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February 18, 1923 - Image 8

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tiP T ~~~~THE MIi fIGdAN DAlE Qt Y Ci-t-tYI,1
t Io- .nntaro the Ktn too tloiiiti. r o r toev.with a oertiion,
J i/ kinig Lt/1 r >/CSfe ow- to re ,ttto to atter, rtot -t iet n0ci telte 0 err -,(irxtlilot
t-Cta ein u are 1itioji -mten tn opi- tatc:: . . : E 1 I ttto ite AiA Onti
' tticiasTi.the ate ,i , det aup~oTheioadthelaoir 'I -ttot ,rA roit itfland
./. ortsupport af the poe. tt adIlin tant p ere err yi It:-fon Outt'rtll-
iv [.r 2 ig tsttanc te lit-my;,, n ouc ld -he - oor toept elttnitiC)o ot tsub-
cottedifttte peopale tlienofathttetrOconsinc
(Continued front Page Three) therearetihtoase thothinkatteted- ,atiton with. the or git aeztio ti-- -
amosngtienttesof the Ftan wto il l t ecof te tKtan are tnterestedt tn the! s in erety utotes trtes e to ho til 'IZI
-wer th tissottuation extsts. Theytirgatization just Itoprtortontas teeyhbthinditheltototd.
Otsetoi t t Catolics of pactng the lire fhnancatty retoardedt tat their Now et is ook at te vle aod atthe
ttetests of thte retigton atovethe'wte tt tIftliti e trite tiey blit sue-futuretof ths rgo anitin, Wtat (fatConinedtfromtPage Seen)
ntoerestsofathetiostate. Ttte Klant,- re-ted in ade-toig a occewaihthas excuseIs ttere for mitnatothide thom- I tosex Oe( Ci tply get-tatitothat it
nteit atthey-oathiate espectittly votlitle etredtto extrct ton iottrs ft atI elvs tohitditasks t nd ptoewttinteie bet' r eii e wtis ot teasvieit for
ititslttei r subtject. It atoltia oel edraote tutber of ieto.Thtes IightttIWhtaapur~peare t o-roe- this stroeiit as amiagiig her rettta-
tioss siii sho iee wtthto trn the iave-asituceedtodtitopetoatiing ' ngTher e it o tetsc^.a 'Fiter trebet ytakt ttingthitts ttpr odtittroud
"Soti t hi solidtiRetuicttantjust ;ton that Amiertca oi i anerof tta ; rnaig aot-tarstinattoitiatit olte otititr>.Ttttkittgthe pItetftta
have tte Dritrats noittinate a att- ;teitatpei,for I feel cre that te asty nmoretatgerousthanlat y otoalattlitte lottse t was othte verge of
ttttiocnidaftot to rntagatist a tRettb, ah-io'imajityof-an tstteit ateeain ;te opoe. Tteyate torgotteit that;heitg eiititattoandtithottogh sIe
toeatiwis is otes tntt.Igorattet wity0-tflistthytrtyig to maketa. eope tittst hibeteknan naiiot ie uoreoe to itaors far fromtiai trilint
reon-ts. 'Attitetoessafte foeAnertas. t aiso itt yo, tat fi endshtp antitinot tri-I timttitisstoMittias tamuitseit the
AsctlitheIiii ttitistatnd atns te feet surte that ttiegerae attiite iiiaitosattt ale-s ati ciont.If tiey aveiti'tbh~c foteitgoo mtay vieasbttise
.10 ieth tere is little net-ti of expiiia- -tattsttten aeaitothe ognizatiofoet onori tle notitves tey tate ittli;tt-ioaea litdto tattte stiawtustaes
lior, it tosaitlitld story- 1 ametsorryott orOt mre of te reasons tat I ;etos. Tte rite r nt ia - -~. Vtotti oser, to keeen gong ie oct11
o"eythe adlverohy is not rco itinit have pointed ot. As to the ntive'bor grudtgs nrfits -mong tenhtem to haveult-ie btef~itsottctioiand it
-corr-tier joning te litomtn sirte ci lt-: sohte rtr-ofotto thea a ftheItic
guity of htltcdtfor teiewts. Some Ttiere are lit-a itesi ions tat aie wosrl? htedoes i -toa tiviite- t 'Ili lieatbles il i-rracthiNck
ine ths sil.,hitSotig aithit ttsh otitflt ea tiee: fIt,'Whyio sifte te itio if it ostte iviit, aejitst',ftc itt -t Wltt tattllytite.- a fitt
ateeopleefet tireantiapar. it a fe.;cet govermtentiptowthis it(Itt:killed t0.0t0.000ioft~ho ot.er oftOurii iii ii i-ito tt tt etite, atiedtini
istint en tilty i.Au-rio-en ito- anit i tis' trndts-cod "thy io te iteis-ittoitlttion, itt-i s t stile tisa-r' tt-Nte iti orb tisott-ott. itt expresseil
r-c' .0rr te' fna t> c iai - -ta r 0 ut. - it oa t he iiir iiettthreitt 2 oneof itt e tAm-ert-i-iican e as k pe-i n t :it its dt-ttoigh-t ithithe Cie cocnt-
° c xa tt i C -,tt ri- it e iti ilc firt-it ito stie -it t to scr itt t a toi -ot- ttttwill tti~ ea pis0 n ti- o-fitt is oojorn-itati-adc. '
ou. iwilttprejudtie ot-ttiu-- oatnt growthait te powetrsc atatte gavrnettethottoagineitwithitttOtto isdaytinhari-solentorfeethe tUnited Staes ti
