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March 04, 1923 - Image 3

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A Magic Hand In The Near East

After one has viewed the situationi JACKI
in thte Near East from every angle he(
would probably not deny that Turkey
has reached a position in the afair prtentions ttat they may' appar
of the world which is eading to a hib so It is this type that is yI
coniition not only rapidly approach-te ostdageoi;antI as a rest
ing a drastic climax ut involving th i aeteinmrbeAmn
very amity of the aliedttnions. What ehs teinu ralAme
is ostensibly apparent nowe is that matssacres which, to give the appe
Europe sitt come into the throes ot ane that the 'ukish leaders wt-
deatdlock out ot which there ail religois ze-ibs, were in trth,
emerge a war, greater than the one mae room for Gertan itmigrants
that the world has but recently pss When tte opportunity frthle fte
ed througlh.10om of tperseesed Atmenuica
Souse timie efore te uropeauVtaitutgh, reontiton sas rtised. "'I
began, IFrattce obtaintetd t iti501itcneso litedl Punet i hd nothing to gai
tronm Turkey, bthtuto btitl a rilt0ad i ol-isot"myvsitr tdtie Thou
fronm Samusun to Vonn, nditit tighi~t Iantain Atmeican'toIIfearthatit
to ocwnetship of t(' landt cven 'ntl Unitedt Sties statds -aove all ast
one-half uile. to eir sile of it for'tiuse ot his Iitear t thticy turn
5,000,00gold francsI u-IavFrnet cuintsymen scltl never forgve
is cultivating'te rii-tls it tltftthofr entor'ig thtemib statnug t
leatding the Turkish !raioli tta ttsheliis fitiig ot'the freeiomt
the Mtosemt goverotct i ia ctioi brc ciiimtiernatilons gintst tptressin
its sitde o the itea.Adla ,woe theninbylitr assumpitin 1ftatnett
motives are strictlys -i, a ad -! psitionthatding temtiback to[
hieres to France ilosec a. 'lakey Massacre," Suh is the carcter
realises thatthere carr't~e anich the Amenianiatatitude itIhis sit
more gaitn rots the Fi-ia I govern- tintr.
oent, for the money sas aut even
befre he ar.On he the had, Ii the plitical struggle ltylii
Great Britain is strivittg detperattlyvout three factors, firt, the c-ennui
to stem the ever growing Nationalisticprbe,-eodtejeluy-et
movement. Shelerceives atmenareoEngand and rantce, anti thi,
in its rise, tr if it beeams stongnarsgtdesoEupantt
enough it would nt only endatnger mnc. Etgltan., aside ftout ber f
her neariy possession,butitwauld tr Itr own possessions, setks
uttrl detry hr lan o exlotin-!smaulhditreiot athority ner Tr
Tuttey adsuhnr atsmiillO dtgrittu This can be rought about, she rest
~prevsuy slid teafnaming ah fItigrn c oby cotrolling apitl,a
of ant nlyove t~e Trkih frein -therefore she isidesiros of enter
policy thnouigh the control of capital- no uke- ih e- mrhat
Germany, at present, is attacked hrbns ndcnrlig h eel
France. and is the aowed enemy ofan tegrp syem Osheo
the Englishc It is therefore ut nt- adtlgahsstm-nteth
turalthatshe houl tur to -er'and Fance aims at the same auth
former ally, Turktey Ani Russia, the'- ty As a result of this clas, s
-the Allies1a told Greece to -its
very power that can e:wing the silsa- saMnrFac n tl
lion to one side or the other remains - saMioFanead-tl
unrec gniz- ,- posing England, suddenly forwa
ed ammunition to the Turks, andI
Asa reult we have the Musselin' Grecian army wa defeao-d Int
proceeding with a lofty attitude to of the allied powers uniting in or-
w'amtn the allied nationsIe sees- to bring an end to this struggle, t
quite clearly that thirI friendship is statenten are allowing the nations
"ekening aul that Russia and Ger-! pull farthr pat. Soon, therev
many will turn to him, for the three, be a chasm to wide to be spanne
lines comamon grievances and cet-1 The misisionary tken a differ
mon grievances make friends and a- position as to lbe causes of 'aisci
lies. The poblem, he claims, ha- hi
Let us now turn to te Armenian cretd 1argely by racial antipahi
viewpoint, In a talk with an Arme- which h v -een developing and ft
nian recently, I learned that -t he cing for centuries, Political chan
Turks of today differ ven in moral merely accelerate or retard thisd
fiber from those of yesterday Tihe- ease which is spiritual and not p
Turktsh hatlotaisits, tnder the tree sical'The late Presiden Bliss of1
tion of Mstapthas Keuta, ave 'ott iSratn I ottit.nt College in Bi
co01tir~of itheii'ctunt - se 1905.S Not stys o the missiotary who ret
only have tey opposedl a stitai t Ittsloes aid it urthering peace, it
eversy angle, but they liae beeni i oa citn.o otht ro l
revoutinar fatortha ha agin loons so large itt the cees ocit)o
anti tgain timned at fChristiant toit tt' mn.Hei anxios5to fitd the htr!
itttfitrtiofwhitch so otentt itvo
though it be it tontcaiess tinh'i .dstre xrsin
poicy- itttheir tftorrsovereign. Y tamesto stititlant, not solely tt crot
tiey have n ot i's-n hlitattet itthis;tiHe trays foc tll tin-iwiti a n
point, There has iteenttstmtpedt it 0 ci ot i-tic oticall mosqiues a:
the mndtis othie'noranlteotleIittand titemls 'tnt 5yn~ gtgtestisci-elltin
moire tani 90 ti eoni( 01 liiiptplat all c huchtes"-
ioin at-c ignoant antditilitrate),teTheseomitqtstioninis blinon I
travsesty that. theit governmeniott 1s mttfitttha t ILiectalismtandtItuslamiismt<
merly -constiutionat, it tis iii tieuct ii' it ro tcitli Thieihraism ont
'lTo adito their oiseitsitand ii ii Imet i-t.tn Euroe uitg the atter p
ousniess ift liti'fat tat tersci'1nt lot the nuitnetnt cntury, tsstmes
very religious, but restrt ettenists IdiffeetctrItend in varius countr

