A Review of Campus Periodicals
CHIIMES ELMER SORLES LOOMIS a,'S and cease believing that a urst-
Nunerous dissertations have ap- irg soul is the measure of the Uni-
peared from time to time dealing with ere
the various issues ot the several ea-ion. The editors should watk more! rest appears forceditatd Atificia; the THEg S'N1)AY MAGAZINE
puts pubiceations whieth have literary humly with the Lordt. It might even inforuasi essays are thin, unsubstani- Any riteisna of The Sunday Maga-
pretensions--Chimes, Gargoyle, and he advisahle for them to walk a it tils,suit often sadly afeted. The ine mtst e unneressary-hecauae
Whimssies. None has ever een writ- more humhiy with the suns of men,' contrihutors are even tore typiealy no one, to my knowledge, ever reads
ten, to my knowledge, dealing willh sonme of who are, let tme whister it adolescent than t am; the editors are it. The Sunday Mtagazine deals main-
the general policies and raisons d'etre! meekly, occasionally shtle to relish fairly mature, ut as yet uncertain of ly with ooks and ieas-hoth ab-
if these sami' journals; nior has any goud literature. Probiably, hiswever, their way, strots. The averge student is in-
criteisin of The Sunday ltagain, csei Whimsies is forceit to beeoiie suller- With no little trepidation, and no 'ocaesed in neither, suit conseiienty
appieareid in print. The campusis ior nerels in sef-iefense, test the little fear est I te thoghitoresupi lets The Magaite fall out of hisa pa-
nose crowdedt sitti pubilications; the ridiitle whiiih has geleraly greeted louti, t shall try to indicate what pir Sunday nietning, slots into his
salesmen jestle ore snottier on the its efforts submerge it. seeiiia to me the proter palls Whim- cffe, andfot totIheloior unnoticed.
treed cirners. The time it'scoi Now I a't- far rons geinig sit i eisasotliiecenut from the heights; Somne of le factlty reait i; oters
fo r oits ir sel of then to tmusk lii canitlit n imo-C litearsy' iiptea.sek ieliterael nd sitprayeihlly fiiIscff at i. Teti'iielliget sudents
f shuttingtip shot; one tihes ~p y utliii ia"tililie is righin iiits opiainnsi oalse ittrout by any oler pul~iii'caoi the camps tiers eid it, hbeause
talking about i, saying tiat thsit, Wthimsis. Judgied by iventoms- in, yet ibe'ready to contend- inereidtiny have siready orchased. trimstlisa
that ought to gt iiii, or WVhy uoes .1 ,,rtadartis, rietsch lof si hea 1' oisisit ' atni'ssriiruis itaid 0nptalslherssthe godosithat are re-
ihs at sio still raise sioa ton:eai itr' ia iss g ir:, noneosin'tifis i.trulyequail tirs; a;cik the hlo suit the vesed. Even the ssff metbers of
monithttiimisginatsie; atlest iiial e t roii ais v:gil sito ais andtann andTit Pt he agzine rver redt anyting ut
Chimiet sa foiutnded ia fas t' s t rsa. pliaeinits s, l rnltheeroi'- fanal 'tis themii iitoteii'ish-their oss'nsotk.
ago i-the ''2againe if isitis lsI is hatrdy surprising, in viess of
m~tinio." As a numbsier of sge:, pro- lisa vre liiimitei aipisal (it it can e
shecsiot cCt the' t 'n ethere lisanot c aleil an aptial of TeeiMasazine,
bi-n entoughs eampusitin iiion tIsvstr- -~~~'~,) ~ 4#anti considerinig liii'fat that I have
ratti ulcto fti ora.( ee edacmlt su fteL a o'The "Hot Off t h iagona~l" ecuin isresentifmagszine myself, that t can
whCmich from thIle satevnas girt tn atnffer no very iartietiar riticisnm of it.
