Locating the German Long-Range Gun
(By G. P. U.) lined. But with a grai of sullicicrt different guns in their boashardiucnt tqe spedtIalh Ito tuses. To this is
The sews that Paris was being boum- length and a suitable lowder thsey con- of Paris. All serte conat,'racted 1rosi ta o tt ctd the foci that not one of the
barded by a long-range gun within thieI sitdered such an accomsplishmtent pus- worn ot15-inch naval gulls. if tt - irtoes a cied on Paris failed to
sible. By the end of tbs first day of-' gan was horet i et and Iiiied with a Eilar. ihe aniount of explosive ma-
Germsn lines served in March, 1918 to , aes of both the F'rench ansd Ineri- vets Itt - tttbe hlts'ian sid dit.,teat ed ill the shell seas coto-
startle even a world grosvn accuston- c-ot aroties were certaitn that the pro- aslter tf 21 cetttters. Thtt ubttte a eecotttl tnseqttetntly, thte
ed to receiving each new excitenment je(title.swere beinsg fired trott a newly' trojectetd sttmedisttttt eyond ttti,,tt sttally tot great. When
with little show of emotion. The thsisg tde: tned lotng-rttttge gttn lated withtitt etttltf tte origtital giiiittatt tver tttt;teitrit;.j;.Itles strdckttuildings, Itsey
the tGermatn lutes antd opera ting at a. projetintg portittn attotter ttotttts e i :ittllyt exptloedt in thte interior
came so soddenly and seenmed so far prbberattge of 1111 kilontes, or, shtrttttkantdloctked.I Tte mttt section a .ttteat shtowitng any serious signs of
beyond the realm of probability. 688 miles. Ttteactttal distance was oftttthe guttts o98% fect it leng-thitnsot tow e othtte outside.
But the shells continued to drop on aptproximately 70 miles.rflthtettencttre tengit.An dtittttttal. TE gttn seas otterated at sit eleva-
Paris just the same. tWhtle imsany' Numterotss tetret were ittstatly tttttfledttt t , tttttg asas; f 5degrees. Foenmerly,'it wus
weird theories as to tte gun swere atl- attvantcetdits the ttewspapers. One wsea. tttlcd tttnttefiteld. Piyshetwettht ofsuppostedthat tttenmaximums elevationt
vanced thrcough the nespapers, al- to thte eftect ttttt tte ttrttjectiles swtich tihe gnt sapprtxittately 1.' itCOtiistas nttott erttatn 45egrees. tEach
lied artillery expterts turned thetr tat-aritedtiittPttrsseeretbeing fircd frotnsttttntdo.tiIt lIt the gun tat a veloeity of frem
tentito to the solation th te ltrott-tttnttcrettttth larger projectile, whtiett Tite reeott netttst-ttconsistetd ti 4to5tt90 ifeet per secottnd--apptroxi-
lent. Owing to the secrecy surrountstt eatredcts a etun. Iit saseserted titat:tttobydralc ecoti7lttstlet rsanttdtotte ottely t.totle a secontd. It attained
ing military affairs, littte attetitc in- thttslarger itrojectite seasfired from ist p tritt-ittteuattt o(it re rttlt r t cylitn atta ttitude otf 24 tmiles attd traveled
formation tbecame pttblicit thte timte, gttnwitttittthe tGermatn ttnesand utt's(lert ttte ltltt ttettc tcgtl o1 -tca1it titttottttntat tistane of about 75 omihes.
and to tissday very few facts cttn-: otnattttitting tt certttitthightt acit-tgetbeisngt=', tolees.ItV-eettttg ie-t hdttottbe rettored after 50
cerning the long-rantge gutstttve beett of pettowdeithin tte -ag tterhl ws cltatttttlttt s nuttsuttltysheasy tttt,,i iisthttd t be ten eischargeud, fteat-
circtulated beyond oilitary and sciett-;autotoaticatly igniteut,ftrtttg tte smltolstoese.: tadetrptscutu-t(l. tue ruiswty crtrcytttfi-ce decreasittg rapitdly eith
tific circles. cc otte to a stuctsgreatet dts tne. artrirt "Ata -t twshav iet;;tccettttgtdiscrges.
