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June 03, 1923 - Image 7

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-w -- -- arms; but the pack was so close thatj volusme and as is usually the case with "There's thunder! Loud enough to
FOLK-LORE OR I they could not be held off and to, this magazine, none of it is above thc shae
FA LE Slva ie i hr usans rm.ordinary. But do not let this corn Dead men awake.
SThe stry is related in' whimsical' met keep you from reading "Jobs
______________________istyle which infers incredulity and Doe and the Ghost of Solomon" by -And pattering rain
LADYINTOFOXby DvidVaarett naive wonderment even on thre pat Benjamin 'Thom. This is a pe p p on lees fr' h
LAlDY A.INT OpFX y$av.50. etof the author. It is a short evenings worth quoting-but space is short. om Sp prisondsepr, ea tl
etransn tosnwc inb-Instead, here is "Ironic Invitation"'gagin
Rteviewed by Robert Locke tween pieces of momentous import- by Richard Kirk: - (Continued on Page ight)
Most of us will attack David Gar- sorne the authors of whirls have'___________________________________
netts "Lady tnto Fox" with the' found that nothing sells quite as
same aesthsetic perversion as that IIl as stupendous considerations of
with which the ing Jamaes Version-1 vital problems. ""I;.dy Into Fox" pro-
era 'attacked the "Song of Solomon". Ivds bcef but none t' less see-
Most of us sill read souse pathetic roue relief. FIRS T
symbolisms into this story 's tiie -----
Iearned chorchmen reaid symboli inTA 'I N A
Into the love poen. 'I e cauuot be; A o
content to leave i1te whimsiclfit s Gth muznes
islethat iis.'.we cannot beievse-Am ngJ h vdd I~s0. S~ZD10
thatI the Laity actually turneinto it's ty N BOG NZD10
fox.Motouswlsenomr Ring AXi.I i itoh sis the mst t-ii
metamioiphoss is the tail's cstactive namle 5'ciF ttOi ISAN'S ___________
(lioniRobert Frost se es ii thecseof conents. tile taroidy io fochii
the ss, who Aden'I isissirly li biiiit a ionsens
'Having tasted friiiansi insufferable ewil aidivsilnly toiir
She scorns a lasiure iiithisr"ngitoiiheiexceeededtiisartiby feiinysiii's cassic
root. iself. arxY Asiin comsin iorii'seci-
ond iietiioiibec aulie of herii' ily i:
Sue Ibellows aoiiiia I~ii( iiagainst theiii ' rii srsly about "Sex In Amer
sk ' is asc liii i 'lii c'.''VWiy slie' ciiise sich_______________________________________
tieriiidier shriels Oandithft 5illle gt~s'atun sr j -i, Shei'oilly 1huossy: ba
dr."" tise I sam cetsus: stir chose li . . OLDES' BANK IN ANN ARBOR
Thus.imost of s wiltireadita stoic'ii eat of tti wrung sidi ofh te issue.' OLDEST' NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN
of a faithifiilanblindiiticuod and Stee cioe to tlt the truth,. anittila--
his society liiv fin wife 'Now, it I, Yen knowle's noboity ewats to reid thi ^"
was 'sire thattits ts not vwhalciieiyitrt. W alt kiiowsthe trillh andi
th e a u th r i ii nite ide , 1I s o iiiit iw o a t w e esw an i to e s t is so ne tis nu g e -
diately aunch firthi Itoa idlige octng-witniss e li'siccess ofi II.'
praise. If 'is itentiinss es--is itise i
a modrnstleafrthue itinner of "iclet anti Spitay hur, tsc.im ito55 i
folk tore ie hiss triumuieditadisis i Uliliayfos rurwt
hy u fleintendeid to writeatible some "Beon MtsHere aiiih'tere"
;in butif wictihea ien ptis roifie' hi ndsthe [ts'iads'Spotlig'ht shitiis or'
fiAthess vwife he tas siicceeidedin rar t XattewseAeong theel-
concocting a sety obivioiianit meditiptleishieiare speialaly tallied abo i
ocre one. ListieE.FStlm sl Eesn
IF it is at ll possible, 1isleever i rt t'uutoul. u atctt-Xusl~
ale aniutsymbols frosieseiy atvinc e' 95for tl iiicIiture if St'uarttY. Slie-
