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January 08, 1922 - Image 4

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r - is supposedly a typical southern ne- To end the discussion you have hope some good friend of yours will,
r gro. In asking for a parody on the asked for a Providential favor, one to by dashing water into your face, or
Editor, The Sunday Magazine: play, I might suggest that you, Mr. G. be enacted at the expense of the DoDo any other means, waken you, for you
D. E., write it yourself. No one seems society. In not knowing what this or- are a sufferer of sleeping sickness and
Whenever I read an article such as better fitted to coin humorous phrases ganization is you have again obviated do not know it. David M. Grant,
the one written by a G. D. E., criticis- sha you and I am sore, shot heing the your ignorance, and as for hoping that ----_
nthenwrittenbyerGss E.,himiesnypoor guesser that you are, your work all the characters fall through the trap Footnote: Because of shortage of
ing lhe November issue of Whimsies,'would be superb. door, I might suggest that I sincerely (Continued on Page 8)
I cannot sit placidly by and say to
myself, "I don't believe it," but must
give vent to my thoughts in writing. 1
Someone has said that when one has a
desire to write something of this sortj
he should write it and then, having
completely satisfied himself, lock it up
for a period of at least seven years so 6
as not to contaminate or disturb the
rest of the world. Such, however, is
not my intention, and if I complete
this article without any decided over-
flow of passion, I shall submit it for
In the first place Mr. G. D. E. ap-
pears to be afraid of his own pen and
mind, and skulking behind a phrase
made in the fore part of his article
non-condemnation of the publication,
he proceeds to write a lie in every
word of what he has to say. Me makes
this statement and then, either boldly
or unwittingly, directly proceeds to 2
contradict it. for what person under)
the sili would care to read a copy of
Whimsies after reading this criticism
by G. D. E.? Oh, to be sure, the cur-
ion., but the majority of persons
would either regard it as so much
junk on which time was not made to o ,
be wasted, or open its pages for a
good laugh at the humor of a serious for hours, and you are
attempt that had resolved into fail- still comfortable in faul.
ure. And those seeking amusement less-filting Dorothy Dodd
would more than likely find it, for one,
generally finds that for which he looks. footwear.
The insincerity in the style used by
Mr. G. D. E. goes to prove that he
didn't give a tinker's damn for what
the publication might suffer as a re-
sult of his article, and it is to this, as
well as the lack of merit in the whole
thing that I take offense. The force
humor in allusions to "the whiskersY
ol a Lincoln penny" struck me asj I//I-f VJ y women
pathetic, and again I ask why a more UO SO prefer
subtle, or at least a more serious form
was not employed. Such stuff as he Dorothy Dodd styles?
has written can certainly be nothing
other than a condemnation of Whim-
sae., for if it is as worthless as heb
would have us believe, its presence on Simply oecauseo tec arm and
the campus would surely not be
missed. ease they give ; and b cause they
The crowning glory of the contri-
bution of Mr. G. D. E. comes in his are uteutmost value inmoderately
lengthy criticism of the work of Lyn-
don Babcock. Trere his ignorance of - priced footwear.
everything is so profoundly displayed I
that I stand aghast wondering if he
thinks the whole world, like himself, For ourself, tis wise to begin your new
is asleep. In the first place he intI-yy f r
mates that films on the whole are
worthless, and with him many people season s shopping whee Doothy Dodd
agree. But as for myself, and I do nothseans soppIn thereaD oothy lDod
belive that I am without support, they soes are sod. In tis way you will e
seem to cast a shadow that will some
day be a mighty instrument in the sure of style with economy.
progress of the social world. The
main thing I would have him know -
though, is this, that nearly all pictures,! '
good, mediocre, and bad, enjoy a short i
life in the greater cities, and soon 4
come to be booked to the towns of
The humor displayed by him in his
ironical treatment of the publication
was good. I admit that he is a come
dian, and the zenith of laughter-pro-
ducing statements came when he said,
"I know the South, and know that this
sort of a negro would be given a
chance." The fact is, Mr. G. D. E., that
you DON'T know the South and the
very utterance of your statements
prove decisively this fact.
(See footnote)
G. D. E. goes on offering a correc-
tion for a work of which he has voiced
his abhorrence. A remedy so oad-
missable and incongruous that it rings
like a bell of the author's total ignor- BEG. U.S.AoFF. D-D S.c.
ance on the subject. If he knew the
South he would know that the typical
southern negro is not morose. He
should be able to at least have guessed
that much in his guess work, and Jim

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