uinconstiicuouis position at tisa indIol-Te botk-reviess, I tara say, are very
ech i issue, rarely rovereit tore thiat NEWEL BEBOUT sotnid as ok-reviews go; the feature
pai~ge; intl yet it was amptlie fr all arilesv are ocasionally approved y
the pitiful tricklinigs of eamiuop ttin- Amteirican art is quite justly ritinc-st NWashirton, D C., suit finally the faecuty mnembers, and niust therefore
iots ta' ever reached Chisines' editor-1 an~ret"onano ie hc ecret h uia rtqe r
izeil sitsensit is sal to e liioolei- amien Fuiano ii"s iel ~ oet h nlia rtqe r
dee tied opininslasrti'fr aTis IC uhi rttasoithl;ht ois5teing ,ermaently olsirutei in srittn by personsswho knosw music;
decied pinonswroe fr Th Su -1aliticanqtoo natmicl; ut heii'y persons, ided, whose knosleldge
day Mgazine, C'inse: was iioinen-1 is at Iseasi one Americn reattr who teCseai.t's~y of mussic sait musicians is appalling
tarily flooded with esniltunicatioua In "Te Solituide of tte Soul" he to the layman; so ttiey're all right,
denouncing im- an incidnt whicih escaetiilcensire, aid thatt~t is Lo-;svtnture; the conception that men are What then can I say about The Ma-
may erv todemnstrte he ateofado Taft In the reliiittf seulpture dottied o live their ives alone, in gazine? Precisely swhat I said e-
any resit opiiinist at the hind o . IlT.afethisscesrriedt iealios to its spie ill the goodu will on all sides- fira-that nobody reads it. And that,
the camnpu~smsts exqiisite exrimsity sind has notaids our tidal friends can aii us i Cost be admuitted, is a serious flaw,
Althoulgh Chimes sould miost ar- tlareit hisef in iresct comparison to in cur greaes sorrows. In "The It is slt right to say that the campus
sredly tava starsed to death if left thte great French genius, Ito-in. I Bint", 1-i. 'Taft puts into marble what ioes't read it tbecause it isn't ed-
to graze tili the meagre a-p.tresostere asiany sculpttor in hieslhisory tatrice Maetrinek ptt into drana: catdt up to the point where it can;
canmtpus opinion, its etitors haie eon~ of Amteiiiin art with the possiblie te sord is bindt suetconstaintly, it is eusay alt right to say that The
tinnied tos publish it, filuing it withi aloreaxcedpion of George Gras hartarid,'si l'wal frsusgris, z ine is sadresedl only to the fa-
vaily ail fo soe pies, sme ored fed(t' tletore than a half-
ii's, fesature artiie ss, phuitotnraphu usu hs ,w'oisuu i sucecessfully' en shrined itilhi-iot, soue philosopher whho sees lightsOiuIsuilhsa)wtoetisr-
viewss, suit otbe,' itdmttis estledt froisin a sifinite nmediuthe infnit" spirit-:ito leadt tietao he Teth. In "Blackto iaa i. The-isedefensory' arghmnets
tuiagiisaeurieefis tons.oselnatl'uues wshiehugive signifecanee o Halk" thut'trageuhy, theynicism, and re iesiue thepoint. The faee re-
toutshicatintns. ~ife, it s 1.Lorsado Taft. ie has brouight thin severity' of thud Anerican Indiis sains that a tbo-rview can beisaue
histart.nurits ushtnsrt su r sCioreiuthyisttuei 'su uhsire imouldeintombone gigantic figure ihteresing, eens tabsorig; it is also
thie sa. eIn it dshort solu'i' otf istchsiy' i wogs iihhyd hich stnstson a mounstain piunace cosseiabtuhiatlse Suuniday "Magazine
Chime haspa essheu isitstiuimiy' e Phiudias, Seopas Praxitele.s, tesetai iahs. tsih ctat etueatclsta
assarding first triadeitoihe rosttenshltn h etr lis mih oti etr rilsta
story suibmsitted, secoisu prized to the .mad Lysihilus thud giant geniues of thud "tlk Hawk" is one of the inter- wuuld rseue it fuonuuthdeoffeuen-
weorhl; anudwhat is evess suore re- 'fitned sn the fitstp
markahottnelieahasthindrpdzuetodah ating piees of modern sulpure in ,paragraph. It must
fairly good one. In is last ecotst, ,thatkitlisaheconcreteofiguret fiftysfesivelop an appeal.
the third prize sas omitteud, as was, idealists into the very widst of tese tisacnrtefgr ffyfe
high, weighing three hundred tons.! ARGTE
the fary good story, mot materialistic age ele world has The process by which such a mass of+ The beliefs of our camptus literati
Chinids' great nmistake wsu, the at- known. rnrt a isesslbefrsup to the contrary notwihstnding, the
temnpt to he a magazine of suuch an Ir. Taft is a entral Westerner, ttrls purposes is one of Mir. Taft's own Gargoyle has this year been the nmost
astounduiugly geer laracter andhaigbe reared near Ciao and iesshiet gh of shile view-;consistently excellent magazine pub-
gaidfel.Ayeffdrfll havngebenlhicao, lsouhthsed at IMichigan. The editor has
sanst ied. nyeffrt o illth plcebeing the son of a University of Ili- ing souse antiqtie statues in Ronme. nsmaitined a fairlyhg tiuad a
of ourorfiv secihhautpubietuoisnois' professor. Athoughs he was Anoter intefesting note on "Black' t aif nevricesn
ian only he doomed to failure when ieuae nPrs i endhmefHw"i hti a adframs managedtosifyaevricain
the four or five spring uipsal arouind euae nPro i ene unsl ak sta i a adfrauotnuber of readers without the aid of