One of the men mosi active is the, Withtin tovery few day fotth te gtrute- connectetd ttvst rtttg -strtctural Col.titles seriously questionthtte
search for the big gun wts t. L.Coh.ttegintnittg'tf thettomtbatdat nt itt tiSS Ssteel ttratt-ttttttr crotsst-ttt stsvale ttt gltns of such rattge. "The
Hetnry W. iller, tten ittchare of the itosible,trttught creiutlextinationTtt 'he sempltacemsest uursisetott of t«o()t ttct to tttttst certainly have knosvn
engineering sorkl on the hettvy artit-sof the direlcttnof ite passge of tte rantnte a ttstItt o tie ianocte tat tt -r gstt ts t tatoprofitable in-
lery of the Americait txpenuitionary!tprotjectile thrtttgtt vartious buldings, anti uottttrtt I ott112 8in:tttotrtte testruction of prop-
Forces and at present a member of the; to determtittetquite accuratety ttte dI i :ih fet hlrj te. .. sy."hyms aecn
faculty of the engineering college. Fttr; r etion of ttteir atrrivaul ttd thte prob- ft te its cotttletl .'h us aecn
26 u ndttttt~stwisle thte post' t, erteres tst e t ,i httnbotartdttetipurely for
his services to the Frenchi trmvyCot.ttablithltce fromicts-tih theyseere cottr ecn tr-ttt-ISet(0l-ot rte tr lie effect ott the norahe of
Millerwas dcoraheeawiteshelrtttso tin-<ayIltithti ller.;hts1hlace I P-r-tinns -antus beneficial effect
ofth Lgin f onrby Mhcrslialh vs t inthtet-Forest ttf Goblaiii, soutt-ettteu-tr eetel(secttinuedteonxPagte 8)
Petain. twest oftI taon. Vere- soothiereatiter tute-itietelttgtttrotsses ttttsuttnPae8
Soon after thte Germnsstad sprang' the Fretneh Air service stas abte to to-
their big surprise Cal. Milher seas as-I rate tutttis satte ftore-st three pots-
signed to help detersmine the hocatiuo! tionis fromtn sy tune ut oflict, or puosi-
of the gun empIlacemntt. tater wseebis y front all of swtichth le gunse sere'
the allied liea daue uyuidbit utrte.
lie dacdthis poit, he studied suds stateriahsobA French theavy gutn on railwa-y
as the enemy had tbeen forced totleaeve I Itotutw0as trouight sipstud openied fire'
behind, atid folloswing ttte artmistice 00 the position tetrest tbe lites. Airth
lie gathered further data in Belgians p tatentgapsscut tthile endtlof c a hl-I J4' or
and Germaity. days bomblardttenut shutowed thstt thse
The first -shell froms thse isewegt ttitutIluIbet9lo utei lt{st
dropped osl Paris at 7:15 o'ehocte on I Isotlusitlhdosss e-eree heyuus1thite rilgei fl
the morningtuf Msarc.h 2, 1918. The ex- of tlliedt artilery, tant airmtenutnouer- - i
plhosion seas heard througitott the ci. tttok the (-tetmolitiout of tthese-.'fTey did 3/oul wand7t
Aisother explo.sion fotllowsed at ttte enud= stomedttasge., tut ahstare;tdly sttru
of 15 minutes. A third cainejuist it! t. direct tilet, as te gait,,1,stuies to' to c- Y
minutes later. Parisians Iluouglitttey ire wisttout atty lottg in: erecuho be-; I t-
were beiisg botnbardcd tby a newe type' tovoest shots.
of aircraft that Sewabeitng otterated ate tlt tli as ns-ci cd swithtrefereusce please he
such a height as to lbe praetictally it- to1te effect ofth lis lonsbaruhttsentott n I ,!
viil.Arptoswr nbetltepol ftect f Co. find any enemy lurking in the clhuds. r tille-r reimarkeut. Ity first lire-ct ac.-
Infornmation of the extraordinary quitanct~e wsith te btomsbardmtettseas
bombardment wa s tehephoned Ithroug- during the third andu fifitsdtays. With!
out France withins a fewv hours anodws.coniside-ratulesiritrise' I tbserved tiat
received everywhere weith amazement, Itse 1p1thle were takittg it uquite plulil- P c e
Col. Miller says. Earhy its the day a 0. opitict11 - us feet, it coutd ttot he V c st P c e
sufficient number of thte fragmtetnts of- secntshIat thtey werc payiuiss uchitti
the exploding agent were collecetd!u tendion tsit a all. At intervalhs of A t- toi
by officials in Pani to idenstify it ats abtoutt15tminuites Imutffledl exiulsioecs o c ,
a projectile being fired from a gunl wouth be heard itt differettparts 01 S t /
rather than a bomb beitug dropped by thte city, seldoms two ctonsec~utive ex-!/ "
an aerolhane., phosiutns it the -anme vicinsity. Masty S c(
Representatives of the artillery sec- people se-uld s top for an insatadto fteAeia rac eatatmt otecd ro httuttctattd
ment, located at Tours, maude prelim- the sosutd had utoin, after sehich they I T looks Spescia/ with its rich fnish4 of finest
inary calculations on the ha.sis of iii-wtotthd gto on Itueirsway appairentlytutu-
formation telephoned from Paris. Thuey concertsed. It seas, tufctus-e, s tiht pin grain Imorocco 1eather, but molre important
estimated the probable muzzle veloeity suifficitlhy novel tot te of conidter-.
of the projectihe, if acts.ahhy fired from abule interest, atnd petutle secrc tallkitt of course is the way tile restltihng pictures are
within the German ines as 4500 feet about it everysvhere." going to loop-aIld the high gratie anastigmat
per second. No such muzzle velocity Iformation gatihered buy Cotl. Mller;
bad, to their knowledge, ever been rca- shows th tat the Germsans tised seven{ eseqimn sees toth .
People who use it never quite get over the
feeling of surprise -that such a little camera
can make such rwally splenidid pictures.'
The prices of the Vest Pocket Special are
$16.58, $ 22.58 and $36.98 according to the
lens that you select.
Drug Co.
.......... w-m