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May 20, 1923 - Image 8

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HI 1IIRESQUE at once be the clown of the orchetra ca n no huro e " this with noc is, the sirnOletr tU.ns that take the best
(Continued from Page Seven) and, instanter, the saddest of intstru- c e it to them whaevrf The -ojec- while w'th the specialist it ia the
at taking up the idea. Soon the story ments. It is largely a nmatter of regis- tion is merely raised due to the mis- s:mplest rhi as le tires of the quick-
of a young violinist who wot tiundying ter, very droll if kept in the lower nc.ers attached to t:e ieces. Lovely est. Thu it is that among some of
fame after a most humble start front
the Bowery of New York City, was scle, most appealing, almost plead- in teir-o way, they are moreiDvtrldiny rocsqurs in the east
tbeingdashed on the silver screen all ing, if high. Tiese possibilities but pr'mptu than any hin; else and might Dvork's 'Humoresque" is simply
dnown as 'hat Hunan Pest.
over the country. If ever the Am ri- enhance the present work but even well have born descriptive titles to ''hweinrei" supplants the title
can masses became acquainted with here contradiction is in evidence. A carry cut an imaginative program. Traumerei" in that charming little bit
any o e musical composition, it was rollicking theme is first presented, the as tho!himoressue is part and pat - hr hhumsnn wiit soy request icr
during that time and the piece was solo instrument fairly bundling along eel Ot all our lives, somust we expect ite "Irritation" ("Mediatation" from
Dvorak's "Humoresque." in a minor key-at once a strange to find the representative phenomenon "Thais" does very well in stirring the
Now the idea that any consideration combination of elements. W"ith the Iin such an inspired.i wa-k as the syns- ire of the more temperiental musi-
embodying such a wide-spread appeal, arrival of the middle section, called pony. That which conrrespond to the cans. The people who repeatedly call
is excellent, must be dispelled at once. trio in the simpler forms, the moood" humoresque in ohnse compositionIs for the peromance of these hack-
This musical work is not at all signifli- veers with th mounting of the bassoon tho scherzo movement, usuay placed
thescseso iaenent sssall Itaedneyed nunmers remind ue of a cer-
cant. Popular impressions are funny to higher registers. A pleading theme third, sometimes secod in the crde I tam Mrs. Got-Rich-Qiick Attending
things and often misleading. Were is voiced in the major which is follow- played. Beethoven was most suoes- tar Mrstsicle she sawAnding
you to ask the men on the street which ed in turn by a descent. Once more played Beethon wast theum ss- hie ffirst musicalne she saw a number
fil in bringSing out the humor in his of eminent musicians in clote conver-
was the nearest star he would either the bassoon rollicks along, mourn- symphonic scherzos. Schumann in-
srthhshaan cofsigo-fully, yet in a funny way and the syshncscezs chta na stions. Noting some Bach on the
scratch his head and confess nor- et in a u d troduced the idea of the repeated trio p sh d h
ance or he might reply, Venus or Mars. piece entire ends in a loud short chord with great success. Rusian humor is program s e approache th e group
Now he would not only be wrong in for the orchestra. I have observeda somehing well known to us all by s in a loud voice " Is this Bate'
either choice, but the error, would numerous people after a hearing of their tendency to exaggerate and see tem angri As Isis h an so
furthermore be a double one. In the tis miniature. The first impression gi them angrily raised his head and ans-
is adisinc deire o lugh IT ' things front a war pedl perspective. This wiered in just as loud an intonation,
first place neither of these heavenly is a distinct desire to laugh. Thi pece seemingly eliminates them as the bet- "No, n dosingt"
bodies are stars, but rather planets. appears as a caricature. But as o ter coposers of te syphonic No, no, decomposing
Alpha Centaurus is the nearest star starts a little catch of the breath holdstm ose soheksyphot a
to our universe, being four and one- him back. Caricature, indeed! 'e masterpiece for his second symphony THE PL*MERe 1EaORAND
third light years removed from us. seem to identify in this little work a t h tie is issels (Continued fron Page Five)
Then too, the asteroid Ceres, by vir- related ,sychological exprn5e," I - accical. It "temply orursttesds recordsuittoti-esemsaei e c
hte of an irregular orbit mah's th have felt this before." The piece is records of the debate inthe Senate
nearest approach to the eart" 'r ;v really superb, it is sublime, a clever symphonic dignity. luring this period well t tiflies. Te
heavenly body let alone the moo. sbit of writing charged uith dontc1 While many of these little pieces are failure to report on the Breckenridge
metting. Therein lies the secret po'- Well liked and are most popular withs Bill for the government of Louisian'a
