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March 04, 1923 - Image 5

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This week's success in The Freeman
Among the Magazines is Mr. Edward Townsend Booth's re-
markable essay on "Spring in Flori-
N. B. da." Mr. Booth's style is so consist-
THE BOOKMAN for March: Men as ent in its rhythm Hat it might be call-
well as women should read "The Flap- ed a prose song.
per's Wild Oats" by Elizabeth Breuer. Other articles are: "Shakespeare
The title is obviously misleading, but and the Actors" by Waltr Prichard
the article itself, as soon as it gets Eaton; "A New 'Art of Colour' " by
under way, is a very lively discussion Arpad G. Gerster; and "The Mystery
of Woman's place in contemporary lit_ of Fascismo" by Ludwell Denny.
erature. The accusation made is, that
a woman is first a woman and after- PEARSON'S for February has variety
wards an artist; and then Miss Breuer if it has nothing else. Its authors
says: "As a matter of truth, women range from Frank Harris and Edwin
are the most relentless of practical Markham to Maxim Gorky and Denis
minded persons," whereas "Msen are
play boys." She also condemns edu- Diderot; and its subject matter varies
cation in a woman's college by saying like that in the Encyclopedia Brittan-
that it is too conservative and too an- ica. The headache, with which one
ciently out of date. What women lack emerges from its pages, is due in part,
is the aggressive attitude! they are, n0 doubt, to the illustratons, mostly
radically, passive and clinging, and by Hugo Gellert. Pearson's as a
until they become positive, creating whole, though, is too fast, too unre-
forces they can never equal men in 'strained, and too vehement to be con-
art. This article is a rousing intro vincing.
duction to the March Bookman. First, we are told by Frank Harris
The rest of the magazine is just or- that Germany is Sliding to Ruin. Then
dinarily interesting. There is the us-, the editor, Alexander Marky, gives
ual gossip about books and authors,. an agry reply to Dr. Patt H. Do-
and the same splendid reviews togeth- Fruit's article on Dr. Abrams in
er with foreign notes and comments. Hearst's International for January.
"The Parody Outline of Literature", This reply, while it probably states
ventures Romeo and Juliet written b facts, is so vicious as to leave an un-
Dorothy Speare, but it is nothing more favorable impression, and it actually
than ten pages long. Floyd Dell is in thurts Dr. Abrams' cause rather than
The Literary Spotlight this month, and furthers it. Edwin Markham's "Plain ,
The Book of the Month is A. E. Hous- Talk on Poetry" is quite insignificant
man's "Last Poems" amd is reviewed -that is, it signifies nothing. A good
by William Rose Benet. poet should be content to be a poet,
A very inadequate treatment of aand keep his mouth shut to prose.
very important problem is Morris : There is, on the other hand, a good
Fishbein's "The Middleman in Science contribution on Chaliapin by Sulamith
Literature" which purports to be an L#h-Kishor, as well as an illustrated
answer to Mrs. Mary Austin's article review of "Johannes Kriesler." The
in last August's Bookman which con- names Maxim Gorky and Denis Dide-
sidered whether or not it is possiblet rot speak for themselves.
to write of a scientific subject in a
popular and intelligible manner rather THE DOUBLE DEALER tor February:
than in puzzling technical terms. One has no very great literary merit, but
feels as though Mr. Fishben's article it does contain some very fascinating
is an advertisement of the medical prose. The verse is negligible this
profession rather than a pertinent dis- time, even though Amy Lowell is re-
cnssiou 5f his problem. presented; and the best poem is Hilde-'
Two other articles, which are not garde Fanner's "St. Augustine." But
exceptional, but are worth reading if the story entitled "A Troultesome
you have time, are: "The Crystal Box" (charm," by Richard Bowland Kim-
by Hugh Walpole, and "Illustrating ball, is worthy of the most valuable
Books for Children" by Annie Carroll attention-its attraction being of the
Moore. same sort as John 1t. Synge's or
The only trouble with Robert Cortes James Branch Cabell's. The next in-
Holliday's "Sermom on Reading," in teresting story is Paul Eldridge's
which he asserts: "Ay, reading in gen- "Conte Giovani Papini," whose villian
eral has got most deplorably to be a wears a curled mustache and sharply
very stereotyped proceeding," is that creased trousers. It is well construct-
it is one thousand times too mild. iHe ed and brings a thrill in spite if its
ought to devise some means of jarring rather repulsive thoghts. "Contact"
people out of their rut instead of soft- by John Corbel is a character sketch
ly reminding them that they are in a of a college student, "Nurmahal" by
rut. A preacher should use dynamite. Elizabeth J. Coatsworth is curious.
The outstanding failure for the week (Continued from Page One) i
is John Cotton Dana's impertinent at- and in his character development he
tack on "The College Library." The
attack is four columns long and, even seems to give all sides of the ques-
then, fails, chiefly because it is imbued tion without, in any way, breaking in
with the idea that college students on the motif of the story.
are craving for knowledge and oppor- When it becomes apparent to Anna
tunities which libraries refuse to sup-I that she is going to bear a child to
ply. As a matter of fact, the majority George Schnitzler takes the opportuno
of students do not avgil themselves of .t
the opportunities they already have. ity of contrasting the younger genera-
In libraries, supply equals demand in tion with the old. In this he traces
the long run, and students get what the effects of Nietasche and Ibsen on
they want. Mr. Dana was surprised the young folk. George's fight to re-
to learn that most libraries do not tain his Nietzschean standards, his
purchase more than one copy of some fight against the development of his
good magazines; but if he would gath- infatuation into pity and sentiment-
er statistics regarding how much those alism makes the entire last part. The
single copies are read, he would prob- child dies immediately thts relieving
ably be even more surprised. (Continued on Page Seven)
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/ rlriquinq6li mpw&v
N OW Fashion yields up tantalizing glimpces of new styles.
Her crystal fascinatingly forecasts the new silhouette,
her new colors, novel new fabrics--cs ery new dominating
thing; every little whimsy. Here ai e the finest of Spring
style initiations in early displays lust unpacked here.

