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May 27, 1923 - Image 2

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SUNDAY, IMAY 27;, 1922



C(har eteesr. CARROLL
The Professor.
The Professors Wife. I Cri
The Young .Lady.
The Young MIan, Pickiard Strauss, of Nvolfi-A err
The Student Critic. ofi Detlovent, ofl frohofii, I? In
The (Grouch. deas- Critc. (Vl You -ci- heari
Edgar Guest. modtaern opiera?
The Professor's Wife: Oiha i,gas I1he clii- g LaOiit f~ thinl t, 'r !ii
wontierftl. Wonderful! Anditi r
the first nightto o'. "rh '-cun 1111'iin Sa'v ca tills fCi
Tile Prfessor:Waiter:ow chattieri an ot a i deSt u
The Yroftssor atr at.Ti:antteRt o sTes g aLadly: a I thitit 'tr. av-gl Jit y ou li h.ill I lckle-.W
is. stgs- atf He's just tessa tc °
'PTs- Profesotr: Waiter! Th'e Pro fesuer: Yfoiug ,iiiiii
'The stuttesnt criti: It is te tfasioni to Thei tYutg Lady: At-iliii'!
tegint Mar festivals wit a tents jThe ttoi:; .Marl '1-r-n a
Mr. (ligli is a tlistingitishedf ten- !u -111tutfenttit- r.ig'ii
or . thle finest operatic tenots -Lion ofl thei iletdnu er
now- in Atticia, tatis withtout tt sue- liittoui qutestiont inl a
.for ins the etntire- wcotrlt .- lis-stifif ii iotnat-s-siilS -.11
The Grouchit: Btill]! GetI a rhtymting dic- low.
tioniary--or a pshonsograph's : Iii- CIroicis: Gig ieti-sli g a_ -ii
'Thte? Yostng Miatn: I'll silc this Gli ls ttr sitt-a Isi-I
birdfo hot stu'at tIe outghfa sitng c tir could I-I i h i-a ou
soantiltlIis-i, lite the dlope stll , il, Toca 01,1 ic~ has l
'fho P roftssors Wife: Ilell nevet do otii 111li a t
that. ti-i list is to o atilt i l a iii r 5 * I ii l i ii ii 1- stitt i
The Grouch: Hif tast- Is sttitititlt - C -- 'El ttt h u -t silt , vi
Andf lie stight btler slng "llitchy ttu-O cicihit-sri111
tttto' than0110,lk sc-th reor pl The a- bum nle.
Tfie Youttg Ladyf: lie hates-i re cord w cii -r, 1,1,1 r ..I-li i
ofi "La Dotntna e Mottile-' fir Casrt,".
It's just hteass-ny. f Tlit "t dnt :1 iltiiCivlil s a, ni.tr-
'Thte Studeint (visit-: ft is a great song the- "Pfkgliaiti ria w-iosup
indteetd, stnd Mfr. Gighi sting it with! Ci ii And the it tpl e 't--r-, wt
trite feeling, -as bte ditd the other
Itagnific-ent setec-titons ft-oti otis-rlt- I'f1lhI1llhhttlf1ItiIIII111fIaiiIiIII1
ic mtasterpiet-es. tIe is a suplerbs ir- l
tilt, such as wie save soet-Itytneededt =
since f's.- - - -
'The Protfessoir: is s-icurtis are i-ery
ssc-essfl. Tfhe Vitor petopite ccot--
trot till the vicsit1sful singers,
'the Ciitli u : Stuccessfuli, yes. It it
wshat fias that lt do with i art, orillI-
ttot is sit, Jri ;t s mot ofVerdi R o
eisrots, sir"Dnn -et ?oileins fliit-
It -ig nd tesuff s-sills- svtitt-=
abt h . l' s mtuih-it" Ivtitl I he wiorld is
tatii I pera t elf t Nsis Ifit a - lilt
55tf-irersi andsfe tof tilt 1ail pic tureaque. \Xe
r -sitis'cr ~t s ' fi-t it-u sortry Atlantic IsI
lieri sit -s 'sid vatstsill-, ill- in Drake's time resd
tell-twventlist vtariety lis, ails'
Ill wae-s e haitsi-- less brainsi! isthat the pawnirg
'The Profe-esoru's ie:'Ott to' Sit? and that the war
yost foist.ma theit Mlo stolid British Shot
'The Cr ouct: I insan ever?- wvotdo
it. Oil the asveiage, Itafiats oilets ittda a
shout as subitle as a 'tack ti-sneti Sotdym
comedy, andit s critics have all flit-s not half so sud
culurail dettth o1 a maovie fa. foundation has bei
-C_ ln ,sy 1 i siet-e Iacil :'e of the pulblic. A
'T-e Grouitch: itss'tttli's.5 out saving there ca
Tht- Yountsg Man i: litalisr~r isry-
basrieti tir ca it muistffo aindt tile cast
'iton S slip s.i -he S u e t ('sitc: it lilta op r.
the p10111 of muisical tuviierv-mtuiut
iandt the cosmsfpssers reprtesentedi sit
M+r. Giglis fprtogrami aee withotiA
rivals in the -! .
The Groutch: Without rivals? (iii
you ever hst-r itt Miotssorgsl-?, ofti
tu al ~risc 1 i 1 li REOUCE $5
101--_ "s ' / i7 slit' thS
,10 e i -it ia.i iiii u+ iit I '
- ch i '-ifi t if. {if- e iii
-' zsuii i i 1 ;:i la - i" . i ,

