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March 05, 1922 - Image 2

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The Business of ings and grounds, with its staff of RELIGION--SOME they do. It is one of their faults. They
/ graduate engineers and employees protect the weaklings and so breed
R unning U.O J ,i often able to do contracting jobs DOUBT--SOME DON'T other weaklings,
R resulting in savings of thousands . "The Bible? Except for its chrono-
of dollars for the University. A com- (Continued fro Page One) logy and for its literary value, it is
( tinued from Page 1) plcated check system is maintained about it-if there is a future life so worthless. We put qpr souls' salva-
almost entirely separate from the on all orders, and cash discounts are much the better. Religion has noth- tion in the words of men who lived
usual purchasing of materials and always taken advantage of. The first ing to do with it. from 1900 to 3500 years ago, and we
equipment. time these cash discounts were con- "It is always amusing to me to see don't want to put our bodies in the
Perhaps the most important sub- puted, some years ago, the saving the most devout Christians, who con hands of a doctor who graduated in
corporation not yet mentioned is the was found to be around $10,000 per stantly insist on the glory of the life- 1880. The gullibility of the church-
buildings and grounds department. year, exclusive of trade discounts. to-be, call in the doctors when they goer is nothing short of amazing."
The superintendent of buildings and In such S short space as this must are sick, and do everything in their
grounds is at the head of several de- be, it is obviously impossible to even power to avoid passing into that gori- answer that one always finds in dis-
partments, the scope and importance asrape the surface of such a subjectous life. cussions on religion,-nothing iThe
scrapeithecsurfacetofesuch a subjec.oulie
of which an et be judged by givg Practically nothing has been said "I take the final acceptance of a re- student will or will not lose hiis re-
their titles: grounds a and vnsporta- about the great hospitals. But with ligion as the sign of mental weaken-studen wilor ill t oseisure-
ion; carpeine;heletiapiting; f a cnieexlntono h seeo ing natural to fhe approach of old ligion according to his individuality.
in; capebng; ehectingand; tl a concise explanation of the skeleton igntrlt 'eapoc o l It resolves itself to what Julius
painting; outline of the business administra- age. As far as I know most of the Caeslvs itself to mwhatJuius
poerhouse; masons; laundry; and tion of the University it may be science faculty is frankly agnostic, if "aer y adybesiomme tai
janitors. aye o hesuett udrtnY otahitc "Generally, men gladly believe that
The department of buildings and easier for the student to understand not te cwhich they wish
groundeapage of unnding the better the organization upon which he To get even closer to the student
grounds has charge of rutnings, e is so dependent, yet f which he is body under discussion I went to the
laundry and powerhouses, the electricbuildingandrepa "Iconoclast," who though considered "Crone Yellow," the first novel of
railway, all building and repairing of seldom aware. radical, is representative of a larger Aldous Huxley, has just been published
old buildings, upkeep, (including all number of students than is commonly in this country by Doran. Huxley has
painting and janitor work), and the "College Education: An Inquest," a supposed. written two othbr books, "Limbo," a
system of underground tunnels. Com- well-informed series of articles by "I am against religions, all of them," book of short stories, and "Leda," a
plete shops are maintained for tin Somnia Vana, is now running in The was his sweeping, declaration. "They book of verse. 'These three books
work, iron work, carpentry, electrical critic and student of Scandinavian lit- have never done any good. You say show him as one of the most promis-
work and plumbing, making it possi- Freeman. they protect the weak. Of course ing of the younger English writers.
ble for the University to make much
of its equipment and resulting in
many cases of savings of 40 per cent
or even more over the cost of new
equipment. The University has about
75 buildings, some of them of great
size, as the Library, the Union, and
Hill auditorium, all of which are under
the charge of the buildings and
grounds department.adminMstratennen e 1
the University as a whole, from theHD
ofce of the ecretaryo r the "busi-
ness manager" of the University, the( You Pl'ace' in TorIailori
first question naturally arising is; -
'How do these various sub-corpora- ' /
tions get the money to run on?"
The system is a rather complex one.T s c ut-.
based upon credits to the various de- Jrw
partments through the annual budget lished fact that the best
adopted by the Regents after many /
days of personal thought and investi- dressed men are not neces-
gation. Preparations for the budgeth b
are started in November for the fol- sarilythose who are the best
lowing year, each department headd fg B
making out a standard form, listing judges of clothing. Busy men
the men on the staff of his department find their time too complete-
with their salaries, together with the
expense of his department for the ly occupied to worry over the
current year. Side by side with this
appears his estimated needs for the \details of their dress. Yet
coming year. This estimate is gone the are always properly and
over with the dean, the president, and
the committee of Regents attendingndressed. W hat is the
to such matters, changes being made
in the process a deemed necessary. secret?
In the meantime an estimate of the ex-
pected income of the University for
the succeeding year is made upon the
basis of past experience.
Finally the whole budget is ready to
be placed before the Board as a whole, Simply this. They are in the habit of plac-
where it may, or may not, be adopted
in the form presented by the budget ing themselves m the hands of competen
committee. The budget for the Sum- i th s elvesain the m h n so nscom etent
mer school is usually made up and tailors and making them responsible for
completed about the beginning of the their appearances.
calendar year for the coming summer,
and the summer budget as fixed at
that time is included in the budget fin-
ally adopted.
The allowances made in this budget
the head of the cdepartmnts wha We Are Ready and Willing to
requisitions against the purchasing
de partment for ex penses and equtip-
ment, while the salary role in the Serve /You in T i Capacity
budget is the salary roll for the suc-
ceeding year. To be able to fill or-
ders quickly a store-house is main-
tained in the rear of the Homeopathic
hospital with a stock valued at thou- R L
sands of dollars. For articles not
carried in the store-house the order is K M 'L vi L C U L M
placed by the purchasing agent of the 604 EAST LIBERTY STREET
University. These purchases range
from structural steel to white mice;
nails to electric locomotives; and from "QUALITY FIRST -ECONOMY ALWAYS"
the most delicate scientific apparatus
to carloads of lumber or plumbing
supplies, for the department of build-

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