTHc~AYERI JST BACK OF HILL ADT''ORIU'M5
the innsovstsor' Not tonly sid le leasi Te scosletioss of "'lTe'Magic
musicilsosew fieldsIitsconjuisction Fiuts"' ill171 irsss'hIe fliasligreat -
with IsHayds ist terssorf, Gluck sash iachies'cssenttsit'Mozart. Trspirte wass ________________________________________________
others, but he oadec oher ns ea' co sOig a lReqsuim at te itte of
partures as well, 1l~e is actually en li'' lsi'ist,Iavighisasd te cistiis-
rersird as havinig composesi (sac a sitsaswardedesimht white .,ill t awsork INTELLIGENT AND INTELR ESTED
mecihatnicail self-playing issellfutti'iso, utisiss " l'li tgic ,. st" unit"Tle
asnie sort.Ilie compsosedhasi tritiattre Impsresario". Bit if turneisitS as lie
specs for a pupipet stags esstitestlasly predicted his sne of liis frietsds, Your bank should be sound, accurate and
"Mastientansd Bastiennte". He swrote :"This sill le sy owsiRequsienm" Mo1-
miniature opieras for ihouses sealitgItsacStisi December 5, t791 at te tin- efficient. But that is not enough. Banking
hutaS afets hunsdredipeople. ro Ihis'silse ate f thirty-fise, asdiscredited
class elong te "School fr Lovess", mit in Ike eyes of the world. A fierce service to be of the most use to you should
heter knons as "Coi FanTulttle" sis sthorns sas raging on the say of thebeasinlig taditrse.
"Tbh' Impresario". Little' syrn-islt funeral.VsFesthttededthe ceretionybeasinlig taditrse.
ilies taking len to fifteen sinutesIt asid olehisidctow accomspanied the
production compslare int ike miannser thtcdy o he city' gates. So pior was5 That is what this bank tries to be.
Iis larger snts ,ionic 'sorks its C ie itha Iis remainswseve placed its a
Mans (calleii "The Jutpiter"), UGaMinor, commntot vault.
and E Flat Major as these little operas Toiday the naissetf Mozart Standss FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK
cosspare thSe "Marriage of Figarus", atmong te immortal in musical art.
"Idomena", "Dots Giovasnni", soil "The What greater prof of genius cotsldte 101-105 SO. MAIN 330 So STATE S.
Magic Flute", According in the fig-'askesi lhmo that of havingIis never
res accepsted by K "chel, the Mzart ceasing fount of seody retain sll the _____________________________________
copositots numher sevens hundted ,reshntess and charm Si ad othe-
forty-nine syosplioniqs, twesnty dramna-' erecedheloiis steiosy the worldh tver,
tic waot'ks, as well as representative soin lathe agficent freseo iof thus
works in every other field of stasical (and Operai Hosse in Vienna idepicts
endeavor, including piano, strisig rpresentative tmuses of Iis itspira--
quartet and the like, ion slid sorkss These ate the Graces,
Thus 15 wan that on Wedine suay Figaro, Magic' Fute, Dots Gioatnni,
night we might 'aell ave cosesdouralltId Religion. E e ti yO
eyes and imagined ourselves wihin El cti irons for
one of he little theatres Sfr whiht this_
Impresariosii intended. There is ottntSlers use in travel,
faoseape mw ste"e B elr ysiden Theatre", in Munich, and aris- Flltysitg is 'listS of theesit beat
tic Viensa pussesses contiless little, sellers of ficton and non-fiction ttn
playhosses sittilar t s ne 05n-DOAnn Arbor oksores since Christ-
deed, in this ciulectiosn, it is interes-' mas. With curling irons
ing to note hah its 1791 duritig heTdi
coposition of "ITie Magic Flute" and
"Tite Imrtesario", te cotmposer sas Ronughs-Hiewn's,Dorothsy Canfielsd-lar-f
te sdirectoc (if "Ant dec Wieden", a usrntt, Brace
lithle theatre, sdescribed as beisng "noabitit, Sitcair tLe'ais --arcourtr,MLL sizetanthreeuteponettd electric. i _
bigger thanraotsissate, norbeterundsatleBrace
a booh, where comic operas were'TeBekig P j b rn are idealy suited to boudoir
played ands sung' Insidle one of these and traveling needs, Each has a curl.
houses a renmarkably small stags' Rieat-Boran. ing ion and provision for heating it.
would catch osr eye, a small ht.Is-i i thle ays otIPoor Richtar'd, Irving
lesS audietnies and the little orchiescrss Batchelor-Little, Brownt & C's.
Mtozart knew so well would tnt lao The ltehsrt, Walter de ls Mare -
presided over by the aton. Rather; Knopf.
would "Dec Herr Diektr" confine, The Cathedisl, Husgis Walpole-Boran.
himself Sn he piasno, to fle clavichord,,
shall I say,I ollFiction
Hut onl Wednesday evening we were i
not treated Sn the usual orchestra ac- Perfect Behavior, Dotnald Ogden Stew- j icrote
coospaniosesi. I do nt say this to at-Doran. zocsfeun boO~12 gs

discredit thue Williamt Wade Hinushawa Outlitis of History (t vos.), H. G. Wells
organization tsitall, ISthos unserstood)I -Macmihllan.
that te prisject mark's nmcre or leos of Upstreamu, Ludwig Lewishnht-Bni& D to ~ ' o
abgnigithsfedf u ieih.art in Amuerica. Moseover, a cotnider- M5enmoirs of a Hostess, Howae-Atlantic Iiat ilamTehne2O
able stretch of thse imasginations woulud Montihy Press, ada ilatTlpoe20
no sdoubt seave hensi requited for Mos-
zacS hiself, had bse ever guessed thin Love Cosiquers All, Robhert Benchley-
child of isis fancy would somsetimue he I Henry Itolt.
pecformesd in a hialltShe size of lull Letters of Franklin K. Lane, Lane-
autditoriumn. Hush fuor all that, Mr. Mougtosis Mifflin.

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