-- cellitore-, Itin ,t -lektiat twesreo slolgeed to it blet-teates itit hi " dares,-to -tero 00to-~r i'myrti pretiest aitimost gitedtactres tn
thecontttttiottn t in uoio,eoe ttt atbout ail. exep-ttig tergeticit ait ow-s backh ittti-ott i littJapn Ifit-s is Frane,"ee te id..Tte actressit qtes-
is'vati-hetriti rb hnsof ithe-not giveonion-e-r iitoeat50 itt Ositri- -is chtit titio. We -t toihoelin Is ion Is Andre tafeyette.
inumtro if Jawso-i An-icia,ail ta-it
he tatton tts i t i a oindati lp iict-e if te iiiiilllli11lltll lllllllllllllllllVlllllllEf1i16llilliflflllll~llIIllllflIIIlIIIlllllIllfl tlliti fill llIlllllfltllhl Ili"
fturoif this -cottrys 1rnod-stoi ea-
unatijpit not to altaos
Inthtte Snhattodaybs yo it fnil ra
toast toculiar tfo iatin iting
'h-ite one etet is N oralog" ht
Yittee soatierit ooeni;the otheibr j -
grouipis steinhg ph:a tltke ithogh J pix s ~ 7Az
the night trytng 10 -kep tlb anme.
braesol iota it cosiders.heo
fleh othie c stSarreuic-th____do"________have__________a_____race______________ ________
ciii" thtinio o-owill deny. The Negroi
refaces to nty}rttitohis -ac -.-
end I antlad te oo. lie ta ettarab-\
th imitseltgotning roalt and vot
oneliii:esry tenaltytheItohit' ia-
hut3 glaresi on him it tot. itf
cerd oftth sai-lo- I Feb - l--, -_
Ccntreoti'or to anoneitt-outh Sutlnd I< tf eAito r s " --j e tet ssnc oth -o
ho'gratng totie Nlrthtent essestce of Lltc -\ t oil Fshion's tat--
ani the I-.s il uhe xcltauti vely piitof Spiiitgimc scGr enic t n-ad bt -Fashins
poputtatet by tNer.Ia;reyi= ) advace tatrd'atd each
te-Klans isot a aL 1int 01 of h t'lebatreflected jet the ews
sittation. opigaprl hrdessesurtanod cae a
spritovgitpOpineci.faTleanenis-Spr~ttg poem it itt out
tie Klan adthet. or-ic-loin ton Sprittg in the lavish use right Itdividuaith itt -
une slates. tncluding :t it~ft L = of clroeitt the amnazing t evey one.,ham-pickad-s
l.ienso ran -voteand i -ftr beraomig-
nataratteeit teyt r tty :00 tIm te - loltittess of -light-hearted it there. - thitheUt"saie
t rs'aieney, aprtoio a any to- sptetirferscaeful cnsderation a-
f otheAmeircan lcll prt jrcs aunty, suits fstoi - dee
tory idea of atiergiltera-otsel-Iea = attd mntd-hlotu apea
ihe t-teitilfet o ry. - inr 't ag - tfs-adeb
with alt il, rim o f01 at-it, -he i'r oa
hat irtin adoministe-inKg (ouvt ii r
to-uffcairent to miarc theiyp fI n
etoait eshot join;,tettanoshiverin-
it tae if iore-itono-ne get-itt ool-
a~t aimenrhi eoi aAmo ro a Buetit -
forcirgtoi is Iieyt1et t s i I alt
--Jew, ant fort this Iea-on thu la
woat- ike toOtclse At-eictts o- liic at
itterse to alt foeiegter=,for alltunette
Ttio Nets- Repbhc.tainuary 17,1192 -ASHZONIS for Suring have graduated from the' lrlo seuletion
ias very"rctocto lsutnuted tptheii- itcecdo f-
otunatoou in the fotowing wnor-s: 'ie to that delightful reaity cowosdiig the shops iith otlitir- an td stiring--
Ku Ktx Katoldtttos thiaotte dc-treea the soul with desiree
settuoo in Anmerican ife are Th ocr she t --
too.. Whfi- supremtacy itnmeica antI
the soaulot Angoaxnasit to gst ittt
antpthes tm f r, Fyterocks are Smartly Fashional'le

"eiAs krce e wi tti 0it ew t Feacks are essential1 - SpritsgliJfe Tafietas in houjffaut t tjles, betuffled
wetanda thoc he eilaotio as -
and alhttir toeo tlC tic a~oeCai 1od felied-crispJ and chic ateX expressrare of the Spring mood. jt iucsual
Both are adroit'n, t i ocoato loeitgs ,marle the- flat crepes, the candtons, and the ouatin faced oteite frccks
booner i- ea lii oa. it -0While the aff cta S aar:the,'r cfectb.-eocss through saucintess Lhe crepeso at,7.
Winnn - ui ltathoti. 'fTLsapion ttito It- the.]-pop.ulcrt 'to thet- dignified charm attd gracefiul lbiit cs 1ttcl ccs to)
Viii),. rar. rco. 1
ec-iati tC a.-0ihroar traIk- I thtae r olotg-soft greeetcold bite, Lana otid iL er grepys.
toO ttaostwti rndthelii 2 C r t c c,
tod of vp- eI-h c i ^ox i-i-n ." =tlffilihlltlthltfflt6 dflfftffllblltttllElll11tiffflfflifftfitltEilffiEllilliE I I lc lI lllpll lt6I

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