TRIAD sday soni ceard for Is twenty-five could be considerably lengthened save "oberving political coditons in the
(Contiued fnns Pae One years of faithful service. Instead, ihisthat it would grow tiresome.UntdSaendwrigabuthn
erature. to these ltst actors wear empoyer abuptly edisisses hinm. "We' The syllogism, berere, must isee! fr the press tr thirty years"; and
masks depicting oniy (the salient fea- need young fellows," is Iis only ex this: admitting tit expressionism, as,
ture of (lie character, All noveosit planationi. Maddened by the shock, someone has sa, is "fthe expressionsjithat .Dr. s Strsnet S. arquis, swho pro.
are stylized, and the settings are made the clerkc loses his sanity and grasp-1 of an impression," the zenith of lua- ably agres oith him, and who has
as abstract and as symboistic as pos tuig a bill-ile plunges it iitouliis acy, a veritable artistic crazy-quilt,' just pulished a bak on hery Ord, --
sihle. In other wards, insteadl ol employer. At once the room begins nothcing, thet, is more raliona if liasa been for ears fr. Ford's ""cnes
imitating people, the Japanese iomitate1 to whirl with vicious rapidity. kuge sldeath, passion, despair, in aort mad-I did rienad, his pastor, and Iis em-
maronetes an al te vrtus o a ,blobs of red spurt intermittently over, ess itself is to be portrayed
Puppet such as conmplete obliteration the walls. Ghasty nangled faces ______________eaceptwt__u
of personality and economy of nove-i sart from every corner. "he twos I\;TEIAAIES nrainM.Vllr liaecn
metaeiosstnl epaizd en clinig desperately togetiher, AOGT EMeAIE lusion, still sorb an rgumertum ad'
mentharse osetepisasgueent sreaming at the top of their voices as (tCointinuesd roms Page Seven) verouodiam oes not inpress us
erh the more obious ar gu ent the curtain fals. Three copies of "THlE MtDt -kNIY' strongly._ The net of words isn't quite
frtesrosoaritcpuppet lies hv enrcie Mrh piad niaeeog ohl s
in certain plays themselves. "The 1-fere is an ultimate emotion 'po..haste ben llreied o'thar plend Tnerietesooghtichld u ths.we
Tempest," for example, can never l)etrayed with startling clarity, and its 'Sa)adaltreo esaeslnatenetisbest rticle inThisNowe'
convincing with human actors, yt meilsos is called expressionism, bdi tough exceedingly brief. In thenain s"Mneoa Th Nrs
, yetiMarch number a department callesi. Sate" written by Sinclair Lewis.
these veiy difficulties econie aslsran- The Thetre Guild's production of"heSeeb;o",snrdce n
tages through the use of marionettes: "Peer Gynt" oses a somew'hat simti-:fu hr kthsaepitd oe H ETSD l-- O
Arefor oce, is a real fairy Cnit-lir deice in he adhisuse scene. oftu hmoseesarediinter oes TlWS;ID IIN
Arie, o thns trousela tssied sat e I ff'i'Contedt "m Page Five)
ban is as horrible as Shakestpeare Foe'n st the rising of he curtain there Siosiet; I rahr snssmu isssedtruhthiem' ''sa i~ s 'aeoevtv.M
imagints'hlitis, and he numerosisgods is no meistaling list locality and at- ttnra.Ysrei tr ntii ssi i rg~u he iri cseo ransports-
aned goddesses of the oediing senas isosplere.IHouses of hot yllosv any Aril iss' tsrb'Sary 'W'lfaii'Thompisono ' sas 'sg rsdnas
Can be picturedl in their trite dignitiyreds tppueiumissily ossto oneanother fileon' 05omie"sogl hsfrtoliitm: leaenreused t
Likeswise, Marlowve',s"Doetor Faeustusis"l'lsnsesifcilor fghtstv.'iis crazy'est io :5 s so n "s" saIssi sse iii