i ,


New Colors New Fabrics
Mountain haze-variations of Kiltted Fabrics-wool, wool and
orchid shades d f fiber silk, all silk; plain .or
printed in Oriental patterns.
Leather-a new brown shade of Patterned Jerseys-Rodier fab-
much popularity. . rics with French or Oriental
pattern s.
Barley-a new spring tan. Knitted atelasse-satin ground
Bisque-a light tan. with close looped patterns.
Fallow-a greyish-brown tan. Blistered crepes--crepes with
blistered surface.
Deer-a medium brown. Rep-ribbed fabrics in sports
Cork-a golden brown, plaids or other .novelty plaids.
Sandalwood-- a light chocolate Camels Hair-shaggy surfaced,
brawn soft material in plaids, stripes
brownor plain weaves.
Harvest, Titian-rich golden Novelty Serae-the old time
browns. serge elabofated-with stripes
Oakwood-a deep brown. or other patterns.
Mahoany-agdopofreds. ithFlannel-the ever popular flan-
Mahogany-a group of reds with nel in new novelty striped and
with a yellosv tinge, checked effects.
Beach, Sand, Daytona-popular Kasha-a twilled fabric with
greyinsh-tan shades. slightly shaggy surface, es-
Cinder, Greystone-light grey. pecially smart in tan or grey
Zinc, PelIcan-popular grey Wool Crepes-printed or plain.
shades. Prints include Paisley and
Llnchen-moss green, in a bril- Persian patterns.
liant shade. Epoge-ratine-like fabrics.
Almond-green with a reseda Blistered Jacquards-all silk and
note. silk fiber fabrics, sante with
metallic effects.
Serpent-isght reseda green. Boshanara Crepes-silk or wool
Blue Spruce-green wils a deep filled crepes.
blue cast. Flat Crepes-dull, lusterless silk
Harlequin, Emerald-briliant Falle Crepe-faille silk in a
green hues. crepe version in Oriental
Meadow, Grass, Cress-NeY printed designs.
Spring greens. Silk Eponge-a luxurious sports
Crushed Berry Shades-raspb- weave with contrast nubs,
berry, strawberry and other two-tones and carpet tints.
berryshaerFrou-Frou-a silk pongee of
berry shades. high finish with contrasting
Persian Pink, Strawberry-rose nubs of color.
and red shades. Deauville Prints-French prints
Rubaiyat-Oriental red. on radium ground.
Clover, Ophelia, Titanla-reddish Linens-French and Irish fab-
lavender. rics in a superior new weave
and many new shades.
.Firewood-rich light purple. Cotton Eponge-novelty Scotch
F i e s t a, Confetti, Mephisto- weaves much the appearance
bright flame reds. of homespun. Plain, two
tones, stripes.
Cfirine, Sulphur-light yellow Cotton crepes-plain and nov-
tones. elty, some with ratine stripes.
Topaz-s range of lovely range alne striped voiles-partis-
yellows, larly vivid colorings.


Oriental Influences Cast Their Spell on
Spring Modes
T HE Oriental influence has swayed Spring fashions, from
the tiniest of silk handkerchiefs to the wrap of Paisley
or the suit with pertly flaring coat embroidered in an all-over
Egyptian banded pattern. The sports influence is to the fore;
the draped skirt, the tiered one; the box coat; the piquant
flaring one. These are new aspects of the Spring mode.



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