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March 11, 1923 - Image 5

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Ri p c M rion ttes serious development are inherent, no0 future is concerned I think motion
L 1C4Iariettes doubt, but are as yet totally unrealiz- pictres ave inherent artistic poten-
ed. tialities and it seems-to me a kind of
AGA 'WINTERS The greatest art is tat wich pas motion picture opera is not beyond te
the least. The great orchestras, opera boundsi of possibility.
There is a otat in te University, a torittos for a matinee and eveting conpanies, art Irtgstems and the lile I liket the plays "Smlin' Thu" and
Senior in tact, whtose guiding pasion perform~anee. are constantly cryitg out for outside . he Eternal Flsme", the last a mov-
is tinkering wifth mechanical toys. Tter tratcf tueolism - aid, renuneratton, as it were. I itsg pictur ltrttil of i a ltla5c
Atttlelics 11011tsil ts trttreton.l t ise nthktl s it-the fmselves tht omyfrhtoat no attraction for Iim, zisetecsItrti n.real ntyhaka lnole leoevsIty ar thelpless. ny novel, arge!), lle tI tie exellentat
the ablsorbitng ethics of btusiness ad- ta r hr~tecl. Alo h i ef geabt treft orse11111ritoovlatoe
miniMr.stratioexelstAIoftheitt" ad striking persnaty fy l~t- II ttI
m isrto donot ioterest himl, s tand te "tapesilktl tfo tegtr cr ~torn d binnlopatecr
itdutesmksltl ifrneto ipten 11dl1s o"u pltzk arof orciiiat1.5ulc prei-Tlmad~lge. The ony pretentions wok
it ~ ~ ~ ~ c dthets aksltteItfeetcnII 11 1,st atIniltling
hint whether tsr eIls o-alled Liberals pab111111 «tin hs comle year. after t et h 1 ofIII\slacee CiIIever appeareet in out-
vindicalttiheir questionalbe prililel os Il-illatilre e i 1)01' 1 de11 tful.'10 s1101e of lcutt'greatest mens. Now by sitescf i tperfomlance of "Crmet"'
11111sf,.h liisameilisIHilly Ileligiiftyt.thsevery test imony of l tie variouls 111- wits Ceraldline Rtrrarll, ea ithet
The alpa and mega'o his ec.1tlitrlritc tat totcol unitytallaISlIto te. H01tlitell compaiestteir''i the!lireet ts~ eu1o1511 arl tt 'a"Pe it
srI 0 lril eln ttt or.'I1, te I- it s 15, and1111 nti 0 . T h Iill'fat, it eels to lme, 111o ilnIs51 Th 'ils -oc: t t e-
Cil~l 5 ~s~igy I r11 llllli'e.1 Cll~l I lillll'i 111 ety biv Itertes all cimsIIO t 11e r151' 'a-s cXI i _i n 0many detalt
It sac ta s s isiat. f0 ;I l- i on I 111 I*1.1 - Iailhr F t11 1 s Ito ile 1111I tly lc ~til;'If~el ~ all f00
lessm ill. - I 1 11-1u 1 P lrts Il It - 11111-' h tts 'I ' mtyI hvelt had's towared,',;Ia1r'- 111hich 1111o 1ow r 'raliln elof goo
yiti. l il'11.Is'l l llrl I t '. / n1,11 111 ' tifeItei n ha Sl itIlll 'ae tthk lo s t11 ac ilale rlilesinroterIl 5 tIliy clg 511 ee u
el se lliSr r tcll- 11 1 Ippet i nTh _1 rte011- ' .1- t I-i-It t'l -Sld I.o.,, 'otoh'e01 '111, ' n, iel ett 11 s flIe rc' mtil a e ctly,1i'b ca of
coutr115ag fom0h tfchcllt m ti erysf1-l'i sens W-I 1111 Iloiy Ipea t ll 5too en . le tht 'a r
511 tt~cll lltrIlslI't 1111 ils) :;eons fo[ic. ist'llle Iotilwen 1Idel inlI ~t r cditi t hflc det aud11' ineste aIlli d Spld a ats
[etell , I ill 1111d1er rns A l t ~ treToers10 Iii; 111ellsr o- 1111Il a'tie llre AS fl'a tc 00