tal observer e gtilyf a outhe er :sd true feeling of the genius. the public at large, among the musi- was "deplored by Henry Adams as a
ror in attemptmiyg a survey cof Dics Edward Grieg, the Scandinavian cians who have to play them day in !serious gap in the parliamentary his-
fanciful effort. In e irstp ta c ' tmaster wrote humoresques which are and day out the works get to be verit- tory of the Union," but it is in this
a tusical proposition it is uttlely o sot humoresques at all. The works able bug-a-bears. It is almost always document that the report is found.
be discounted and secondly, as a ahu-,f# !1 I#tIliIliIlltti#1Iltil iH #I# # i #f# tI# ii####1W
moresque it is not even funny. Pos-
sessed of an appealing melody and a
good contrast afforded by the middle]
section, this work finds parallels in the
lighter operas of Verdi and Gounod it
its unbounded popularity. A good mu-
sical ratid might be drawn w iohi \kih(fr Hfl [i~
would compare the "Humoresque" of
Dvorak with any of the identical
works by Moussorgsky as Gounod com-
pares with Franck in French music For Indoor Sports and
A short excursion into French mu- S ot
sical history might well bear out this Out Here is Apparel
point. Was it not the then celebrated
composer of "Faust," "The Queen ofa ,T /A11
Sheba," and "Romeo and Juliet." whoforA
attending a rehearsal of the Caesar
Frank Symphony in D minor, con- For golf tee or four o'clock tea. For
demned it utterly? Gounod's opinon ten.s court or club veranda. For
so sought after by the critics, came - mountain climb or seashore jaunt.
as a staggering blow to Frad-. lit Sport clothes. The very Spirit of
tender spirit and sensitive aure
much worn by the fatigue of i-s--i
creation, could not bear up us live in spirited designing. Delight-
shock. Hifore the work CU i: = oin tint and combination. Accentu- -
brought out by Darcirm b.h-iy - ating the Summer Mode in all her ver-
never knew the success c. - stile mosds and yet modest it srice.
ed the opening and subseque m' ,enor st
mances. Today, Gounod, puir as
he no doubt is with tre aversage a:
devotee, is ranked on a plane well beTh FROCKS =
low that of Franck-a musician forTs
The humoresques of Moussorgsky 'n Gayand) Bold Hues _
are no doubt the most perfect of their
kind ever written. As Max Ewin so ,The smartness of the simple linen frocks in
naively remarked after a first hearing pleasant shades of green, blu, lavender, rose,
of one of them "It is the first linuor- or cool white gives them a prominent place in -
esque I have ever heard that is really the sutmmer wardrobe. The vivid hue of the
funny." Rusian crudity and love for chocked and striped ratines places them 4
eyaggeration applies here with dousble among the favorites.
force and what results are truly hu
morons pieces of incisive beat, pieces The .semi-sports costumes that combine the -----
abounding in a mirth provoking hat- .ihte .crepe de chine skirts in knife blade s
mosphere, quite short and contained of p thle epe with the jaquette blouse f The Vogue for Skirts and
the mot absurd~ musical cotradr
inns, such absmred rscanges ofine pinted silk in bold black and white or harmon-
rhythms and key, suddenly intrlduced azing coors present themselves for wear at
A great many of these works arc afternoon occasions of the informal sort. Summer Fashion
songs. Nina Koshetz has introducegd
many to this country. Others are in -
the form of instrumental numbers Good sports, indeed, are the skirt,-blouse, sweater combination costumes! In order that
which include wild Homaks and Go- the College Woman may look the part when she is engaging in the many summer activ-
paks. These are kinds of kicking ties such attire has been designed.
dances. -:
In the field of piano literature Sweaters may have sleeves or they may The skirts that accompany such sweaters
Tschaikowsky has left a humoresque not-the chances are they will not; but will probably be chosen from the geoup
quite popular with the virtuosos. It at any rate they should have a gaily of pleated ones in the knife blade effect.
is a brilliant bit of writing full of pas- checked front! And their color is cer- Plain grey or tan, perhaps, printed silk
sages requiring a complete mastery of 'ain to be bright and joyous. Thisy range or white crepe de chine. Such skirts
octaves. While not nearly as effective r
as the barbarous efforts by Moussorg- in price from'h unt range in price from $.% upp
sky, it is whimsical in its own way an
introduces just a bit of the sombre (MACUK'S-SECOND FLOOR)
thus rendering it highly interesting

We iust expect this last for Tschai
kowsky had what amounts to a mani
for the minor modes.
A grotesque bit of musicianship i
the Humoresque by Reinhold ,lier
He, as a startling figure in tie Puts
ian musical world of today, started I
career in distinctly ortholf c fashio s-i.i ri T
This is an earlier worn. A bassoos
solo with orcheiral accompianimen
cifers unboundl possiilies for
gold humie-qus55. The -: c ,..to c ilhhhlhhh1hIIhhIhIUihhlhJllNU HUllHIi

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