wis itus angels andI eevils asdut od S'nyht. rckly ty us of Co'sry de' rsig figusir s. Ic oI rr n nth . si's'is hesourns'sey, orrhe *
one allegorical vices tes 'm ' sis col~s- rpitnbstis fot h. Hii, .I, 1. g s's slar: She ss '" S i''s ' a' slafre Sr a.Sl
oining atmsosiphere of mtry hei' ves 5nd Iessd ssiperas. dins]?-""shoe itsito ise 14s1andlalec-re ,'pnoh 5ss'5 '.n5tlee sti' Vd ils-ee
marionettes assme te roles I -Po is 1t '.etrun is , 'li'rsso'e.'I ssIi' ssis'' ~"' si'i 's se
ueed,ftherepertory is qe l ini' X l'of is isagavinftnis'.- ti" Cx- fer Alfrs"d's voes' 'Sier 5''fits- t5 suth te bSssi n's lee
and excititng. Nearly alt sit 'St s" 'erets.'for 5 'preC.sisi. ' wp'1 - .. s5s l .ssi ssis
hinsk's Iplays wosulsd 5e so uieiss ss 'I 'rlSsst" ssei a''5 trim ' r ' l'r''ie'a 'las"s(asss'Pa ssiiet iss s t 'd ti'css4th sich cacls' isanTe
pupests, togethse'r' oihi SIe orsser Itls ' iv' s'Is, nont5 5. 5i5tc d'ics th iiectthSiet the so'srke isan ]s:a5 to gi Sit andii ' i iiin of
Yeats, Dunsany, Schnitzler'.rs' r es''isIn tis dramasssseldcisitaiit f ubidled 1fasnsy,''that.sesli''ssessisyo,"."ire sorigblitooi, te manageen't
no. v'sauseilei ',t utiliaesd. Scse tilts' Is thsi'at isehtoisstrictliy "ubet'ive'ssnsslg-spe vesiyC"C C'S' ist)i ti'as the
To Sis list shiouldobe lied osi t its''i'5'i55 ss a tale5, tlo'shis. i .c '5n'ro1pectives'C'itti'sas ''"t'Sf'n'sred. game"progesed COi, to msaie success-
author as well, he great vsnsssf1" sbsl'ocksrtaitn,sohile in Siene05n,) er ss'who coustst alletiin Ithe prsgrov sssirs'e ftclt t n otipssible.
naninstbal,owhose slle'gory "D'e'athe antslthe blac'k curtin is raisiestoeveal,'ofsittierry art" ssre "s et i5c51astidsitb
the Fool" only aswaits theepuppeteer'le1ttiesy, a grefycuraintsh ls '.v- is." 'Sir. Crawfordees' "F'ou'sr "Apifee of string is a thig that t'
to beronse popultar. Picture, if yvest es sl chasirs addeesd. 'huslsus'sighout hoemss" sohtcshappear inths samie;in. the msain msakestsar togethernes
.will, Deaths as a tmarionette, anid bosste twenty odd scenes a chair or aniuisser, are Is ell ltst truth far fssss whlereas as knife in he' nain is a thing
weiretly aet cunningly anetquetelty lee' 5cC or soes other sinmple propery eesng poems. The May issue on- that makes for splitty-upness; still
woulsd strum Iis fiddle as ths ee so iit a change of cuttains,. indicatetan just one sory atid a Satement'55 there is an odor of togetheriness ang-
sowly siks from is throne, anI,, the st chatoge of scene. of 0Ovnership let it is a good bosh ing about a knife also, for it ends to
candles exhaust themselves . . . I Andreyev's "Anathema," swhbets was all the sante. The story is hy Henry,'fring potatoes into a mns's stomach.
II. )Iaks. produced against a background of Goodman and is entited: "One of In high phiosophy one shoud never
The climsax of "The Addinig M~a-'edu, satter houses, "Th'le Hairy Ape" Them." jolk at a knife without considering it
chine," a pay by Ehmer ire nose '". U. R", the Chauve Souris, "ag- In THE NATION (May 30) Vilard also as a piece of string nor at a
running in New Yorhk, is soniethig mtar:'"and the Kamerny Theatre's pro- tlels in three pages "Why Hery Ford piece of string without considering it
like Iis: An aged, hopeess book'.eduction of "Ronito and Juiet" also;Should Not Be President." His elie also as a knife"
keeper awaits on Iis fity-tird birfh-utiliizeed this new staging, and the list argument is that he himself has been -Sanmuel Butler,
/ Seniors!
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