BERKMANt is the criterion of moral, potlitictal, aind
social lifeIt is bsasetd upon the comi-
to fOne quarter becanneistintni itsIbetrat l, itots of yesterday. ot nitotontihs
tatc smother nationalisticatstingedl sith tdaied to overthnrowrit,.'Thcetedscated
;lt ' eaction. When ltroughat ts very indis ace closed bty the instructions of
Tiaeirnvemset Tuckey lost Serbitittou- theIslamnic governmtent. In Ibis tact
ti-matuia,tantdtBulgtarita, the Moslems, in ties the Turkish imiperialiponsct'
oe -ote onittlci ctties-atrtit Now let us take- tilttinetttitudte of
tt-suplremiacy-, vigorotusly 01pp050d thent the fotlndilpecha-s the mnost ito-
ost-Ices, therefore, to liberal dleve-lop-po(tn pay to b coitee,
mecnt anit liberail legislattion. t'is Turiikey-,'IThere is no idonunbt tthat
'0e- rettetionti sticeIitci-nse of the('klis-15 lhe haKtisideailt unjustly w5it-ithtie
nie,- tutiulmassacres in 1916. A fear lt-at Mo-tinst nationt. It tins lirotten fitth
lThe ~iher'alismt wasn-itakitig mess-aggress- cum hthe Mitssettintigain 111111again;
ity it-tn snwpt over themt atnd prfomptedt it, tas explotitedth te East for its bene-
ughi Ilthitction, it. The whtie troulet'iscattuseil,they-

Thoti'Iliitd ftt-tris4thie Krn.inIt

(ConttinuiedlottiPage Eight)

oii That Something-
iiai which is different-
te After a week of your regular board-you'll appre-
-ti { riate something different-something that satisfiea that
ea- w Nant.
.a Why not try a
lug, Every Sunday Night
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HE latest favored moldes in Men's
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that quiet simplicity that always marks
the well dressed college man.
$6.00 10 $8.50
Our Spritng Footwecar
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Gross and Dietzel

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