it.Whums hims tareut ithrditfrons LEcols des Baux Arts when te entirety by Mr. Taft himself, which'rsu osso uetoal itte
clear field; W~iisies then stole cut produlced that superb group, "The speaks of his pason for art for its rand has mixeud a lot of needed satire
the campuis, specalizing is literature;, Solitusde of the Soul"; and ever since own sake regardles of conmtmissioiss sith the tighter material. No small
The Sunday Sagaino opinred up tu then, he has devotedt inseloto pin-!asdcontats. 'achievement,
its book reviewsasnd feature srtit r' cr arnd ii to the Anerian public. The mosot recnt of his creations is Of ourse tere s adverse criicism,
and now' the Michigass Cjs'':' grab'; off fiOne c te briliancies of his career is the "Fountain of Time". In many sone of it jtstfied. The constant
the office Of camnpus 'isott-ap; s(.hs in erest in thd artistic educations ways this in the greatest thing he has ;search after one ideal necessarily in-
Chimes has coe its 'orb a; a io- of ith',nases. He does not confine done. It displays his excellent teh- velvet neglect of others dear to many
reer. Sbsall i ni's' gra'-fu~iy ret's 2h'nsss to a studino in some Latinm nique suit conposition, aid the mag- readers; which, translated into intel-
W{HfISIES 'quarter and there give way tot ereen- nitude of hs thought. The theme is ligible lnutage, means that the Gar-
If lofty snshstiosu coulw'inunqusali- t-citne asset uannerisnus; ut he be- taken from Austin Dobson's lines: jgoye's attemspt to deal in pertinent
fled approbstion, 'Whimsiaes wold lieves that art should be cosmopolitanf "Tins- goes, yout say? Ai, no, 'campus satire forces it to leave out
without doubtu be admsired, nay nmore, sod human, and sonequemtly d- Alas, time stays: we go" general matter of the sort found in
reveence, no onl by he the Yale Record and the Columbia
revrenedsui usly ' te hercipi- " hs nines of his time to lecture tours' Time is depicteud as a severe manJetr ttipaicllyakngn
entes of otu ratios, but even by thoseJetr Itipaicllyacngn
more obtuse ;^d, as it were, more de-; where e meets intimately all types of+ wathinig the world go by. Humanity familiar verse. Several good conic
ficient in taste and sensiility. For art-intereest huin-beings. Mr. Han-f is seems desperately splashing into the verses however have appeared. The
beyoind all qmsiniosmcuutb tian Garland, the novelist, said in writ-; future like the waves of the sea-out prose generally displays more teel-
loftier . thaisq that sohich the edditorsb of , ing of Loradlo Taft: "He is the great- ot the sea we comi, into the ea we cat skill than truty subtle cleverness,
Michigan's iterary magazine uave ' est artstic educative personaity in go. The entire work is an attempt The editorials are aways concse, al-
proposed for themsselves. Unfortun- ele Central West today." to ook at the whole of the human race most always elevery swriten, and
ately, with their noble ambitioii isj Taft's fitrat oppuortunity to show' his; from an external vantage point. It sturely a helpfull indication of the tin-
mixed-despite their protestations tof skill was Iis commission to decorate emphaisizes cure more theo good us- (deigraduate's attempt to think writh
meekness-a generouis amount ot con- souse of the buildings at she Worhu's tuned pessimsm: which so douiiantly originality and fearlessness,
ceit, even of sobbishuness, and also Columshian exposition, and hater at the pervades all great Anmeriean art from' Of the art w'ork, praise is super-
distinctly poor literary judugmeant. The; St. Louis Exposition. In this work,' Poe and Whitnman, down to Mark is enoughetoredourte ucceafor ny
magazine has constantly assulmad an Mr. Talf was enabled only to prove Twain, Edgar Lee Masters, and An- ispublictoecreisuciscelleor ny
a roueriori tuteruuuidb his mnstiery of techniquue and hisl guotugs Saint Gaudens. There is some tustrations are added those of the half-
n t.ppitdi ablity in decorative nit. But after he pathos within Lorado Taft wvhich dozen clever young artists oii thstaff,
At ths point I shathhue aecutseocf!bad gaiinedt for himuself a name, tie seems Co burst the bonds of his good mu this dtepartment Gargoyle need
hariss-nsa, perhassp of personal spite. j gave free rein to Isis imagination, andi nature and his homely wit. Perhaps yieldt the palis to none. And if the
it ;isIpossitie that tam aplying too! in caucisuon eame: "Time Solitude of it is tlse ssadness that inevitably ac- litarat~y material should become
rigidi a standtard; yet 'Shimsies, hsy tie Soul", "The Fountaiin of the Great coupanies genius. Genius always ce's brosuler-his scope-than Michigan's
its insufferattle attitumde, hiss repetted' Lakes~"'lsa Blind", "Black tHawk", intruths in the torus of Fate. Euripides Hhumssnr Magazine will rank very close
symipmiisy sund even coturted uianssis- "Tte Coutnbus Memnsriat Fountain" (Cs sefussed on Page Sevens) to the top.