LANE FENTON Ii it ., s'cces-itt orcestrsa~?iwe
hitve sionie of -- .-
it Sum M ch i'itT'le-Yoiu frit-: Tet-s pyisiil-i
on ri-f grea1t1tin lgs Frace asflt
r~rr., C -lilarret, f Itlelmtos t leilrt gheaii i is - -. Vr.Sok tconduts-et
laiii. t ~ oill - f its Illier . . .-suert'sIribuite- 10
hos recort-s? all the sbtsle iisistifis-tins tf est-
'fts l'rofessoris'st Wi f: Ni, t. iii v o, wstfllreiente stof siau tiritt-
1i~ir sallge smetcinoro . We ea -; ie cnt 1fitntg ithichs are hiddeii-n
Ilht - h-ru h:F rfols -tiil
'flit-Crouch-i: Ott e, lt's fotge i> stole thigs abott te snt-
this toast Gighi. Ote it se l eIfX-i Pti-Ill Adi a ut te- ort-hestrat
haistthefLittlett- iry'-ssi sto if ad iAn s-istirAl. Stck!
=c jectises - (tcoe o,s-srit, t1r111 s T htr te 'Youtntgt A tiai: ft-Ihitisitare.It
hitseon tt titiilg eli- assn' tii theed
i'l,. ThighSie t Criti:ilt s htruitit The tufw : esti it-r it youta ttiss
le- sonaity asinttmgic oftone., Ill. its?
eliiinintg isza oe si'anssIli,, soe- ''Ii Grotucsht: fOn le sytirott I thavrs
Ling wan s-iin l egstt . .. stioni. io issulof ltii' autience,
' S titTh iYo n Alai:iForit its nv1 S1 ~ 1ilt ltstii-zlM kt : o n e sitandst . Stk se.
tSoiltuiltivit Ililyu t vink ra- i lrt fgit in for itotlly toddlfe "ttne
binit~ i- pres age t s t i- :' losis, atottiinhg blit-sf-ad1
IA ii sits isGro ch: ritsi ? i tc . Or a isle- t wiIittein'tg irditeis --. iltey git my5
-, s.T ill P ilteisor's ittuitiIItlit-ittesisit? - te er o a d tietiv ts I
Chi ieclgoi oriss l: r 1 1 t li- ,ir i-i -15s -itph sni ll stfloor es.i t
f-'s- ~ h t atuii-syimphoniitu.i. -. lst iltemlisiss itsits?' tit gil'
its-i The fYo tisLally I ad ret iat 111 'synhit- ii sut it,(Tritle? filty Iksoss'
y rc' ill xI ills tansld you s sitigmsuitls --
Thyii 1 s otis s Yis'it, ylti tiltil an-d- - t l t sttgaits-
- i sy ph n orcfhiiit? til ra, l i t not'?lii1 Is T'flit fe~,soti's tifv:1 11rt liie iai' 5555
s-uit, I it a giod ohe-ltsi ta" 'hesy doiinot l ~t' ui g the Ilutialcith of'tstss,
is-i' Ft tit(O l usorthelt-Vic-tutu- - it-.-. - . iCo itinu-dtois-Psge hEi itf
ianlce and Saving
stoo apt to notice externals and to praise the spectacular and
all are thrilled by the daring of Columbus, defying the_
nhis tiny ship. The deeds of the young English bloods of
A like some magic fairy book, What we should not forget
ig of the queen's jewels gave Columbus his opportunity-
ships that whipped the Spanish Armada were fitted out by
my a man's sudden and spectacular rise to fame and fortune
Iden or spectacular as it appears on the surface. A solid
en carefully built before the superstructure catches the eye
nd an important part of this foundation is saving, for with-
an be no true industrial growth.
nn Arbor Savings Bank
"The Bang~ of Friendly Service"
)00,000 Two OFFICES


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