yers, :f e1 > sel of hr1 ; 'I' irl~l- pisic sherzemys el'Iilelifthe dofi ga proouaudiitenceee
lion t,,llS htilletttIiIll)itsevilla1-111lllknoenlDelM lle1b(othe1swrotewn -Ir, bpI'rsllbengltlyiassureryou
ote tonl~ly 01111 crust lellniy. 011 toflt-IfuIf a (lt ihI flttesnlg illo"RnleIG t- y~,t IN E
1? trcs tewil is o t s autrsnarost tlkn,11o te blileos S lrepr fa=otnin Whtebs n sie o te avre rlr s o
facdarkniill ary 111, 111 - 11Isk11inned laccrianll 011layerItesu t, l yl-onl
petslilatdth",mioitt 'aturglly".soout !our1o-al,11toonum__ous____-uENGAGEMENT
Scinetta enerom ~.Scnrr'dractesilkr'QualtyughtrksThosaWhichCom fro
le;,aru l..rptaa.- t. Nuforh - Th ouhrSring may get nth 1 cr eitIuit le toanyrJune bidsor
! ciild who, ~fthe syapeas at11 e~sar theisn l aar veultofmd-nteliscoursip.Th a
tea ect~~tttl whotwoaul hgrcesafairtge th ya iamoe nd will fnd toury
I tono ak outoaten te ro ile asrt lmetaju s aromplte'aneaifyn.o a ae
years, and eaThenctotting mayodincreaseathes cuaternoffaoodiamondndea
talon has shoplayaritt heatopointsntenhacceeveryerbeautynory itsmay dull
a7,hewil ofe anthr arindwestrfkn"orul fotherwierusvior Isp o te.apearnofthesoeR
farethetamlia fWeytaknowiri-thedfrfinen pointse of imemu- gem ysett-ing.My yer
pesf experiencHghScol ud- es.eNiGcooigEadMegfneTSfenbe
seen, I thinkhtherespouldgbarelye11thtncrutitheqtttovingpmenurJuindttidey i
say~~~ oneadothn avthe outsideIulttoftmieverinternlcogrtThatss.oneepoin
works wouldwincwouelsucttcplaysaas frtigertgithenceatotny waylofitdtink
"StallsaMaria","ntstiuits'aThu",p"Theeasnbaeballsandnotntr typesaofrpro
the~~ moment.torifgtsmestiofcteacount-dolsostoayoand anionlydpirest
less pefrmnetIhs setleaytiglietetrewotahnaotenaconeven enceso i aydll
theyacease allowiigetheopublic 1ppleadncouf t heatnd
Wee saidwtheebetterpoThey providedettiegn bynylyeanose
notin nore ad ef nodeinteim-th rviws f uren pituesby exterac s hoinn ervi toullgestoe eale
pressio whatsever. say Ua fur-prominntdmotonnpicurercrticsyo
w o kcrm t h r i t c st n p i t G if i hie of f t r d c e . Ish s
tinkte r oeeswt h x evesrpeettelfy iaba- 0LE -

caption of the few I mentioned and tiful ascents I take art to be, thanI
others I did not see perfromed. have a total tuisconception of the Itt-
Seriously, one could hardly guests tar. Slang, vulgar phrases and ax-
the motioni picture industry made any pressions run ranmpant in these crlf- ;S 1IU.A,''
artistic pretensions whatever, judgingt icistms, and good grammar seems to be j
from the work they turn out. They a phenonmcnon not to be considered. SAVI NG..S B ANK
simply pander after the public tasteI I absolutely cannot defend the mo-
and thse result will be inevitable if te tion picture as a new art form. Those Main at W'aslhington
movies are to be taken at their word, Iwhso do 50oltardly know what the in-
as a new art form. Meretofore, all1 gradients of true art are. So far the
puilsuits artistic allowing public taste wotk of the various conspanies of this
to dictate their course have always j industry htas beats cheap, tawdry and
suffered Ite same fate--total eclipses vulgar. 'rhe possibilities for future,

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