of: thle study, it proves biiiiteri ies-;man too. Aiii, bh the sa, if you
rg anit reidrehiiig.It tllts oft tuemiissdRsobsrt Frist's Isemlintothe
instant'aneous, change TheicilIdsit 'lhds Ness pttublic it is reprintedi among11.
pl.ce whilsihe suweas ater tusa's" iSly' X'o'isiano a Snowusy Eeig." 4 ~ m e
ide sand yet the e.xact ianuneiriii it A ieilsus vaiey outeurial
was quiteinknownt htiiii At fust iewakes 'flEN hOi'tLhEhqtiAL.Ni: for
she showed isany of the tritiis f a 'May'eter taii it has tesn for u
lady anid her' iiishasithopeit that this' long sh-lte. I swuiingiii the tittr
chaste wouuhtl e bisit temporairy1.11jnes isf iGirkiy. N. B. Fugin kenl
Soiwly.howeseesr,her naureii, toio.as- ubseu iesthtuiwveio the hRtusias s a htajyt idSmr
susmesh the likenes of a best. tin-' injustice us viiwinivtheirartus dieies- Vhtajyt idsme
ally whys spring caeieMr. Tebictspsudent and pesimistic. In fact.iie frocks that are well made-
discovesedl liiiwife in an attemt to s ays."No i hit'dliiel'os earhiis t5'aeacthsefom:oo
escape from leu'gairden. Serias 55scnitliy moiie iptimuistic- tani tus- asretsefo olx
of straied reltuios ibrloke thii' lau'=;s i.5 liteature, auisio 110 erhs, suiie- and other famous makes,
spirit to such as extent that be ety iinouernilitrature are quive-
ter go fre. Bt tlhe poor man w yas [ig ewithi a uioe iltutuisiie iessage that come in fabrcs that
heart broken. lie liveid alne tie a than the sad Rusisuu." And sieii goes. wil wash, that are cleverly,
goodl many muonthslas. sw5 ai5 is (is: 'The insipid (optinisini whtichr-tild
and listening for ua ails fomsi.us cluies sea-rhibeeses ever'yhingueitiat styled, and priced so mod-
wife. At lst.iiie uday. h iv bar.h' is is goiidis lihi-raniket ot pesth
She tooshititoIsa Ifeshifux ' ui s~tu n ~:iit zilestheis' iplesit'ill erately that you can easily /
whrethmewrefie o cbs hrgrowvth,.of teevrlatingua eo afford sevrl
cabs. Ilthuguained a goodi iealt 01 uecauy andusetlemsus-'uent, of ua'rusn-
pe'aisrefromss shis us ei t . -nuw-si'row. Te thue optsimisutsci''msan
fa nit, and oni-u' mttie he Ii faster. rhegs to make hisory. haeubn ile i
XX'hen the utusustar.id ith al - btrae restese seashethat idarei to e
his nervouses -5anit uanxiety' fordhicyadt les obekad
safety .atmisturove himiu mai.H te ix-c' asildto heend to lvtorv buran
ed special hbarricade. at tie guates-soiithatalsthet haeudieParty-time Ivit
tath- fuses coud getin btlto ideats tayt tovcoue.aniToe'usitt
that the horsemes wouldui he kept o id.alearetetttoeosre.'s'tie Roesi
K erg tme te heard the hunt isrss; writer. are serious bueause thth ifocsinsot
th felhetieahooiis post at hii gate. ' sidthinking susis .awareness of sheer voile, like ':the one
gun in Land. tou shoot te ogs'that;ei tne;isihhiowaeesnf Ehere, coulntryi1
might folowv hisiife or her chit- existence ee knodwthich; insparts to shwcu
dren inside his gates. At last. use iheir husks an inensity of thsought; frocks in summer silk, tail-
day, his wife was chased and hete-aid emoistin stu-ic is contagiouse and ord m el in mptd
came so excited that the ran forwardil heartening." rd m el in mptd
to protect ter. She jumped into hi! 'IThere is consideable poetry in the linens and ratine.
BEFORE DAWN - Yes. there they come. Fantly I car-.5t
(Continiued tcoim Page Tevsl hear thea-off rumibing of the ltt'd$5.5 o$9.50WO
retreating army takes with It eves the cavalcade. Howis- fast thuey ride. A-
fires from the chiiimneys, s-len it aan-readty it is growing louder.
dons the towenHere they come,Here they tome.
Listen. OHail, knights in res. Hail!

f *i'ihe Stor-e that Sells Wooltcx
- a t sr4"C s -, ,- . s x- t F'; yI

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